THE MEDFOKD DAILY TKIBUNE. MED FORD, ORKOOy. WK1)NT,S))AV, OOTOHKR fi. 1000, 8 Itkree wrecks constitute i one. day's record HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Moo i J. C. Burke, Yreka; William Piinlnp iiiui wife, Reno; L. Solomon,. Sun Franeico ; 0. . liey nolds, rortland; It. O. Applegnte, Jr., Owyhee; H. 1'. Johnson, SI. Brodo mier, Portland; William Wolker and wife, Sisyiyou comity; L. Kalmak, San Francisco; J. Y. Anderson and wile, Kenton ; J. F. Loware mid wife, Taeeppa; G. W. Reefer, Portland; A. E. Jeff, Eugene; C. A. Stahl, Se attle; Noah Frederick, Portland; A. S. Williams, Kugone; A. C. Smith, Portland; tJ. Hopjjs, lioiu nm, ,i,a n,,vtMiniii.,l trnin loaded with skdit .mid Mrs. John Maney, Menominee; ; , , , f ; t crii- ficld mid the ynuthhoiiml traiu on the Illinois Central. The wreck occurred at Farmer at !):"0 last night PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 0. Train Xo. 4, leaving here at ."):!." lasl nielli on the North Hank road, crashed into a landslide across tho truck lietweeu Fountain and Roosevelt in Washing ton. The engine and baggage car left the tracks. Engineer Kigelow was killed. Fireman und a mail clerk were fatally injured. CLINTON. III., Oct. G. Miss Clara Watson is dead mid IS injured as the result of a keadnii collision between CURTIS WRITES OF THE BEAUTIES OF CRATER LAKE (Continued from pate l.l V. B. Lane. Rosehurg: A. P. Helms, Ashland; J. B. Seil'ert, Enterprise; O. Mnrpliv, Rochester; E. E. Hen dtrshott, Portland; Mrs. Grace Wil son, Bnrrv: A. Strunk, New York; G. Helms, Sun Francisco. At the Nash L. R. Frince and wife, Boston; Mrs. J. S. Craig, Port land; J. R. Ie, Seattle; J. Cohen, Portland; J. A. Rockel, Denver; Mrs. Arthur Jordan and family, Twin Bridges; E. E. Thompson. San Fran cisco; II. H. Kelly, Jr., Trail; J. R. Rudd, Rome; J. F. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fishhurn, F. L. Modak, Xew York; J. Hale, S. Nemieo, N. J. Dermody. Benjamin C. Ely, Port land; J. S. Byrne, Watkins; D- D. Fragan, Portland; C. M. Heinbaugh, Ashland; J. D. Whitehead, Halton; H. Hamburger, Los Angeles; H. Lew is, San Francisco; Verna Tryer, Punsmuir; Mrs. John E. Marble, Los Angeles; J. F. Anderson and wife, Kenton; C. B. Baker, Portland. TEMPLE, Tex.. Oct. 6. Engineer McGinnis is known to he dead and HO pei-sons injured and it Li believed four wore burned to death in a pas senger wreck on the Santa Fe near hero. The engine turned turtle and the coaches were ditched. During the recent rush at the auct ioning off of 300,000 acres of land in Lake county the sudden advent of 1500 transients would hare excited theh cupidity of many places, but in Lakeview they were considered vis itors and theh charges were in many instances nothing. , ' Best paper in; southern Oregon The Tribune. "- "-- v TAFT GIVES SAN FRANCISCO , SOMETHING TO TALK OF SAX FRAXCISCO. Oct. C The greatest discussion was aroused here bv Taft's announcement that he was in favor, of ship subsidy and also his announcement that there would not be a battleship fleet in the Pacific under the present conditions during his administration. Regarding no battleships, Taft said: "If you will gunrantee that all the attacks are coming from this side the govern ment will send you a fleet." He said he believed the opening of the Pana ma canal would double the efficien cy of the navy by closer connection of the two shores. He said the canal would surely be opened January 1, 1913, and that he hoped fervently it would be a considerable time before that. . 5 THE BUSY STORE 40 dozen misses' heavy Jersey ribbed fleeced lined Hose, in all sizes from 6 to 91-2, V 15c a pair Two pairs for 25c. Ladies 50 dozen ladies' heavy fleece lined, ribbed top, seamless, fast black hose, a 35c quality, in all sizes, here 25c a pair Men's Work Gloves We are showing one of the best lines of men's Leath er Work Gloves to be seen in Medf ord, either plain or in gauntlets. From 50c to $1.75 pair 50 dozen men's canton flannel Gloves with knit wrist, all sizes, sale price 10c per pair, 3 pair for 25c Wool Hosiery For man or lady. If you are looking for Hosiery, come in and let us show you our line. We will save you money. Ribbons Linen and Cotton Laces, fancy side and back Combs Purses, etc., in fact almost a complete line of. Yankee Notions. Popular priced. 10,000 Post Cards, the finest line in southern Ore gon, 1 cent each. the sun. The mountain all round the lake .is covered with n detwe forest notable for the size and magnificence of its trees, and few artificial parks can compare with this natural park in beauty. Congress, by law, has reserved u tract 18 by 'JJ miles in sixe as a permanent park, and the secretary of the interior has npuiut ed a custodian, who is making a few roads, n'.id trails for the benefit of tho public. . ..j. A concession has been granted to W. . Steel by the secretary of the interior for the erection of a hotel at the lake, and Mr. Steel tells me that he would have commenced' work lust spring but for tho injunction. He pro poses to erect two log houses 40 by fiO feet in sire; ono as an office and lounging mom, and tho other as a kitchen and diuiiigroom. , They will be connected by a wide, covered pas sage, which will servo as a porch. These buildings will be surrounded by rows of tents for lodging pur poses, which can be taken down in the fall and stored in the houses with their furniture during the winter montis. The tourist season will be very short because' the heavy snow fall will not permit of tho transpor tat ion of passengers to the lake until the middle or latter part of Julie, and the weather becomes very disagree ble the latter part of September. Mr. Steel thinks, howover, that ho can mnke people comtortable with the plan described. His greatest diffi culty, however, is in providing a wa ter snpply. There are no springs or streams near the rim of the lake, and the only way to obtain it is to set up a pump down in the crnter at the edge of the lake, which is the first thine to be done. There are our routes to Crnter Lake. The Southern Pacific railroad has built a branch from its main line as far as Klamath Falls on Upper Klamath Lake, where- the United Stntes reclamation service is car rying out a grand scheme to reclaim 250,000 acres of land by a mixed sys tem of drainage and irrigation, which will cost several million dollars. It is draining a large area of swamp on the edge of Klamath Lake and dis tributing the water from that lake by canals over n wide plateau of fer tile soil. The railway company in tends to continue its track northward from Klamath Falls along the middle fork of the Willamette river and re join the nitiin line at the town of Eu gene, passing within three or four miles of Crater Lnke. This new route will be 50 or 60 miles shorter than the present trunk line between Port land and San Francisco, and when it is finished express trains will be sent that way. At present visitors to Crater Lake go by rail to KInmnth Falls, take a steamer across Klamath Lake to Klamath Indinn agency, and from there go by wagon to their desina tion. It is possible to go by wagon from sh'and. Thrall or Mcdford, all sta tions upon the Southern Pacific, and either route is equally good. The Medford people, however, are deter mined to build a boulevard and run a line of automobiles which ought to make the 85 miles very comfort ably in a day. ' Well Known Hotel Keeper Uses and Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. "I take pleasure in saying that I have kept Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family medicine chest for about 15 years, and have always had satisfac tory results from its use. I have ad ministered it to a great many trav eling men who were suffering from troubles for which) it is recommended, nnd have never failed to relieve," says J. C. Jenkins of Glasgow, Ky. This remedy is for sale by Leon B. Huskins' pharmacy. Oregon people are being asked to consider why the stato should not take up needed public undertakings, such ns the Selilo canal, and let Un cle Snm out entirely. The Cclilo ca nal when completed will add more-to the land of Portland alone thnn three such canals will cost. Paper railronds to Coos Bay con tinue to be mentioned. Some one or more of them will materialize with real steel, tics and rolling stock one of these days not very far distant. The Space was blank last issue with the except ion!) the following: What is The Answer? HERE IT IS Our Second Anniversary Sale Begins Thursday 9 A. M. You will find a world of the best bargains we ever offered. WATCH FOR PARTICULARS. The Hiitchason Co. Successor to Baker Hiitchason Company In Lakeview, the Oregon Valley' rigatiou can exchange with, tho coin Land company has recently auc-, tttny- ,BI' wi,b not,ml vi' -l inn nnn e r "trH wl" attract labor to this section tinned off 300,000 acres of fnnuing! . , . ., , . while any gouging will injure tho sale lands. . Any purchaser finding his of nllj mld rt,llir(1 jevcOI,. laud iintillnblc or not capable of ir- meat. Contractor aro offering to put up bonds to construct nu electric road between Rosehurg and Marshfiold if the property owners will make the surveys. Do You Contemplate Planting an Orchard ? If So I Have a Full and Complete Stock of of all the Leading Commercial Varieties and you will Find it to your Interest to ; et our Figures Before you buy. Home Grown Stock and Everything Guaranteed. ROGUE RIVER NURSERY MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. 0. F. COOK, Proprietor ' OFFICE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT