THE MEDEOftD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OHEdOX, SATURDAY. OOTOlNStt 2. 15)00. Medeord Daily Tribune ' Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One year, by mail $3.00One month by mail or carrier. .$0.50 The Tribune :s for sale by Hotel Prtland Xews Stand, Pohnd, Or.; Ferry Xews Etand, San Francisco, C al. .1 YEAR'S PROGRESS. One year ago today in this column under the caption, ""What Medford Needs," .was published the following list: "Free mail delivery. "Xumbers placed on houses. "Xew sidewalks constructed and old ones repaired. "More macadamized and paved streets. "Improved telephone system- "Another city park and the banks of Bear creek parked. m , "A railroad to the timber belt. "A railroad to the mines and their dcveloDment. "A trolley through Rogue River valley. "Greenhouses that can supply Medford with flowers the year around. - "A good fruit stand, so that it will be possible for vis itors to see and purchase the famous apples and pears grown here without going to Xew York or London. "More modem store fronts on Seventh street and more ttpto-date stores. . "A. score of new brick buildings all couhhbe rented before construction started. "Several liundred cottages for rent and still more for sale an the instalment plan. All can be disposed of before a dollar is invested. "More water mains and sewers laid in the city." T ' AT - uurmg uie year: . ." . Free mail delivery has been instituted. Houses have been numbered.- New sidewalks, mostly cement, have been constructed over 14 miles in length. Oakdale avenue, Central avenue and Front street have been paved north and south and work is under way on other streets. The telephone system has been completely renovated and a central energy system installed. Funds have been raised to park an additional city block, but Bea creek still remains in the same old con dition. 1 ,FI Construction work is under way on the railroad to the timber belt. H 'tIB3 A railroad surveyed to the coal mines and much devel opment work done. Nothing done regarding the trolley line in the valley. Greenhouses still are needed. Likewise a fruit stand. Several new fronts have been put in and others are planned. Four new bricks Palm, Syndicate, Phipps, Garnett, are all under war, some nearly completed, while the eon- J tract for excavating for the Episcopal block has been let. i Many new residences constructed estimated by con tractors at i.x. Contract for eight miles of additional water mains has been let and work under way. Seven miles of sewers have been put in. And so Medford lias progressed. In the list prepared one year ago the following are still needed: A trolley through the Rogue River valley. Greenhouses. . A fruit stand. 1 All the others have been secured or are under way. Not so bad. HOTEL ARRIVALS. MEXICAN VOLCANO MAY BJRY MANY SMALL TOWNS 1 . i At the Moore J. A. MeLeod, A. GUADALJARA, Mex., Oct. 2. The Y , nm, A c gnm, So. Coliina volcano is ui one of the most ..... , ., .... ril,t Br,,nli in its historv. It n,"e h. NonIiiiII, Detroit; C. Mil- began spouting fire land ashes jester- lr. Xcw York; F. A. Biggs, Port day, and the discharge has increased land; J. V. Baker: city; D. II. Potts, constantly in violence sinco then. Glendnlo; 0. P. Fecr, Prownsboro; The ashes cover a broad stretch of Miss Annie Metlock. U. 8. Dovlo, San country and are still falling thickly. Francisco; T. E. Poftcngcr. Apple- It is feared that the full will cause cute; I. S. Dames, Oakland; L. O, duuiaire to towns and plantations near Fuller. Portland: 0. E. Prntor. Dor- the mountain. ris; 0. 0. Bishop, San Francisco; Two large streams of lava nro P. Pemfletnii, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. pouring out of the newer craters, J. W. Oswald. Minneapolis; Hon Ste which are located on the western sido' vens. Daggett's ranch; T. J. Schaef- of the mountain, much below the apex for, Talent; Miss Annie Mntlock, Snn Lava is being carried down this slope, Francisco; P.. F. Moore, Mt. Cnrmi'l. and into the valley through deep bar-1 At the Nash F. W. Thackeray, rations that radiate from tho cone San Jose; Milton I'nger, Portland; and extend down tho mountain on all P. Pendleton. Seattle; S. 0. Mcl.onr. sides. Xew York; C. H. Schicck. San Frnn- The fire which belched from the eiseo; Mr. and Mrs. John fiord, Oak- upper crater of the volcano last night land; Jesse Convcrso and wife, Lo af forded a spectacular display for a raine; 0. A. Srhneyor, Binghnmton; distance of 100 miles. The Mexican 0. Pendleton, Seattle; Harry A. My Central railroad, which passes near er, Chicago; O. L. Bishop. F. I.. Mor- the base of the volcano, is said to be ris. Sail Francisco; 0. A. Schnever. . -i .1 - l. ill lit, lumber ui immune, uiitu'-.iu mc ashes are somewhat of an impediment to traffic. THE LOUVRE MENU CAFE ' Sunday Dinner, October 3. Table d'Hote. Medallion nux Sardelles Crisp Celery en Branch Mission Olives Salted Nuts Potage Alexandria Consomme Petit Pois Steamed Filet of Mullet Sauce Vin Blanc Pommes Hollandaise Braised Chicken with Almonds Fresh String Beans Maraschino Punch ! ,'Wintergreen W af ers Roast Young Venl Celery Dressing Brussell Sprouts in Cream Louvre Special Fruit Salad Whipped Cream Philadelphia Tee Cream Home Made Cake Xeufiichtel Chee.-o Saltid Crackers Biughnmpton ; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Oswald; Harry A. Myer, Chicago; V. II. Bnrry. A. E. Green, T. Mc.Kinney, Portland; H. D. Powell, Eagle Point; E. P. Wallace, C. II. Browp., Montrenl Boudinot Conner, Table Rock; Como Fiero. Central Point ; W. P. Sull. Spo kane; C. M. Ilimebnugh, Ashland; J. Pnneth. Xew York; Homer II. Ruth erford, Xew York7; Wilton Church, Roseburp. . . Demi Tasse 1G8 OILED STREETS KILL SCENT AND FOIL DOGS CHICAGO. Oct. 2. The futility of hunting fugitives with bloodhounds when the trails of those sought lead across the modern oiled thorough fares was demonstrated. in Oak Park yesterday. Recent wholesale robberies in that suburb resulted in two dogs being brought from Hammond, Ind. The dogs were successful except for the oiled streets. Fred Crouse, chos en as the fugitive for the tryoul, started across the prairie. The dogs followed his trail so rapidly that he was unable to make the starting point before being overtaken. But when on . a second trip he crossed an oiled They Always Lead Lion brand Pants, pair $1.75 to $3.50 Best pants made for the money. The WARDROBE Y H E It E T II E Y A L L (1 O A Dash to Death. ROME, Sept. 30. Tho Dnko of Chalois dashed to his death over the Mngon cliffs in an nutoinobilo today. The lifeless body was found under a mass of scrap iron 30(1 feet below tho upper euiliff road by Henry Mar tin, an American. Tlio duko sprang into the limelight two years ago be cause of his marriage with Ethel Keiu-9, daughter of tho well known American millionaire. Today's tra gedy was the result of a running fight between Martin, an old sweet heart of tho duchess, and tho duko because of thu tatter's mistreatment f his wife. A physical encounter took place at a well known cafe. The duko to escape tho savage blows of the American fled in his nutoiinlilii, with Martin in hot pursuit. Thus fleeing for his life in tho excitement tho duke lost control of his machine and plunged over tho , cliff to his death. This exciting story is por trayed in a picture entitled "A Dash to Death" at "The Savoy" tonight. For genuine thrills this picture can not bo beat. Dmi't miss it. Tho bal ance of the program includes "Xing a ra in Winter Dress," its most beau- fill picture; "The Hunchback," a drama, and "The Patience of Miss Job," a laiighogriiph of the first wa ter. Remember tho Savoy tonight. One dime. flj1 Entire change of program tomor row night., Paul de Anna FIRST-CLASS GERMAN WATCHMAKER, JEWEL ER AND ENGRAVER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. IN CONNECTION WITH MID FORD LOAN OFFICE, COR. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEV ENTH ST., MEDFORD. To Chicago and Return. October 4 October 4. - October 4. Ten days allowed going trip, re turning tickets good until Xovember 30. Round trip $82.40. For particu lars, enquire at tho local office or ad dress A. S., Rosenbaum, S. P. Co. Agent, Medford, Or. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main FOR SALE Finely split stovewood in oak, fir and pine, and cordwood sawed into 10-inch length blocks. Cull on F. Osenbruggc, Stmlebaker Bros. Warehouse. " yttrs. 3rene Tfamptott 3saacs "3nstuctor of "piano, "TLlszt MtetljoO S'uNc ot ?-ibnct. 3tnrh Orungt S'f4t BIJOU THEATRE BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager. TONIGHT AND TUESDAY Last chance to see Richard Darling Stock Co. in Across the Blue Ridge Contemplation Wins No Laurels But $10 down and $10 a month buys a lot in LAUREL PARK One of the finest resident districts of the city. enson Inve stment