if THE "TCDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, PRECOX, MONDAY, OCTOHER 4, 1900. OREGON CHERRY CROP YIELDS BIG REVENUE By Wlllimn V Curti, SpiTinl Cur-ri'-Miinli'iil lor lli" Cliii'iiitu llcriiiil SAI.KM, On-tcii, Si-i.l. '.' i.Miiil. l'l'lllllllll IH llll ItuMI Cil.V, Sllll'lll llll' it lint Cherry I'ity. Tlmt lilt" win lii".invcil iiimii ilin i'iiiitiil of Oregon 1y llii'li 1'nril'ii' Const NtifHi-rymi-n'M A-ooiriiiliiin which mi'l Iiim'II lew .Veni'N iifii iiml ii-Ki h ! In iiiiiiiuunit I lin cherry t'cxliviil, which him hiui'o liiM'iiinn n regular mill tint moHt im Miilaiit event of the yr-ar. Tlio cuthcriinf of lln Icyixliituro find t imnigtiriilinn of (.'ovcrnor lire mcro iiiciili'iilH in i'oiiiuiriHoii. Tim people, of thix part of tin; Wil Iiiiiii'IIii valley liro jiii-t liepinniiiK In realize tin- vii I lie of llii'ir Hoil iiimI cli nuiti', mid nlthouuh cherry treon have Iiim'ii irrnwiiii; ever Miire the pioneer Mclhmljht IliiMKiiililll'ilW Hl't them out, it h'iih only recently tlmt commercial Mi-iliililii"i wero iiimii I'li-iir. Now IiiiihIiciIn ol "fiu iiiiTi urn planting tri'cx, iiml within n few year the Wilinnicllc valley will lin proilurini; Inure cherries tluin lift of (lie rct of tin- Cnili'il Stales I'limliiiii'il. 1 - ile here li'll me tlmt i'lii-rrii-M are rapidly lircolllillc olltnli'ti! ill the l'll"t lie fiiii'i' tUc ti'pcn mi' wont out mnl lire mi freipiently attacked liy worm mnl oilier pc-U. from which tin' or rliiinK of thU valley are always free. Ami tin' mz". 1'ln vi i r iiml texture of "ri"!;iiii cherries lire said to Im m pcriur totliuM' grown elsewhere. Very few of thi'iu lire shipped out of this Main , however. OiTiiiinniil a carload Km- to IIobIhii, New York, I'liii-Mi.'" mnl oilier eastern cities, which will nli-'. rli ns iiiimy as run lie sent, litil lli( risk it greater tlinn with oilier fruit, because cherries cannot hi' pirki'il mnl allowed to ri pen on tlio journey like pears mnl iippli'K. TIk1 chief nmrki't, therefore in the cminory, mnl hundred of thousands of cases, which wmii mul tiply into the million, nre put up every hprinu'. There in no limit to the imirki't for preserved and canned cherries, unci n New York house re ccntly Marled n new brnneb of " the industry liy calling for "pic 'clierrii'i'' to he tdightly cooked here un1 shipped in barrel for immediate use.. If thin inetlioii proven to bo practic nlile the pm-nihiiitii-H nre lieyond eoniputioi). lieemiHO there in nothini; better thru) cherry pie, mid every town mid city in the country ou'i;ht to nli-orli n vnsl (until,v. i The Hnyiil Ann i a favorite dier- ' iy the lief priiditcer, tins ln-r-t Hid- ; h r mid the best runner to u-e lo- : fill ternin.' Diirinu m nntiunohile ride nroniid the t.ubuib'.of Siilnn 1 thin nfternooii we were vlmwn oreh-i iirdn of Hint ninety which hcimii to lm vo performed minifies. One mini whose lliilne wns j;iveii lis picked .1-1. (Mill pounds of lfoyiil Ann clienie from .'i'.'.'i trees in n five nere orehnid j mtd i-old them n( five cents n iouml to n ciinnery. t cist him $:i"0 to j raise nnd pick the crop, tbrce fiiuitlis of the' money beini.' pnid to )iiikers. We were shown itnotheri orcluird with 11.1 trees, which pro-, liieed ifl KIO worth, nnd iinolhcr o1 j only two ncres which pnid n net pro- j fit of $700 iiniiunlly. Tint cherries nre not the only fruit : produced in Ibis .section. PlumR.; peaches, pears, ripples, berries of nil i kinds ji. row cniiitlly well, nnd 1",000, j 000 pounds of primes were packed j mid shipped lust, year from this! county. Cherries have not yet ! reached their full devolopment and the prune crop is still the lnre;est source of revenue eo the fanner's except hops. Orepm in ihc urcntest hop pro ducer of nil the slates and morn thnn -ID ,,er cent of the entilro crop of the nlry, or an nvcniL'c of about 20; (lllll hales, is crown in thin section. California produces 05,000 hales: Wnshinirfon nnd New York, each 10,000 bales. Tn western and middle Oregon lh peculiar eiimalo eondi tioim required for hop culturo nre found lo iicrfeclion a wnrm moist alniosphcro with nllernnte fog and sunshinn and dry upell of weather, while Ihn hops nre mnlnrintr. The mnxiumm yield is nlmul 2000 pounds to Ihn ncres; 1 Tin minimum nbout 1200 pounds. A bale of hops nver n(,P, 1S0 poiindo and Ihn average price for a lonK term of years has been 12 renin n pound. Hops vary more Hum any oilier crop in price They have been ns low us seven and oifrhr cents a pound and ns high ns $1.10 ft pound iluriiiB Pcscnt generation. They ai selliiig for 22 ei'iilH now. It cost nbout n'ven cents n oiinil to raise hops in this in this valley more or lens, according' to the local coiiililioiin, so Hint ii fariiicr can come out u lit tit- ahcml if he sells lor ten cents, and Vi cents is a good profit. The crop is mini II Ibis yenr because last seiison before the price was so low Hint many ol the Imp growers pulled up their vines mid set out fruit trees in their hop fields. Thin M'iisoii the total will probably not ex ceed 80,(10(1 biilen, less thnn has been produced in Oregon since 100 1, when Ihhe total was 71.000 bales. In 1007 Hie maximum of l.'lll.fHM) bales was sent to market, hut it brought only 1.02 1,(100, while in lOO.'i n crop of ll.l.OOO bales sold for IrVini.OOO; in 1(11)1, a crop or 8H.0II0 bales sold for ijt.j.OOO.OOO, and lOO.'i n similar crop sold for $1,000,000. Last yenr a crop of 118,000 bales' brought onnly $l,7'i0,00(). llenco the funners got discouraged mid went into fruit. At present prices, however tint 80,000 bale tcrop will bring nbout ns much an the 118,000 balen brought last year. , OVER 1000 STUDENTS ENROLLED IN UNIVERSITY rXIVKKSITY OF OKKOON. Ku iene, Oct. A. Hcgistnition in all de parlmciils of Hie I'niversity of Ore gon reached 1000 students. Tn the colleges of liberal nrts nnd engineer ing the enrollment now is nearly fiOO -indents, and the total registration for the year in these two depart ments will reach "00, mi increase over lnt year of 20 per rent. The fresh man class, all of whom nre high school graduates, numbers 2."0 stu dents, firaduates from practically every foiir-yenr hith school in Ore iron have entered the university this fall, and there is also n very notice able number of students entering who nre graduates of high schools outside of Oregon. ' TOWER OF LONDON. Th Ptrf.ct 8yttam by Which IU Trtsur Are Quardoi. The Tower of London lni tlio most perfect njslcin of ourglur alarm Hint Iiiin yet liecii duvlucd. I''roui Scotiiiiiil Viinl, from tlio gov ernor's. lieadiiiinrtci'H and from oilier places known only to a law rexpoti Hible olllcliilK the wliole Tower can be :Iok1 t'lectrlcully within n few ec Diids. Kvcn the poiKleroim gutei at tlio mlilille tower, whkli welgli some lonit mnl ttirougli wlili Ii vlsltorx pam, Hiving to iiiiloiuutlciilly, and tlio escapo of every one within In liiKtmitly bnrred. At the name time an alarm bell ring to worn wardens, police and HoldlvrH. . In particular the precaution In the apartment containing (lie crown Jew els are of a moat Helen tlllcn liy clutM rate kind. Ono of the beefeater on duty In tlio room lias merely to prem button, whereupon the heavy doof clone, the alarm bell below ring, the other gate slam to and look, and ever r person within the tower in Instantly cut off from the outer world. "TUo man who can get away with any of the crown Jewels deserve them." observed a Tower ottlclnl. "Kroin where 1 am xtiiudlug I could close every Important door and gate la the Tower In as short a time a It tukea to litter these words." It was mainly to Insure the safety of the crown Jewels tbut the ysieui was Installed. No order hud been homed for the closing of tint Tower on a recent Sat urday when, greatly to tbelr alarm, the visitors found door locked, bolted ml barred against them for nbout ten minute, preventing any oue leaving the Tower. "The Tower simply closed-tliat I nil." remarked an oltlclnl. "Who caus ed It to do so wp do not know. If might have been Scotland Yard, where 'he pressing of a button would Im prison every soul within the Tower un til the police gave the nlgnal for their release. ,.r It might have Is-rii the governor, anxious to lenrn whether wn were. nil at our posts. At any rate. It wns none of the minor olllcl.ils. "In fact, wliojloscd the Tower and why Is a secret known only to the highest niithoiilloH. Ther1 wns .no alarm, no attempt to seize the crown Jewel." London Mall. Thfi Town of Buhir. ItesldeniH of n miserable seaport on the Persian gulf culled their town En quire (llnoslii er). It hiis nurrow, dirty, 111 paved Nlnels. The city 1 visited by oarfbfiial:eK and simoom uud mints !t children of wholesome air and fresh wnter. It appear, however, to have enjoyed high repute among the ancient Klnmltes, who havo left hurled about under u.nlderlng heap orlck wltb cuneiform Inscription. In summer tlio citizens of liushlre live In a beat that I almost uiiheuruble. "Tho Picnic 8treteh." Tbongh n brilliant conversationalist, Ocorgo .Meredith hod, of course, hi Uent moods, and he happened to be In ono of theiu at a certain picnic. Next to blm nt lady, herself a good talker, who had been looking forward to this meeting for day and, it may be guessed, preparing for It In Tain. The only sentence that passed hi lip wo wben be reached slightly across her for the salt "Excuse the picnic tretcb." Manchester Guardian. Stenography, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Mathematics, Penmanship, Business Cor respondence, Legal Fmun and Commercial Lw ay expert teachers. Terms very reasonable. No busi ness college methods. Afternoon session 3:30 to 6 p. m. Night session, 7 to 9:30 p. m. Apply 135 Bartlett Street, Opposite High School TONIGHT AT THE BIJOU Billy Empey Van, Mgr. OF "ACROSS THE BLUE RIDGE" THIS IS THE LAST PERFORMANCE OF THIS PRODUCTION AND IS GIVEN BY SPECIAL REQUEST IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE THE SCORES WHO WERE TURNED AWAY LAST EVENING. Beginning Tomorrow Night "The Bohemians" A Comedy Melodrama Will Be The Attraction of Two Even ings. Don't forget the time or place Curtain Raises at 8:15 - - - Admission 10c 20c "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good arc cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid $1 a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you, Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHZNTAWAEE, FRUIT AND PEED. When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table We do not mean that you should eat off the stove toast . With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast costs lc per meal to operate. We have the best toaster on the market for sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. 4 vtcoroRD, ouooir B. State Depositary Established 1S8S. Capital and Surplus 125,0OO Retourrci $700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety nnd efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. O. R. LINDLEY, Cashier. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OP j FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREJON J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S. ORTII, Cnshier. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. J