THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1909. SOCIAL ANO PERSONAL THE WEATHER. Fair IhiM afternoon tonight mill SiiihIiiv. Cooler 4tiiit. C. W. Zorn nf the lliili'liriHiui Co. has returned f riuii Si'iitlln, where lid will In miM't liiM 1'n in ily mi tlii'ir way t ako their home in Medford from Si. I'iiiiI, Minn. They will reside lit .'ilH Onkdalo avenue mill will lin nt homo In tlmir friends after Novem ber 1. Spic-cM nml extract lit 30 So. 0 street. - Homer Hillings "f Ashland nml Knrl Alilmtt of I'urtliiinl were tho guests nl' Miss Isio McCully TliurHilny. Why rush hornet Try tho Spot Cafe's 2.1o dinner. J. E. Watt wiih in Jacksonville on business Thursday afternoon. Southern Oregon Tell mid Coffee Cii HO So. 0 street. J. K. Howard nnii .1. l?.Willekn of Medford were in JiiclcHoiiviiYn Tlnirs iluy ns shpccial jurors in tho f nm of Southern Pacific vh. J. I.. Parker. Yep; fee! fino 1'inl dinner nt tho Ivitvi". John Itiirmiin has returned from n few week' buine.s trip to Sun Fran cisco. I.iirrnpin good truck, Hill those l.ot waffles nt tho Iwnvrc. ' 1 lurry Woitmun was n business fuller in Jacksonville Thursday. riiono 3303 for ten or eoffco. Mr. mid Mm. A. E. I!eiuneii left for the north Friday evening for a few week' stay. Special music every evening dur ing dinner lit tho Nnsh Grill. Mrs. Frnnk Bennett of Medford spent Fridny with relatives livintf in Jacksonville. Kiln Oaunyaw, publio stenographer, mom 4, Palm building. George Maudlin of Lucerne, Ind., in n visitor in tho city this week. The Louvre cafe for the best. R. W. Colby of Volley Springs, C'nl., is looking for a location in the valley.. '1 4 tifc Nash -Grill "open nil the time. Fin est scrvieo between Portlnnd nnd San Francisco. J. V. Alverson of Ellington, N. T., is an eastern visitor. Ilo may lo rato here. ITear Professor Romanoff in vio lin solos every evening the Nash Grill. E. P. Wallace of Montreal, Can., has eonio way down from his north ern homo to see the ho heard no much about. He is not disappoint e.l. Tho Nnh Grill makes a specialty j of special dinners, banquets etc. Mu-; sic every evening. lien Stevens was in town from linggctu lunch Saturday, Tciim nml coffees at 3d So, G St. Tho county court will meet 1'or its regular October session Wednesday. Jlest meul for tho least money at tho Spot oafo. Tho Kineriek building on South liarllclt street will he ready lor oc cupation in a few days. Sea Prof. Anton Komunoff, for merly court violinist of Austrian cin poror, for lessons on violin, guitar ami mandolin. Lc.nva orders at NumIi ioIoI. Tho 1). E. MeGiiuiis properly, con sisting of p house ami two lots ur North Central avenue, was sold to 0. E. Swan recently of Delta. Col., for tho consideration of AI.VmV Mr. nml Mrs. 3. V. Coffey of Gold Hill wero on tho city streets Satur day on business, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson of Oregon City, who havo been staying hero for some time, left tho last of tho week for northern points. V. M. Hrowti, who owns an or chard north of town, will begin pick ing his apples some time next week. Ordem for iiweet erenm or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the trenmery. Mr. and Mrs. IT, Rucklin of Hnx ler, la., and Mr. and Mrs. E. O llncklin of Hudes. In., who have been visiting their old lime neighbors, L. I. Myhneers, for the pt week, left Saturday for Sun Francisco to visit A. L. Vernon. V. E. Wilson, a bridge construction tit ft ii . who has worked on tho biggest bridges in the world, slopped off here on his fir-! trip to the interior of the l'nited Slates. W. H. (Jeuner of Eviuisville, Ind,, is inspecting the available fruit land in the valley Ibis week. I,. P. Sehuer of Canon City, Col., who has been in the city for some time looking for n locution, left the last of tho we'ek for Ashland. Jack Goodall nnd Rny Midgley of Cincinnati, 0., nre stopping off here looking over the town nndvnlloy. A hunch of high school students consisting of freshmen, sophomores, juniors nnd seniors, mndo n trip Sat urday to the enves near Roxy Ann. H. II. Taylor, a Talent citizen, was in Medford on business Saturday. Captain Caton, a well known Phoe nix old settler, was n recent business visitor in Medford. Miss Agnes Mnrdoek of Illinois ar rived in Modford Saturday morning on a visit with friends nnd relatives. She will remain in the city indefi nitely. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jesse Converse of Loraine, Wyo., nre looking over the valley for an investment. They will remain about n week. Mrs. II. II. Kirby is visiting friends in Ashland for a few days. Mrs. Mary Millignn of Medford is in Eugene on a visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hawkins left for their home in Snn Diego, Oil., after a visit with friends in the val ley. ' j Mr. ami Mrs. E. Denlon of Medford f urn visiting friends in llm Myrtle Creek district. Mrs. William Ocrig, wife, of Chief Engineer Ocrig of the Pacific & East ern, arrived in lhe city today to make this plitco her 1'iiliiro home. Mrs. C. M. Zorn mid children arriv ed in Meilforil lhe last of the week ami were met by Mr. Zorn ul tho train lie lias been in Hie city for some. Pipe laying for (ho sewer on West Seventh street commenced Saturday. A. C. Kundcrs of Seattle is a Med ford visitor this week. Frank mid Jesso Stinson departed Friday for a visit to the Seattle fair. John Miller of Hellovuo, Pa., is 'msweliiig tho orchards of tho coun try near Medford with tho intention of making an investment. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sullivan of Los Angeles left Friday far homo after a short visit with Mrs. Sullivan's moth er, Mrs. J. C. Courtney of this city. Mrs. Eimmi Corpo of Corvnllis left for Ashland Friday after n business visit in tins' city. Mrs. Frank Tmignto of Jackson ville is visiting her (laughter, Mrs. Arthur Ellison of Grants Pass, this week. NASH Olympitt Oyster Cocktail Celery lioullon cn Tasse Turbon of Halibut a l'Aurora Pouimes Parmenticr Radishes Olives Cucumbers Cheese Straus IJouchco i-f Shrimps, Ncwburgh Cotelette of Chicken, Sauce-Supreme Petite Pois Creme Claret Punch ' Wafers Roost Turkey Marmalade Asparagus Tips Creamed Potatoes Green Pepper Basket with. Chicken Salad Pineapple Ice Cream Assorted Cake Roquefort Cheese Water Crackers Cafe Noir Music by Prof. Anton Romanoff's Orchestra To Chicago and Return. October 4 October 4. October 4. Ten dnys allowed going trip, re turning tickets good until November 30. Hound trip $82.40. For particu lars, enquire nt the local office or ad dress A. S. Hosenhnuin, S. P. Co. Agent, Medford, Or. Copyright j : Schaffner & Marx E VERY MAX IX THIS TOWN OUGHT TO HAVE FOR BUSINESS WEAR AT LEAST TWO GOOD SUITS OF CLOTHES, ONE A FANCY-WEAVE OF SOME SORT, THE OTHER A BLUE SERGE, OR A DARK PATTERN WEAVE OF SOME KIND, OR A BLACK SUIT. THEY SHOULD BOTH BE OF Hart Schaffner & Marx MAKE; ALL-WOOL, FINELY TAILORED, PERFECT FITTING. The result would be that by hfiving a chance to change often, say once a week or ten days, both suits would wear much longer, keep in better order, and you look better dressed all the time. - - ... . .. ...... . . .. .. .., , i Suits $2000 to $35.00 This store is the liome of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes EUEL & KENTNER DO YOU REAI THAT WE ARE USING LUMBER THREE TIMES AS FAST AS IT IS GROWING; THAT PRICES ON LUMBER, AS IN OTHER COMMODITIES, ARE GOVERNED BY THE LAW OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND; THAT THE DEMAND AT THE PRESENT TIME IS TAXING THE MILLS TO THEIR UTMOST CAPACITY; AND THAT IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME, AND A SHORT TIME AT THAT, BEFORE CHEAP LUMBER WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST? IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY CONSIDERED THESE THINGS, IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO SO .IF YOU EXPECT TO BUILD AT ANY TIME SOON, AND GET PRESENT PRICES OF LUMBER 'AT THE 1 .LUl Comp'y nan