THE ME I) FORT) DAILY THIHUNE, MKDPOnU. OUKOOK. WKDN KSDAY. HKPTKMHKIt L!) .ft i i imi nn ii Hin t " r " V f . L t i. , vl ,S I 1 I Vfc.K. vtL, . - tTi wtaVnSMV , i& iv . ill a x mkmfl , f , v . , . ... , -V!" wwhv 1- 1 i'-r . "TV ' i- . , V -v- " ' " OX THE COTTOX STEAMER IX NEW ORLEANS SCENE FROM "THE GIRL QUESTION." PEARY PREPARING FIRST REAL RAIN OF i 1ST. LOUIS GETS NEXT CASE AGAINST COOK 1 SEASON HITS THE VALLEY NATIONAL GUARD-SESSION BAR HARBOR, Me., Sept. 29. Commander Peary and General Hub bard were again in conference today over the documents which Peary has fathered from various sources -to show that Dr. Cook did not reach the north pole. Commander Peary is anx ious to make a full statement of the whole matter, but this will hardly be done until the officers of the Peary Arctic club have passed on the state ment. The equipment of Dr. Cook's expedition will be described in detail, and against its alleged accomplish ment in traveling to the pole and re turn will be compared the ork of each expedition of Peary and other aretie explorers.' Dr. Cook's experi ence with arctic expeditions, his meth od of keeping the records and his dis position of them in part to Harry VVJiitney, a stranger to him, will play no ouiiH part in Commander Peary's statement. FISH FOR YOLO COUNTY STREAMS SISSON, Cal., Sept. 29. The state fish' and game commission's fish car left here last evening with 200,000 young trout ' for re-stocking the streams of Calaveras, Yolo and Mar iposa counties. Calaveras county will receive 50,000. Yolo county's share is also 50,000. One hundred thousand will go to the' streams in Yosemite valley and Mariposa coun ty. The car will be four or five days in making the trip. It was erroneously reported that the car was to go to Plumas county on this trip. The car will go to Plu mas county next week, enteriug that county by the back door, going in by way of the Boca and Loyalton rail road and switching to the Western Pacific at Beckwith. There are 2,000,000 young trout in the state hatchery there that are yet to be distributed over the state. . To take their place 2,000,000 salmon eggs have just been received from the United States fishery at Baird, Shas ta county. DESERTED WIFE DIES; LEAVES FIVE CHILDREN The first real rniustorm since March deluged southern Oregon on Tuesday night. Showers were fre quent Wednesday with predictions that the storm will continue for sev eral days.. The rain changed to snow in the mountains, and the tops of Ash laud Butte, Wagner peak and Mr. McLaughlin are white. ' At Medford three-quarters of an inch of moisture fell and heavier rain falls are reported at Ashlniyl, Gold Hill and in the mountains. Pros pects are that a total of several inches will fall before the storm ceases. Xo damage is reported, but much good as a result of the storm. Enough moisture has already fallen to ena ble farmers to begin fall plowing. The rain comes just nt the right time for fruit growers. Early pears have all been picked and the showers will help swell and color the apples. r LOS ANGELES, Cal., Sept. 29. The National Guard association of the United States. .selected St., Louis as the place of holding its next con vention in 1910, and elected the fol lowing officers: Pre'suTeiit, General Thomas J. Stewart of Pennsylvania; secretary, General Charles I. Mar tin of Kansas; treasurer, General J. A. Storch of Nebraska. United States Senator Charles Dick of Ohio, the present president, declined a re-election. . General Stewart, the new head of the association, was formerly com-mander-in-cBief of the G. A. R., and Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. Among the vice-presidents elected is General X B. Lauck of Tnlifomiri. WORK ON W00DVILLE BRIDGE IS PROGRESSING John H. Mead of Woodvillo in in the city on business. He states that work on tho Woodvillo bridge across Rogue river 'is' progressing rapidly and will probably be completed in two mouths. .The two concrete piers nrc being rapidly erected and in the courso of a fow weeks will be suf ficiently,above tho water line to make them safo from high water. The structure is Hie filth bridge of its kind across the river in Jackson countyt is 18." feet long and will cost when completed the sum of $13,500. The brick work on the new Wood. ville $15,000 school building has been finished and tho curiwuters and plas terers will be put to work nt once. I Tho building will be ready f or oc- i cupnncy by vacation tit least. j BOUNDARY LINE HAS BEEN LOCATED ALBANY, Or., Sept. 29. County. Surveyor Geddes has returned from , Lugene, where he has been working with Surveyor Collier of Lane county ! on the Lane-Linn boundary line which has recently been surveyed. Thirty t iles of boundary had to be gone over as ordered by the last legisla ture. The work was done jointly by the counties. The reports prepared are to be presented at the next term of each county court. CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 5 10 20 Acres Adjoining Hillcrest orchard and con tain unexceled deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY SALEM, Or., Sept. 29. Mrs. C. A. Barrows, who was recently deserted in Portland by her husband with five children on her hands, died yester day at the Salem hospital of pneu monia, contracted In the hopyards near Lincoln, in Polk county, a few weeks ago. The remains were inter red in the I. O. O. F. cemetery last tiight. The children, of which the old est is 10 years and the youngest 1 year old, aro being cared for by dif ferent people of Lincoln. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Nash E. Knowles, Port land; G. W. Goodwin, San Francis co; C. A. Malboeuf, Portland; H. E. Stevens and wife, Montague; Clyde Martin, city; Henry A. Monson, Port land : J. Crag, Portland : J. IL Baum. city; Charles B. Harris, Dan Mer-; ner, Portland; J. E. Guen, San Fran cisco; A. B. Tronson, Eagle Point; W. II. Sterner and wife, Canton. At the Moore J. C. Currie, Port land; E. Grapin, San Francisco; J. A. H. Smith and wife, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Gara, Washington; R. D. trench, Wichita; Thomas Ir vine, Portland; Charles L. Mulhern, Sacramento; Charles D. Kitt, New York; G. B. Williams, Portland; W. E. Flack, Portland; ,L. F. Wilson, Livingston; Haad Ameristcn, Seat tle; J. W. Baker, Seattle. MONEY SAVERS Children's gun metal velour, box calf and vlcl kid Shoes in some of the neatest fitting lasts we have ever seen, is going at dirt cheap prices at the closing out sale of ladies' and children's shoes at The WARDROBE STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. ! The annual meeting of the stock holders of ' the Siskiyou Copper & Gold Development company will be held this evening to elect officers for the ensuing year and to transact 1 other proper business. Very flatter-! ing reports come from the property of the company lately, and it is pro-1 posed to push development work from now on as never before. 104 1 Savoy Theatre TONIGHT FOUR BIG LAUGHS WINNING A WIDOW IN HOT PURSUIT ' ROMANTIC ITALY MRS. JONES' BIRTHDAY ONE DIME ALTERATION SALE Best Opportunity to Save Wo want to ask you a fair question: Do you prefer to tratlu with the merchant that advertises prices and displays goods so that you can loam all you wish to know about them? Wo feel that you do, and that is why mot pf our advertisements are full of prices and descriptions. Wo want you to know all ahout our goods, because wo can recommend them best when we feel that you really know what good values we offer. The New Goods See Our Windows Our windows are finished and stand second to none In point of beau ty. We are beginning to show the new goods, and are desirous that you watch our windows, for In them you will not only see many exclu sive styles but you will see goods and fancy articles which you can see nowhere else In southern Oregon. THE HUTCHASON CO. Successor to Baker Hutchason Co. The Cheapest Selling Store in Medford You can find most anything here in Hosiery, Hand kerchiefs, Men's Work Gloves, Pocketbooks, Purses, Combs of all kinds, Ribbons, Laees, in fact almost a complete line of Yankee Notions, and the largest and best assortment of Fancy Glassware, Tumblers, etc., in the city; also plain white Tableware, fancy and hand painted China, etc., fancy Japanese ware Toilet Sets, etc. ENAMELWARE TINWARE KITCHEN NEEDS COOKING UTENSILS BRUSHES, BROOMS, ETC. Post Cards 1 EACH and the largest and finest line in southern Oregon to select from. 100 dozen Men's, Ladies and Child' ren's Hosiery This Week 2 pair for 25c Mill nlU