TALENT TALES C. V. Walter is building a oomont vault in the new buildiiiR in tho rear of his present store. S. K. True is doing the cement work. , On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs Fred Clark returned from taking in tho A. Y. P. exposition nt Seattle. Mrs. Faul Pemmor of Mcdford, is visiting relatives nt Talent. The following is n list of outside persons registering at the Bell House during the week: J. M. Brook. Mcd ford ; Q. VT. Thompson, Malheur county, Oregon: Irwiu Bartwiek. Klamath Falls; Ida Barnhonse, Mrs. W. N. Cunningham, Ashland; M. L. Alford and wife and Herman Alford. Medford. The followin grenl estate deals have taken place during time week in Talent and vicinity : Miss Mary Clark to C. VT. Bingham, 160 acres of land of Anderson creek; Justice Sherman made out the papers. Mrs, Jcffers to Miss Mary Clark, lot in Talent, sale negotiated by J. C. Ma son. C. C. Root to Mrs. L. Water man, property in Talent, house and lots, consideration $750. A. Oi Gien- per to V. A. Dunlnp. property in Tal ent, two houses and eichteen lots. Mrs. MeGee, to J. WT. McMahon, six and one-half acres near Talent, con sideration $3000. On Saturday the Mountain View Orchard company received a carload of apple boz material. Fred Kapp on Saturday went to Medford to look after matters for Mrs. E. R. Oatman and sister. Mrs. Kennedy, who have been quite ill. The infant daughter of E. P. Dun lap died on Friday and was buried on Saturday in the Phoenix ceme. tery John Graffis from Rosy Ann pre-, cinct, on Monday was in Talent at tending to matters on business. W. M. Petri on Saturday left on a trip to Xorth Dakota. John W. Abbott formerly a resi dent of near Talent, but now living n Ashland recently returned from a to Missouri. He' states that the cli mate back in 'Missouri does not suit him andsthat Oregon is ; 'all right and hereafter 'Be will stay at home. Mrs. Ben Stevens from -the Morse farm west of Talent,-was shopping in Talent on Mtinday.'-1 On Tuesday the ' Hartley brother of North. Talent shipped a carload of hay to parties in Ashland. On ThursdayE. E. Foss left for Butteville, Oregon, where his wife is visiting her parents. - , J. H. Fuller comes to the front as the producer of the largest sunflower of the season. He nas one that measures 18 inches in diameter. ' Archie Waterman has a sunflower on which are counted 80 blossoms, j J. E. Fuller and wife, parents of J. II. Fuller of Talent, from the state of Maine, after taking in the Seattle exposition, are visiting friends and relatives in Talent. Harry Low left on Monday for Yamhill county to teaeh school. Louis Brown and Bruce MeBride Saturday evening went to Medford to attend the Elk's rally. J. M. McMuhon after an absence of 28 years has returned to Talent and purchased property. T. F. Smith, deputy fruit inspect or, of Ashland, was around last week looking over the orchards in the vicinity of Talent. James Garvin and Samuel Xeth erlnnd are removing the partitions from the rooms over their confec tionery so as to have a hall in which to give dances. Love. ' Properly there is only one verb for love. It Is not "anio." It Is not "aimer." It Is not' the softest Italian verb. No printed language of man knows It. But the violin knows It, and the wild bird knows it; even the sea knows it. The rose is it, and the mcon is it, anil the look of a man's eyes into a -woman's Is It, and the look of a woman's eyes back again is it. Eut no man or woman can say it In any language that endures. "Lore Let ters of the King." The Retort Unkind. Gerald A gentleman Is defined as one who never gives pain. Ornldlne Then you're no gentleman: you give me a pain every time you call. New York Press. Finding His Level. "A man alius finds his level, son." said Uncle Khen. "an" Ton's Itn ky t be let down easy by experience In Btend of nrrlvlu' wlf a Jolt." Wash ington Star. THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. SONG OF THE MOTORIST. Oil. I am n auta-mo-bll-tt. And 1 (nil me Imuntllnit pike! 1 Bive my hlKli Beared nvIh'oU a twtit And bo wherever 1 like. I bound alonir o'er the country road. Past frenh ttreen fields and farms. And with what j y my heart explode A 1 breast the thaiik-you-marms! I strew the way with butter and eggs When 1 lilt a grocer cart. And once In awhile a grocer' leg . And the grocer come apart. To smash bang Into a load of hay And icattur It left and right. With a yenve-ho-ho and tura-dl-ay, Is a source ot sheer delight. No care have I of the sort that chill The man who'ts soon to bust." Whenever I note my unpaid bills I go out and raise the dust. I raise it here, and I raise It there Till It reaches the spreading skies, And I find enough and plenty more To throw in my creditors' eyes. So It's ho for my trusty automobile And hi for my bounding pike! Let other rave over the horse and wheel. The tame and the arduous bike; Let other rave o'er the brlgantlne That plow through the realm of the conch, IV for me the car of gasoline With Its glorious honk. honk-honk! Washington Time. Cause For Surprise. "My dear, I'm afraid that our Willie Is a somnambulist," said tho fond mother. "What's he doing now?" "Well, last night I heard a noise in his room, and I crept In, and there was Willie talking about. I followed him, and he went downstairs, picked up the lawn mower and the pruning hook and broom and was starting out the door when I stopped him." "He did that while he was asleep?" "Indeed he did, and when I wakened him he couldn't remember a thine about It. How in the world explain It?" "Oh, that's all right. Don't worry. It's funny, of course, but if he hurt done it while awnke it wnnlrt hv been a blamed sicht more unusmni New York Herald. The Optimist. Rodrick What are von looking an sour about, old man? Van Albert Whv. confnnnH If fh moths cot Into mv overcoat, nnrt It la thre.adbarc. Rodrick Oh, cheer up! ' Van Albert What is there to he cheerful about? Rodrick Whr. don't von know mx.tr. a boo overcoats may be worn this win ter. Chicago News. A Marked Difference. Post I don't see the' difference be tween playing bridge for prizes and gambling for money. Parker There's a lot. When vou play for money you -get sometblnz SOUTHERN OREGON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WAXTED Three girls for gen eral housework; good wages. MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE, Office 33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. Acreage Property At A Bargain We have three acres, just out side the city limits, platted all around it,' with a new five-room house, which we consider a bar gain at $2200 i. The property faces on two streets and would subdivide nicely. There is an electric motor and pump which goes with the place, and the well would supply water for irrigating. The owner has made the price low in order to sell quickly, and the property will be on the mar ket but a short time at this price. W. T. York 6 Co. having. -St. Louis I'ost-DI All the Sam. "My dear, suppose we take the chll dren to 'he too todav." "Why, John, you promised to take uieiu to mothers." "All right. If It's nil the nme to the Chlldron."-Brownlii8's Mngnilne. The Aunt. Tolly Aunt Sally seems woefully dowucust tonlk'ht. Jennieyes, poor thine! She hasn't uwu aoie to get Ucr feelings hurt at uuy time touay.-lndluuapolis Juuruul. Subject to Condition. Giiuict I'llihs-cliiiius to have caught i cattish weighing Bfty pounds down In the . reel;, does he? Well, it's safe lo say he's lyliig ., the exieut of about forty pounds. Hummer NV if - vn lr. worth patch. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT THE LATEST AND BEST THE WEALTHY RIVAL THE KING'S PROTEGE UP THE MOUNTAINS TO HONGKONG LITTLE FATHER First Performance 7:30. ONE DIM P.O. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. Oregon Calls- "More People" Pass the word. to your relative and friends to come now. Low Colonist Rates 45To Oregon will prevail from the East . SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 ( via the Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) From Chicago ...$33.00 From St. Louis ... .$32.00 From Omaha $25.00 From St. Paul $25.00 ' From Kansas City .$25.00 ji Deposit the amount of the fare with Iho nearest O. R. & N. or S. P. Agent and ticket will' be delivered in the East without extra cost. Send us the name nnd address of anyone interested in tho Stnte for Oregon literature. WM. McMURRAY, ' General Paseupcr Agent, Portland, Or". OH EO ON, MONDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1)0. Very Affsolont. .nr. iieiiuniaii mat norso you brought yi'Htorday seem a vlclou looking nutiiml. Is he nffectlonnto? Mr. Cropper-AITcotloiinto? 1 should think so. Why, when he mine out of tlio stable he stood upon hi hind leg and tried to embrace me. The Best Clubs. They tell a story In Wall streot that Mr. Morgan once replied lo a young friend who bad uskod him what wero the best club to belong to In New York. "Young man. the very beat club to devote your time to are Indian club." Fooled Him. Country Drummor (with clgar) Pardon me: have vmi n mntelii vu. Inge Loafer (tentatlvely)-Yaao. but I halu't uo segar. Country Dnimuier Good! In that cose vou won't no.t the match! Chicago News. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and . Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main - I. :V.,, . .V. - ,, -,'. I fktftir Mr'. ek X Mr. Investor Have you seen space and cost of four rooms; land dressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A. McINTOSH, Architect, i The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant All white help. Home cooking. Boom and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St, For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for It In easy monthly payments and low rate of Interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping Interest or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent Interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roscliurg I Medford Iron Works I 1 E. G. TROWBRIDGE. Pronrle.tnr. I Foundry and Machinist i All Hr of Ennlnes. Soravlna Outfits Pumno du j tchlnery, Agents In Southern Oreaon for WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs the modern home seven rooms In the Icclcss refrigerator, built-in buffets RESOLVED The hest resoluiion for you to mnlie h to eomo to us for your next suit, if yo,i want HomethiMt; out of the ordinary. Wo do the l)ent work nnd charge the lowest prices, W. W. EIFERT THE PEOOEIiSSIVB TAILOE T,.Ti'