Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 30, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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4 Mowers Imiiirlit mik Kri-
'day. , , - -f
'' ' 4
Weston Arnold of 1'eoiiu, VI., nr
rived liont I'ruiii the caul Ibis -. -j-U.
Wliy rush hornet Try tlio Spot
rule m dinner.
1). II. I'ulls of (iloiidnlo was in the
oily for a Hliort limn Wednesday.
Koiithfrn Oregon Ten and Coffee
Co., HO So, G street.
T. R Brown of Kaernmotito left
for borne WodnoKilay after n hhort
hliiy In tlio alloy.
Vc'pj fee! flnn t 1 1 i dinner lit tlio
Honjumin F. linker of Trail wns
liiokiiit' It f I it bis luminous interests
Intro tlio first of tlio week.
Special nniMfl every ovoniiii; dur
ing ilitiniT nt tlio Niihh Cinll.
Inline Williams of Cent ml Point
wan a liiiMiif-M visitor to tlio city
Kiln fiaimyiiw, public Btcnoernpbor,
room !, Piilm buildine.
W. P. Kliult of, V.-h., is
looidll over I no valley nil wilirK.
The Louvre cafe for tlio best.
V. L. Howon of Kansas City, Mo.,
departed for his homo the first of
tli wee If to wiiko nrriin(;oments for
lrinjfiii(.' bis fuiiiily to tlio Hokiio
Hiver vnlley.
Spices mid extracts nt 30 So. 0
1 i
A. S. Morris of Moilfonl lias conn
to Ashland to work on tlio ptiviiiK
of tlio streets.
Phono 3.103 for ton or ooffco.
John Tiny moved his house on Oak-'
dnlo avenue Thursdny.
Moot your friend nt tlio Bijou to
niirht. 103
Mr. mid Mr. L. Itlook of Clovo
lnnd. (., woro lookint! -over the or
fhiird Irtixl in tlio valley Wednesday
with the in t out to purchase n trm't.
II. T!. Trons..n of Kiifrto Point wns
in Modford on hii'incss Tiiesdny.
A. W. Itriid'hnw of Peyton. Or.,
wns n Modford visitor recently.
Tion't forgot tlio dnneo toniirlit nt
Tlio Wiirwnm. 10"'
Mrs. .1. K. Tlinnlin f Sioux City.
In., has hoou visitini: with ,T. W. Lini:
mid ftiriiily of East Modford.
Nash flrill open nil the time. Fin
est, servieo between Portlnnd nnd Snn
I' rnnoisoo.
Edward P, Ollohrist of Tnhlo Hook
is n Into nrrivnl in the oily.
F. F. Shnfer of Phoenix returned
homo Wednesday nftor n short, stn.v
in tho city.
For n irood time Tho Wigwam in the
host. Try it. l'l-r
Tho Oregon firnnilo eoinpnny hits
just; shipped ,n. env of nionninenls to
Yrekn, Cnl. They wcro nil manu
factured "of Oregon grnnito in this
Hour Professor Romanoff in vio
lin solos ovory evening tho Nnsh
J. A. Wcslerlund is expeeting his
father and two brothers to arrive
Friday for fi visit, with him in this
Lnvrnpin good truck, ' Bill those
hot waffles tit tho L'.mvro.
W. ,V, Cainpliell and family return
ed to Modford ' Wednesday ,,1'tcr
protraclod Mlay in Valley City, N. J).,
their old homo.
Teas mid coffees nt 30 So. O nt.
Mrs. K. K. (I,, re ,! jf,.Mi j,),mi
"ray and pupils gave a high-class
musical eulertainuienl at Mrs. (lore's
studios on South Out nil avenue on
Hi'ilnomlliy, Sepli.jijK.r '), Tlio fli
leitainiiKiul. wan miudi enjoyed by all
.rcHDiit, " Tt ' ' '
' iiet meal for tlio lenst money nt
tho Spot enfo.
I). Alexander, a prominent mine
owner of Toiiopnh, Nov., who linn
spent two weekH looking over the
Kogiio Iliver valley, returned lo Tono.
pall Thursday, much plenned with
Modford and the Kiirroiiiiding coun
try, lie will return later lo make in
vohlmcntH. Seo Prof. Anton Romanoff, for
merly oourt violiniHt of Austrian em
peror, for Iohhoiih on violin, guitur
nnd miindoHn. Leave ordera nt Nnsh
Leon Ji. Harris Iiiih returned from
California and is moving with his
family to Chieo, whom lie ban ex
tensive properly intorestn.
Orders for nwect c renin or butter
milk promptly filled. Phone thfc
K. .1. day of Ashlnnd departed for
homo Tliursdav after a short stay in
Tho N'nsh Grill mnkes n specialty
of special dinners, banquet) cte. Mu
sie ovory evening.
J. F. Ilarri'-oii and family of Kl
Paso, Tex., returned to their home
the lust of the week nfter n pleasant
visit with J. Wiley of this plneo.
The visitors were shown n general
good time, tho last trip being out to
Itig Sticky, where the party got
stuck. The parly lire on a general
tour of the northwest. Mr. Harrison
states thnt he wns hero 15 years ago
on a visit with Mr. Wiley, and he
finds things much changed since that
timo. .
Our ehnrgo is one dollar per month
for renting your house. Will coillcet
rent if desired. Can keep thorn oc
eopied. Benson Investment Co. 100
Mrs. .1. E. Kirk of Groom icw. Oil..
who Klnimed off hero on her return
trip from Seattle to visit Mis. W. R.
Crnnh of this city, departed for her
homo Thursday on No. IV
K. .1. Krauso nnd Claud Sehniek
of this citv went to Ashland on bus
iness and pleasure the lnM of the
.Inst arrived A fresh shipment ot
salmon, halibut, t-lirjinp, clams nnd
oysters, dressed oliykeus nnd tur-
lock, nt the Roituo
keys always in sti
River Fish Market.
T. J. Monrnn of Ashlnnd is visit
ing the city on busi.iess.
IT 1" J(,l.l..,..l vr.l ,ii-i,.,1 Tlim-ailnv
from Gold Ray, where he lias been
superintending somo construction
K. K. Anderson nnd O. McDonald,
scenery photographers, left hero for
northern California the last of the
Mrs. William MeKnv and family
arrived hero and woro met by Wil
Iwi'm MeKnv, who ha been here for
some timo preparing 'or their com
John Wan nnd J Horn of Merlin
aio Modford visitors this week.
Miss Kiln Taylor ved:r od to her
omo in Pittsburg Thursday after a
few months' visit with George W.
aylor of this city.
Miss Leon Ulrieh of Jacksonville
will go lo Sentlln Sunday, whore she
will spend (be winter.
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Day of White
Salmon, Wash., are looking over the
Roguo River valley this week.
Two big carloads of wood' piping
for tho city's water lino were taken
out on the Pacific & Eastern railroad
Al the, meeting of the local Jforli
ealluriil soeicly to bo held at the
Commercial dul, jmoiiim Saturday aft
ciiioon, Professor O'daru will speak
on the subject of fall spraying and
how lo make bordeaux mixture. A
proposition of getting a government
weather bureulr situated her'j also
will ho discussed.
dcorge B. Nieholn of San Fran
cisco was a Modford visitor on Thurs
PORTLAND, Sept. 30. Colonist
travel into Oregon and Washington
over the Harrimun lines bus broken
nil records again for the opening
week of tho fall season. Reports just
received of the total for seven days
at the office of General Passenger
Agent Williutn McMurray, show that
the initial seven days of the season
saw the Uarriinun lines hrlng into the
two northwest states 1168 persons,
which is 01 more than came the first
week of the 11)08 fall season. In.
10(18 the first week embraced a pe
riod of eight days, whereas this year
the week is a period of seven days.
Seven days of 100IJ brings over' the
system 01 more persons than did
eight days of 1008.
"Tremendous travel is in sight,"
said Mr. McMurray this morning.
"Our reports indicate that the throng
is gathering. The advance guard
proves it. All officials connected
with the work arc confident that
1009 will prove a banner season that
must tax the future to excel."
Conditions are bold propitious for
the grandest rush known during nny
fall in the immigration history of tlif
northwest. The past summer the
communities of Oregon nnd Wash
ington have been spending thousands
of dollars in advertising their respec
tive merits. Railway companies have
been circulating more literature than
ever before, the press of the coun
try has been giving northwest indus
trail topics more space, and every
where is evidence of tense interest.
CHICAGO, Sept. 30 President
Tuft in his tour of California next
month is to be tho host of a honey
moon couple. ,
Congrcssmnn Joseph R. Knowlnnd
of Alameda, Cnl., representing the
Third California district, who was
married here Inst night to. Miss Emily
West of Crnddock, Va.. will, with his
bride, be tho President's guest.
Tho congressman and his wife, ac
eonipnnied by Governor Gillett of
California, will join the presidential
party October 5.
CHICAGO. , Sei-. -Ai voi.-
caught Patten nnd other noted wheat
speculator short on September
wheat today and thereby added mil
ions to his huge pile of wealth. Ar
mour wrested between one nnd five
millions from Patten and his allies.
During the last hours of trailing
September wheat jumped 14 points,
ninking u phenomenal climb from
If 1.00 to $1.20. ,
Very Affectionate.
Mr. Headsoill Tbat horse you
brought yesterday seems n vicious
looking animal. Is he affeetlonnto?
Mr. Cropper AtTeetlonnte? 1 should
think so. Why. w hen he enme out of
the stnblo he stood upon bis bind legs
nnd tried to enibruce me.
The Best Clubs. '
They tell a story In Wall street that
Mr. Morgan once replied to a young
friend who hnd asked him what were
the best clubs to belong to In New
Tork. "Young mnn. the very best clubs
to devote your time to are Indian
Pooled Him.
Country Drummer (with cigars)
Pardon me; have you a mntch? Vil
lage Lonfer (tentatively) Vans, but I
hain't no segnr. Country Drummer
Ciood! In that ease you won't need
the match! Chicago News.
Take enre of your health. Ton have
no rlulit to become a burden to vour-
self and perhaps to others. -Hall.
WANTED Table boarder wanted nt
325 Riverside avenue, S. 108
L f
Uncle Dudley
To Win"
See Them at
Largest Clothing Store
In Southern Oregon
Tonight, Friday and Saturday Evenings
The Richard Darling Stock Co.
A Four Act Comedy Drama
A scream from start to finishA sure cure for blues
Doors open at 7:45 p. m. Curtain at 8:15 p.m.
Admission 20 and 10 cents