Jim iunuiMfitii imiijy TiuiiUJN tt, MttUiVUKlJ, UKh(iU,N, J'li'lDAY, OOTMiEIt 1 11)09. 44 uassniea Advertisements, Business Directory and Market Reports t 4 CALIFORNIA COMICE ONLY FAIR RETURN lino & Hatfield, under date of Sep tember J, j.,,iu! the following Nov Yirk deciduous market letter: I'liruvunililii weather. Slill riiin i i K- Light lit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ). . Tim had weather ol' tlm past throo days has prevented Iiu trade, from doing llllll'll business, lllld slocks havo accumulated. Market today wan weak all ihroiiKli hh1, price rang ing nround tlioHU rouli.od lit tliu close o mile ycstordoy. Our Florin To kn.VH averaged $1.13. Elk Orovo, $1.05. Exchange Florin, $1.03. Lodi Kriti)H ran very hiiiiiII, soiling mostly 75o to 85e. Our general average 00c. Malagas nhowed a liltlu decay; nv cragcd 88c. Full mid winter pears in liberal receipt today. Fivu (ram. Our hall' boxes of Comico from San Joho s-.-td for $2.25. Other in hiiIo sold from $1.02',i to $2.80, moHlly $1.75 to $2.20. Boxes Hold from $2.37 2 to $3.25. Boxes of l Harrys uveragod 3.U4 ; half boxes, $l.(ii. Salwuys and Goorgo oLtos Hold around 110c to 05c. Plenty of neor by pouches Hlill around tho market. Italian from Walla Walla Hold $1.05 to $1.30. Beutty, $1.12'2 to $1.25. Heavy offering looked for on Mon day. St ill raining this afternoon. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. (Tho Herald.) J. J. Ilouok of (iold Hill wag in Central I'oint tho foru part of this week. K. A. HiKHoll and family of Tablo Mock left Thursday for a visit it their old homo at Cleveland, 0. Mr. Ruby and Hon of Smith coun ty, Kansas, visited her father, 0. W. Joffors, during tho week. Mrs. K. H. Sicknfooso left Monday evening for n vinit with friend in (ho Willamette valley. II. T. Findlny, tho well known or chnrdist, with intercs'is nt Tablo lloek and near Medl'ord, wan in town Mon day morning. Mrs. A. 1. Oillut returned Friday from Cauyonvillo, where alio Iiiih heun for the past month. Sim wan accom panied homo hv her tin iiIi t or, Mrs. Dnbell. I). II. Brown of Rosoburg has loan ed tho building formerly oecnpied by the Central Point meat market and has opened a fish market therein. C. W. McDonald, formerly engaged in tho hIioo business in Modford, win hero Tuesday looking over tho future possibilities of Central Point. Mr. oud Mrs. Arnold, relatives of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Noreross, nro hero from Iowa visiting nnd enjoying (ho Heoiiid and other nttraetions of tho vnlloy. J. E. Foster and family, former residents of this section, arrived from Philadelphia, I'a., Inst Saturday, where they havo been residing for lho past four years, and have rc Hiimcd residence on their farm on Hogne river. Mr. Foster in a native Orcgoninn and it four years' resi ileiicn in tlwwnst served to make him n grcntor ndmirer of tho Rogue River valley than he had ever before been. IIo wus nmnzed at tho rapid growth of Central Point sinoo ho went away, an well as tho cnliro valley. Ray Ross mixed in a football game mi lho school grounds last Friday and ' came out with o broken nroi. Tho fracture was reduced by Prs. Ander son nnd PolniU, nnd "Toad" was able to enjoy lho praotioo gamo Sun day afternoon os a spootntor.l Too much booze injudiinoiisly hon dled in a dry town was tho enuso of trouble Saturday evening, when two young men apparently looking for I rouble created a disturbance nt a iiiot da nee in o local hall. When the owner of the building requested them lo lonve tho hnll n mixiip occurred, in which tho aggressors wero lauded in tho street nnd later were haled be fore tho city recorder and fined. Pro hibition of tho locnl option variety does not always remove tho evils nim ed nt when other towns within easy reach oon supply the wherewithal to put men in a condition to roiso Coin. J. C. Isaacson, Jmnos Shiolds nnd R F. Penrt returned Sunday from n hunting trip on Elk creok. Mr. Isnac- MEDFORD MARKETS. Fruit and v-etalilcs. (Priires paid by Med rd merchant '. Apples K'i'Ji! lb.; p uclies '1':0 n lb; pears, lij.0i.2e; I ectnriiiOH, ,')e; mwelwnlor grapes, 2', Ulh 'An ; pliims, ',jc; blaekberries, $1.20 crate; To kay grapes, 4c. Potatoes, le lbi onioiiH, $1.50 cwtj; green onions, 35c doz. bunches; currots, llc; beet, 1 (u iVv ; (firing beans, 3c; cabbago, IVic; green poppers, Oh; cucumbors, lOo dozen; toinutooK, lc; Hipiawh, 300150c doz; water melons, 10(325c; cantaloupes, 30e07$l dozon; green corn, 1015c dozen; pumpkins, 1007150. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Modford merchant.) Ranch butter, 30c; fancy cream ory, 37V2e. Fresh ranch eggs, 32,;c. Mixed poultry, 10c; spring chick ens, 15c; ducks, 10c; turkeys, 15c; Feed and Millstuffs. (Prices paid producers.) ITny Tiinothy, $10; alfalfa, 14; grass, $13 ton. Wheat Old, $1.20 bushel; new, $1 bushel; oats, $30 ton; barley, old, $30; now, $20. (Selling prices.) Rolled barley, $2.00 cwt; $30 ton; brnn, $1.75; middlings, $1,85011.00; shorts, $1.80071.85. Hoof, 2Vl'0?3c; pork, 0c; mutton, 3';c; lamb, 4'2c; vcnl (dressed), Cc. son reports thnt whilo their success was not . alarming, ho is convinced that tho next trip will be nil thnt could bo desired, as they found out to a certainly who") the dcor will bo when they toko another trip up that way. W. Bc.i!t", who '""ides nt the old O'llarn placo year Toln, will hold a public sale S:ituiilr.y, October 0, when a largo nsii.l.r of horses, fanning implements, vehicles, household goods etc., will bo sold. O'jorgo L. Xeala is the auctioneer and it is understood that everything is to be sold. For full particulars see bills, which will be posted in n day or two. W. P. Towncy, tho expert gardener, has the world beater this season for big sunflowers. A specimen ho fur nifhed Medford's exhibit building Monday measured 22 inches in diam eter nnd 00 inches around and he has another still growing in his gar den which is several inches larger that he is saving to put on exhibition in Central Point ns soon ns it quits growing. Air. 1 wancy hum demon strated tho benefit of plenty of wa ter on garden laud here, having his own well and pumping plant on his properly on North Fifth street. The big sunflowers nro only an earnest of what the berries and vegetables are. DF0RD TIME TABLE SOUTHERN-PACTFfATLWAT Northbound. Roseburg Pass. Shasta Limited.. No. 20 No. 12 No. 10 7:41 . m P :2" . m 5 :24 p. m. 8 :30 p. m Oregon Express. No. 14lPortlnnd Express Southbound. No. lllShnstn Limited. 5 :50 a. m. 10 :35 a. m. 3 :32 p. m. No. lSlCnlifornia Express No. 13S. F. Express. . Medford to Jacksonville. Motor car loaves Train leaves Train leaves Trnin leaves . Motor car lenvos . 8 :00 n. m. 10 :45 n. in 3 :35 p. m. 6 :00 p. m. 9:30 p. nv Jacksonville to Medford. Motor leaves Trnin leaves Train lenvos Trnin loaves Motor car lonves 7:00 a.m. 8 :45 a. ro. 2 :30 p. m 4 :30 p. m. 7:30 p. ni. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY. No. 1 No. 3 No. 2 No. 4 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Leaves Modford... Leaves Medford... 00 a. m 20 p. m. 10 a. m 00 p. m. :45 a. m. :05 a. td :05 p.m. :1S p. m. Arrives Modford.. Arrives Modford... Arrivo Englo Pt. . .. Lenvos Englo Pt... Arrivos Eagle Pt. . . No. 4 Leaves Engle Pt, . . . MAIL CLOSES. Northbound . Southbound . Eagle Point. 8:55 a. m, 9:00 p.m. :10 p. m. :00 p. m. :00 p. m. Your CAN Be Easily Satisfied by Costs but a Few Cents. Matter What It is-a Want a FOR RENT. WANTED. y4 -f 4- TO KENT A new Underwood type- WANTED Table boarder wanted at writer; terms reasonable. Address 325 Riverside avenue, S. 108 R, cure Tribune. WANTED A Chinese first-class FOR RENT 5-room house and large cook wants a situation in a hotel oi bam, three blocks from city pnrk, restaurant. Address Chinese Laun $15. Heiison Investment Co. 108 dry, Medford, Or. 170 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, WANTED A competent girl for a nil modern conveniences. ' No. 10, small family; good wages. Address North Grnpo street. Mrs. Jennie L. P. O. Box 423. Slnne- 1 WANTED Married man familiar FOR RENT Farm in the Meadow witn orchard culture, who will board district, 320 acres, 280 good farming helP 011 fruit ra"ch- Cal1 at Con- land. For one or more years. Rent- (lor Wnter & power Co 209 Wcst er expected to buy block, goneic- Seventh. 107 ing of hogs, horses and farming WANTED Whole, white, clean cot tools. Bargain on a tw. Address ton at the TriI)ne o- no A. J. Olson. Gold H.I), Or. overalls or jumpers taken. FOR RENT Rooms at 004 West n..VTn, w. , . ' 10th street, corner King street; one A-NTLD-F.rst-clnss waitress at front room upstairs, suite of room, Fnco.Amencan hotel; fare downstairs in suite or single; hot and I""d- .Mornson & Lnsh' Cal. cold water and bath; large screened porches; lawn nnd shade for the WANTED An experienced girl for comfort of patrons. dining room work ' at the Louvre FOR RENT Boarding house, in bus- f"8, T 1 iness center of Medford, nicely lo- WANTED Experienced quarry man. cnted with beautiful grounds, at n Address P. O. Box 418, Medford, reasonable rental. Inquire at J2l: ' Rogue River Electric Company, 209 W. Main St. . FOR SALE. 444. FOR SALE Furniture and three years' lease lodging house on Main street. Best location in the city. Benson Investment Co. 108 FOR SALE $2200; new two-room houso nnd largo bum, lot 50x100, on Holly street, only one block from Main street, one of the very best locations in the city. Will cell on easy terms. Benson Investment f". 108 FOR SALE At West Side stables, one mule, one saddle pony, one sin gle driver, one young ranch team. FOR SALE 3 ncres good garden land, under ditch; good house: Phoenix. Matt Calhoun. FOR SALE 5-room house, 31 S. Orange street. $350; tliree lots nnd house $2000. P. O. Box 530. FOR SALE Oak, fir and pine wood, cordwood, 4-foot lengths, will be sawed into 16-inch lengths when de sired; fir wood split and in blocks 10 inches in length. F. Osenbrugge. Studebnker Bros. Co.'s warehouse. FOR SALE $2200, a positive bar gain in a new modern five-worn bun galow, with bnth, on South Central avenue; lot 50x140; if you want a home, don't overlook this bargain. Benson Investment Co. 167 FOR SALE Eight or ten rods of go,od picket fence, in sections, all ready to put up. Inquire of Bert Anderson. Medford, Or. FOR SALE First-class rnilrond ticket to Son Frnnciseo nt reduced price. Address box 514. FOR SALE 100 ncres good fruit lnnd 1 niilo from Merlin, $15 per ncre; one-fifth cosh, balance 6 yrs. 6 per cent ; will divide. .. Address B, enre Tribune. 168 FOR SALE Choice young milch cow; fresh, good quality. Address ' P. enre of this office, or inquire of P. J. Partoii. Medford. Or. 1.65 FOR SALE $500, choice building lot on South Central avenue, lot 50x100, close in; one of the best locations in tho city. This is n bar gain. Benson Investment Co. 167 FOR SALE $1500, new four-room house, lot 48x168, on West Seventh street; n real bargain in a smnll home. Terms. Benson Investment Co. 167 FOR SALE $1800, new five-room house, lot 50x100, on First nnd Fir Wants : a Want Ad In The Tribune. Saves Time and Money. No Ad Will Supply It. One t WANTED An experienced waitress ot the Totel Nash. ' WANTED First-class 6-mule tenm ster. See Price, the blacki?mith. VANTED 12 wood choppers to chop cordwood and tierwood. Address E. W. Liljegrnn, Tolo, Or. streets; this property is a bargain at the price offered. Easy terms. Benson Investment Co. 167 FOR SALE $4000, new six-room house, lot 141x179, on Riverside avenue; one-half cash, balance terms to suit purchaser. Benson Investment Co. 167 FOR SALE South Central avenue, a fine home, close in, lot 70xl0S; own er is leaving the city nnd offers his property nt n big sncrifice. Investi- gnte. Benson Investment Co. 167 FOR SALE $700, three-room house, furnished, lot 100x112; n big sacri fice; terms one-hnlf cash, balance terms to suit. Benson Investment Co. 67 FOR SALE $3200, five-room house, nw, modern; lot 55xlS5, on South Riverside street; terms to suit if taken nt once. Benson Investment Co. . ifi7 FOR SALE $1800, apartment house, new and modern, on Main street, right in the business center of the city; furniture and lease for snle. This is a snap. Benson Investment Co. 107 FOR SALE Good team of mares, one with colt nt side, 7 years old. weight between 1300 and 1400 pounds, a fine work team nnd splen did walkers; three Jersey milch cows. 8 nice shoots of about 150 pounds weight. Inquire of F. L. Orr. on the old Van Horderbnrg place, 2'i miles below Central Point or Bert Anderson. Medford, Or. FOR SALE 5-room house, 31 South Orange street, between Seventh nnd Eighth streets, for $1350; same with 75 feet $1500; with 90 feet $1625, or three lots nnd house for $2000; one lot for $550; two lots $1000.. In-j quire on premises. 1 FOR SALE 7-year-old black mnre. ! rtdo or drive single or double; also good milk cow. G. L. Pnnkey, 12 miles northeast of Central Point, or address care Tribune. FOR SALE New 5-room bungnlow on Poach street N.; pantry, bath room, closets, screened porch, mis sion furniture, electric lights, sewer connection, city water supply con tracted for. Good well nnd pump. Woodshed. Apply to W. J. Roberta, office over Medford National bank. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Physicians and SuFgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and rea- 1'iern pnor.e aiam 2301. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D.-Physician and surgeon. Office, 133 W. Main st. Phone Main 577, Medford. DR. R. J. CONROY S uccessor tn Dr. Jones. Office in Stewart build ing. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and our8eon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA jHAias CAHLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission Block, Phone 291, Medford. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, Mission Block Phone 291, Medford. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. Office hours : 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Main street, Medford. Ore gon. 1 Amusements. BIJOU THEATER West Seventh st. continuous performance every eve ning of motion pictures ana illus trated ballads. Entire change of pro -gram Monday. Wednesday and F4 day. Admission 10 and 15 cents. SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou street; latest motion pictures and il lustrated songs. Entire change of program, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. Biil Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson Comity Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Ud stairs. Young and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agent3 for Mound City kit- chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS - Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18-20 F St .South. Phone 91. Medford, Or. Hospitals. MEDFORD HOSPITAL Surgical cases a specialty; thorough equip ment. Mrs. L. G. Gardner, Prop., 446 E. Evergreen St., Mrdford. Photograph Studios. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey and die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance 00 Seventh street. Drayage and Transfer. ADAMS & MOORE. GENERAL Draying and Transfer, will call anywhere in city. Phone Main 561 Stnnd at S. P Denot FOR SALE 160 acres good fruit land, 30 acres cleared: stock and implements-with place $2000. Chas. R. Pigeon. Medford. FOR SALE 1200 acres unimproved land, also improved land, suitable for fruit, for sale cheap. See H. M. Coss, sole agent, 604 W. Tenth St., Medford. FOR SALE Twenty acres, near Merlin; good fruit laud; $400; terms. Address S. Tribune. FOR SALE-1200 acres improved land, suitable for fruit, for sale cheap. See II. M. Coss, sole agent, 604 W. Tenth St.. Medford. tf. FOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tracts just within aud adjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address P. O. Box 418. FOft SALE Choice business proper ty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address P. 0. Box 418. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4 44444 BuMdlnaandLoari LAssociation JACKSON COUNTY BUILdFnG AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 12S E. Main street. ttomes F. J. NEWMAN, JOHN CARKIN. Newman & Cai kin, Court Lawyer. Corporation and criminal prac tice in state and federal courts. Of- rices over Jackson County bank. LUUVIU & REAMS W. M. Colvi. U h. Heames. Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Building. Second Floor. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyer. Palm baildic? PORTEit J. .VRFF-Attorney-at-U. 110. v u street, ground floor. Stenographer. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance. Office 112 W. Main st., Medford Ore. Phone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO, haa the best equipped job .office in Southern Oregon; Portia id prices. 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive, op tician between Portland and Sac ramento. Office on West Main street ana TBilrood. CALL ON DK. E. J. BONNES, Ey specialist, when others fail. Office in Eagle Pharmacy. Main 233. East Main near D'Anjou. Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. GEO. A. BUTT Watchmaker jew eler and engraver. My jewelry stock is up-to-date. My facilities, includ ing eperience and material for re pair work, are the best in the city. Corner (it and Seventh sts. Nurseries CARLTON NURSERY Grow all all kinds of nursery stock without irrigation or fertilizer, but on deep, rich soil, producing a normal growth and a vigorous, healthy tree, with n strongo root growth. Those trees are especially adapted to Rogue River valley soil and conditions. J. P. Adams, Agent, P. O. Box 143. Office in Central Point Hotel, Cen tral Point, Or. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. EDEN VALLEY NURSEHY N. S Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow tree that sell, sell trees that grow and rruit true to label. Phone 3221. UOGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cook, Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. 0. Box P41. Phone 583. Medford. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sueet iron ware on hand and m...ie to order 128 North G street. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. A. T. O'Brien. O. D. Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers nnd nnntmn. tors; also lime, cement and plastnr in, any quantity. Office, Medford National bank bldg. Phonee Main 545. Underakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 353. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 36; J. H. Butler 148. Fruit Stores. FRESH FRUIT We have the larg est exclusive fruit store in Medford We have a reputation for handling only the best. We know how to buy and sell cheap. H. H. Lorimer, R. R V. R. R. Depot.