Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 29, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Kniioo tonight iK Tli (i Win wn in. lii'i
Mniiiii'l Kliuiu, I li Iiiiiuilii iiiiiii, will
open up his IiiiiiiiIu parlor nt 'Kill
N. Jlurtlclt hired mi Tm'Hiliiy next
iiihli'iul nf Thursday, ut llil K. Mniii
street, SiMinr Kluriil Iiiin il wide dep.
utiilinii 11 h ii 1 11 1 1 1 ti I mini ami will no
doubt ilu ii thriving btiMtiitiMrt in I hit
Yopj fee! fino lu dinner ut tho
Charles It. Ilnr'in in down from
Portland on business tlii:. wick.
Southern Orepon Tun mid Coffco
Co., SO So. G street.
Han Mcnu.r of Portland in in tlio
t-ity on business.
Why niHh homof Try tlio Spot
Cu fo' 25 dinner.
C, C. Johnson is building for him
self on SoiiIii Onkilitln a fino eight -ronin,
two-story building. Tim house
is in a nico place, being hnri'ouiidcd
by shade, tree mid neighboring with
fine residences on every nido.
The Louvre enfo for tlio bent.
John KodfiTi of Beagle, lm wi
lled in Medford for tliu winter in
order tlu.t his children tuny iittcid
Ella Gutinyiiw, public ?loiinp;rnphor,
room I, Palm building.
It'v. W. K. and Wilbur Mil
ligun havo returned from a trip to
Klnmatli Fulls.
Special musio every evening dur
lug dinner nt tlio Nash Grill.
Mr. II. L. Whiting of Ashland was
in llio' city Tuesday.
Nash Grill open nil Hie timo. Fin
est servico between Portland and Snn
Francisco. . . . '
II. B. Tronson of Englo Point wns
in Medford on business Tuesdny.
Don't forget tlio daneo tonight nt
The Wigwam. 165
C. K. Ilnmiltn.i of Roscbnig was n
ree nt visitor in Med ford:
Meet your friends nt tlio I'.ijou to
night. lf'3
Jlr. T. 15. Mycru of Phoenix
shopping Tue iil::y in M."dford.
Phono 3.10n for lea ov coffee.
Mrs. IJ. Moore of f'enlrnl Point
paid Medford friends a visit Tues
day. Spices nnd extracts nt HCi So. fl
Mr. nnd Mi-. W. 0. Knighton of
I'.uglo Point were business visitor-;
in the city recently.
Best meal for the lonst money nt
tho Spot enfe.
It. S. Butkrficld o'f Pnkcgnmn de
pnrted reeenlly for Seattle, where
lm will take in the fair.
Tcnn nnd coffees nt 30 So. fl st.
J. A. Farmnn of Toole City, T'tali,
in hiking over the valley Ibis week.
Lnrrnpin pood truck, Bill those
l.ol wn ff'let nt Hie l.mvro.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Sleiner of
('anion. O., are looking over this
neck of the woods nftcr nn invosl
nieiit. TTenr Professor Komnnoff in vio
lin solos ovcry evening tlio Nnsli
TCcv. W. T. Gonlder of tlin M. E.
clinrch South, returned tlio first of
Hie week from Portland, wliero lie
lias been nttcndiiig tlio eonvenlion of
his church.
For ft pond timo Tlio Wigwnm is tlio
host. Try it. 105
Mrs. J. II. Iliown ol' Saii Francisco
departed 'or home Wednesday to
inn kit nrniiiL'i'inenu for coming hero
to live. .Mr. Brown rcmuius in the
OrdorH for Hweet cromn or butter
milk promptly fillod. Phone tin
cireumery. -
Mr. and Mix, W. K. Hoover who
havo been vinit iu; Mr. Hoover's
father, 1, K. Hoover, returned Wed
iieHday to their liomu in Los Angvlcs.
Seo Prof. Anton Romanoff, for
merly court violinist 01 Ausinun. em-1
peror, for lessons on violin, guitar
and mundoKn. Leave orders at Nnsh
It. 0. Brown of Portland in in the
city looking over property.
Our charge i ono dollar per month
for renting your bouse. Will coillcct
rent if desired. Can keep them oc
eopied. Benson Investment Co. 100
' Tho Pacific. & Eastern railway is
rapidly getting all tlio accessories of
an up-to-dato railroad. Tho track is
being ballasted, motor ears and band
cars urn being provided nnd now n
telegraph linn is being constructed.
The telegraph will make communica
tion wilh Knglo Point much easier
and quicker.
Tho Nash Grill makes n specialty
of special dinners, banquets etc. Mu
sic, every evening. "
Hex I.ampman and bride from North
liakota arrived Tuesday to visit his
father at Asbestos and make bis home
in the Kogue Kiver valley.
Horace Nicholson nnd family left
Tuesday for Crater Lake.
Tbero will be a daneo at the Wig
wam tonight. 10-
E. D. Elwood has returned from a
hunting and camping trip in tho Klam
ath country.
Howard Hill is hnving n neat little
cottage built, near his father's home
on South Oakdale, for his occupa;
U. S. Collins has moved into his
new residence on West Tenth street.
Misg Nellie McNeil has departed
for Eugene, where nhe will tuko n
post-grnduato course nt the U. of 0.
In honor of C. C. Ttunyard, who
recently nrrived, Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Hill nre giving a party Wednes
day evening nt tho homo of Mrs. J.
II. Stimrt on South Oakdale. Many
family friends have been invited and
a general good time is expected.
Or. and Mrs. J. F. Redely nnd fam
ily and Miss Howling of Sacramento
returned Wednesday from Spokane
and Seattle. Miss Howling will re
main to visit Mrs. Noddy for a few
Mrs. W. II. Howard went- to Ash
land on a social visit Wednesday
lolni Leslie departed this week for
Davis, Ca., where he will go to work.
John was forced to quit school on
account of his eyes nnd take up some
outdoor work.
Mrs. Minnio Ireland of Grants Pass
who has been visiting in Ashlnnd for
the past week, is n pucst of Mr. and
Mrs. II. V. Mead.
C. N. Van Delopnrt of Portland
arrived in Medford this week nnd will
take n position with the Cnsende Conl
& Development, company.
Mrs. A. Smith and son of The
Dalles stopped off for n short visit
with Mrs. J. II. Davis no tlioir way
to Phoonix.
C. C. MeClondon of Gold Hill spent
Wednesday in Medford. ITc leaves
Friday for Snntn Barbara, whero he
will spend tho winter.
W. E. Johnson, ninnnger of the
Hotel Nash., and Corles Miller left
Wednesday on n two weeks' enmpinp
nnd prospecting trip in tho moun
Just nrrived A fresh shipment of
snlnion, halibut, shrimp, clams and
oysters, dressed chickens nlwnys in
sioek, nt tho Rogue River Fish Mar
The Dandelion, Clovar Leivei and U'
&crlet Pimpernel.
The (lainleiloii N a ilnmlv luiroiiielcr,
one ut the riiiiiiiioiicMt and most relia
ble. It Is w lien the IjIooiiim Intve need
ed anil me In the Hn tty. fcntliery con
dition Unit tlx- wi-niher prophet facul
tlcn roeje 10 I he lore. In line weather
I In- hull etleinlit to the r in I. hut when
rain approaetiex It shut like an um
brella, if die wen i her In inclined to
be nhower.v It keep shut nil the time,
only 'opculiiK when the danger from
the wet punt. h:ij the Chicago Trib
une. The ordinary clover and nil Its va-rlctk-K,
Including the trefoil and tbo
shamrock, are also barometers. When
rain In coming the leaves sbut togetber
like the shells of an oyster, and do not
open again until tine weatber la as
sured. For a duy or two before rain
comes tbelr stems swell to an ap
preciable extent nnd stiffen so that the
leaves are borne more upright tbao
usual. This stem swelling wben rain
Is expected Is a feature of many flow
ering grasses. 1
The Angers of wblcji tbe leaves of
the borse c-tiestDut are made op keep
flat and fnullke so long ns fine weath
er is likely to continue. With tbe com
ing of rnlu. however, they droop as If
to offer less resistance to tbe weatber.
Tbe scarlet pimpernel Is nicknamed
tbe "poor man's weatber glass" or
wind cope aud opens its flowers only
to fine weatber. Ax soon as rain Is In
tbe air It shuts op and remains closed
until tbe shower or storm Is over.
Dngrou Always and Espaclally
Whin One Is Run Down.
Stings and bites of Insects are ex
tremely dangerous at all times and
especially n nen (be system is not In a
condition to resist tbe poison injected.
In many Insects tbe nature of tbe
poison bns not been ascertained, while
in most of t bem It is of an acid, irri
tant nature. In others It may contain a
powerful cardiac sedative and depres
sant, and In Brill others onanisms In
pure or mixed cultures may be intro
duced with tbe sting or bite. Apart
from tbe natural poison used by in
sects It sbnuld not be forgotten that
flies and otber insects that live on
carrion may easily carry contagion
and Inoculate tbe persons wbom tbey
bite or sting.
In tbe case of ordinary bites and
stings tbe chemical antidote is an
alkaline solution, socb as a strong so
lution of bicarbonate of soda or pot
ash, wblcb counteracts tbe add of tbe
sting. . Suction at tbe wound in all
tbese varieties of stings and bites will
draw out some of tbe poison and until
some hntltoilo treatment can be found
wblcb will prove an antidote to tbe
bacterial poison Introduced little can
be done beyond a stimulating and sup
porting treatment witb attention to
symptoms. Health.
Old Mail Box.
Among the treasures beld by tbe
Antiquarian society in Portsmouth.
N. H.. there is an old box tbe history
of wbicb Is given on a label wblcb It
bears. Tbe box Is of tin. painted
green, and shows signs of much usage,
which Is not surprising when one con
siders that it carried the United States
mall between Portsmouth nnd Boston
during the Revolution. It is about
nine inches long, tour nnd a half
inches wide nun a little more thnn
Unit In height. It wns carried on
horseback by Captain John Noble,
otherwise known us Deacon Noble,
who wns post rider until KSt. This
box contained till the mall nnd made
every week one round trip, occupylug
three days in tho journey from Ports
mouth to Hoston the Urst of the week
nnd three days at the end of tbe week
from llostou to Portsmouth. Tbe dis
tance between the two places is a lit
tle uioro than tlfty miles.
He Knew No Fear.
Prince Metternleb wns driving In
Vienna one day during tbe congress of
1S15 when the horses bolted, the car
riage was overturned nnd Metternleb
wns thrown Into the roadway. Finding
be bad no bones broken, be picked him
self up and walked iitiietly owny. The
an me evening be met the king of Na
ples, who had seen tbe accident
"How horribly frightened you must
have been." snld tbe king.
"Not at nil," answered Metternleb..
"It is no merit of mine, but I nro con
stitutionally Inaccessible to fear."
"It la as I thought," replied the king.
"You nro a superunturnl being,"
Hard to Get.
Not long ngo nt a village near Dur
ham a quack doctor was selling recipes
for rheumatism, so a pitman bought
one. It told hi in to catch a common
housefly nnd tickle Its ribs with a
clothes prop until It cried. Then cntcb
tbe tears In n teaspoon and rub tbe
part affected, nnd be would get instant
relief. Londou Express.
"Your glnsses," she , snld. "hove
made a grent difference In your ap
penrnnce." "Do you think so?" be asked.
"Yes. You look so Intelligent with
them on." Chicago ftecord-Uerald.
WHAT wan tho deed
Of winch they chatter
Ak K'n!p4 feed
On K'ln.o arnull mattar?
Ench AuKur.t they
Boeip lit reir.ember
Arid fuxM away
All throutfn Heptsmfoer.
"Hhe Aid:" rnyn one.
"DM not:" another.
And thu heKUn
They try to nmother
Euch other' crlea
by lou'Ier culling ' I
Until the Itlf:.i ' :' .
Repeat their bawling, , ." '
Was It a nln
Or error welshty
That currie within
The life of KatyT
One lit tat hla voice
Jim to attack her.
And ten rejoice
Might then to back her.
And all their tones
Get In a tangle.
One side condones;
The othen wrangle.
We know her name
And thua her gender.
But what'a the claim
, Of her defender?
Know what she was?
Know what ahe wasn't ?
One shiieker doea. -
The other doesn't.
Poor Katy! It
Still seema a tosa-up.
But you're a bit
Of yearly gossip.
Chicago Post
A Graduate.
"Look here, young man, don't you
talk to me that way!" exclaims tbe
man outside the ticket window In tbe
"WhaJJasay?" growls tho ticket
"I say you've got to be more civil to
me. I'm here to spend my money for a
ticket, and I demnnd prompt and cour
teous attention."
"Aw, wnjjngoln' to do about it?"
"I'll do a-plenty."
"Aw, wajjaknow about that?"
"I know enough. I used to be a tick
et agent myself, nnd you'll lose your
'Job tbe same way I lost mine if yon
don't get busy and get better."
I With trembling fingers nnd apologet
ic speech the agent tbeji waited upon
tbo irate strangcr-Xew York LTTe.
Pat'a Narrow Escape.
During tbe South African war an
Irish trooper on outpost duty one night
felt so desperately tired that he
thought be would have a five minutes'
nap. Placing bis helmet on a dock, be
lay down and was soon in a sound
Bleep. Waking suddenly, be mistook
bis helmet for one of the enemy, drew
his sword and-denlt It a severe blow.
Perceiving bis mistake, the trooper
picked up bis helmet, which be bad cut
In two. and gave thanks to heaven that
he had taken It off before Jylng down.
"For," be sollloquized, "had my head
been inside, that it's ten to one a dead
man I would have been seeing meself
at Ibis moment:" Philadelphia Inqulr-
"Do you see that I have one foot
longer than the other?"
"Uu the contrary, one seeius) smaller
than the otber."
A Little Lad's Fish Story.
"Thomas," said bis mother severely,
"you are telling everybody that when
you and papa went fishing the other
day you caught a lish, a big fish: Now,
Thomas, you know better."
"W-e-11," replied the three-year-old,
digging his toe into the carpet medi
tatively, "pr-r-nps I didn't, but I
fought I did." Lipplneott's Magazine.
Indomitable Energy.
"Are you sure that our son has pa
tience and Industry nnd determination
nnd those other qualities that make
for success?" said the anxious mother.
"Great Scott!" rejoined tho nervous
father. "Can you doubt it? Haven't
you heard him learning to play 'Home,
Sweet Home,' on the mouth organ?"
Washington Star.
; 1
The Polite M ggggggggBlgKBKKKttU
A Modern Instance.
I want you now to understand
I only held Myrttlla's hand
For fUn.
That seems no cause to make a fuss,
And yot our love affair was thua
I found her suited to my taste,
So slipped my arm around her waist
For fun.
She only heaved a little sigh.
Bite didn't screnm nnd didn't cry
Or run.
But then it wns I made a slip
1 kissed her on the ruby Hp
For fun.
She murmured. "Yes, I'll he your wife!1
'Twna thus that I, upon my life,
J Was wonl
Town Topics.
SAI.KM, Or., Sept. 2fl. A suit wns
started today by Charles K. Spntild
inp, George L. Rose and other resi
dents of Court street to test the or
dinances under which Court street
was recently paved by Warren Bros.,
bitulithic, and to restrain the chief of
police and city recorder from collect
ing the assessment for the improve
As L. K. Belknap, who is the next
pastor of tho M. E. church, north of
this city, was unavoidably delayed.
and will not be here in time to carry
on services this Sunday, and as Mr.
Reuter leaves today, there will be
no church services Sunday. Mr. Bel
knap will be here, however, on the
fcixth nnd will preach Sunday a week.
Telegraphic advices show the fol
lowing prices paid for fruit in mar
kets east Tuesday:
Xew York Tokays, 90c; Cornice
half boxes, $2.75.
Chicago Tokays, Lodi, 85c; Ma
lagas, 95c; Italians, $1.35; d'Anjou,
$3; Elhertas, 95c. '
Boston Malagas, 90c; Tokays,
Lodi, 77c; Folsom, $1.05; Mayhews,
MAX! LA, Sept. 29. Ex-Vice-President
Fairbanks has gone to Bagio as
the guest of Acting Governor Gen
eral W. C. Cameron Forbes, to in
spect the site of the naval sanitari
um to be erected there. The party
was accompanied by Rear Admiral
Giles B. Ilarber, commander of the
Third division of the Pacific squad
ron. The Retort Unkind.
Gerald A gentleman is defined as
one wbo never gives pain. Geraldlne
Then you're no gentleman; you give
me a pain every time you calL New
York Press.
Finding His Level.
A man alius finds his level, son."
said Uncle Eben. "an' you's lucky to
be let down easy by experience in
stead of arrivln' wlf a Jolt" Wash
ington Star.
"We have just received a complete line
f the famous French makers P. Cen
tomert Co.s Gloves.
Ladies fine kid, three-clasp Gloves in
black, white and all colors at, pair $1.50
Ladies' Gloves in all colors at, per
pair $2.00
, Better grades of kid and suede Gloves
at, pair $2.50
Heavy stock street Gloves at, per
pair - $1.50
Men's dress Gloves at ,pair, $1.50
and $2.50
Children's kid Gloves at, pr. .$1.00
We fit and guarantee every pair of
gloves we sell.
XKW YOKK, Sept. 'JO. James J.
Jeffries is not going to give Johnson
much time for though!. Ho will start
after the negro as soon as he arrives
in Xew York. 'Jeffries i-4 expected
home in about two weeks. He evpcctB
to meet Johnson in Chicago. Johnson
will come eitft after his fight with
Ketchel and Jeffries will meet him
half way. As soon as ho has signed
the final papers, Jeffries will devoto
hi time to getting into condition for
the fight, which probably will take
place in February.
PORTLAXD, Me., Sept. 29. Tho
surgeon of the Peary party has dis
covered a use for the polar regions,
as an ideal place to make a fight
successful against tuberculosis.
"Summer and winter," he says, "nro
mild and pleasant places, even within
the bounds of the Arctic zone, tho
atmospheric conditions and constant
sun making it practically impossible
for tho tuberculosis germ to exist."
J. F. Taylor of Oroville, Cal., left
on the train for Eagle Point, where
he will go to work for the Pacifio
& Eastern.
FOR SALE 5-room house, 31 South
Orange street, between Seventh, and
Eighth streets, for $1350; same with
75 feet $1500; with 90 feet $1025, or
three lots nnd honse for $2000; one
lot for $550; two lots $1000. In
quire on premises.
LOST Between Raskins' cv.-.g storo
and Creamery, letter add.essed to
, J. T. Fredcnburg, and containing a'
tax receipt. Finder please leave at
P. O., care A. J. Fredenburg, or at
Tribune office. 105
FOR SALE Goats. I did not dis
sover the north pole, bnt have dis
sovered that there is money in an
gora goats; have a few high grades
for sale; also two registered bucks;
can famish you one foat, a thou
sand goats, at from $2 np.
C. C. Gilchrist, Sams Valley, Or.
ket. lGTi