THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MFD FORD, OKMKiON', TUESDAY, SKIT EM HKR L'S, NoGoodsSold Until Saio Opens Tomorrow Way JUIJU BMAtWU AIUJ (UJ UIJ TTfi ji no nil n U n n in id 1 n mi n Lxui i n Wor Genuine Shoe Bargains The entire stock of S. H.DUFFIELD, or the MEDFORD SHOE PARLOR, has been placed in the hands of the Transcontinental Salvage Sales Company, with orders to convert the same into money at once, regardless of cost or value. ;We are hot going out of business; we have no fakes or schemes, hut for. the next ten days, September 29 to October 9, we are going to give the people of Medford and vicinity the greatest shoo values everoffered in the history of this county. The wonderful bargains that will abound here for the next ten days will astonish the most skeptical. There are bargains afloat, the occasion is inspiring. Don't fail to attend this money saving sale. "We can save you dimes and dollars according to your purchase. DON'T MISS IT. Marvelous Opportunity For IVioney Saving Shoes For Men Men, grasp this golden opportunity. You are bound to save money if you buy your shoes here. You can save One-fourth to Onethird and almost One-half during this sale. Come expecting the best bargains ever offered. You will not be disappointed. 1 Shoes For Women Prices will tell the story of what this sale means to you. AVc couldn't describe values You must see the bargains. One-fourth to One-third and almost One-half can be saved on every pair of shoes you buv during this sale. What prudent woman will not hurry to take advantage of these low prices? SO ES Shoes For Boys . Here is where you can almost buy, two pairs for the price of one. You are bound to save. One-fourth to One-third and almost One-half on boys' shoes. You surely will be well repaid by making this great sale a personal visit. - Big Sale Starts Shoes For Girls i The most opportune chance yet offered to supply the "Miss" with shoes at most wonderful saving. Think of saving One-fourth to One-third and almost One-half on all children's shoes. It's a chance that seldom occurs, and we advise you o make the most of it at once. , Sept. 29 Wednesday s H. DUFFIELD Guy Shottenkirk; the man in charge MEDFORD, OREGON iMtl I. , -VA Wr.f i'.-.J' I-.'-,.: . vu, j. , I auuUMIgV MMU .MM yauglll imp tvuit It,