Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, October 01, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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OrciiNiiiiiiil light rains to-
night mid Siiliuiliiy.
Mr. im.l Mrs. J. W. Rico of Chi
cago are vinit iiiK friends in the city.
Yop; fee! fino 1'iiu dinner at tho
Mrs. Arthur J. Itomi of Minneapolis
arrived in tlio city Thursday mid i
visiting friends hero.
Southern Oregon Ton and Coffee
Co., no So. 0 direct.
W. II. WiiiK 'f Grand 'Junction,
Col., was n recent Medford visitor.
Why mull' hornet Try the Spot
Ciifo'H 2.r)0 dinner.
Jnme Silieia, a Portland business
Minn, is touring this part of tlio state.
Spice ami extracts nt 30 So. 0
Mrs. V. M. Tini(.'iit" of Jackson
villi! departed Thursday after n short
May in Medford for Or.mU Pass
where i-ho expects to vi-it friends.
The Itivra cafe for tho best.
Miss Nellie Kvmiik. who bus been
vi-iting for sumo lime with relatives
mid friend ill (ileniliile, returned
homo the other day.
Kiln Gannynw, public Htonogrnphnr,
room 4, Palm build'mir.
Mrs. A. M. Thomas of Knglc Point
camo in on the Pacific & Eastern for
a short vUit to the metrojioliH.
Special musio cvory evening dur
ing dinner nt tho Nn,sh Grill. '
A. Andrew from Oriffin Creek was
n business visitor to Mcdfurd tho laBt
of the weeV.
Phono 3303 for ten or eoffoo.
Mrs. Frank Lewis was down from
Eagle Point Thursday shopping
Lnrrupin pood truck, Pill those
hot waffles r.t tho Louvre
fiwyn Puller and K. T). Hrisrfr. two
citizens of Ashland, spent a few
days of the week in Medford, return
ing home late Thursday eveninpr.
Hear Professor Romanoff in vio
lin solos every evening the Nnsh
Mr. W. W. W.iod and sister. Mrs.
J. Fewcll, were niminir the Ashland
visitors to Medford this week.
Nash drill open all tlio time. Fin
est service between Portland and San
TV. and Mrs. F. h. Savior of El-
wood Md.i am looking over some of
tho fine orchard land of the valley.
Just arrived A fretdi shipment ol
salmon, halibut, shrimp, clnms'nnd
oysters, dressed chivkons and tur
keys alwavs in slock,, at tho Rogue
Itivor Fisli Market. 100
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lclherinnii
and daughter Alice of Los Angeles,
who bavo been visiting with Mrs, M.
F,. Fidden for some time, returned to
their southern homo Thursday.
Our chnrgo is ono dollar per month
for renting your house. Will coi'ioet
rent4 if desired. Can keep tNon oc
cnnjed. Ilenson Investment Co. 100
h. C. Allen, Jr., who has been vis
ilinir with A. C. Allen here, returned
to his home in San Francisco to at
tend school.
The Nash drill mnkesun specialty
of special dinners, hnnpcit.4 etc. Mu
sic every cvenitip. v v-y .
Tames Moore of Wichita, Knn.,
lookinir over the country preparatory
In making an investment and bringing
his family out here.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Sullivan mid Mr.
ami All's, l, mixes oi. Leavenworth,
Kan., who liavii been staying here
with friends, loft Friday for l,os
itest meal for I ho least money nt
tho Spot unfit.
lleury Louis of lienver, Ind., who
has been visiting Sealtlo mid other
northern points, stnppcd off hero the
Inst of tint week to pay his respect
to his old friend, K. W. Iliitcbihon.
Teas and coffee nt 30 So. 0 fit.
M. Marshall of Central Point spent
Friday in Medford.
High school hall practice, has been
discontinued because, of the inclem
ency of llm weather.
Dr. Ivy M. Hohinson mid her
mother, Mrs. S. A. Hobinson, spent
Friday nftiinioon in Jacksonville.
George C, Nichols, ,nu obi time
I'orllmid newspaper man, but now
agent for n standard typewriter, is iu
the eity. Mr. Nichols lias not been in
Medford for several years, and he
declares that no town in California
is ho prosperous mid modern.
b-anc Wolf was in the city shop
ping Friday.
A. d. FrV was down from I.aku
Creek district on business the last of
the week.
K. 1). Elwood and O. M. Murphy re
turned Ibis -week from a camping
II. I., Gregory, who has been visit
ing in the city fur a short time, re
turned to Ashland Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Stevens of
Montague, Cal., nre returning home
this week after having spent n very
pleasant week in Medford.
Special table d'hoteedinncr nt the
Nash drill Sunday evening. 107
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. O. Smith of Grand
Junction, Col., arc visiting friends in
Mrs. Andrew Johnson of Oregon
City nrrivcd hero Friday nnd wns
met bv her husband, who has been
here some timo arranging for her
Mrs. K. W. Voile of Ashland, who
has been visiting Mrs. Peter Apple
gato of Jacksonville the past week,
returned to her home Friday morn
ing. Special music at the Nash drill
every evening. 10
W. J. Tiurbidye shipped bis house
hold goods to Medford this week ex5
peeling to come here to stay.
I!. II. Campbell returns this week
lo his home in Sun Francisco nfter
a short visit with friimds in the city.
W. S. Kenned, the Fden Valley
nurseryman, reports that he has al
ready booked orders for over 01,
(tuO trees for fall delivery, with yet
mora to come. This gives .me a fair
idea of thn ncrcnge that will be plant
ed to commercial orchards this com
ing year.
ITcnry Pullman of Orehnrd TTome
was in tho city purchasing a few
Elijah's prayer will ho tho subject
of Rev. doulder's discourso nt the
M. E. church. South, Sunday morning.
In the evening ho will speak on
Christmns joy. ,
TTenr Romanoff, the violin soloist
nt tho Nnsh drill, every evening. 107
The Nash drill makes n specialty
of entering to parlies, banquets, a
specinlty. '107
Miss Ethel Curry returned yester
day wilh some friends from n. trip
to Crater Lake, where they had n
very pleasant tine.
E. Tt. Waterman is down from his
place in the hills south of town.
dcorire C. Met cal f is in the valley
looking for an investment, preferably
in fruit laud. lie is out here investi
gating for a number of young men
in Missouri, who may come here if
reports arc satisfactory.
F. A. Schacfer mid his brother, 0.
A. Ki'hnolcr of Index, Wash., arc
looking for a homo iu Hie llogue Hiv-
er valley. Incidentally I hey liainleil
in their subscription to Tim Tribune.
The Mcilford greenhouse, has built
an addition to I heir house, necessi-
laled by the grunt influx of people.
Ifov. W. Theodore Matlock has ar
rived hero from Ncwbcrg to tnko
charge of the pastorale of tho Chris
tian cbiireli. His family, who liavo
been living iu Eugene, will arrive
hero hbortlv. Mr. Meteulf was on
evangelist before he was called here.
Ocorge W. Murray of Ilanford,
Oil., is looking over the resources and
possibilities of the valley this week.
Orders for sweet cream or butter
milk promptly filled. Phone tho
L. I). Harris is shipping his fam
ily goods to Chico, (.'ill., where he
is going to live.
See Prof. Anton Romanoff, for
merly court violinist of Austrian em
peror, for lessons on violin, guitar
und mandolin. Leave orders at Nash
K. II. liranner mid sister Area M.
I'.rauiicr of Jefferson, stopped off
Friday on n tour of the northwest.
They leave for Ashland shortly.
rtOSEHL'WO, Or., Oct. 1. J. w.
Perkins, a well known promoter of
tins city, left lor Hie east n few days
ago to seek capital for the develop
ment of a promising bituminous coal
deposit in Cainas valley n few miles
west of this city. Over 20 farms in
that locality have been leased. The
field is about four miles south of the
Flournoy Valley coal mine, which is
being iorated by the same parties,
together with Colonel J. F. Mundy.
It appears to be nn extension of the
Flournoy lodge, nnd if it proves to
be n fact it will create an industry
of no little importance.
At tho Flournoy minefnll ,of the
out cropping? hnve been disposed of,
and there will soon be installed a
diamond drill to determine the extern
of the field. Such conl ns was on
the dumps was mined 24 years ago,
and during ull that time it has not
deteriorated in the least in quality.
This is far more than can be said of
Coos county coal, which will deterior
ate if left on the. dumps for only one
venr. .
Iil'TTi:, Mont., (let. 1. Traced by
her lavish expenditures for jewelry,
Miss Anna llealy, aged 23, a devout
church worker and member of the
Sacred Heart church, was arrested
today on suspicion of having robbed
Mis.' Henry Adamaek of $200 'while
the Inltcf knelt in prayer during the
services last Sunday morning. While
being "sweated" Miss ITcaly admit
ted the theft. She confessed that when
Mrs. Adiiiuack dropped her bit into
the contribution box she snw a roll
of money, in the woman's purse and
when she laid it on the scat the girl
says she took it nnd hurriedly, left
the church.
JACKSON, Miss., Oct. Ollio I)n
vis nnd Charles Pukes, negro pro
prietors of longing camps, were shot
to death by Wbito Caps, according to
information reaching Oovernor Ncnl
today. It is believed tho negroes
were killed at tho instigation of white
business rivals.
To Chlcaflo and Return. .
October 4 October 4. October 4.
Ten days allowed going trip, re
turning tickets good until November
30. Round trip $82.-10.' For particu
lars, enquire nt the local office or ad
dress A. S. Koscnbaum, S. V. Co.
Agent, Medford, Or. '
FOI5 UKNT 0-room furnished bun
galow, long lease, close in. Tlenson
Investment Co. 108
Oil, 1 m an nunwrm-WI-Ixt,
Ami I mill toe l.ourullriK pike!
1 Klv: ii.y IjIkIi wiiccIh a twlat
. Awl k v. hrvT I llko.
I bound iil'.iiic u t it,i; l ouniry roii'ls,
I'at fn-fh Krw.-ri i;i;iilH nnil farnm.
Ami with wi,;i ; my huart explode!
Am 1 brWMt th thrtnk-yuu-rnarm!
1 irew n.'j way with butter ami i-kks
Wbon 1 hit a Kron-r'H cart.
Anil lime In awhile a Krocr'a leg
Anil lie KiO'';r mini; acart.
To arnaah Ii.-iiik into a loafl of hay
And ncaio-r It left anil riKhl,
With a ''-;ivi.-no-l:o and tara-ill-ay,
la a tour'.-: ol tiwr dollsht.
No inm havH I of the nort that ohllla
The man who la noon to "buat."
Whennv-r I nolo my unpaid bllla
1 ko out and ralae tha dual. .
I ralne It here, and I ralae It there
Till It faction the tpreadlmt aklea,
Anil 1 find tnouKh and plenty more
To throw In my creditors' eyea.
Bo It'a ho for my truaty automobile
And hi for rny bounillnic pike!
Let othrj rave over the horae and
The tamo and the arduoua blko;
Let others rave o'er the brlKantlne
That plowa through the realm of the
It'a for me the car of xaaollne
With ita glorioue honk-honk-honk!
Vt'aahlngton Tlmea.
Cauae For 8urpriae,
"My dear. I'm afraid that our Willie
la a sommimliulist," said the fond
"What's he doing now'"
"Well, last night I heard a noise in
bis room, nnd I crept in, and there was
Willie vnlking a!out. I followed him,
end he wc: t downstairs, picked up the
lawn mower and the pruning hook and
broom uitii was starting out the door
when I stopped him."
"Ho did Hint while lie was asleep?"
"Indeed he did. and when I wakened
him he couldn't remember a thing
about It. How In the world do you
explain It?"
"Oh. that's all right. Don't worry.
It's funny, of course, but If be had
done It while awake It would have
been n blamed .sluht more unusual."
New York Herald.
The Optimist.
Rodrkk What are you looking bo
our nbour. old man?
Van Albert Why, confound it, the
moths got Into my overcoat, and it la
Rodrli k Oh, cheer up!
Vnn Albert What is there to be
cheerful about?
Rodrlck Why, don't you know peek
aboo overcoats may be worn this win
ter. Chicago News.
A Marked Difference.
Post I don't see the difference be
tween playing bridge for prizes and
gambling for money.
Parker There's a lot. When you
play for money you get something
worth having. St. Louis Post-Dia-patcb.
All the Same.
"My dear, suppose we take the chil
dren to the zoo today."
"Why, John, you promised to take
them to mother's."
. "All right, if it's all the same to the
children." Browning's Magazine.
The Aunt.
Polly Aunt Saiiy seems woefully
downcast tonight.
Jennie Yes, poor thing! She hasn't
been able to get her feelings hurt at
any time today. Indianapolis Journal.
Subject to Conditions.
Ciimlct Kibbs claims to have caught
a cntflsh weighing fifty pounds down
in the creek, does he? Well, it's safe
to say he's lying to the extent of about
forty pounds.
Hummer Not If ho hears you f
Emergency Ration
Wlckwire Looking for '
Weary Wat kins W.
handouts now. They's
tlons." Indlnuapolls Jour,
A Distinction.
Prospective Tenant-How mni.
Hies does this apartment bulldm.
Truth Loving I.amUerd It has roo.
for forty-two. 1'uck.
What He Said. j
"Botsford never tins much to say."
"Why, 1 thought he talked a grout ,
"1 said he never has much te say."
Brooklyn Englo.
It la a Seriou Busineta to the
Who Concocta It.
"There's one thing I thought 1 knew,
but Had I don't know," said Tommy.
"What Is a Joke?"
Father pricked up his ears, as it
wore. "A Joke." he said slowly, "Is
something its maker thinks is funny,
but nobody else does."
"That explains It then. Today I said
an awful uunlut thing. Mother had a
iot of women here, and they talked
about c.'othes. I said: "A woman's
mind is always on clothes. When she
ain't talking through her hat she's
laughing up her sleeve.' But no one
laughed, and I read that one too. Tell
me a Joke."
"If I were to say when I came borne
from visiting tho cemetery that I had
returned from the dead, that would be
a Joke."
"Is that a practical Joke?"
"It Is not. It's a grave Joke."
"What's a practlcnl Joke?"
"If your mother Just before going
out shopping asked for money and I
gave her all she wanted."
"Po you like practical Jokes?"
"Not when they're as practical as
"Does every one like Jokes?"
"Few people do. Most think it Is
more blessed to give than to receive."
"Then people enn't take a Joke?"
"There are some who can't. Editors,
for instance, rarely take a Joke."
"Does any one make money from the
writing of Jokes?"
"Only the panermakers nnd the post
al department of the government."
"Must a joke be funny to be.a Joke?"
"Few are."
"Then some are serious?"
"Not exactly. But if you refer to a
sexton as a uian of grave cares some
might think you Intended to be Jocu
lar." "Is a pun like a joke?"
"Nothing nt ail. A man who makes
a joke is an idiot, whereas a man who
makes a pun is a criminal."
"Then the mun v.-bu writes what he
thinks are jokes is a funny fellow?"
"No; it is a serious business with
"He has his ups and downs', then?"
"Yes. He gets up courage to write
to editors and gets turned down by
"1 oil re not referring to the man
who writes the column In the papers
every day? Surely life is one Joke
with him."
"No, it isn't He thinks he's a hu
morist, but he's a pessimist He'd
rather be a hodcarrler."
"Why, does a hodcarrler iaake more
money T' ' .
"Well, he has a habit of climbing and
often goes higher. Besides, the out
door work Is healthier."
"Isn't Joke writing bealtby?"
"Not when you're caught at it"
"Can a man write jokes and still be
a gentleman?"
"You forget. Tommy, that onr re
marks are intended for publication
and that I have many friends who
write. Besides. I sometimes get off a
joke or two myself." Philadelphia
ytlvs. Urene 3fampton Isaacs
3rtstuctor of "piano. Ulsxt 3Ztetl)CO j
5u .isincc. orh Orano Sir!
Tokays, V
hundred x
Olympin Oyster Cocktnil
Itoullon en Tnsse
Turbon of Halibut a 1'Anrora
I'omniHS I'armcnlicr
Cheese Straus
Bouehce of Shrimps, Xewbnrgh
Cotelette of Chicken, Sauce Supreme
Petite Pois Cremo
Claret Punch
Roast Turkey Marmalade .
Asparagus Tips Creamed Potatoes
Green Pepper Basket with Chicken
Pineapple Ice Cream
Assorted Cake
Rocpicfort Cheese
Water Crackers
Cafe Noir
Prof. Anton
Music by
Paul de Anna
Harness Saddles
Whips Robes
Tents Blankets
Wagon Sheets
Axle Grease and
Gall Cure
J. C. Smith
314 E. Main