THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON. TUESDAY. OCTOllKU 5. 1!0). Mbdeord daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. I MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. George Putnam, Editor and Mauager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at J Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, by mail. $j.00Qne month by ninil or carrier. .$0.50 The Tribune :s for sale by Hotel FirtUud News Ssand, (Polund, Or.; Ferrv News Etnnd, San Frnnp'soo, C1. GOOD ROADS AND BAD. The difference between good roads and bad roads is the difference between profit and loss. Good roads have a money value far beyond ordinary conception. Bad roads constitute the greatest drawback to internal development and material progress. Good roads mean abandoned farms, sparsely settled country districts, and congested populated cities,, where the poor are destine'd to become poorer. Good roads mean more cultivated farms and cheaper food products for the toilers in the towns; bad roads mean poor transportation, lack of communication, . high prices for the necessaries of life, the loss of untold millions of wealth, and idle workmen seeking employment Good roads will help those who cultivate the soil and feed the multitude, and whatever aids the producers of our country will increase bur wealth and our greatness and benefit all the people. ' Good roads mean -progress and prosperity, a benefit to the people who live in the cities, an advantage to the people who live in the country, and it will help every section of our vast domain. G6od roads, like good streets, make hab itation along them most desirable ; they enhance the value of farm lands, facilitate" transportation and add untold wealth to the producers and consumers of the country; they are the milestones marking the advance of civiliza tion; they economize time, give labor a lift and make mil lions, in money; they save vear and tear and worry and waste ;". they beautify thecountry, bring' it, in touch with .the city they aid the social and religious and the educa tional and industrial progress of the people; they make better homes and happier hearth sides; they are the' ave nues of trade, the' highways of commerce, the mail routes of information, and" the agencies of speedy communication ; they mean the economical transportation of marketable products the ma-rimum burden at the minimum cost iftKey are the ligaments that bind the country together in thnit, and industry and intelligence and patriotism ; they promote ' social intercourse ; prevent intellectual stagnation, and in crease the happiness and the prosperity of the producing masses : they contribute to the glory of the country,' give employment to idle workmen, distribute the necessaries of lifethe products of thev fields and the forests and the factories encourage energy and husbandry, inculcate love for our scenic wonders, and make mankind better and greater and grander and broader. Rogue River today is on the crest of the wave of groat iiu.i.l...n-ii. iHUTpnsps not uroamou or a lew years jago are under both consideration and consummation. Land j values are, with the immense showing being made from I li.- 1. 1 A . 1 ,1 l , . n.v. muuiuis, uounu io increase, ana tne real estate agent will play a very conspicuous part- Hence the great requi site required is honesty or a square deal between buyer and seller. Xo knocker can knock as hard as the unscrupulous real estate agent, who tries to put his itching fingers into the wrong pocket by overloading or padding the price or hooking onto a deal with no right to exact a eonuuission. tso flagrant has it become in northern nlnces. Yakima and Wena tehee, that prospective buvers to listen to any real estate agent except the property ' was vouched for by the commercial clubs of those cities. Now we believe that most of our real estate agents are honora ble, yet there is some complaint against exorbitant com missions and holdups. Once let it be known abroad that the purchase of Rogue River property is liable to "law suits," then goodbye capital. Every square deal real es tate dealer owes it to himself and the community in which he lives to see to it that the crooked ones are brought to the light and exposed. Root out the crooked ones, or they will be the means of rooting out the square ones. GOVERNMENT BUILDING NEEDED. They Always Lead Lion brand Punts, pair $1.75 to $3.50 Best pants made for the money. . The WARDROBE WHERE THEY ALL GO The postof ficel . j A . The forestry service. :The federal ;cpurt. The land office. . The fruit experts. ; The w'eather-bureau station. Uncle Sam should get busy and furnish Medford with a government. building in which to house them. County Judge Neil and Commissioner Patterson are to be commended on their decision Moriday to appropriate $100 towards fitting up an office for Professor P. J. O'Gara, pathologist of the department of agriculture. The office is as important as a school building, and similar in many ways. There the orchardists of the valley will gath er when seeking a better understanding of the manifold perplexities which conf rpnt the successful grower of fan cy fruit ' ' ' CRESTBROOK 10 ORCHARD TRACTS 20 Acres OREGON SELLING AGENTS Adjoining H Merest orchard and con tain unexceled deep, rich soli. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. ORCHARDS SYNDICATE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Dorothy Dodd and Ultras Styles for every dav in the week. For outdoor and indoor wear. Exclusive designs, smart fashionahh pipponrance. Judge them for yourselves. Court e ous attention. Expert fitters and rcasonahh prices. All these are found at the popular Kant Side Shoe Store. Edmeades Brosj ME WEST SIDE SHOE STORE Rings Rings Rings All Kinds All Sizes at Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER Near P. 0. in Will Not Last Long Completely furnished 5-room modern cottage, city water, sewer connections, bath, electric; light, four blocks from business district,- only . $2500, Easy Terms 28 acres, one mile from P. & E. depot, the very best fruit land in the Rogue River valley, and a bargain at the price $6500 What more can you ask for the money Benson Investment Comply