Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 05, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    social and personal!
Fnir toilny mill Shower
C. 0. rtuiiynrd of Wuvorly, a., &ho
has been vixitiiig hi h pnrt-iitH, Mr.
mid Mm. K. J. Hunyard of 401 Honth
Newtown Mrcct, leaves Wediieadny
for tlio ensl. " ' ,
See Prof. Anton Romanoff, for
merly court violinist of AiiHtrinn era
peror, for lesoni on violin, guitor
ii nd mandolin. ' Leave order at Nash
J. M. Needle of Medford, who wni
taken to Colostin some timo ago for
his health, was brought buck to the
city Monday in n dangerous condition
and taken to the hospital. Ho ho n
very serious complication of disease
and it in a question whether he will
he able to pull through or not.
Tcbh and coffees at 30 So. Q st.
" Maurice Lewis of Baltimore, Md.,
in a visitor in Mvdford this week.
Best meal for the loniit money at
the Spot cafe.
C. Nerhy stopped off here Monday
to go-over the valley with dome
friend. Mr. Nerhy in from Koches
ter, N. Y.
Spices and extracts at 30 So. 0
C. E. Davis, a business man of
Ithaca, N, Y., in a recent Medford
Dear Professor Romanoff in vio
lin nolo every evening the Nash
Grill. .. -
..Mrs. 8. Baker, who has been visit
ing her non, Shirley Unkcr, left for
Son Francisco Snnday. Mr. Baker
will accompany her to Snn Fronoiseo
and then proceed on to ew York to
look after Home business. c,
Nosh Grill open all the time. Pin
' est servieo botwecn Portland and San
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tierce of Wil
mington, Del., ore looking over the
viillev this week. Mr. Pierce it n well
known real estate dealer in his home
town. '
Kiln Oonnynw, public stenographer
room 4, Palm buildine.
Miss Fannie Turpin of Decatur, III.
in paying friends a visit for a few
Special mania every evening dur
ing dinner at the Nash Grill.
D."W. Peoples of Washington, D.
C.f was a buxineHS visitor to Medford
the first of the week.
Why rush homot Try tho Sot
Cafo's 2.10 dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mahon aro be
ing shown tho sights of tho Rogue
valley and nro favorably impressed
with what they have scon.
Southern Oregon Toa and Coffoo
Co., 30 So. G streot.
W. S. Marshall nnd C. J. Reed of
Portland wero business visitors to the
city rocontly.
Phono 3303 for tea or coffeo.
J. S. Byrno of Watkins is paying
old friends around Medford n visit.
Mrs. E. Elmer Smith of Los An
geles is touring tho vnlloy nnd visit
ing friends who livo hore.
,T. II. Cnrllnn nnd Dolph Carlton of
Eagle Point wero in Medford on their
way to Jacksonville Monday. "
A. M. Cannon, vlcrk of tho federnl
' court nt Portland, is in Medford on
businoss. ... l
Mr, and Mrx. If. H. Dow and Mr.
and .Mrx. W. II. Illinium spout Sunday
fishing at Gold Hay.
Miss ('mil Iinn In i k returiiui from
a number of monlhn' vixit wilh rein
livex living in Seattle and Portland. '
Tho cily council, will meet this eve
ning in regular session,
Tho Ionvru C.ifu runkes a ociulty
of special dinners, baniiietH uuil the
ater parties.
J. A. Westcrlum! is enjoying a visit
wilh his futher, Peter Westcrlund,
and hi two brothers, William mid
Perry, all of Chicago. William Wes
tcrlund ix the treasurer of the West
ern Oregon Orehnrdirwmpiiiiy. They
are all delighted w,ih,..tbq vaUoy and
its prospecti. . .
Tho Wednesday Study club will
meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs.
W; M. Colviu.
W. C. Gnnnwny, who arrived here
some time ago from Webb, In., has
been so favorably impressed with the
country thnt he has purchased a lot
on South Grape street nnd is put
ting tp a fino six -room bungalow.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Boone left Tues
day for Ashland to attend the fair.
V. F. Love, a Sun Francisco busi
ness man, is in the city this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. M. Walt and
daughter of Lincoln, Neb., ore spend
ing a few days m Medford visiting
E. C. Hubbard, the popular manager
of tho Savoy theater, who is Mrs.
Walt's brother. They ore homeward
bound nfter a visit in Seattle at the
A. Y. P. exposition.
Merchants' .lunch served daily ut
the Louvre Cafe from 11:30 till 2,
3.r)c. An eluborate menu.,
Mf.'pitid Mrs. y, nowk of .
e among those Visiting (be cit
city this
A Ortient "sidewalk"' is Icing laid
around the Christian churrih and oth
er improvements -are being made.
. !i.'''4V,"?lWji
Mr. -and Mrs,. Charles Smith were
Portland visitors in Medford re
cently .... ..... ...
Rev W. Theodore Matlock, pastor
of the.Chnstinft suurrh nl this city,
went to KosebBrftlTiiesflo.j; onbusi
ness. V - .A '"' T ' i"
The Louvre Cnfc open all the
time. Finest sen-ice between Port
land' and Snn Francisco. '
A business meeting nnd Epworth
league social will he held at tho par
sonuge of the M. E. church. South,
Tuesday. Officers of the institution
will bo elected and other business will
be transuded, and then the order will
go in for a few hours of pleasure.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hugh Smith of Grand
Junction, are folks who aro taking
an interest in this country.
. James Moror of Sheffield, Eng.,
came all the way from the old conn
try to visit this Utopia.
When attending the industrial fair
at Ashland he sure nnd stop at tnc
East Side Inn, Ashland's new nnd
most popular hotel, new furnished
homo cooking nnd near the fair
grounds. Mrs. Frank Lennni't, mnnn
gcr. .170
Dennis Dngnn of Snms Valley was
slinking hands with old friends Mqn
J. W. Ling of Medford was among
tho visitors nt the county sent Mon
day. O. C. Boggs was in Jacksonville a
few hours Monday afternoon."
Mrs. J. J. Morris, who hns been
visiting Mrs. Owen Dnvis, loft for
her homo in northern Arkansas Tues
day nftor a stny of about a month in
tho valley.
Mrs. M. A. Boono wont to Ashlnnd
the first of tho wcok to'visit her son-in-lnw
nnd family, Wallnoo Rogers.
Mrs. Thomas Fitch, Jr., who hns
been visiting M. Purdin for several
weeks, return homo Tuesday in Oak
land, Cnl.
A. D, Hammond left Tuesday
morning on n visit to Phoenix.
Former Steward of Nash Buys Inter
est in Louvre Will Have Charge
of the Dining Room.
C. I). Miller, formerly of the Nash
Grill mid one of tbe most wirlclv
known stewards between Portland
and San Francisco, yesterday com
pleted a deal whereby he acquires an
interest in tho Louvre Cafe, and
wilh his partner Mr. Johnson, cx-
pcetx to make this already popular
cafe the best of its kind on tho coast.
A number of changes will bff mado in
the interior arrangements, which will
give greater floor space for the main
dining doom, of which Mr. Miller
with his own crew will have full
charge, while Mr. Johnson will over
see the culinary department with Mr.
Wynlt, former chef at tho Nash, as
assistant and night chef.
bpec.iul features will be the at
tention given to the planning and
serving of bnnnuets. special sunners
of nil kinds nnd special mnsic dur
ing the dinner hour.- From the repu
tation which Mr. Miller now possess
es the patrons of the Louvre may
rest assured that nothing that will
tend toward making these .occasions
a success will be left undone, so.
taking everything into consideration,
chefs, stewards nnd help, all past
musters in their sncciul line, it is
safe to assume there will be no lack
of patronage.
Will Wilhite, who hns been visiting
in Oregon for some time, returned
to his home in Rotan, Tex., the first
of the week. . . ,
Mr. and Mra.' Jones of Atchison,
Kan., are returning home after a
pleasant. visit with P. H. Hussey and
family. ,
Mrs. Addie Hart departed Tuesday
for Redding, Cnl.,. where she has bus
iness interests to look after.
The household goods of L. F. Bel
knnp, who is the pastor of the M. E.
church, North, arrived today and
Mr. and Mrs.'" Belknap will follow
C. E. Forlow of Jefferson, Or., nnd
his' dnughier, Mrs. D." A. Jeffery of
Farmington, . Wash., stopped off at
Medford on their way to Washington,
where they will visit Mrs. Jeffery's
cousin, Mrs. Elms Miller.
A team belonging to Will Nichol
son, who is here from Fort Klamath
visiting his father, became friciitencd
at a falling -ladder Tuesday morning
nnd bolted. They dashed out of C
T. Nicholson's yard neross the side
walk and into (lie real estato of C. C
Corey. Stuart Nicholson, who was
in the wagon nt tho time, was thrown
on his face, but was not seriously in
At the Moore J. A. Lombard, C.
G. Johnson, Snn Francisco; A. H,
Simpson, ITornbrook; G. A. Thomas,
Sun Francisco; N. P. Smith, Port
land; Mr. nnd Mrs. Jones, South
Orange; R.' W. McLeod. Portland;
Mrs. A. P. Ln Clair. Miss F. Guh
rit't. Allodia: Mr. and Mrs. S. Per
kins, Seattle; M. Turner, Chnrles R
Hay. W. R. Anderson, A. C. Smith,
Paul D. Swngge, Portland; J. D.
Whitehead, Hut ton; O. D. Mnrttin,
Portland; A. IT. Stnndstrom, Albany;
Fred Cauley, New York; J. A. Bmim
gnrdnor, .Manistee; Mr. nnd Mrs.
Charles Smith, Portland.
At tho Nash A. E. Rosenthal. Dal
Ins; M. Micholls, New York; R. Hnmp
ton. Snn Francisco; O. Wilson, Port
hind; Leroy Vnn Lehn, Stafford; J.
S. Pudd, Oakland ; George F. Bourne,
George A. Bourne, Cambridge ; John
Pierson nnd wife, Dunsinuir; W. F.
Love, C. P. Snyder. Sun Francisco;
n. Hnll, Portland; J. A. llenpinio, Rn
cine; D. W. Peoples. Wnshittirton ;
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Madon. Colorado
Springs; W. E. Mooney, Douglas; C.
J, Roed, Portland; C. M. Huniebnugli,
Ashlnnd; A. A. Long, Snn Francisco ;
J. S. Xymo, Watkins; Geoi'go S.
Junes, Omaha ; A. II. Aherlove, Bos
ton; Mr. nnd Mrs. L R. Prince, Bos
ton; Mrs. J. S. Craig, Portland; J.
R. Loo, Seattle.
Doman Reports That Continued Low
Price for Beef Diminishes
L. L. Iliirnon, secretary of the
Inckson Comity Stockmen's nssocia
ion, who recently made a tour t.t
tho Cascade, and Siskiyou mountain
ranges nnd who is familiar with tlje
ither southern Orecon ranves. r.
ports that range cattle are in fine
condition and better than usuul at
this time of the venr. 1I ro,,rta
that there is less stock than in for
mer years on the ranges. This is due
o the continued low price of bceg
tock for the Inst few venrs and to
the ranL't-s havine been ininred in the
past by overstocking. Now much of
the stock has to be led before ready
for the market, while formerly every
animal was in prime condition off
the trrass. Feed hns rnispd in nri.
owing to so much hay land being
planted to orchards, and the dairy
industry hns encroached on beef
production, for the building of five
creameries in the Rogue River volley
and the high price of butter and also
of cream and milk for the town milk
routes hns caused many stockmen to
desert the saddle for the milking
Stool. l'l
SELLS FOR $16,000
Tract Is Most Desirable One and Is
' "'Worth the $1333 an Acre
. - Paid. -
W.- H. Norcross has sold his or
chard near Central Point to R. S.
Cutler 'and L. H. Tenny ol Grand
Ronde vnlley for a consideration of
$10,(100, or .$1333 an acre, . as tbe
tract consists of 12 acres.
The tract 'consists of seven acres
of 18-yeur-old orchard. Five acres
are.. itt2-year-old . trees. Another
tract of 12 acres of tbe same orchard
soldi-inOhe spring At $1600 bit acre.
Mrs.-S. J. Erdman has sold 18
ncres oVorehard lnnd to J. E. Wood
ruff for $11,000. This tract is south
of. the city. Fourteen acres are in
-1 and o-yeor-old trees.
J. II. Smith has purchased 40 acres
of lund nen'r Central Point for $.r)000.
lie will set it to fruit.
Simon Merryo of Caldca, Asia Mi
nor, spoke to a good audience nt the
Christian church on missionary work.
Mr. Mcrrya has been to the scene of
notion nnd is well fitted to discuss
the subject intelligently.
We Are
We will soon be rush
ed. Hadn't you bettor
have those Holiday
Photos made boforo
the dark doyst
The Gregory Studio
OCTOBER 5, 3909.
How Many
Over the
THAT quet-iion worries you when your nicer things
begin to show the wear and tear of rubbing.
; But rubbing is bound to .be hard on clothes it
wears away the board in a year! i.
: ..Thro w away your washboard ! - '
Treat your clothes right! ;: ',.-.
, Try the Coffield Power Washer. It washes entirely
without rubbing. No imitation washboard inside, like
other machines. Nothing to wear or tear your cloihes.
Pays for itself many times
Let us put it in your
for you. Examine it. Examine its work. You won't
let us take it back after that.
City -water runs it while you rinse and hang out.
If you are still doing your washing by hand, wast
ing your energy' and strength, or are usiag one of
the old style washing machines, we would suggest that
you call at once and inspect ' : ' ,
You will find a pretty good cut of it in this ad, but
it does not show the beauty and simplicity of the mo
tor which operates the machine-
No Labor on Your Part
It washes while you rinse and hang out, and the
expense is less than 5 cents a week. Sent on free
trial if desired.
Hardware Co.
oyer by the saving on the '
home and do yoar washing
i F
i ' ?