THE "EDFOrtD DATLY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREfiON, THURSDAY, SilPTKM BKR ?,0, VW.l SHORT TERM ON TAP AT JOSEPHINE No Important Cases to Como Up This Tiina In Josephine County. (Orcim Olmcrvcr.) Tlw Si'ilimilii.'r. term ol! tho clr cuit court enlivened in this city on Monday moi'iiiiiKi with Jud;i) II. K. Iliiiiim prchiiluiK. It in not expected that llii will bo u very lonjj term ol' uiiiirt, hh thi'iu 11 ru no iiiiiortaiit cumih to uuinu mi ami many oi' the minor. ciihcu wore Heltled out of court during lliu vii'-nlioii. There uru no iin)orlanl criminal cumin and in hoiiiu nf tint minor ouch thu mrtie luivu ioniliul Kiiilty '' received their hcii- tl'IK'UH. A uraiul jury wan drawn hh fol Ihwh: 1. K. 1 lowland, i'oriMiiaii; M. Ainlri'WK, Cliurlcn A;ce, J. T. Kolitir m.ii, Frank Dukes, J. M. Child, with (). S. (looclnow a bailiff. Tho iroi'C(!ilinK of court up to thitt inoriiiiiK uro uh follow: Slitli! vh. Harry Hawkins; lih- IniHhlMl Oil IHOli 'f ill" pI'IMMJIlt- inn attorney. Hawkins w yount; man ami wni -1ni iku1 with eurryiiitf concealed wcapoiiH. Stale v. ttul us Reed; pleaded piilty to eairyinn coneealed weap on and wan lined !?'J" and coxt. Kirnl Nalional Inink vs. V. II. I!u ellan'd Kllu linell ; nettled out of court and ilinmiMsCtl. .lames Davis vm. John Harvey; sct tled out of court und clisin'iKhcd. Weather & Tlimpoii vs. Charles K. Short; diMnihtcd upon stipulation of parties. William M. Crow vh.' II. E. fiale t ux.; settled out of court and case dismissed. Southern Oregon Supply company vs. I'raiik VuukIiu; dismissed upon motion f plaintiff and atlaelmicnt released. T. K. Anderson vo. Oregon Mining company; confirmation of nlo. Application of Margaret Tuffs to register title; order referring cause to J. K. Hair hh examiner. Slate vh. Henry Triplet t; dinged with carrying concealed weapons; pleaded guilty nnd wits fined $15 and costs. Statu vs. Edward Johnson. This is the case of the negro cook on n Southern Pacific diner who threw a chunk of coal, hitting n son of W. II. Kcnney on the head and side. Im pleaded guilly and was fined $'0 and costs. He did not have (he fifty and was remanded to .jail, hut ho thinks that he can got the railroad company to advance him the money and gain his liberty. TALENT TALES. The new addition lo onr school liouse is about completed, the work being done by K. O. Ifease. Til- old Vnilev b"lel will be ren ovated. Lumber if. being hauled for that purpose. The fine residence of Andy Weid ner is fast ncaring completion. H will Im of modern style, with every c. n-enienev The woil. is being done liv l.df an l'ciise, Owiim to tin. alo-ence or your eor loti oh.'i rt, w l'i'' !"'" away at tending the fair, items from Talent bnve not sent in. Mrs. George McClu'm has gone to Myrtle Creek to visit her father, who has been quite, ill. Mrs. C. Carey and her daughter, Mrs. K. 0. Pease, were Talent visi tors last Monday afternoon. Miss Clara Allen of North Talent left September 20 for tho Alaska-Yul.on-Paeifin exposition, accompa nied by her brother, Walter. nr..' W TT nennctt. of Rnso Hill. Kan., is visiting with her niece, Mrs. j Thomas Pell of Talent. She is ac companied by Mrs. Pell's sister, M;ss Minnie Sloper. who will return with . her aunt to the cast. John Roberts and family oT North Talent havo gone ensl hy' way of) Seattle. They spent several days nt; the fair and will go on to Chicago. ' They will visit at; different cities m Uissonri. returning by tho southern I i. cinn,.g will bo ninde nt nil places of interest, both going and . returning. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carey have re turned from n three weeks' visit at Seattle and other northern -points. Thev say llicv enjoyed the exposition very mueli, but Ihinli I hut it is a fact iniiili to be deplored that JiicIimoii county did not put up a bcller ex hibit, as it was surely the lime and place lo adverlisu ibis, valley. .Mr. and .Mrs, Carey visited all points of interest in the eilies ol' Seattle, Ta eomn Portland and Salem, stopping off al nil of Ihoc eilies. Lastly Ihcy -pent a few days in Kosebiirg. While there they had n talk wilb Judge fnllon, who hud just returned from Medfoid. The judge mi id ' "Mcdford is the biggcht little town on Hie coast. I like their spirit." PROTECTION INCREASED, , AND SO IS FREIGHT RATE WASH I KOTOS', Sept. 20. Pleas for the poor lemongrowers of Califor nia during the tariff discussion in congress resulted in an increase of the duty on that fruit of fit) cents a hundred pounds, this being deemed necessary to eipiuli.o the cost of production at homo and abroad, in cluding delivery at the Atlantic sea board, and ii fair profit for the American producer. Now it appears that tho poor lemon grower is to get but 111 cents of the increased protec tion, the trans-continental railroads having raised the freight rate for lemons 15 cents a hundred. O'BRIEN'S PRIVATE CAR WITH TAFT SPECIAL MORTALITY OF GOVERNORS f IS HEAVY THIS YEAR j IIAIt'ITOI(l), Conn., Sept.. ',',(). j The recent mortality of governors of stales has been striking. Within a; year floveniors John A. Johnson ofj Miniicsiiln, (leorge I.. Lilley of Con- I neetieut, Saiuuel (1. Co-grove ofj Washington and John Sparks of Ne-i vadu has pncd away. This is cer-. tainly an extraordinary number of) L'uhcruuloriiil deaths. Governors Cosgrove and Lilley bad been in office only a short time when 1 the summons that no man may ig i tore or evade came to thern. liolb were inaugurated in January, nnd Governor Cosgrove died in March and (governor Lilley in April. Of the chief magistrates who hayo died within n year Governors John son and Lilley had national reputa tions. Governor Johnson's promi nence as a national figure was main ly attained during his service in the executive chair, while Governor Lil ley's was achieved while has was in congress and battling with the sub marine forces. Governor Sparks oc cupied the federal limelight for n short time last year as tho result of some breezy correspondence with President Koosevelt with reference to the miners' strike at Goldfield. BIJOU THEATRE HILLY K.MPEV VAN, Manager. Richard Darling Stock Co. in "Cast Adrift" A Comedy-Drama in 5 acts High-Class Moving Pictures ' ADMISSION 20c AND 10c Prepaid Raliroao Orders. General Manager O'llrien of the Harriinan lines has arranged to have his private cur atlnehed to the Taft special when it leaves Portland over Ihe Southern Pacific next Sunday evening and he, Charles S. Pee of San Francisco and William Mi-Murray will go from Portland to A-hlaud with Ihe Taft train. There will be no pilot engine to go ahead of tho president's special, that old time pro caul ion being regarded as unneces sary now. j "Something which is of eonsider j known is the system of prepaid or- I ttble interest to the public generally , HEADQUARTERS FOB Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies' to mo for mount ing. Pig game heads, fish, birds nnd mammals mounted truo to nature by improved methods. I do tanning, mnko fur rugs, make, remodel nnd clean fur garments. Express nnd mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS, 495 Washington Street, Portlnnd, Or. Telephone Main 3000. nnd which is perhaps not generally ders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company nnd nil points in tho United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased nt Medford from any plnco in the United States nnd mail ed or tolcgrnphcd direct to the party wishing to como here. Sleeper ac commodations nnd small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at the same Advertising is the breath of life for j weak business lungs how is I yours f F. Paul de Anna FIRST-CLASS GERMAN WATCHMAKER, JEWEL- .' ER AND ENGRAVER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. IN CONNECTION WITH MED t FORD LOAN OFFICE, COR. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEV ENTH ST., MEDFORD. yttvs, Urfcite Tfamptoit 3saacs "3nstuctor of "piano. Tlst 5tletlo6 Shifts at ?Vt6(nc. 3tortb Cronjt Strut A Rare Combination Combination Range Boiler Insulator and Hot Fireless Cooker Two Indispensable Luxuries First A hot -water apparatus which fur nishes very hot water every minute of, the da' and night a hot water system equal to the most expensive that money can buy. Second A perfect f ircless cooker which re ally cooks without fire and delivers the food hot and ready to serve a fh'oless cooker which contains hot ovens all day and all night the only hot fireless cooker in the market. iOilill mamma f TTB (c h y" t 1 ''ri ,C i Vtf Hi 9 i i'it . H Hi If- Cv Mil Two SourGes ol EGonomy First By preventing the radiation of heat while the boiler is being heated and by conserv ing the heat within the boiler after it is heated, there is a saving of more than 60 per cent in the cost of heating water for domestic use. Second By using the fireless cooker several hours each day instead of burning wood, coal or gas, there is a large dai ly saving of fuel. Every lady in the city Is Invited to call at our office SATURDAY and see and taste for themselves the many dishes that can be cooked in this remarkable cabinet. J.W.WHITNEY District Manager Office in in Aikin Plumbing Gos Store Medford "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better cofee not if we paid SI a pound for it. . Everything about Folgers Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCEi JES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. When we suggest that you Toast Your Bread On Breakfast Table We do not mean that you should eat of f the stove toast With an Electric Toaster and have crisp, brown, delicious toast ' costs lc per meal to operate. We have the best toaster on the market for 1 sale at $4.50. Clean, appetizing, sanitary ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. State Depositary EBtabiisbed 1S88. Capital and Surplus $125,000 ReBourrei $700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oWlig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER. President. G. R. LIJTDLEY, Cashier. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OP I FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O R E J O N J. E. ENTART, President JOHN S. ORTH. Cashier J. A. PERRT, Vice-Preside at. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. .