THE '.'EDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, A1EDFORD, OKKflOX. 'KIM DAY, OCTOBER 1, 1909. 3 DEPARTMENT WRITES OF BENNETT APPLE Tim 1U0H yc'iir hunk, I'nilml Kliili' ili'iuii liiii'iil iii' nu'iiciilliiri', U is iikiiiiI mi Inlcri'hliiiK mill viiliinhlii iluriiiiiiMit fur Ihn I'nninT. Anion;; other now J'niiU di'Mi'i ihcil, Ihn Iti'inii-tt niil(! inl t-lmwii, liv coluri'il plnli!. H in f tin' Yiin'Mii c.iuiii iW iiiili'K, iiiiiiiiili'il iin n hi'i'illint; in mi nlil li'iicii row on tlm imMiiifcx of S. d. lii'iiiii'll, MimI I'Uil, Or., iiliniil 1 ShTI. T"ii yi-iir lul it hit inniliU'Cil hi'iiriiig lii-i'K by l" vrnl'ting f i)um vnrii'ly. A khM mcd- nl wiih uwnrili'il (Jin fruit lit tlm 'linrli'hluii cvpuKiiiiin in IfMl'J, nnd n hilvcr incihil i-n nl tlm Sf. J,cniin liiir in 1 1H1 1. It wiih first rommrir . I'iiilly ii(iiiiiiliil hy J. N. lloniielt, . Cciilnil I'liint, Or., iilintit l!Mi:i. Hum hi'i'H ilniili-il riiiiKiilcrnhly lit Roguo rivi-r, Or., tho piiot fivn yoniM. Tlm' frnil h Inrt'i', rirli, Niih-nriil flavor, juiry, color Mripei criniHnn, wiihIiimI. v.ilh ri'il mi it ilee yellow, cIiikkpi iih n ri'il niilc nnd reported lo h mi curly mill hinivy hwircr. hi'iiii; ii i'iilni,'ii.t nml iirchiicoloist, llr, limlii in ii wi'll known millinrily mi tlm llihlii. Kriiin h'lli'iH received here, il wiih learned Ihnt IM'. I!niln in on Unged in I'CM'im'h work in tlm vicin ily of Cairo. I.ntir Im will journey In tlm upper Nile, where Im .'.i;ft In nilil considerably lo th world' know li'ilfii nl' tlm liihli! ii h ii result ll llirf Hlllllil'H there. PENDLETON SCHOOL HAS EXTRA COURSE DR. BADE EXCAVATES FOR BIBICAL LORE OHIXiON AriKKTIITKAr, COL I.Mfii:. forviillis. Or., Oct. 1. Tlm Pendleton high Hohool Iiiih cKtiiblishoil mi iijrii'iill nml coiirM) iih one, of tlm regular 1 i 1 1 Kchool Ktilijcfls mid him ri!iiiiihti!il tlm c(i-iiii'rulion of 0. A. ('. in making il n Hiii'i'i'HH. I'Iiiiih inn ri'iiii'hlci nml mi -x icri men t miin to conduct tlm work in desired. This branching out along a (rii-iil I il rill nnd industrial linen among tlm Htntc high hi'IiooIh !h cspei inlly gratifying to tho O. A. C. faculty. It givcK Ihn people of llm stale H hctliir appreciation of industrial subjects mid sends tlm slu di'iit lo O. A. C. belter pri'puri'd for tin! advanced courses. lii'ly examined nd nil taxpayers ji v i'ii ii cliiinec lo submit 1 1 1 1 ,v grievances I hey niny have, mid hiive llm Hiiiim iK'li'd upon hy J lift honrd, compound of, beside llm (iiMf.nMir, tlm clerk nnd county judge. It loo olli'ii happens Hint taxpay er give no heed lo llmir f.cs-iiii'iils until 4 iino for paving t a x i--i comes on. 'I'lii! fiiim to get your assessment i'iiinliz!il. if you hnvi! n grievance, in nl tho meeting of tlm hoard. PAVING WILL COST $9 A FOOT SOME PLACES ASHLAND IIKHKI-XKY. rnl., Oi't. l.-Dr. AVillinm K. lindi! of tlm fiicully of dm 1'nrilii; lln'olofirnl uMiiinnry of t Kim ii v. in piu'-nim.' I'M'iivniion work in Ktypl fur Ihii piirpokn of piocurini,' In tn on tnntli-r ndntiii',' to tlm 1 1 iK'i'onlini: to infoiinnli'iii ju-t rufciv i'd hcrp hy frii'iuN. In nddilion to BOARD OF EQUALIZATION WILL MEET ON OCTOBER 18 ronnly AiKi'i-Mir firii-vo (,'ivi'S no tice of llm ini'diui; of tlm county honrd of i'0,unliziilioii nt Jnckson villi! Mondny, Octohcr 18, when tlm piirrctit n'if'-l-ini'nt roll will Im pnh- Tlm honrd of vicwem on nppriiin iuif llm I'oi-t of jmvirii; to tlm nhut liiiK projicrly owimiK urn run king Hiit iwfiu'toiy proirisKM in their work, wiyn llm Tiiliiisix, "'id nr; nnnrly Imlf throu(,'h with tlmir Inhorri. In ccrtnin plni-cc, iiotnhly on Knt Mnin at rent, llm net will npproxiiniitc $9 per front foot, which is prohnhly as hi(li ii h the iuiprovciimnt will iiniouiit to in liny (liven locnlify. Tho honrd con sist h of Irn Klioudy, K. II. Oould nnd fl. (i. Kiihnnks. It is n careful pnins Inkinir joh, nnd in tlm vicinity of the I'lnzii fspefinlly will cull for the din piny of cxlrn tnct nnd discretion in nuking ciiiilah!(! findinfs in the appraisements. ihority llml Wekii will have u sav ings haiia'i viiliin the very near fu ture, in all prohnhility hel'oie llm first of tlm yenr. This is a convenience that Yreka has long lucked, ns it is known that a (crent deal ol Siskiyou county's money goes down to tlm Sim Knin cisco Hiivint-, hunks, where it will earn II rea-,onahle interest. Siskiyou oilers n (.-rent field for in vestment, with ample security, bo that an institution of this character is hound to lie a success, not only for the people alio are hehind it, hut lor the general puhlie. FAIR NEARLY READY TO COME TO ITS CLOSE YREKA WILL HAVE A SAVINGS BANK SOON YKI'-KA, fill., Oct. l.-Ir is stated on what seems to Im tlm hest of nn- SEATTLK. Oct. 1. With the clos ing of the Alaska-Ynkon-P.'icific ex position at Seattle hut a short time uwny, the attractions out at the grounds and about the city still please the crowds visiting the ex hibition the closing days. Special events come thick and fast nt the fair. The musical programs, parades, f ireworks and other features are daily offerings. The night il lumination of the buildings and grounds is the grandest sight ever witnessed in the west. The parks, of the city are always open to Grangers and the sightsee ing cars and automobile? are doing a rushing business. u BUG DEMONS T RATI ON Tomorrow, Saturday, October 2 COMBINATION RANGE BOILER INSU LATOR AND HOT FIRELESS COOKER At AIKIN'S PLMBING ESTABLISHMENT Next Door to the Condor Water Power Co. Wmm tmmmm Evory lady in the city cordially invited to call. Ucfrcslinicnts cooked in this wonderful cabinet will bo served to visitors. Be sure and come whether you need one now or not. Don't forget the place. J. W. WHITNEY, Dist. Mgr. "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid 1 a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINAWAEE, FRUIT AND FEED. When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table We do not mean that you should eat off the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast costs lc per meal to operate. "We have the best toaster on the market for sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary r ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. . ; Successors to Condor "Water & Power Co. Stnte Depositary EstabiiBbe.l 1SSS. Capital and Surplus f 125,000 Reipurcei $700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE Tbe Jiickson County Bank respect fully solicits your Recount, subject to your check, with the strongest puar.iiitee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic , bunking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oldig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. O. R. L1NDLEY, Cashier. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. ' N L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDPORD, OREGON J. E. EXYART, President JOHN S ORTH. Cashier. J. A. PERRY. Vice-Preside Jt. W. R JACKSON, Ass't Cashier THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A( general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage.