Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 30, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Medeord Daily Tribune
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
Published every evening except Sunday.
George Putnam, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at
Medford, Oregon.
One year, by mail $j.00One month by mail or currier. ,$0.!i0
The Tribune :s for sale by Hotel P ortland News Stand, Portland, Or.;
Ferry Jevs Etand, San Francisco, Oil.
A decision rendered bv Federal Judge "Wolverton at
Portland this week has a most important bearing upon
traffic in Oregon as it upholds the right of the state rail
road commission to regulate and fix freight rates within
the state, subject only to modification by the courts if the
rates are found confiscatory or unreasonable, r -
The point at issue was the reduction of distributive
rates out of Portland over the O. R. & X. to points cast of
The Dalles. The commission ordered a reduction from
present tariffs. The railroad sought to enjoin the commis
sion's order issued in April, 190S, and attacked the validity
of the law creating the commission and the authority un
der which it sought to compel rate reductions.
Of the five points made by 'the O. R. & X. in its attack
upon the commission, the most important was that the
rate ordered by the state officials was unreasonable and
confiscatory, but submitted no affidavits setting forth cost
of the road and equipment, cost of operation, maintenance
and repair, and other information by means of which the
court could pass judgment. The decision sustains the
commission on every contested point, though on purely
technical grounds, and will be appealed by the railroad.
The decision apparently enables the commission to
order reductions on any roads operating within the state.
"Whether this will eventually affect Southern Pacific rates
to Medford, it is difficult to say. Rates are now more fa
vorable to Portland jobbers than they are out of Portland
for corresponding distances on the O. R. & X., and the
reduction in the latter will theoretically enable Portland
jobbers to compete with great advantage with eastern job
bers. ' ' ' -r' f-Mi.w4j i.i -j,,
Less carload rates on the Southern Pacific between
Portland and Medford are and always have been fair and
reasonable and much lower than similar rates out of Port
lnd, Tacoma or Seattle, but the carload rates have not been
so favorable, and this has been of particular benefit to the
Portland jobber, who can successfully compete with the
jobbing interests of Medford.
If Medford is to assume importance as a jobbing cen
ter, the difference between less carload and carload rates
should be more in the same proportion, as are rates out of
Portland and Puget Sound points by all other lines.
The Southern Pacific has been verv fair on all rates
covering local products, such as fruit, vegetables, live
stock and lumber, to and ironi the Rogue River valley, nix
tins is a iactor which lias aided materially in the countrv's
development. Medford has cortalnlv profited bv it, but
an adjustment of carload rates which will allow the han
dling of goods in carload quantities in competition with
less carload shipments from the Portland jobbers will fur
ther add to its importance and help make it a city 4
Perhaps the railroad commission will take up the ques
tion of carload rates of its own initiative, as it is manifest
the Portland jobbers will' not, or may be the Southern
Pacific will voluntarily do so; but from whatever, source,
the value of the adjustment cannot be over-estimated and
such a move by the railroad would lie the most effective it
could make in the upbuilding of Medford and its extensive
tributary territory. - TT. VSt I .. .f : ! j ..'J 1
Story of Bluejackets Spending Coin
Is Shown to Be
WASHINGTON. Sept. :!0 The
popular conception of a bluejacket
us a man who blows into one port
and lluMi sadly steams away clean
bmke,,with a similar performance at
every stopping place doesn't appear
to be borne out by facts. There is on
the oilier hand, proof that Juojc is
really thrifty and saving. Statis
tics that have been gathered
how that 27 per cent of the enlisted
I'fcn of the navy are now taking ad
vantage of the government saving
idea. By law. only men serving
afloat nnd subject to. being ordered
beyond the limits of the country are
permitted to lenve "allotments."
According to this limitation, only
from 3.').0nt) to 40.00(1 men are en
titled to the privilege. The average
pay of the enlisted man is $30 a
month: accordingly the men nflont
receive nnnually about $12,000,000.
Of this sum Paymaster Mnupin
states $3,500,000 is allotcd by 7700
men who save for themselves and
(i.'MO who allot the money to their
families, it is therefore safe to ns
sume that two out of every .five men
allot two-thirds of their wnges.
ATLANTA. Cla., Sept. 30 A joint
debate on the tariff by William J.
liryan and Senator Joseph V. Ilniley
of Texas at Atlanta is assured for
some time next month.
' Yesterday Senator Uniloy wired hi
acceptance of the formal invitation
extended by the Young Men's Demo
cratic league of Atlanta for the ile-
fil.KNWOOn SPUINfiS. C..I.. Sept
3D. After spending the night in the
hills near here, a posse of d-puty
slienits nave siirrouiMleil the three
masked rubbers who yesterday tout
ed the Citizens' National bank at
f ilea wood Springs of . 10,000.
NEW YORK, Sept. 30. For the
first time since the British evacuat
ed New York a body of foreign troops
tinder arms marched through the
thoroughfares today. The sailors of
nil the battle-hips in the harbor pa
raded in honor of Ku.Nmi nnd Ful
ton. Tt was the- mr.-.f liri!!'-:il spec
tacle ever seen in Manhattan. The
sailors were ovationed by great
PARIS, Sept. 30. James J. Jef
fries is in training in a mliiuli of
Paris. He is taking long walks and
jumping. Nothing definite has been
arranged regarding a fight with Jack
Johnson for the heavyweight cham
pionship of the world. Hugh Me
Intosh offered $30,000 for ft fight in
Paris, and later, raised his offer to
RANGOON,. Bunnah, Sept. 30.
The British steamer Clan Mackintosh,
belonging to the Madras Steam Nav
igation company, is reported to have
been blown up at sen:
Kvery man on board, with one ex
ception, is said to have peri-bed.
To Chicago and Return.
October 4 October 4. October 4.
Ten days allowed going trip, re
turning tickets good until November
30. Round trip .S2.10. For particu
lars, enquire at the local office or ad
dress A. S. I.'osenbnum, S. 1. Co.
Agent. Medford, Or.
Loula Heaton Pink's Views on Their
Proper Location,
Tun Consolidated tin compiiny of
New York a tew yearn apt creeled n
larKu gas I n nl; along lllverslde drive,
thiidowiug 4.i i n nl loiiiti. There was
opposition from llio press, hut liolhlnu
niiN iloiie. The rinihusli (iiiit company,
subsidiary of the lliocklyn Union,
recently completed n tank 101 feet In
illameicr nnd Zl teet high In I'lnt
bush, In (he jmrougli of llrooklyn. Thin
U the highest structure In the borough.
It kIihuIh In n region of home nnd liii.
ineilliilely adjacent lo t lie Klns Coun
ty hospital mid other public buildings,
It linn taken nway rrum many tint
equity lu their homes and Is n blot
upon tho )iiudxcnpo for miles nrouutl.
The public service commission ivim
first appealed to by the properly own
ers nnd civic associations of rintbush,
but It decided that It laid no Jurisdic
tion. Two stills for nn Injunction wore
brought, one by tho property owuers
and one by the city of New Vork. Tho
city was defeated lit special term, and
recently the appellate division din.
missed Its appeal with scant courtesy
on the ground Hint nn offense to tho
sight rnnnot be n nuisance. This In
nut good logic nnd should not be good
law. If hiicIi n structure unreasonably
destroys the comfortable enjoyment of
property It conies within the del!nltlou
of nuisance. No ono of ilie senses
should lie discriminated iiKiilnst. It Is
to be hoped ihnt tho court of nppcnls
will have opportunity to pnss upou
this question,
Amcrlenu cities woro formerly con.
crrned only with growth. Now they
nre placing ihclr energies In develop,
mcnl. Kycsnrcs such as this, destruc
tive of properly and C lie beauty of n
city or town, should not ho tolerated,
(ins tanks mid all their kith it nd kin
should be placed not where It Is most
economical, but where they will do
the least harm. When erected In a
city or town they should be built of
moderate height. The "skyscraper"
tnukH are unnecessarily harmful. If
Ihe courts will not protect muiilclpnll
ties against such Invasion adequate,
laws should bo at once enacted. In
Kuglnnd (links limy not bo erected
within 300 ynrda of n rcsldenco with
out tho consent of the owner and oc
cupants. In nn continental city can
tanks bo placed without regard for
public welfare. Tho IochIIod of gas
works nnd tnnks should be subject to
tho npprornl of tho public service com
mission, nnd the consent of owners of
houses used exclusively for residential
purposes within a pr'iscrlbcd dlstnnco
should be required. Wo gunrd resi
dential sections against saloons by
suet a Inw. Who would not prefer a
saloon ns n neighbor to a huge gas
tank?-Louls Benton Pink In Survey.
How to Plant Shrubbry For an Orna
mental Effect.
If you wish to help In making your
home town attractive. Improve tho
front yard with some shrubs.
Kor n small front yard where It Is
Impracticable to plant trees there Is
nothing better for ornamental effect
than n few Hell placed shrubs. Unco
planted and established lu the soil
they require little attention except In
prlng. when they should lie pruned
back so as to keep them symmetrical.
In phintln:.; shrubs much will de
pend upon Ihe layout of the lot
and lis topography. It U easier to
spoil an effect than It Is to obtain II
good one. It Is n good plan lo Kef
the ndvlcn of n competent Inndscapu
gardener. If you can't, study your
yard mid Its possibilities thoroughly
before you set out u shrub. A plain
grcmiswiird N far more desirable from
nn nrtlsilu sinndpoliit than u lot Ut
tered with n miscellaneous collection
of shrubs placed without regard to
harmony lu tho general seticiiiu".'"";
For n small yard nuioiig lliu best
shrubs, aside from the roues, lira tho
hydrangeas, of which ther tire several
varieties', some dwarf; the honey
suckles, Japanese snowball, barberry,
rose a cue I a, Irish yew. Cntnlpn biingll.
Magnolia ccusplcua, Mnguollii soulnn
gfaii'n, JlipaittsTrylire'ifJ and llio mnny,
varieties of evergreens. The ever
greens, however, nppeur to better nd
vnntngo Jn roomy --' mm, -nrPf
Theii I hero nre fho wlilto nnd purplo
lilacs, .lnpnnrsc quince, Syrlngn grnndl
flora, althcn Jeanne d'Arc. pure white;
Dcnlzla gracilis nnd the nxulcn. Thcso
shrubs are hardy, rapid growing, at
tain large slzo and bear beautiful Mow
ers. The azaleas should bo given a
northern exposure nnd bo well pro
tected lu winter.
Mnny of these,. shrubs will be found
growing In tho park shrubberies, nnd
tboso who have friends aiming tho pnrlc
Ifnrdcncrs ciiu obtain valuable udvlco
from them about the planting nnd euro
of shrubs.
Profitable Shads Trsaa.
A ntrnugcr visiting Tnllnhnssce, Fin..
Is surprised nt the great number of
pecan trees found In tho yards, gar
dens nod on' ihe streets. They aro
everywhere, and thousands upon thou
snnds spring up every season where
the nuts are washed by the rains or
dropped by Ihe birds, which feast upon
them. If these trees had been budded
with inert linntable varieties when
young they would now bo producing
thousands of bushels of the Uncut nuts
niinually. but of even these Inferior
varieties Tallahassee sells hundreds of
dollars' worth each year.
Voluo of Advertising.
Don't forget that every bit of Ad
vertising you do docs morn than ad
vertise the actual goods mentioned.
It nets ns a general advertisement of
the store and1 possesses a cumulutlvo
effect that cannot lie calculated by
Immediate results.
Alaskan Moonshine.
TJp here In Alnskn tho moon rises In
tho south and sets In the north. Its
beams nre liquid nnd they eiininol tho
Inndscnpe with a porcelain loveliness.
It casts n spell moro potent tbnn o'er
did the maglciniis of the east. Cnder
Its wizardry the rocks turn to sliver
and the brown old mountains nro con
jured Into giant pearls. True wealth
exists in the mind, and whoever be
holds nn Alnsknii moonlight Is thrice
hundred times n millionaire.-Ketch-II;
it t) Ml net.
Wo nro Crowrw lltir dlfl front urn
Our Trw nnt inmn frtrtlr
Writ for frro raUlo. I riro trwli nf
vnriittctaUiil('firixiium(ri htlofi hnnU
Choir f ruit, Nut anil OrfiamtAUl TrM, Grip
VlfrM, fcmall fruit PUMi and Bhrubbtr?
MtlnUCftco, Omml Av.l'ortlkal,Or.
"Reason Why
of all the teel ranges now manufactured is con
. sidered by the discriminating housewife, SUPERIOR
TO ALL OTHERS is plainly evident. Call and
let us demonstrate it's merits to you.
ardware' Co.