... 8' THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. SATURDAY, OOTOMER 2, 1!0!). WATERLOO MEDAL AT B.&C.CashStore Tokays, Muscats, Black Prince. ; two hundred baskets to sell today at 20e a basket. t . . Cantaloupes, Watermelons, Hubbard Squash, Pie Pumpkins, Cauliflower Egg Plant, Peaches, -Sweet Potatoes, Oranges,, Plant, Peaches, Prunes, Quinces,. Apples and Bananas. The store that serves you best by telephone. 2351. B Cash 5 Store C 223 West Main Street Medal Won for Distinguished Service at Battle of Waterloo at the Exhibit Building. . COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSULATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER Containing two indispensable luxuries and two sources of econ omy. t Call and let us demonstrate its merits. J. W. WHITNEY Office in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store, Medford. An ancient medal with mi interest ing and historical rwrd has lienn presented to Medfod's exhibit by Daniel Flnter of Outfit-by, Mich. Tho ilieilal wits pi-osenlet y ellinglou to Mr. Flit tor's father, George Flnter, for distinguished sen-ire nt tho but tle of Waterloo. It was drought from Germany by the old grenndier and upon his death descended to his son. It bears an inscription on its edgo something like this: "Soldat Georgo Kleuter, St. Friesland. Givnadier, June 1.'), lSt.V The medal is of silver and is'worlh about " cents by 'weight. Mr. Klater leaves for Jacksonville Saturday night to visit old friends there. TELFER ANSWERS GAME WARDEN GAY Says He Gave Names of Those Who Received Fish in Violation . of the Law. Robert W. Telfer offers the follow ing reply ' to Deputy Game Warden Gay's otter of$2o reward for a con viction of seiners who nre violating the law: ,.- -. To the Editor: In reply to Fish Warden Gay's generous offer, which appeared in last night's issue of your valued paper, will say, that from what Mr. Gay told me in regard to ob taining convictions in cases where the game laws are violated, that he might just as well have offered a thousand dollars for the conviction of the gov ernment contractors working below Bybee bridge for violating thp fish laws. As Mr. Gay receives one-half the fine imposed upon offenders upon conviction, he could well afford to pay double the amount he offered me and at the same time get out of a little unpleasant work, but as I am not fish warden, and kept busy with city affairs, I will have to let the offer pass. However, I did as I said I could and would do, nnmely, to give names of those who received salmon (not chub salmon) and steellieud trout. Yours very trulv. ROBT. W. TELFER. You liaven't read all the news un less you have read the ads some in teresting items for your purse in ev ery issue. WATCH THIS SPACE CLOSELY NEXT WEEK ome Here Tonight And Share These Bargains We have two objects in holding these sensational After Supper Sides. First Wo want you to get in the habit of visiting this store every time you come down town, and in this way you will very soon learn that this is the People's Store. We are running it for your benefit just as much as ours. Second We wish to show our friends and patrons that this store is the only one in Southern Oregon that has yet demonstrated the fact that it could and did give the people the newest styles and best values at tho smallest prices. J Mow are a few of tho many good things you will find on sale after 7 o'clock tonight: The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Try some of the below men tioned specials tonight $2.50 and $3.00 for $1.00 Just received, an extra large ship ment of beautiful new lot of Bags, bought at a clean-up price ; all new styles, while they last. '. ... .Choice, $1.00 15c Linen Crash 9c Better sec this lot of Clash and lay in a supply of roller towels tonight. $5.00 Umbrellas $2.00 About 50 Umbrellas; all our regular .l.OO; and a number worth up to .8.00; You can't conceive of tin- bargains we have at this store unless you come to see. 50c Silks for 25c A big new lot of fine .Jap Silk; all colors; also a lot of 27-in'h .lap Silk, as good as most 50c silk; to go tonight at 25? 25c Handkerchief values 17c About 25 dozen new hemstitched em broidered Handkerchiefs; regular 25c values; tonight, :i for 50? 14c Silk Ribbons 17c About 35 pieces all colors and black and white; 5-inch, and No. 100 all-silk Ribbon; excellent values at 25c; to- choice of anything in store $3.00 night 17? The Hutchason Co. Succsseor to Baker Hutchason Company ART EXHIBIT OPENING FREE EMBROIDERY LESSONS The ladies of Medford will bo pleased to learn that beginning Sat urday, October 2, Mrs. f. F.ary will have oil sale and exhibit at Dnucl & Kentner's store a special lino of tinted doilies, center pieces, pillow tops and novelties, nrt laces, loops, girdles, ruffles and Jiipnn needles &r goods, consisting of stamped and and accessories. Freo embroidery lessons will be given. 171 Herman Bros., I he saddle and har ness makers, desiro to announce, to the trade that they are not only pre pared to fill all orders at short no tice, but carry the most complete line of harness, suddlcs, bridlox, whips, robes, blankets, wagon covers, tents, otc, that can bo found in southern Oregon at prices that cannot fail to please when quality of stock and workmanship is considered. Don't forget tho place, 317 E. Seventh street, Medford. . H)lt KENT Modern, up-to-dnltf bungalow, close in, with !) room completely furnished; long lease i desired. Ileioton Investment Co. FOIl SALE Why buy a town lo when you can got one aero tmdcf Fish ko ditch, l'j miles out front postoffico, for $300; also have it 5-acro tract. Buy from owner aui Have commission. Ko. 20 Soutlt Teach street, or P. 0. Hox 842. 1 Why IT'S T ON I LEGS J The Reason The LORAIN of all the Steel ranges now manufactured is con sidered by the discriminating housewife, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS is plainly evident. Call and let us demonstrate it's merits to you. jnn IT'S T ON I LEGS J Medford Hardware Co