Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 06, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Klamath County Stock Man Is Given
the Preference and Lands a Big
Order From Hill Road.
CIiiu'Icn llirton Iiiih rclunicd from
Crook roiiuly, whom liu Iiiim Im-oii on
Mock Iiiihiiiuhh. lid brought wild liiin
(liri'D hundred licml of cut tin, which
lie will xhii from thin city to thu Cul
ifomiii market.
Wliilu at Ilcnd Mr. Ilorlon chmed
a cuiil ract for HiiilyinK Porter" HroH.
with licof for their ciiniin. Thin will
in volvo tlio killing and delivery of
from 100 to 1.10 bend icr month, llo
hIhIch that there i jfrimt activity in
the vicinity of the DuxchutcH country,
and Imx no douhU hut that llio Ore
Kon Trunk 1h bended for Klamath
FiiIIh. TIiim in fc rencs Ih drawn from
HtateinvntM of Mr. I'orter.
Wherever Ihn Oienn Trftink and
the DeHchutvH road Ihih roino in con
flict victory him nlwnyn routed on tho
haiinerH of thn foiTfior road. Mr.
Horton HtntuH that "onilicU in ritthtit
of way in the canyon of the PchcIhiIoh
river Kecm to b nlowly but surely
ndjiiHtiiiK IIiciiihoIvob.
The OrcKon Trunk line ban rclooat.
ed ilH routn froin'Miln 2'. to. the vi
cinity of Kheriir'a bridge, n lintanco
of 1") milcM, ho l!iut it U now on
the, went side of the liver.
The Oregon Trunk lino'n nri;inul
xiirvey took I ho, went Hide of tho river
lit tho mouth of the I)eHchuten and
eroHHed over to tho eimt wide of Milo
'J3. then racroKKcd about Mile 38.
From tho mouth until it leaven the
canyon the Harriman nroud has lo
cated itH line on tho chhI hank of the
river. Embraced in the 15 mile men
tioned i the IIorHCHhoe Rend coun
try, where tho forceii of tho ooKiiifr
conl ractorH hint mimmer nearly canio
to blown in a Hpectaeulnr attempt by
I'orter Itroit. to block n winjon road
lending' into the rnnynn.
Tunnel Is Avoided.
The Oregon Trunk line, by taking
tho ojipohite Hide of the river, avoids
tunneling tho tongue of Horseshoe
llcnd, and it in asserted that on excel
lent mirvey ha been neenred on the
went bonk.
Thn remaining principal points of
ponflirt arc ubnvn Khernr'a bridpo,
where the Orepm Trunk line crosseo,
to the cant lunik, and at the eroHKiiifr
of Crooked river, where both rnadu
have Kiirveyed n rroKsini; at the fuime
.These conflicts, it is said, will ad
just themselves, as there is room for
both roads. .
The Oregon Trunk line now has n
steam shovel at work near the mouth
of the Deschutes, and a gang of sev
eral hundred laborers is grading the
right of way over the Moody and
government dnm sites. Another largo
camp is located above Shernr's bridge
and n third at Crooked river.
Wagon Roads Being Built.
At oilier points, because of the
Tiecvessitv of making relocations and
cross-sectioning, the "contractors';
men have been engaged in building
wagini roads in order that supplies
nnd C(tiiiinciit can be taken into the1
eiunps that will be established. j
About VIOO men are now at work
in the contractors' camps. J
In order to hasten construction the
engineering; forces of thn Oregon i
Trunk line have been doubled within
Hie lust ton dav. There is now one
surveying party nn average of every
se en miles for' n distance of ItiO
mil; s.
The contractors arc prepared to
d.,dile the force of workmen as soon
engineering preliminaries ntv
n .;ily, ,'inil it is pyneeted this eondi
timi will lie reached in nlionl three
weeks. ' ,
HtCULIAM Man brtouuni
NKW YOHK, Oct, 0. Amoiic the
zoological trophies brought buck from
the polar regions by thn I'enry expe
dition are several cans in which have
liceu preserved thn fish of thn far
thest north. From these exhibits
which will be given lo thu American
Museum of Natural History, it is in
dicated that thn further north one
goes thn smaller thn fish become, The
last fish to ho foiuid in tho progrcs
toward' thn north polo wcro scarcely
more than half an inch long, Most
of these fish are of strange varieties,
which tho scientists will be called
lllioll to classify. Thn Roosevelt nlsn
brought buck tho bides and bones of
a number of musk oxen, walrus, nar
whal, bluo and silver foxes and are
tin deer These hove all been turned
over to th Muslim of Natural nistory,
where they will bo mounted for ex
HELENA, Mont., Oct. 6. While
declaring that it was not within bis
jurisdiction, Secretary of the Interior
Bellinger has written to the state
land board upholding the contention
of the forestry service as to its right
to suctions 10 and 30 in every town
ship when included within forest re
serves, despite tho fact that the en
abling Oct grants them to the state
for school purposes. Tho secretary
says that in his opinion the govern
ment, under a prior law, reserves to
itself such sections wherein a govern
ment reserve is involved, but he be
lieves that the state has tho right to
make lieu selections where its prop
erty is taken in such cases.
Supreme Court Refuses to Consider
the Case of Murderer
SALEM, Or., Oct. 0. Without a
written opinion the supreme court de
nied the petition for rehearing in the
Finch case yesterday. This removes
tho last hope James Finch hud of
escaping the gallows, unless an ap
peul to the nupreine court of the
United States is perfected. It is ex
tremely doubtful if such an action
can be taken. Otherwise it will be
necessary onlyto resentence the mur
derer and set (he date for his exe
cution, which will take place in the
penitentiary at Salem.
Likewise the petition for rehearing
was denied D. Harry Duley. But in
this instance a written opinion was
filed und ulso a dissenting opinion by
Associate Justice King. The point
ruised by King related to instructions
osked for by the attorneys, but de
nied by Presiding Judge Oatens in
relation to the sanity of the prisoner.
Justice King holds that the jury
should have been instructed to the ef
fect that if the prisoner was found to
be insane that at the discretion of the
court he could be committed to an
asylum wherg he would be detained
and the community protected from
similar actions. Tike court held again
similar actions. The court held
against Justice King's opinion. ULLiunim mi
KICK LIN, Oct, o. ah jicij,, ;H ,.
lighted at the further exhibition of
lh crown prince's s,itsinmiship in
ascending in Orvillo Wright's nero
plmin recei'll.v. Hut U in noticeable
that the pre,, treats the matter eau
'ioiisly, evidently wailing to hear
vhnt Fii.f r.,r William thinks about
il. fur everybody knows that he dis
approves of Ins eldest son's sporting
The crown prince cheered lustily
and was hugely pleased when the
ocroplune landed again almost at his
feet. After its record-breaking alti
tude flight he said Wright's wonder
ful mastery of the aeroplane, his per
fect confidence and iron nerve amaz
ed him.
There were some pretty glum looks
from the royul suite when the criwn
prince descended, but he wouldn't be
Tillamook county has between 27,-
000,0(10,000 and 30,000,000,000 feet
of lumber on its 500,000 acres of
timber land. What is needed to mnk
its timber valuable is better trans,
portation and harbor facilities.
In Idaho and Oregon within the
last two years ten conventions and
representative gatherings have met
to consider the construction of rail
road by districts, the money to be
secured by bonding the land benefit
It Can Be Done, So Scorn of Madfara"
Cttixeni Say.
To core an aching back.
The paina of rheumatism,
Tbe tired-out fealinga,
Yon most reach the aplt get at the
Is moat eaaei 'til tie kidneys,
Doan 'a Kidney Fills are for the kid
G. L. Boone, corner Ninth and C
streets, Medford, Or., aaya: "I wai
troubled with rheumatism when I first
began using Doan 'a Kidney PiUa. I
did sot think they won!d do me any
good, bat finally procured a box at
Hcakins' drug atore. They proved to be
the remedy I required My kidneys
were restored to their normal condition,
and tbe paint and achea in my back
were removed. Doan 'a Kidney . Pilla
lived up to their reprdientationa in my
For aale by all dealers. Prioe SO cents.
Foster-Milbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for the United States.
Bemember tbe name Doan 'a and
take bo other. - 48 ;
See the Windows See the Windows
a pair on your shoes this winter
How? Buy Regal Shoes
The Greatest Shoe Values in the Market.
The price is stamped on the sole of every pair
$3.50 $4.00 $5,00
The same guarantee that has made our men's store
the largest in Southern Oregon, rmr., Oct. -r
MNk I.i'ii'i Ainiisworlb, one of thn ;
siil'frii!elle who was forciby fed
with n sloinaeh pump by prison offi- !
rials in an ellnii lo break Uie mn
gor slrikn" of woman prisoners, was
hurried to Iho lmspilul today with
the uilmost secrecy. Tt is believed
that she is cviticnlly ill. Prison of
ficials nre endeavoring to koep the
matter quiet. Tt is behoved that sho
is dying. . . - .-J...
"For you particular customers w'.io demand the
best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate
It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid
SI a pound for it. . . .
Everything about Folger1! Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, aas
we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. ;
When we suggest that you . :
Toast Your Bread
On Breakfast Table
"We do not mean that you should eat of f
the stove toast
? saJ La i'.i
With an Electric Toaster
and have crisp, brown, delicious toast
costs lc per meal to operate. We
have the best toaster on the market for
sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary
Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.
State Depositary
Established 1888.
Capital and Surplus $125,000
Reinureca $700,000
The Jackson County Bank respect
fully solicits your account, subject
to your check, with the strongest
guarantee of safety and efficiency.
We offer the highest attainment in
systematic banking service, which
assures the greatest care in every
financial transaction, with this oblig
ing institution.
W. I. VAWTER, President.
G. R. LIXDLEY, Cashier.
Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North
west. Not in the combine. Competes witli all f irst
t class nurseries.
L. E. HOOVER, Agent
J. E. KXYAirr. President J. A. PERRY,
JOIIX 8 ORT1I. fu-n-.r. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Pashie-.
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS $10,000
Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted.
. We solicit your patronage.