2 THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OHROON. FRIDAY, OOTOHKU 1. VM'X HALF OF TIMBER SUPPLY IS GONE Figures Show Great Inroads Made in the Nation's Big Resource. Wlimi white men began conquest of the North American continent it is estimated that the present Unitei States had 850,000,000 acres of lan. in forest, with a stand of 5,200,000. 000 feet of timber of nil species. To day the same authority says that this nation has, exclusive of Alaska, 550, 000,000 acres of forest land, with a stand of 5,200,000,000,000 feet of timber of all species. More than half of the promary forest laud is yet timbered, while the stand in lumber feet is less than half the supply at the commencement of operations. Railway managers in estimating the supply that will be available in each species, place Douglas fir first, but with hard woods a close second. Their stumpage classification is as follows: Kinds Fet. Douglas fir .$525,000,000,000 Uardwood 500,000,000.000 Southern yellow pine 350,000.000.000 Western yellow pine..275,000,000,000 Redwood 100000,000,000 Western hemlock ...100,000,000,000 Miscellaneous coui- r KDDIE KOY GIRLS IN "THK OIH h QIT.STIOX" AT TUB MKM-'OKI) T11KATKU TONICIUT. ern lumber has been worth to those communities. We are too far from the principal market, and must take out of our returns, the cost of ship ment for long distances. As wheat is destined to sell for more as the de- maud grows as home, so will lumber. Both will enrich the laud where pro duced. "We must promote conservation, but need indulge no great alarm for the future if we use only intelligent safeguards. Prepare for a gradual increase in lumber especially when the Panama canal is completed, but do not expect any fancy prices." fers 100,000,000,000 Western cedar 100,000,000,000 Lodgepole pine 90,000,000,000 White and Norfay pine . . ..... 75,000,000,000 Eastern hemlock 75,000,000,000 Western spruce .....60,000,000,000 Eastern spruce 50.000,000,000 Sugar pine ....... 30,000,000,000 Cypress 20,000,000,000 "These figures are not so alarming as we are prone to believe," said a prominent lumber manufacturer of Portland this morning when discuss ing the railway estimates. We have far passed the centenary mark of National existance, with the forest area yet more than half its virgin ex tent. We must consider, too, that an immense proportion of the primary forest was cleared to pave the way for agriculture,, the wood being burned on the ground without effort to utilize it. Also,,first cutting meth ods were immeasurenbly wasteful in lumber operations than now. As a final thought on this point, r.ote that no effort was made to provide for new growth until the last few rars, no encouragement was given to re storation, no thought bestowed upon the. future supply. Consumption Much Heavier "On th other side of the question, it must be noted that, owing to the increase of population, consumption it heavier, despite of the increased use of metals and earth materials in building. "Our 100 years of national life, and about 200 of a Colonial career, have required about half our first stand of timber. During all of this period, the sentiment of the people was to clear away the trees, destroy the forests, make room for the farm er. We are entering upon the second cycle, with the sentiment of the con servation of forests, higher prices and every inducement to the private land owner to plant trees. We have abundant forest land left, in fact most of the present area of 550,000, 000 acres is not fit for any other use. Some Increase Certain . "Wood can never get up Jo some, of the fancy prices predicted in recent years since the conservation move ment took feverish tone. In the far West there is bound to be increase over the price of the past, but not of u very material nature. Lumber here has been selling for pioneer figures most of the time, and it is inevitable that as the bountiful stand of timber on the verge of navigable water is cut away, and the eastern market looks more and more to this source, lumber wil go up. "Oregon and Washington fir is worth more than it has been selling for in the past, worth more to the states, the owners, the laborers and all concerned. The forests of these two states will bring to their people a much more munificent revenue, en circling both, establishing great in dustries and brightening the whole trade of the Northwest. This will be done by adding comparatively a small figure to the present average selling prices, for our lumber can never be worth to us what eastern and soulh- PINCH0T SAYS TAFT IS TRUE CONSERVATIONIST KINGS INVITED TO P0RT0LA FESTIVAL SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. linvi tations to attend the Portola cele bration to be held in San Francisco in October are being sent out by the committee to every king, prince and potentate in the world. Nearly 100,000 invitations are be ing' issued and every point on the globe will be reached by the missives. BOHEMIAN COLONY ' FOR KLAMATH BASIN KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Oct. 1. Lnloss some unforeseen .unstable arises there will he located in tho southern portion of the Klamath ba sin one of the lari-est Bohemian col onics ever established in any state. Sixty representatives of tho colony havo spent several days going over tho 3000 acres of laud on which on. CLEVELAND, O., Oct. 1. Chief Forester Gifford Pinchot is in Cleve land on business in connection with a book that he is soon to publish. In an interview here this afternoon he said: "President Taft has expressed him self as being thoroughly in favor of conservation, not only in his speeches, but also in letters to me, and no one can fail to understand his position. He has committed himself absolutely to conservation and its projects." Asked whether it seemed that the forestry products would have fair sailing from now on, Pinchot said : "The service has been bitterly at tacked and will be bitterly attacked in the future, but it is firmly estab lished and I believe we shall be able to overcome any attempts that may be made to hamper our usefulness." He also declared that the forestry service was better understood and appreciated in the west than ever before. To Chicago and Return. October 4 October 4. October 4. Ten days allowed going trip, re turning tickets good until November 30. ' Round trip $82.40. For particu lars, enquire at the local office or ad dress A. S. Rosenbaum, S. P. Co. Agent. Medford. Or. TI,P invitnti.ma nr on.. v.,1 ,! i " vo been secured, i lie colony on the cover a shield embossed with irt tlle f"nn l,f n ,",, consists the letter "P" in the Portola colors. of "Proximately 5(1(1 families. Offi red and yellow, gives a suggestion of ''mls of 11,0 ,,ll,h visited this section tho festival spirit. several weeks ago and secured op- T.,i:,.i.,.i ; n, i;, p :....:i.i I tions on the Inriro Lakeside tract. nil HHIVU 111 IU ll1 1 V L IIMIIl'Ui Ernests nra nil of the TTnited Sh-.tes Tlie e( members who havo been army and navy officers, all foreign diplomats, all toreign consuls in America, the governors of the states', mayors of all cities, celebrated per sonages, scientists, inventors, authors painters, nctors and financiers of note in this country and in Europe. NOTICE. To whom it may concern: Rumors have been put in circulation regarding the management of the Emerick cafe that are untrue in every particular, as those interested have ascertained to their complete satisfaction. That popular cafe is, as usual, open to all who seek the best of everything and is open day and night. A triul will convince the most skeptical. 167 PHILLIPS & LEADERS. here for several days are n final committee to pass on the land. If they recommend tho acceptance of the land tho settling up of this large area will be begun at once. "Across the Blue Ridge," at the Bijou. Thursday night the Darling Stock company presented to a crowded house at the Bijou theater the play, "Across tho Blue Ridge." The play was good and tho acting showed skill. Tho play was a fun maker from start to finish and many times throughout the evening laughter ami applause rose from tho audience. The company present tho same play tonight and tomorrow night nnd should he greeted by crowded houses, as they nro certainly deserving of the patronage of tho Medford people. SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. Excursion Rates to Chicago Oct. 4th Oct. 4th Oct. 4th Oct. 4th Remember the Date To Chicago and return To Chicago and return $82.40 $82.40 $82.40 Full particularsat the local S.P. office or address A. S. ROSENBAUM Agent S. P. Co. Medford, Oregon ATTENTION Those who aro looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves tigate this beautiful property Twenty-eight fine lots located on Main street, six blocks west of the business district. Main street is be ing paved, water mains are being laid, sewer is in, ce ment walks going in, cross street GO feet wide. Lots are 50x137, front lots 70x1-10. Always accessible, either on foot or wheel on account of paved streets- Building line 25 feet from front of lots. There is no question but what one will make 50 to 100 per cent on tho investment in the course of a 'year. Medford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city today. The price and the terms arc reasonable. Come and look this over and be con vinced. ' UT "Wc also have a splendid business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. The present price will look cheap in a year's time. Also have 40 acres first-class fruit land that can be traded for city property. This is some distance out, well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land. Now what have you to bf fer ? J. W. Dressier' Agency West Main St. ss oo z z o o oo Ul Ui - EE o o z z oo o o Ul Id EE o o z z o o o o ui u EE o o z z o o o o ui ui EE oo ac z oo o o Ul Ul - EE o o z z oo o o Ul Ul ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY I ECONOMY ! ECONOMY ECONOMY The Same Old Story But it's a good one, and well worth repeating, for the best the markets af ford in Salt and Fresh Meats Poultry, Butter, Lard, etc. see the THE ECONOMY MARKET ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors. Opposite Postofflce Phone 461. ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY mm o a o o z z o o z z - m m oo o o z z o o XX - m m o o o o z z o o XX - -c m m o o o o z z o o z z - - o o o o z ae o o ZS oo ZZ The Last Word In Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, whips Robes, Wag on Covers, Tents, Blankets, etc., can befound in stock at HERMAN BROS. ' Successors To I. F. SETTLE 317 E. 7th Street Medford, Oregon P. 0. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. IIU