UrJon Historical ueieiy, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD WILL HE PAID BY THE UMJERSIONKr TO ANY PERSON WHO CAN SHOW BY AUTHENTIC TES TIMONY THAT ANY CITY Olt TOWN IN THE UNITED STATES, OUTSIDE OK THE HOGUE RIVER VLLEY HAS TRIBUTARY TO IT VVl'I'IIIV A 1ilTiri.' DAIHt'si A 'JO.PiIII.E If A I It I'M A itn.Mir.R T! A till'C m? a m rir r. t i i.mtj ..,,,....... $1,000 REWARD ......... 4.,-.......- . .,.....,.., ,,,v vi u lu-iuiuu imuiuo, An UAFiI mvtillBKir.U IbaUUKUM . AS MKDroUD, OREGON, HAS WITHIN A CORRESPONDING RADIUS. MED FORD COMMERCIAL CLUB. Mebforb Daily Tribune FOURTH YEAR. MEDFORD, OltKUOX, SAT UK DAY, OH'OUKIt 2, VM). No. G8. AXTEiP LOCAL D'ANJOU PEARS SMASH i Car From This City Sells at Average i ot $5.45 In New York Name of the Grower Is Not Given. CALIFORNIA D'ANJOUS HAVE BEEN BRINGING $4 Fruit Was Remarkably Tandsome and . Was Eagerly Sought Good Market for d'Anjous. NEW YORK, Oct. 2. (Special.) A cnr of d'Anjou pours from Mudford were sold Friday by Sgohel & Dny nnd nvernged ..".4.'i n box. The fruit was remarkably baudsoiiu mid wus sought eagerly by buyers. There is ft stronog market ahead for d'Anjous from Medford. The foregoing di-qiutch was receiv cd by The Tribune Snturday morning nnd mi attempt was mndo to locate the erower. but none of the Innrcr orehnrds hnve been notified of n Hiile of their pears, though there nrc Med ford ears duo in New York. During the season the California d'Anjous hnve been selling nround $1 n box. At .f.'j.l.'i a box the loenl or chardists would net 4.47, or nbout $2700 a car. RUTH MERRICK IS ELECTED VICE-PRESIDENT OF SOPHS UNIVERSITY OF OREOON, Eu gene, Or., Oct. 2. Class elections were hold yesterday afternoon. In the senior class Oliver Huston defented W. C. Nicholas editor of the college jinper, by a vote of 37 to 20. The other officers elected were, vice-president, Ruth Hansen of Portlnnd; soc retary, Bertha Porris of Eugene; treasurer, Roy Terry of Portland; ser gonnt-at-nrms, Clarence Steele of Portlnnd. The student affairs com mittee w composed of five member elected from the senior class. The clnss elected Denn Goodman of Pen dleton. Onnond Rankin of Portlnnd, Ruth Duniwny of Portland and Ben Williams of .Eugene to the commit tee. 1 The junior clnss chose Fritz Denm of Albany as president; Cecil Wilcox of Idnopnndence, vice-president; Roy Woodruff of Portland, secretary; Charles Coylo of Eugene, treasurer; Cornelia Pinkhnm of Portlnnd, scr-gennt-nt-nrms. Tho sophomore class elected Rob ert Alton of PoVtlnnd, president; Ruth Merrick of Medford, viee-pres-ideint; Jnvins Stnnfield of Pendle ton, secretary; Clarence Walls of Portland, treasurer; Robert Kcllog of Bnkcr City scrgonnt-nt-nrms. NO DUTY ON SUPPLIES FOR FLOOD SUFFERERS . MEXICO CITY, Mex., Oct. 2. A government project which probnbly will meet favorable legislative action proposes the free admission into Mex ino of supplies such as will releive the sufferers from the recent floods over the country. Supplies also will be ndmittod jn aid of industries which received severe setbacks by the floods.. . "; , ., . ; ! u Hvrvi "n3 a rwa n n Tcir fa nn a SPAIN AGAIN FACES DEFEAT Matters Take Sudden Turn for the Worse News Is Sup pressed by King Alfonso. INTERNAL DISORDERS CALL FOR FIRM HAND Queen's Own Regiment of Lancers Is Ordered to Melllla, Showing Se- , riousness of trouble. MADRID, Oct. 2., (via Hendaycn). With the entire Spanitth fore iu Morocco penned almost helplessly iu the Mclilla peninsula and nil Spain howling for a cessation of hostili ties, the war office today admitted that tliu situation Was de-pcinte nnd ordered I.'.OIIO additional' troops to Morocco. The significance of the ncrinusness o ft he situation was shown when the queen's own regiment of lancers were ordered to Melilln. While King Alfonso has ordered all news suppressed, -it is believed that the Moors have the upper baud and nrc controlling the bills sur rounding Mclitln nnd are making a general advance on the Spanish troops today. Iti s probable that General Weylor will be called iixn to (iiel the dis orders nt homo. Tho situation was believed clenred up last week, but tnnttor have tak en n turn for tho worse. FEMALE DANIEL KILLED BY SEVERAL ANGRY LIONS PARIS, Oct. 2. A young wotnnn committed suicide in n fight ful man ner here Inst night. Having had a quarrel with her sweetheart, who is n lion tnmer in n theater, in which three lions nre introduced during n melndrnmn. the woman went behind the scenes nnd leaned forward into the cage. The nniinnls were wild with rage, nnd, with n few blows of their claws, tore her hend nnd brenst to pieces. The woman's screnms and the roars of the-animals caused a panic nmong the audience nnd llio fireproof cur tain hnd to be lowered. YOUNG MAN TRUE TO SWEETHEART IN JAIL T.OS ANGELES. Oct. 2. Tdn Brnun is today the bride of Oscar Boning j of Wilmington. Yesterday shn was n prisoner in the cnunlv pii) in this city, where she served three months. M: Brnun wns convicted in Snn Pe dro on n misdemennor chnrgn. Dur ing her inenrcerntinn Boning remain ed true to her nnd last evening, when her term expired, lie was nt the jail to meet her. Immediately tho couple sought a parson nnd utilized the mnr riago license which Boning had ap plied for' earlier in the dav. i' After tho coromonoy that mndo them mnn and wife, Mr. nnd Mrs. Boning jonr neyed to Wilmington, where the hus band hnd made ready n little homo. MOROCCO LOCAL MEN BUY KLAMATH FALLS First Trust and Savings Bank of Klamath Falls Controlled by Jackson County Bank of This City. GEORGE P. LINDLEY IS ELECTED VICE-PRESIDENT One of the Most Popular Banking! Institutions of Klamath County. KLAMATH FALLS, Dr., Oct. 2. O. W. White has sold his inietusis in the Fy-st Trust nnd Savings bnnk to W. I. Vnwter, Georgo R. Lindloy, II. I'. Liimsdcu and George P. Liud ley of Medt'ord, Or. A meeting of lliu board of directors of this well known institution- was held Inst night, when the following gentlemen were elected as officers: George T. Baldwin, ' president; George P. Liudley, vice-president; J. W. Siemens, cashier. Tho director chosen nro Georgo T. Baldwin, Georgo P. Lindlev, ,1. A. Maddov, D. M, Griffith, J.W. Sie mens. The stockholders of Ibis institu tion are: W. I. Vnwter, Georgo R. Liudley, II. LV Lumsden, Georgo P. Lindlev, .1. A. Maddox, D. M. Grif fith, Mrs. Fred Biehn nnd J. W. Sie mens. The First Trust nnd Savings bnnk is one of tho most popular institu tions in this county, which is attest ed by tho fact of its pheiiomonnl growth and prosperity sineo its in ception. To Captain J. W. Siemens, in whoso integrity tho people of this section place unbounded confidence, is largely duo the credit of bringing this bnnk to its present high standard before the public. CHILD SHAKES HAND OF TAFT; DIES SAME NIGHT NORTH YAKIMA, Wash:, Oct. 2. Muriel Vose, aged (1, was brought up to shake hands with Presidont Taft during bis visit hero Wednes day, and died that night. Tho lit t lo girl insisted on seeing tho prosident, nnnd when ho consented to shako hands sho was greatly ngitatod, fear ing she would hot be given tho op portunity. After she had shaken his hnnd the relaxation ennio and sho gradually sajik, finally passing away. Heart failure, superinduced by tho excitement, was tho cnuso. BURIAL IN SOOT SAVES LIVES OF TWO WORKMEN CHICAGO, Oct. 2. William Ear rington nnd Claronoo Kincaid, cm ployed in tearing down the steel smokestack of nn abandoned pwor house nt Fifty-Second street nnd Wn bnsh nvonuo, where hndly injured yos tordny afternoon when tho sonffold which they had oroetod nn tho side of tho strucliiro collapsed and fell 100 feet to tho bottom. A Inrgo henp of soot nnd nshes nt tho bnso of tho stnek, in which they were buried whon they fell, saved them from Instant death. ' ' SAVINGS AF TAFI RUNS IN LITTLE FIGHT Bourne Monopolizes President In Portland and Delivers Slaps to His Various Enemies. PRESIDENT RIDES IN PARADE THROUGH STREETS Golfed During the Afternoon With Bourne and Will Speak This Evening. PORTLAND, Oct. 2. When Pros Wont Tft reached Porlland nt 7 o'clock this morning ho found him self in the middle of another fight. Senntor Jonathan Bourne, Jr., his old golf playing friend, is the storm j center of this battle, nnd tho town is pretty-t'venly divided between the friends nnd foes of tho senntor. Boiiruo monoioli7.cd tho president, according to his opponents, by per Niiadii Tnft to follow tho program mapped out by himself, thus deliver ing n series of slaps nt his personal enemies nnd making himself the chief figure of the presidential do ings. Taft left the car under the wing of Mayor Simon of Portland and pro. ceeded lo the Portland hotel for breakfast. Afterwards followed n motor parade with the president nt tho hend. Ho reviewed tho school .children nnd in tho afternoon lunched with loenl notables nnd golfed with Bourne. To then held n reception, This evening ho will spenk in tho ar mory. MEDFORD' BOOK STORE SELLS CONFECTIONERY If. D. McBrido nnd family recently nrrived from Durnngo, Col., nnd will make their permanent homo in Med ford. Mr. McBrido has purchased the confectionery nnd candy manufac turing business of Mr. Miller of the book store, taking possession yes terday.' On November 1 ho will move the business into the . new Phipps block and enlarge it materially. JEFF'S DEMAND OF $150,000 LOOKS BIG NEW YORK, Oct. 2. The hope of J. J. Jeffries that someone would offer n purso of $150,000 for his fight with Johnson for tho honvyweight championship of tho world, as cabled from Paris, indicated to tho Now York sporting men that tho two fight ers intend to get all that is possible out of tho fight. Sporting men any that Now York or Chicago might be able to pay such an onormous purse if fighting wore permitted in either city. It is even doubted if Loudon or Australia could offer such a stake. Thero is a general' belief here that (hoy will fight in California, and the purso will be something liko $00,000. F. Y. Allen of Trail, merchant and land owner; spent Saturday in Mod ford on business. ANOTHER FRUIT MEN TALKING OF FALL SPRAYS Large Gathering of Orchardlsts This Afternoon to Talk Over Fall Spraying of Trees. 0'GARA SPEAKS OF VISITS TO EASTERN ORCHARDS Fall Sprays Are Pertinent Question at This Season of the Year. A largo number of local fruit men gathered this afternoon to discuss fall spraying of orchards and to hear Professor P. J. O'Gara tell of his. recent visit to eastern fruit sections. At this season of the year fall spraying is an important topic and this afternoon is to be devoted to the consideration of all phases of the fall campaign against fruit pests. Box- denux mixture being tho only spray to be used nt that season of tho year, the manufacture and use of this mix ture will bo fully explained. It is a well known fact that but few fruit growers understand how to make a boxdeaux mixture that will be full strength nnd that will be effective in killing the iiests. The process is not difficult and no expensive equipment is required liko in tho manufacture of lime-sulphur solution, the two requisites being a good quality of lime and of vitriol and their perfect chemical union in the solution. Thoro aro only two pests that havo gained a strong foothold in Rogue River valley that are so numerous as to ho a menace to orchards, nnd theso nro niithracnose'on npplo troos nnd blight on pencil trees. There nre some other fungus pests, but they nre not serious troubles nnd a tree well sprayed with bordeaux is readily freed from them. Tllho peach blight is also readily lutndlod, but nnthrnc noso is difficult to erndicnto from nn orchnrd. Tho pest is easily killed, but the difficulty is that tho spores of the fungus nro ninny of them pro-, tected by the rougji bnrk of the tree, nnd unless the rough bnrk nbout the infested places is nil removed and the treo thoroughly drenched thero will bo enough of the spores survive to continue (he ravages of tho pest, for it rapidly reproduces itself in countless millions. October and November aro the only months in Rnguo River valley in which effective work can bo done against nnthrncnose nnd pencil blight. Spraying nt any othor time of tho yonr is n wnsto of tiino and lnhor. Tho meetings of the Boguo Rivor Horticultural socioty nro opon to tho public, and nil who nre interested in tho development of tho fruit industry in Roguo River vnlley aro oordinlly invited to attend. This society hns nothing to do with the mnrkot ond of tho fruit industry,' its work being to touch orehardists how to grow fruit. Tho nddrcssos and discussions nrc nil along practical lines nnd tho in formation given is of the grentest value to fruit growers nnd especially to beginners., . , FAILS SECRET SERVICE 'S I Carrying Revolver and Pocket Full of Cartridges, Man Is Caught as He Tries to Reach Taft President Through Crowd. STRUGGLED HARD TO GET AWAY, BUT1 THE POLICE HELD HIM Carries Camera In Endeavor to Con ceal His Intent, but His Ac tions Aroused Sus picion. . i REFUSES TO TALK, BUT SAYS HE WANTED PICTURE Taft Does Not Display Any Outward Emition Man Held Pending Examination. i PORTLAND, Oct. 2. Carrying a revolver of heavy caliber nnd a pock et ful of cartridges, a mnn giving his . nnmo as Arthur Wright nnd says his home is in Lowell Center, Mas., at tempted to thrust his way toward President. Tnft todny, while the chief executive was passing in an automo bile, but was seized, disnnnod and arrested before he could reach the president. Tho affair occurred at the corner of Sixth nnd Morrison streets at the comer of the Portlnnd hotel.' The parade in honor of Tnft hnd reached tho corner when a secret service mnn accompanying the presidont saw Wright working his way through' the crowd. lie seemed in such e hurry nnnd jostled people so sever"!- llmt ho attracted attention. Cnllir- to several policemen, the president's body guard sprang toward tho man, nnnd jerked his hnnd from his coat pocket, from which tho revolver was . taken later. A sharp struggle ensued and when Wright was handcuffed a 37-onlibor revolver and a score of enrtridges were taken from him, also a camera. Ho wns locked up charged with enrrying concealed weapons. Polioo Captain Bailoy, who partic ipated in tho arrest, said Wright's actions were most suspicious. Not only the fact that he was grasping a revolver, and endeavoring to reach tho presidont in a great rush, but his method of carrying his revolver arousod suspicion. Wright refuses to mnko nny stnto mont, but that ho wns trying to got near the president to tnko his pi.ituro. Tho polico, however, place littlo cre dence in this assertion nnd boliove that Wright wns using his enmora a a blind to get closor to Taft. . MAN QUICK I