THE ''EDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOOX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21), IffOO. FOR TAKING CENSUS Officials Visit Manuf acturiiifj Centers In Soarch of Information. WASHINGTON, S..t. AhwkI nut I'nilcil SimIch (.'ciihiih Director Williiini WilloiiKliliv mid Will it i ( M. Stewart, cliicf hliiliHticimi for inniiul'nclureH in tint i'iiiikiix bureau, luivu rcl uriM'il from ilin principal iiiiuiii I'ni't iiriit) I'ilii'H viHiliiil to non f i-r willi tlici liMiilini; Irwin orK'mizn tiuiiH mill iiKKiicinlioim of miiuuf nc-tui-crt in retard to the form of the Hl'lll'llllllt to 111) IIKOll 111 till) CCIlHUfi of iimmiffit'liircH. Tim law providing fi-r the llllh I'OiihiiH dircntH tlmt cor tnin Hlntihtii'H in regard to rupilal, I'liiplnyitH, wiijiCK, noht of iiiiituriiilN, iiiiKi'i'lliiiii'iiiiH cxpi'iiHi-H mill viilun of product hlutll bo follocloil from nil tiiaiiufiirliiriiiu' (HlnhlihlilwntH that were in operation (luring any portion of (ho year 3000, Tliw ciMiHim of manufacturca is to lie confined to what in ('morally known as the "factory nyKti-m," mul exclude lln fco-calli'il neighborhood. )irti-clil(l nail liaiul Industrie, which worn included nt thn fi'ili'ral coiihii of 1110(1. Tin' itxitiirii's are wimilar 1?, tli"-i! tt at prior eenMiso. They ri'iiiii" a ili'-i'iiplion of Ilin lnmiiii'KH or kiii'l of product, tint aiiioiint of I'npiliil, t!i iiiinilii-r of employes (lie ii 1 1 ir 1 1 1 1 1 pniil in watii'i anil aaliirio". the miionnt of niUi'i'llii ni'Oiis ex penses, tin' cost of timlcr. I a!!i! the value of tlio proilui'ls nt inn factory or in i no. GOOD RETURNS ON GREEN PRUNES SHIPPED EAST (Eugene flnanl.) .1. O. Hull, soerotniy of thn Eugene Frnil Clrowers' iihMieiniion, hat) re ceived return on green primes which On- nhHiicintion recently shipped to Chiongo nml New York, four carload going lo Chicago nml two to fow York. .Tho prune sold in those cition nil the way from 75 cents to $1.15 per box of 'JO pound, according to theli . quality ami the condition in which they reached their destination. Thin nets tho grower here from $18 to $10 per Ion, whirl! ih n good figure considering the low price received for nimilnr fruit shippeil from hero m yearn past. Formerly tho grower re ceived very little or nothing for his prunes, the profit being onsten up by freight rales, middleman's profits, etc. FOREIGN INVESTORS ONLY AWAIT LEGISLATION CIIICA'iO, Sept. Tim presi dent h call for fiirlhci' Icgislutiou in Ilin regulation nt I lie i-'hiic nl' inter state xecnril ii-M liihcH mi new force when read in coiiiicelion with th: word of Franklin K. I.ane of Europe, lie declared today that "bunded of millioiiH of dollar are in England, Kronen, and (ierinaiiy awaiting in vewlmmit in American railroad tteeur ilicH iih Koon n h Ilia investor can he iiMHiired of nliKoliiti) federal logislu- lion. "F.uropemi capitalist," Hiiid thn commissioner, "would like to hoc the capitalization of our road hedged Ho that a purrhaHcr of look would ho iiHHiired of getting what ho paid for." The . railroad who nro Iho liatioii'ri greatest borrower, nIiouIi) appreeiato tho. strength of llii. It would (five them u standing similar to that which tho pure food law Iiiih given our meat export in tho foreign market. And even if hv foreign buyer did not demand it, tho American tlimnsclve, who form the hulk of loaning hy investing their saving in bonds, am entitled to this security. UNCLE SAM WANTS TO KNOW LIFE OF EGGS WASHINGTON', Sept. '"I. Secre tary Wil-ion's ilcpiil'lnicnl h engaged in a fpieer enlerpiin.'. It U endeav orinjf to get a met hod of keeping egg from polliitalioii, no matter what ago they reach. The hiihiK of tin; effort in Hint the liiaiuiiit of moist lire in the air Mirrouiiilinx tho egg in eipially an important an the amount ol heat in tlio atmoKphere, A ilclicnle liltle iiihtriiment which will record Iho ex net nlalo of tho air in cold nlonigo plantn in the guide on which they will rely. GOVERNMENT WILL MAKE NO MORE 13 CENT STAMPS WASIIIN'OTO.V. Sept. 29. There nrc to ho no more 13-ecnt ntnmpn mid instead tho post office department will issue n I'J-eeiit slniny. The for mer wan devised lo cover the cost of mi 8 -cent registry fee mid the 5-eent iiiiernational postage rate. Tho 15 cent tamp will nervo thin purpose when the registry feo in increased from eight to ten cents November 1. The proposed U-cent stamp will then cover the cost of tho new 10-ccnt registry fee and the 2-eent pontage slump rate in the United States and for Kiiglaiul mid Germany. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to mo for mount ing. nig gamo heads, fish, birds and j mnmnmli) mounted true to nntura by improved methods. I do tanning, make fur rugB, make, remodel and elenn fur garments. Express and mail or ders promptly nttendod to. C. M. HARRIS, 405 Wellington Street, Portlnnd, Or. 1 Tolcphono Main 3000. To You Who are Engaged You want her picture to keep always and you want to give her yours, too. The Gregory Studio BIJOU THEATRE IS I MA' KMI'KY VAX, Manager. Richard Darling Stock Co. in "Cast Adrift" A Comedy-Druma in 5 acts High-Class Moving Pictures ADMISSION 20c AND 10c HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main Paul de Anna FIRST-CLASS GERMAN WATCHMAKER, JEWEL ER AND ENGRAVER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. IN CONNECTION WITH MED FORD LOAN OFFICE, COR. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEV ENTH ST., MEDFORD. Sttrs. retu Ifamptort Isaacs "Jnstuctor cf "Plalt "Xlt 2ttetr)od SluMoar ?W&tii4. Xortti Oraaat Sir Ml , ' - . SALEM'S CHARTER IS VERY PECULIAR ONE SAI.EM, Or.. Sept. 20. Heeiiuse the charter of Hit! city of Salem makes it unlawful for the city to sell bonds hearing more than I per cent inlVrcsl, Iho city's credit is in jeop nrdy. A recent issue of .i",000, vot ed August 2, at a '-peeinl election, for the purpose of ). Miring an issue that matures Saturday. October, eiinnot be sold under 5 per cent, l'.ids were opened lit the meeting of Iho council last night mid it wan found that none had offered lo buy the new bond is sue. A committee wan appointed to dovinc ways and meaiin to meet tho maturity of the b Is next Saturday., A loan will lirnbably have to be ne gotiated to meet thn payment. NEW TARIFF BOARD BEGINS ITS WORK WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. The genoral , tariff board, . consisting of President Ewing, Assistant Secretary of tho Treasury Koynolda and Alvin II. Sunders, will continuo its meetings thin week. The first work of tho bonrd this week will bo to examine the tar iffs of foreign mil ions, The report must, be in the hands of President Tall before March 31. for then (he new law will impose a 2." per cent ad ditional tariff on im'portcd goods un less Iho presidenl issues n proclama tion declaring Hint certain counlries. which do not discriininnlo against the United States, arc enlilled lo the min imum rate. A Rare Combination Combination Range Boiler Insulator and Hot Fireless Cooker To Chicago and Return. October 4 October 4. October 4. Ten dnys allowed going trip, re turning tickets good until November .10. Round trip $82.40. For particu lars, enrinii'fl n' t'io local ol'fieo or ad dress. A. S. Itosenbaum, S. P. Co. Agent, Medford. Or. . Two Indispensable . Luxuries First A hot -water nppuratus which fur nishes very hot water every minute of the day and night a hot water system equal to the most expensive that money buy. Second A perfect 'fireless cooker which re ally cooks without fire and delivers the. food hot and ready to serve a fireless cooker which contains hot ovens all day and all night the only hot fireless cooker in the market. mm -l:Mmm flfiST . HI Mil Two SourGes of Economy First By preventing the radiation of heat while the boiler is being heated and by conserv ing the heat within the boiler after it is heated, there is a saving of more than 60 per cent in the cost of heating water for domestic ise. Second By using the fireless cooker several hours each clay instead of burning wood, coal or gas, there is a large dai ly saving of fuel. Every lady in the city is Invited to call at our office SATURDAY and see and taste for themselves the many dishes that can he cooked in this remarkable cabinet. J.W.WHITNEY District Manager Office in in Aikin Plumbing Go.'s Store Medford '9 'K "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee Is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINATVAEE, FRUIT AND FEED. Why Not Be Comfortable ? and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere in your store, office or home. ... Invest in a G. E. Fan and get the best something that will last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only 12c to lc per hour. I2-Inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. iaxroRD, obxooit Iff. State Depositary Established 18S3. Capital and Surplus 4125,000 Resounds $700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson, County Bc.nk respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest fritnrdntee of safety nnd efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greutest care in every financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. VV. I. VAWTER, President. O. R. LIXDLEY, Cashier. 554 I' APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OP FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first . class nurseries. L. E HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREOON J. E. EXYART, President JOIIN S. ORTII. Cnshier. J. A PERRY, Vice-Presidejt. tt R. JACKSON'. Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. a)