THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREO ON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1)0). FANCY FRUIT IS Scarcity of fancy fruit is the feat ore of the present apple market. Of ferings at the liirjre distributing poitu etaoinshrdlucmfwypvbgkqjxzn pointsare ample ami in some cases excessive; only a small percentage, is very desirable fruit. bcrubby immature apples ai'e coming upon a , dull, weak market. Fancy apples well packed, command top prices, which show no decline, compared with the opening of the season. "Not much more than a small me dium crop of apples is to be expected We have not had much sunshine this summer, consequently the quality will not be very good and the will be small. Of American apples we are told that the crop is somewhat short, and though quality is not good, everybody seems to want high prices, so we think that there will be not Uiueh chance to do any important bzusiness in American apples here. Fruit of first class quality certainly will fetch high prices here. Pros pects for medium quality are bad. Business in box apples is increasing. It is of no use to pack apples of in ferior quality in boxes." (Letter to Orange Judd Farmer from P. As theimer'& Son of Hamburg, Ger many. According to X. TV. White & Co., commission merchants, shipments of apples from the port of New York from July 31 to August 28 were 809 barrels; from August 28 to Septem ber 4, 2168 barrels; from September 4 to September 11, 6257 barrels; from the port of Boston on August. 28 shipments were f25 barrels; for the week ending September 4, 23 barrels ; Among these shipments they 6tate there were a number of barrels of pars.'' This ' statement of exports was sent in refutation of a published statement that "exports the first week in September were 16,000 to 18,000 barrels. '' 1 ' ' .A light crop of apples and peaches here. T. A. H., Prairie Home, Mo. Apple crop in this locality light, probably only 35 per cent of normal. J. H. H., Santa Mariei CaL - : ' What few apjples there are on trees are ripening up in fine shape. D. C. C, Martinsville, Dl. Good apples very scarce; peaches more plentiful; plums and pears very good crops. B. W. B., Union City, Mich. ' ' ; Apples very scarce in this section. J. J. P., Frederieksbnrg, la. There is but a light crop of apples and peaches, and what there are are badly injured by drouth. A. R. B., Bailey, Mo. Apples a very light crop ; pears full crop. J. T. C, Louisville, III. Apples will make about a 20 per cent crop; peaches 50 per cent; qual ity of all fruits poor. W E. B., Newton, Dl. Apples and pears very scarce in this section. J. H. H., Delphi, Ind. There are scarcely enough apples for home use, and the quality is very poor. A great many are cutting down their orchards. A. D. Mc, Effingham, HI. . At Chicago, the best grades are about steady.' Common stock weak. Beeeipts have been very heavy of late and demand rather light. Large quantities have gone into cold stor age. Mild weather has also had a bad effect upon the market. Fancy Alexanders $3.25 to $3.50 per barrel ; No. 1 Ben Davis, $2 to $2.25; Duchess $3 to $3.25; Wealthys do. New Tork, large receipts with very few fancy apples offering. Missouri Jonathan, $5 to $7 per barrel; Mai den Blush. $2.50 to $3.50; Wealthy. $2.50 to $3.50: Gravenstein, $2.50 to $4.00. ' GEORGIA JUDGE'S BABY BORN WITH A GREAT RECORD Well Known Hotel Keeper Uses and Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. ATLANTA, On., Oct. 4. For the thirteenth time Judge K. B. Russell of the court of appeals of Georgia, and one of the strongest men politi cally in Georgia, is a father. The Inst arrival, according to in formation received in Atlanta from the home of the judge in Winder, is a strapping fina boy. Although scarcely 24 hours old, he is far more than the usual everyday baby boy. lie is a baby boy with a proud record behind him, for he is the thirteenth child of a thirteenth child on his mother's side, and the seventh son of a seventh son on the side of his father. Judge Russell and Mrs. Russell and their numerous friends are now puz zling over a suitable name for the youngsters. It is agreed by all that a toy with such a distinguished record must have a name to match. BEGGARS ARE TO BE SHUT OUT OF PARIS PARIS, October 5. Americans visiting Paris who have pestered in the beautiful Champs Elysees by the army of professional beggars that infest the place will rejoice to hear that a serious attempt is being made to get rid of them. AH the hotel pro prietors and fashionable residents in the avenue have drawn up a petition to Prefect of Police Lepine, com- complaining of the nuisance. This beggarly host is thoronghlv organized, the members relieving each other at intervals, and includes lin guistic mendicants who can tell a pit iful talein any language. We Are Busy Now We will soon be rush ed. Hadn't you better have those Holiday Photos made before the dark dayst The Gregory Studio "I take pleasure in saying that I have kept Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family medicine chest for nbout 15 I years, and have always had satisfac tory results from its use. I have ad ministered it to a great many trav eling men who were suffering from troubles for which it is recommended, and hnvo never foiled to relieve," says J. C. Jenkins of Glasgow, Ky. This remedy is for sale by Leon B. Haskins' pharmacy. Acreage Property At A Bargain We have three acres, just out side the city limits, platted all around it, with a new five-room house, which we consider a bar gain at $2200 The property faces on two streets and would subdivide nicely. There is an electric motor and pump which goes with the place, and the well would supply water for irrigating. The owner has made the price low in order to sell quickly, and the property will be on the mar ket but a short time at this price. W.T.York 6 Co. Herman Bn., the saddle and har ness makers, desire to announce to the trade that they are not only pro pared to fill nil orders nt short no tice, but carry the most complete line of harness, saddles, bridles, whips,! rubes, blankets, wagon covers, tents, etc., that can Ue found in southern Oregon nt prices that cannot fail to please when quality of stock and workmanship is considered. Don't forget the place, 317 E. Seventh street, Medford. Yes; the other fellow rend this, o did his wife. Moral Advertise. F. The A B C of Advertising Advertising ttracts ittentlon 8 rlghtens ackward uslness Patches isculating Uc loin BIJOU THEATRE BILLY KMl'KY VAN, Manager. TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY, Richard Darling Stock Co. in "A Soldier's ' Sweetheart" MM Rings Rings Rings All Kinds All Sizes at OJMartin J. Reddy THE JEWELER , Near P. O. J WtutOiitMii Bttr direct from vm . NO AftKNTf M Our Trt are rnwi atrtcur ' ' WITHOUT IRRIGATION A Writ for fre eatttloc Lftm rtoek of 1 TftzietiMMltobleforooauaercMlorcrda a : Ctoinf nM, t OwimmIiI Trm, Bret 4 m Vim, hull in PUali ui MraMwj . Thb Duxu Nurseries IUlaOflc,lEiQrudAn,Ponj4id.0T. UW WVWVtt You havta't read all the news un less you have read the ads some in teresting items for your purse in ev ery issue. SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WANTED Three girls for gen eral housework; good wages. MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents ' Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smitb 314 E. Main P. O. Hansen. . ,.Tom Moffat We make any kind and style of windows. We carry - glass of any.eize on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. Oregon Calls- "More People" , Pass the word to your relatives and friends to come now. Low Colonist Rates MTo Oregon will prevail from, the East SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 via the Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago $33.00 From St. Louis $32.00 From Omaha .$25.00 From St. Paul $25.00. From Kansas City $25.00 i Deposit the amount of the fare with the nearest O. R. & N. or S. P. Agent and ticket will be delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name and address of anyone interested in the State for Oregon literature. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. 4 t . Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home :even rooms In the space and cost ot four rooms; Iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets I and dressers; cabinet kitchen. $ J. A. McINTOSH, Architect, Third Floor Medford National Bank - Building. The Best Meal . . In Medford is to be had At The. Star Restaurant All white help. Home cooking. Boom 'and board ; $6.00 a week. Give, us a " trial andbe convinced. . MRS. W. E.yGOODE Prop. 322E7thSt0 ' RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to come to us for your noxt suit, if yoi want Homething out of the ordinary. Wo do tho best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE FKOOBliBSITB TAILOR I Medford Iron Works J 1 E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All Hr.t' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma- -tchinerv. Anents In finnthnrn ft I x. inn BaAHMa X WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON . TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. IB. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office In Jackson County Bank Upstairs