THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON. "WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER. G.. .1 UOX USE MAPLE FLOORING AND IF YOU WANT A OLAD SURPRISE AT THE CHEAPNESS OF IT LET US F I Oil RE YOUR ESTIMATES AND SUI'L'LY THE ABOVE. WE HAVE .7UST RECEIVED A CARLOAD DIRECT . . FROM THE HOME OF THE HARDWOODS. NOTJIINO CAN TAKE ITS PLACE FOR KITCHENS ELI M I NATJNfP TJ I E NECESSITY OF LINOLEUM. FOR LI V J NO AND DINING ROOMS, DO YOU KNOW OF AN YT 1 1 1 NO T 1 1 A T (JIVES AS PLEASING EFFECTS .OR ADDS AS MUCH CLASS TO YOUR HOUSE? 0 U A L I T Y GO UN T S BIG PINES : LUMBER GO. THE WEATHER. Prohnhly fiiir toiiiuht. Thur- iluy Xuir. A. S. WillinuiH i down from Eu gene n l)iit.ine-t this week. See Prof. Anion Roxnnoff, for merly court violinist of Austrian em eror, for lentous on violin, guitar nnil innmloHn. Leave orders at Nash notol. If. S. Kelly of Trnil wn trnnsnct intf bimincKH in the city the first of tlio week. rpt mcnl for the least money nt thn Ppot enfe. J. IT. C'mlton mid Iolph Curlton jnim'il throtisrh here from Kiiulo Point on their wny to Jnekionvlllo. Mr. mid Mr. I.. Perkins nrrived here from Sent tie to li'k for n iocn tion. Anderson W. ('nnnon, eleik of thb I'nited Stiitos enort m.d diftriet court of Portland, imd hioiher-in-hnv of .le-ne Knylirt. loiped off lit Med fonl the first ot I ho week on a visit. Leroy Vim T.ehr enine. from his 1 io in StiiH'ord, Knn., to find out what the oi;ito vnlley in like. lenr Professor Romanoff in vio lin solot ovcrv evening tho Nnsh Orill. ,T. V. (lilhert returned to his homo in Peru, Ind., .if tor n few days' visit with Nr. J. Hrley mid family. Mrs. Sarah Xorth, sistor-in-lnw of V-iyor Canon, left Tuesday'' for Los Angeles, where she will spend the winter. Nnsh drill open all Hie time. Fin est xrrviou belween Porlland mid San I'Ynneisen. Mm. William Owhiira nnd son, J. A. Owiiif.'H, and daughter. Mrs. .f. 1. Morgan, lenvn today on tho 3 o'eloi k (ruin for Los Angeles. Tho Nash CIrill makes n specialty of special dinners, hmupiels etc. Mu sie every evening. W. K Enles of Pmmtmiir, Cnl., who lins boon visiting Mrs. Bert Orr for tho past few days, loft, for homo Wednesday. A. L. Corey Iium nirhiitcd a small lioii-e i;i !io-.s aildition nt n cost of ''I'll) anil will improve thu properly. , When unending tho industrial fair at Axlilaud lie siiio and stop nt the Hast Side 'Inn, Ashland's new and mot popular hotel, new furnished, homo rooking and nenr tho fair irroiiiidM. Mrs. Frank Lennnrt, tnaim gcr. .170 Willie Sullz, a local barber, pur chased a lot in Page addition for $.'100, oh did nlso 0. K. Stinson, . Orders for Rweet cream or butter milk promptly filled. Phone tbo ureamery. Mr. and Mr. V. M. Walker of Cul lahan, Cnl., stopped off here a hort timo on the rctuni trip from 1ho Seat tle fnir. t ' ' Mrs. Tj. Webstior tif Sun Frnn eiseo has been n visitor of John Os boni and family for the jinst few days. Mr. and Mrs. William Welkor of Siskiyou comity, California, nre sight seeing in tho Kogne valley. W. 1). Anderson of Ashland is vis-, itinsr friends in tho city. II. Wanehecke of Snnnyville, fill., is in the city looking for n location. Those who wish to make a study f the fruit industry in Jnckmm coun ty wilh ss'eial reference to penis, will do well to visit the district fair in Ashlnnd nnd look over the exhibit there. The exhibition of fancy penrs has probably never been surpassed. II. M. Ilalladay and wife left Wed nesday for southern California, to spend the whiter. V. 1 Pcltes of Riverside, Cnl.. is investigating tho reports which he has heard of this place. Roy T. Xognt ndds ono moro to thn list of New Yorkers who nro looking over the country. ITo is from the town of Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. J. T Andnrews of Kenlon, " old friends of Councilman I'.ifert, nro visiting Medford, wilh a v iew to locating. V. .T. Bender of Woodlnnd. Cnl., is dghl seeing in the vnlley this week. S. C. Appleby conies from Run Jose I Co., Io look over Ihn country nrnnnd here wilh the intention of investing. Mis. Peter Apptoirnlo nnd (Innghlei slopped off nt Mod ford Wednesday morning on their wny to Central Point, where they go to visit Mrs. Ap plegnto's son. Ella Onunynw, public Btonogrnpher. room 4, Palm huildinc. Mv. Ornec Wilson of Hurry, III., is an custom visitor hero this. week. The Louvre Cnfe open all the time, i Finest' service between Port land and San Francisco. Mrs. F. M. Amy of the city left for Central Point to visit friends nnd rel atives, i Special music every evening dur ing dinner at tho Nabh Grill. S. C. Bcnn came down from Tulent on business this week. K. P. Neil went to Jacksonville on business Wednesday. Weston, Oregon, has better schools and more business, snys the Leader, sin.'-e tho Xormnl school closed than before. Why rush hornet Cafe's 25c dinner. Try the Spot W. F. Smith nnd family of Ashlnnd passed through here on their wny to Kagle Point Wednesday morning. 'Rev. M. N. Bledsoe of Klnmnth Kails stopped off at Medford Wed nesday morning on his wny to Kagle Point. , Phono 3.103 for tea or coffee. J. K SeitVrt of Enterprise. Or., was in the metropolis this week. The Louvre Cnfe makes a specialty of special dinners, bnnueis and the ater parlies. S. A. Nve has just moved into his fine eight -room, .(ill(J0 residence on East Seventh. Merchant' lunch served daily at tin- Louvre Cafe from 11:30 till 2. 3.'ic. An elaborate menu. WANTED- First-clnsK porter nt the Moore hotel. FOR SALE A brand new complete job nnd newspaper plant nnd out fit with large stock of paper and first-class furniture: two puhliea tions; will sell for less than cost of outfit; .$1100 cash or $700 cash and balance of I'lOO on time. Address C. E. 1)., care of Medford Doily Tribune. BIJOU THEATRE BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager. TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY Richard Darling Stock Co., in "A Soldier's Sweetheart" WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAE33N AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs Mtrs. Urene 3fampton Isaacs 3nstuctor of "piano. Hisxt SKctljoo Slu&toor Mutttnc. 3tH Oraa Strl YOU may have an idea that ourlstore and our clothes are not very different M$m) r&i Biter "$ski c Wisest The A B C Of ii Advertising dvcrtislng ttmcls ttcntion Brightens ackward usincss C atches iscnlating oin Hurt h.'liniltKr A jfarx I Deuel & K from other stores and other clothes ; that it doesn't make very much difference where you buy your suit or overcoat; nor very much difference what you buy. "When you come here and ask f or Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes, you'll realize that such ah idea is a mistake. These clothes are different; they're all-wool, and that's unlike most clothes of fered to you. They're perfectly tailored, and correct in every de tail of style, and they fit. It's such clothes as these that make this store different; you can't buy them elsewhere. Suits $20 to $45 entner MISSION BLOCK