THE VET) FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OltKOOX. .SATURDAY, OOTOHER 2, 1009. "GIRL QUESTION 4 PLEASED LARGE LOCAL AUDIENCE Cliiii'liii i'iiiiiiliiinnil ycKli'i'ilny, III' ruini' in mill ri'uishTiMl 11 kii'lt. Kiml I ii j.'1'inirli mi luiiu i-nunih. Wiiul -cil mi' In I'lii'i't up mill hi'i- if I rnulil iml .! wuiirthiiiu' piud in oiiii ill' hix hllllHH, I Wl'lll, III lllMIN llilll, llllll I ll'lllllilll'll III llIIHII IIIVKclf. Wlllll- inii' (ji'iini'li I IiiiiI .vi'hlcnliiy fmli'il I'llnrn "Tim C li i-l Qiii'Hliiui," iih (ho iiiKM fmlii lii'lnrn ii morning Him. "Tim Ciirl (JiioHliun" wiiH find, Inst mill nil llic linn', n hiwi'i-mh, Trui it 'vih tlmt tin- I'lmriiM iliil nut Imvo iih ninny "niiil Innlii'i'H" iih Hiiini', lint lliii iriiii'iiiln wi'i'ii cli'vcr. Tliuir lini'H Imlililril with fun. AIiuvr nil, lni(,,:.'!, lli! M-rHiniiility of Julin I.. Kimiiiih.v hlinwn over every hpciw. Ki'iinicy iim "Cm Wymi" pnrtriiyH tho kind of ii mini ynii liko In hluikn IiiiihIm willi. Tnll, ) ii, lii'unil hliunliliTi'il mill if Iik wns iih Iiii Mt.iil, "rntln-r fcluirl (in thin ditiinimry iluut." wig (jruw tu like liim curly. Kviirni'y him a wnnili'ifiil bit of ini( power, mill with it In- ciihiI v v ins hm nnili- I'lll-O. Ah n fun iimki'r JuMiu ('iiiippr iih Huron Mux vmi Tt'-mnn, wilh hi" "y in the V'o'irth of July" wni n fi'Mo'li', nml pi' Iniili lifter lm vh.. Ilelelie Miflnwnii wiih imxily tile lii'i-.! Iini.ieil m-tro- of the eoni pnny. At for .toe ToMer, ('n'n "pnl," hIii liioiilit in ii KerimiH vein nml nhly linnilleil her work. Anim Huffman, priiim ilonnn, Hincn well, lint her nppi iinini'e lust evenint; wiih h.iiiiewhnt iiiniri'il liroii'.'li her nii forlime in eniniii" in contnet with Kiisoii ivy, iiefc-Mtiiliiiif m wimrini; n coveriii( over one eye, Dorothy Mnyniml, Koiilnelte, wiih elever. Tim iinitnlioii enize, (luring which tin! ehoniH gave mi imitation of Eddy Fi.y, wiih n novel Muni tlmt took with thfl lunli'iiee. Ah n whole tho hhow won worth while, iiiiiHiiuich iih it brought " Kinilc with it. Anil then, there in n lesHon in . C'oii'h little verso: "If only everyone niiiiire.' lived on the X. V, 'L Advertised Letter List. The following lcttcm remnin un pulled for at the ixihtoffire nt Mod ford, Oregon, Wednohduy, September lit. ion : Minn Ulimeh Acory, Mrs. M. P. An dert.011, Wilkn Itury, Mrs. K. H. link er (2). Jim ltownn, Krimk Hrown, Itert Itrown, Jiu-k Ciui(hnn, Will Chnndley, V. II. f'omstock. George Dnnnlilson, Mrs. Oeorue DmitildMin, Mrs. V. Donley. Minn ltlnneh Dnw huh, M. A. Kildy. J. II. finrilincr, H. II. llnrris, -Miss Zohi Ilowurd, J. E. Klciser, E. V. Knnpp. Muster I'liilip, Mis. Miller, Alex Morris, Ralph I'icl-en, MisH Huberts, Mrs. Hoy A. J. 1'hilipH, Hohr & Monlielh, II. J. Qiinyle, (. It. llowiud. Levi Smith, Mrs. I.evisii Sinilh, CIuiiIck Strong. .1. D. Wntt, Mrs. S. II. White, Oliver Wolcott, Mrn. S. K. Schiiieidt. I'nrties culling for miy of the iihovc let tern will plen-0 sny "nilvcrtised." A chnrcc of o:ie cent will lie mnde upon delivery. A. M. WOODFORD. I'oKtinnster. ATHLETIC LEAGUE Hlh School Will Pay More Attention to Football This Year Than Betore. , W. S. Hull, Hcii'iice instructor in lint Medford lii'li Hchool luis miulo iiiriiiiiri'iiii'iitH with ninny of the wir roiuidiii( towns for JormiiiK mi nlli- lelie huijiiii mill nf ler .thin tho nth IclicH of tin.' llilll Hchool will bo cur ried Oil Oil It llll(,' HCIlll). Till! tllWIIH included in llic Icuim urn: KoHeburi;, OniniH I'iimh, Kliimii III FiiIIh, Aihliind mid .Medford. Fonlbnll, liimcbiill mid ucucnil I nick iiiccIh will he held with the different liich hcIiooIh of llio towiiH included mid every hiuh Heboid will try iU In-I lo trnin Ihe cluiiri pioiisliip of llic league. Foollinll will he Ihe first thiiif,' considered. In tlmt cuinn tho lucnl lH led hi roiij.', tor with Scout? mid Leslie iih linlvcH, Wnller rhildresH iih I full und Klnmt; mid Forbo on the enil.H they piolmbly huve a better condiiimtion of nniHcle und nervo limn miy oIImt hcIiooI with which I hey will compete. The pronpicis for trnck mid biisc hnll lire not m jjom, if the record of the leniii lil year in eoiiHidcrcd. o truck le.un wim or,'nnizcd nt nil und Ihe Iiiim'LiII lemn wiih blinded o hunch of Hour I mil by un nffgrejfii liou from A liliind. The boys clniip one tiling for their bnsebnll, nnd tlmt in they huve in Kulph ISurgeMX the best boy twiil'-r on Ihe const. THAT TREE ORDER GET YOU have nothing to . lose and all to gain, in placing it with a reliable home nursery. EDEN VALLEY NURSERY N. S. BENNETT 1201 N. CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 3221 ' For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid j $1 a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and j e sell it with the positive "guarantee that it will please you. i Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINAWAEE, FRUIT AND FEED. ChnrleH Theohold of Yiinin, Ariz., nml .John T. Oilhert of Peru, Ind nre visilitiK N". .1. Wiley nnd fmnily. M. II. Orin of Yrekn left Sulur dny for home nfter few dnys' stny in Medford. Do You Contemplate Planting an Orchard ? If So Stenography, Typewriting, ' j Bookkeeping, Mathematics, Penmanship, Business uor- rcspontlence. Legal hum and Commercial Law by expert teachers. Terms very reasonable. No busi ness college methods. Afternoon session 3:30 to 6 p. m. , Night session, 7 to 9:30 p. m. Apply 135 Bartlett Street, Opposite High School When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table We do not mean that you should eat off the stove toast ' With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast costs lc per meal to -operate. "We have the best toaster on the market for sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. . Successors to Condor "Water & Power Co. State Depositiry Established 188S. Capital and Surplus C125,000 Resources $700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest cure in every financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier. I Have a Full and Complete Stock of of all the Leading Commercial Varieties and you will Find it to your Interest to et our Figures Before you buy. Home Grown Stock and Everything Guaranteed. ROGUE RIVER NURSERY C. F. COOK, Proprietor MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. OFFICE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, ORE a ON J. E. ENTART, President JOHN S, ORTH, Cnshier. J. A. PERRY, Vice-Presideat. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cnshier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL . .; $50,000 SURPLUS '. $0,00B Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage.