2 THE MEDFOBD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON", TUESDAY, OCTOHKK 5. 1!H)!) WATER INCREASES Five Commercial Establishments Now Market Output (or Medic inal Purposes. SCION OF VANDERBILT LAUDS LABORING MAN WASHINGTON, Ol-1. 5. The pro duction of mineral water in Oregon is still to be listed as an infant in dustry, but 'one which brings hand some revenues for those engaged in its bottling.' At prevailing rates, not a few enterprising Oregonians should be able to buihss neat fortunes out of the bottling and sale of mineral wa ter, provided they can fiud the nec essary mineral springs. During the past year," accordiug to the geological survey, 25,330 gallons of Oregon mineral water were bottled and sold at an average price of 35 cents a gallon. The total output brought in $8S30. The industry, it is shown, is slowly expanding, for in the previous year was put out 1123 gallons less, nnd the average selling price during 1007 was only 23 cents a gallon. Water, which costs virtu ally nothing to produce and very lit tle to market, must neeessarify net a neat profit when sold at 35 cents a gallon. That is way above the mar ket price of refined keroseue. About half the Oregon mineral wa ter marketed is used for medical purposes. Some of it is purely forj table use and some is nsed in the ! , manufacture of soft drinks. Only six springs in the state are being devel oped commercially at this time. These are located at the following points respectively: Boswell, Douglas coun ty; Cascadia; Linn county: Colestin, Jackson county; Seneca, Grant coun ty; Soda Springs, Jackson county, and Hubbard, Marion county. Over in Washington, Where Oregon prices prevailed last year, the total sales amounted to 38,900 gallons. The production in that state is de clining, showing a decrease of 43 per cent from 1907. The price, however, jumped from 16 to 35 cents a gallon, and the total output for 1908 sold for $2830 mode than the larger out put of the year previous. There are five commercial medical springs in Washington. NKW YOUK, October 5. "The standard of morality aiming woik- ingint'ii is just as high us in any other class. ' ''The life of the workiugmau is sane, the kind every American ought to lead. '"The laboring man is not lacking in brains, only an opportunity to de velop them." This is what James Watson Webb, son of W- Seward Webb, grandson of the late W. H. Vanderbilt, and who has sjnmt a year in the yards and of fices of the Central & Northwestern railroad in Milwaukee, learning rail roading "from the ground up," says most impressed him. Mr. Webb; who is spending his two week's vacation east, spoke interest ingly of his experience as a working man when found last night on the Montreal express at the Grand Cen tral station. "This looks different from the in side of an engine cab or the interior of an assistant superintendauts of fice, doesn't itf" he began. "Its good to get back to the lux uries of the East, even for a short time," he added, stretching his form up to his full six- feet and thro in ches. ' "But I like the life out there in the railroad yards nnd I am going back in two weeks. "The men with whom I worked were princes. They didn't know who 1 was and they took mo in for my own sake, and wore calling me by my firt iianio in a week. Just as men to men, they have no superiors on earth. Their work is their bund. Furthermore, their life is simpler. They do not get divorces every few mouths. Tlieir lives are sane. QUEEN ALEXANDRIA USES POLITE TERM IN REQUEST LONDON, Oct. 5.. Queen Alexan dria has shown more than once, in a small way, the justice of her claim to ha "the first lady in the land," and the word "lady" is here used in its best sense. Her magesty has a private bunga low on the Norfolk const, where she takes rectful holidays during the summer. She bus .beuu troubled, however, by intrusive sightseers, who have caused much damage to the little estate. But instead of posting up n notice to the effect that "trespassers will be prosecuted" in the usual arrogant (nnd illegal) way, her majesty simply had n board erected with the simple' words, "Private property, please." Not even the most callous could re sist that appeal. Orders for sweet creum or butter milk promptly filled. Phone thi oreamei7. ART EXHIBIT OPENING I , FREE EMBROIDERY LESSONS1 Tho ladies of Medt'ord will bo pleased to learn that beginning Sat-: urday, October 2, Mrs. O. Fury will j liavo on sale and. oxhihit at Deuel I & Keutncr's store a Kpecial line of tinted doilies, editor pieces, pillow! tops and novelties, art Inees, loops, girdles, ruffles and Japan needle.1 j art goods, consisting of stamped and I and accessories. 1' ree embroidery lessons will be given. 171 SALEM BEER SALEM Is the most popular beer In Northern California and South ern Oregon. It Is acknowledged to be the epal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion iles In drinking Salem brer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. More Than Enough Is Too Much. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair the waste and supply energy and body heat. The habitual con sumption of more food than is nec essary for these purposes is the prime cause- of stomach troubles. rheumatism and disorders of the Kid- j neys. If troubled with indigestion, .revise your diet, let reason and not appetite control and take a few doses ! of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be all right j again'. 1 For sale by Leon B. Haskins' j pharmacy. . ... COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER 'JO Ipoi : tei -1 ! mm S Containing two indispensable luxuries and two sources of econ omy. Call and let us demonstrate its merits. J.W.WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford. . . v Do You Contemplate Planting an Orchard ? If So -1 3V fit ill ' - WiJktSt' I Have a Full and Complete Slock, of of all the Leading Commercial Varieties and you will Find it to your Interest to e't our Figures Before you buy. Home Grown Stock and Everything Guaranteed. ROGUE RIVER NURSERY MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. O. F. COOK, Proprietor OFFICE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT nn,,, K )) The son Why The LORAIN IT'S T ON I LEGS J of all the Steel ranges now manufactured is con sidered by the discriminating housewife, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS is plainly evident. Call and let us demonstrate it's merits to you. IT'S T ON LEGS J Medford hardware Go