Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 29, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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I '.VI, OI jI 1 1j.1I 11 lilt
Forests Mean Everything to Welfare
of the Nation at
"A very few yours 115:0 't'oivst i'n
servntiuii' was little more than n
lliras ; today it is n vital issue in
our national development,'' says
Treadwell Cleveland, Jr., in a circu
lar on the status of forestry in this
country, which has just been issued
by the. United States forest service.
"In connection with the general plan
to conserve all natural resources it
is the most' important and far-reaching
economic policy ever adopted and
pursued by any nation.
"The forest is one of the chief sup
)xrts t the whole material fabric' of
our civilization. . The forest means
not? only a permanent supply of wood
and the life of all the industries
which depend innm it. but also the
control of the -.raters for human use.
There is only barrenness iu the- fu
ture of the nation which has lost the
use of wood and the control of wa
ter. "It has shown that we are still
destroying the forest as we use it;
that we are taking from it every year
three and a half times as much wood
as is added by the new growth. It
has shown that less than one-third
of the growing trees felled by" the
lumberman is ever used at all, so that
two-thirds of all the timber cut is
simply destroyed. It has shown that
one-eleventh of all the forests are
swept by fires every year, and thnt
on the average since 1S70 forest
fires have yearly cost $50,000,000 iu
timber and 50 lives. It has shown
thnt over 0!) per cent of the forests
in private hands, which comprise
three-fourths of all the forest land
and four-fifths of all the wood, is
thus devastated by destructive use
and the scourge of unchecked fires,
while less than 1 per cent is properly
handled for successive crops or ef
fectively protected from fire. The
forest as a resource is rapidly being
WASHINGTON', Sept. :. As the
result of the experiment inndv by the
nnvy department for the saving of
money by the consolidation of stores
on hoard sever, of the vessels of tin
navy, it is probable that the system
will be iiia.ivnrated on nil vessels. It
is estimated from the saving accom
plished on the seven vessels that
7.)0,0'.)0 a ear can ho saved in this
mnuuct' on all if the plan is put into
Instead of issuing supplies in bulk
to ti'e vftssels selected for the test,
tint Connecticut, the, Minnesota, the
Oeoigin. the Xew Jersey and the Ver
mont tatlleships, and the West Vir
ginia nrJ the Colorado, armed cruis
ers, money Allotments were provided
for each frhip's department, in order
that piiivluinc.s be made to meet each
vessel' rciiiirements. The average
of saving on each of the seven vessels
was 4- per ccrl. Under construction
and repair TO per cent was saved;
equipment. 47 per cent; steam engin
eering, S-l per cent, and supplies and
aconnt, 2 1 ptr cent.
(The Tidings.)
The salye has recently been con
summated of the MoDuuiel peach or
chard on the Boulevard south of
town ' and opposite the Bellview
schoolhouse, to Mr. McGibbon, a Tex
as and Oklahoma oil operator. The
place comprises 37 acres, 17 of which
are in bearing peaches and the price
was $12,500. '
Mrs. McGibbon and daughter are
here from the southeast to take
charge of the property. Mr. McGib
bon does not expect to come here to
reside upon the property purchased,
which is a most pleasnnt home, for
some time vet.
The teachers of Jackson and Jo
sephine counties will meet iu Ash
land for a four days' joint institute
Leginning Wednesday, October 27,
r.nd continuing until and including
Saturday, the 30th. County Super
intendent J. Percy Wells has the ar
rangements in hand for the meeting,
an unusually strong program is be
ing arranged, and the gathering is
being looked forward to with no
small degree of interest in educa
tional circles of the two counties.
Among the prominent instructors
will be State Superintendent J. H.
Ackerman, H. A. Adrian, Superin
tendent of the Santa Barbas city
schools; L. R. Alderman of the Uni
versity of Oregon, department of ed
ucation; H. M. Crooks, president of
Albany college, and Catherine Mont
gomery, primury supervisor state nor
mal school, Bellingham, Wash., be
tides several local educators. The
institute will be programed in three
divisions primary, intermediate and
advanced, rural school and high
(Siskiyou News.)
It is stated on excellent author
ity that the Northern California Lum
ber company of Hilt expects to erect
a large plant on its Soda Creek hold
ings, lying east of Dunsmuir, in the
very near future. Financial arrange
ments are practically completed for
the installation of a plant fully as
large and complete as the Hilt plant.
Surveyors are now in the field lay
ing out the railroad to be built for
the purpose of tapping this large
body of timber, consisting of about
3"ojO00,00O feet of timber.
This company recently purchased
the Coggins tract, comprising the
largest accessible body of timber in
that section and embodies over 400,
000,000 feet of sugar and white pine. ;
About half of this tract sold by the
Coggins brothers is in Jackson coun
ty, Oregon, in which the Shattuck
ranch of 250 acres is located, which
raises from 400 to 500 tons of hay
It Can Be Done. So Scores of Medford
Citizens Say.
To jure an aching hack.
The pains of rheumatism,
The tired-out feelings,
You must reach the enit get at the
In most cases 'tis the kidneys.
Doau's Kidney Pills ore for the kid
neys. G. L. Boone, corner Ninth and C
ts, Medford, Or., says: "I was
lied with rheumatism when I first
.. an using Doan's Kidney Pills. I
did not think they tcjM do me any
'good, hut finally p?-;ured a box at
Erkins' drug store. They proved to be
the remedy I required My kidneys
were restored to their normal condition,
and the pains and aches in my back
were Temoved. Doan's Kidney Pills
lived up to their representations in my
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Fostcr-Milbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for the United States.
Komember the narai Doan's and
take no other. 46
Jesse U. Hodges to Kuos Con
ger, laud iu township 37, 2 W 1 1000
C. 11. Ciudiuell to (1. S. Butler,
lots 111 mid 17, Ashlmid
llomostoad association. . . .
George N. Lewis to W. T. Bai
ley, lots 4 and 8, V. Vi hits
3 and 7, block 3, Jackson
ville William 11. Jordan et nl. to K.
W. Stnmick, mining proper
ty K. Koe to V. T. Illy, 20
acres in Itcllevuo tract...
Charles II. IVierloin to Wil
S. Crowell, land iu D L C 83,
township 37, rungo 2 W ...
A. L. Sherman to Jcsso G.
Hodges, release of bond..
United States to John Cutting-
ham, N E 14 section 18,
township 35, range 3 E ...patent
A. J. Daley to William von dor
Hellen, hind iu D L C 45,
township 3(5, range 1 W
T. D. Spofford to W. M. Smith,
172 acres iu section 10,
township 37, range 1 W. , 3000
A. McDonald to U. l Wimer,
property in Coltno Homo
addition to Moil lord 250
Marriage Licenses.
James W. C. l'lymirv and Dora I
Prepaid Raiiroao Orders.
"Something which is of consider
known is the system of prepaid or
able interest to the public generally
and which is nerhaps not generally
dors now in effect betwoen HtutioiiH
of the Southern Pacific company
and ail points in the United States
By means of this system tickots may
be purchased at Medford from tiny
plnce in the United States and mail
dd or telegraphed direct to the party
wishing to come here. Sleeper bo
commodations and small amounts of
oash in connection with these tickets
may also b forwarded at the same
Advertising is the brcuth of lifo for
weak ousinoss lungs how h
yours tF.
f me KEmEEA
System of Water Supply jjAfm
provides an absolutely safe and satisfac- k I
tory water service, equal to that With 6: - I
j offered by any city water works. '!' the $ I I
An abundant supply of water Kewanee f lyj I
always available and deliv- 0fy System, Ik " ' I
ered under strong pressure- an a'ir-tigrit, steel, pneu- f , ,
throughout the house, barn tfW made tank, called the ''STX-
or grounds. MT Kewanee Pneumatic Tank XlJ H
! Affords ' Pccd in the cellar. Water grn I I
i AV,rt1n f u Pumped into this tank and is k fv 77 I
j ADsoiuie w delivere1 ,0 e fo, by ftMmgggt I
j J ire M pressure. ... I
Protec- I
! tfon. No Attic Tank fa
! iVf No Elevated Tank jJ&H i
j to freeze or Collapse. Wy o
J I 1 100 pet cent beller service and will last a 'h ftR
II) lifetime. &Bjj j
'hr Over Nin Thouund Kewanee '4.
' tfrVA- Outfii. !o Successful V M S
! Also agents for White Steam ffllfcf f j j
j Cars and Fairbanks-Horse Gaso- a i mar I g
I line Pumping Outfits. E WiMMMt'' 00
- - 9
E. A. Washburne & Son
Miles Block Medford, Oregon
! -,
. E3E
o o
o o
u u
to Ch caso I-
Excursion Rates
Oct. 4th Oct. 4th Oct. 4th Oct. 4th
Remember the Date
To Chicago and return To Chicago and return
$82.40 $82.40 $82.40
Full particularsat the local S.P. office or address
Agent S. P. Co. Medford, Oregon
Those who aro looking for good invest
ments can do no better than to inves
tigate this beautiful property
Twenty-eight fine lots Ideated 011 Main street, nix
blocks west of the business district. Main street is be
ing paved, water mains aro being laid, sewer is in, ce
ment walks going in, cross street GO feet wide. Lots S
arc 50x137, front lots 70x1-10. Always accessible, cither
on foot or wheel on account of paved streets- Building
line 25 feet from front of lots.
, There is no question but what one will make 50 to
100 per cent on the investment in the course- of a year.
Medford is growing very rapidly and without question
this is the cheapest property .within the same radius
of anything in the city today. The price and the terms
nro reasonable. Conic and look this over and be con
vinced. 1 :h1
"Yc also have a splendid business property, of large
size, that will stand investigation. The present price
will look cheap in a. year's time.
Also have 40 acres first-class fruit land that can
be traded for city property. This is some distance out,
well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land.
Now what have you to offer?
J. W. Dress ler" Agency
West Main St.
The Same Old Story
But it's a good one, and well worth
repeating, for the best the markets af
ford in
Salt and Fresh Meats
Poultry, Butter, Lard, etc.
see the
ASHP0LE i NICHOLS, Proprietors.
Opposite Postofflce Phone 461.
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The Last Word
In Harness, Saddles, Bri
dles, whips Robes, Wag
on Covers, Tents, Blankets,
etc., can befound in stock at
Successors To I. P. SETTLE
317 E. 7th Street Medford. Oreoon
f. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat.
We make any kind and style of windows. We carry
glass of any size on hand.
Medford Sash & Door Go.