TUB MKDKORp DATLY TftTnTJNB, MEDFORr), ORFION, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, IQOf). '-f-f4--f.f- -f-f-f4--f.f Classified Advertisements, Business Directory and Market Reports FOR LATE PEAKS Km) & Hatfield, uiiili'l' dale Kcpli'inbcr 22, issued llii' fiilluwin New Voii; deciduous market Idler: Ruined nil nielli mill all lny. 1'uir nlli'iiiluiiiV ut ciili'. With hiiiiIIht heavy offering nf To kay mill tin- unfavorable wifiii , market was depressed, price down l'.",;.c In 25c. Florin cur sold by u nvcriiKi'il mill $1.2 I. Klk Omvc fl.l.'l, l.lllli KIIIll'H Nlllll Irillll H.'ll! to H.l-li mostly. ViicUvillo 80c Id lllln. dill' Till' III' Mlllllgll Nlllll llV II WIIM wrecked mill in rotten condition; what wore sold averaged 7Ue. Other car tivurnged $1.01. Pear market strong. Half bo.xe Cornice from Hiintu Cliiru hoIiI today to average 3.01), Hull' Fondla, $2.30 tn .l.:in, liuxi-x nf Colorado Anjoim averaged $1.75. Cur of Win ter Ncli frmii Anderson, moMt ly 5 licr, if 1.85. Walla Walla prune, $1.20. ('iilol'iiiln penche averaged 80c, MEDFORD MARKETS. Fruit and Vegetables. (Price paid by Meilford morrhiinlu.,i Apple l(ri,2! lb, j peaches 2'a(o:4c It t pear. 1 'j (?'. 2e ; nectarines, 3c; Mvoetwnter grapes, '2,:j(S3oj plum, l'.jjo; blackberries, 11.20 crale; To kay grapes, 4c. I'olHt"", le lb: onion, $1.50 wt;; green onion, 3.1e dor. bunches; carrot, Koliac; beet, 1$i '(; Mriiitf bi'iin, lie; rabbiii;), l'.-jc; creel) pepper, (i; ciicimiber. 10e dozen; tomatoe, le; hipim.li, 30(o50e doz; water melon. HioT25e; cnntalo'i os, 30c(fi.l dozen; preen corn, 10(oic dozen; pumpkins, 10(71 5c. Butter, Eflgs and Poultry. (Price paid by Meilford merchnnt..1 Uancli butter, 30c; fancy cream -cry, 37',-jc. Kicsh ranch cute. 32'. 's". Mixed poultry, 30c; wpring chick iih, 15c; dock. 10c; turkeys, 15c; Feed and Mlllstuffs. (Price paid producer.) . Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, 14; Km, $13 ton. Wheat Old, $1.20 bushel; now, $1 luhel; oat, $3!) ton; barley, old, $30; now, $2'.). (Selling prices.) Hulled baiicv, $2.00 cwt; $30 ton: bran, $1.75; middling, $1.85(it l.'JO; nhorts, $1.80(0 1.85. Heof, a'iCiiHe; pork, fle; mutton, 3'ac; lttiiil,"4,-t ; veal (dressed), flo. df0rd timetable South er np ac ifi c railway: I Northbound. I No. 20lHoscburg Pass... No. 12!Shnsta Limited.. . No. lOlOregon Express.. No. 14lPortland Express. 7:41a.m. U :25 a.m. 5 :24 p. m. 8:3!) p. m. Southbound. No. lllShnstii Limited... 5:50a.m. 'No. 15'Californiu Express 10 :35 a. m. No. 13lS. F. Express 1 3:32 p.m. "Medford to Jacksonville. Motor enr leaves Train leaves Train leaves ..... Trfiin leave . Motor car leaves . 8:00 a. m. 10 :45 a. in 3 :35 p. 0 :00 p. m. 0 :30 p. m Jacksonville to Medford. Motor leaves .... Trnin lonves .... Train lenves Train leaves Motor car leaves 7 :00 a. m. 8:45 n. m. 2 :30 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 7 :30 p. in. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY. No. llLcavc Medford. No. 3Lcnves Medford. No. 2lArrivos Medford. 8 :00 n. m 2 :20 p. m. 10:10 a. m 5:00 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 0 :05 a. uv 3 :05 p. m. 4 :15 p. m. No. 4 No. l! No. 21 No. 3 Arrives Medford.. Arrive Englo Pt. . . Loaves Eaglo Pt. . Arrives Eaglo Pt.. No. 4 Leaves F.nglo Pt.. MAIL CLOSES. Northbound . . Southbound . , Engle Point.. 8 :55 a. m. 0:00 p. m. 8 :10 p. m. 3 :00 p. m. 2 :00 p. m. For nows, whilo "The Tribune. F. it is news, road FOR SALE. l''lt SAI.K I in ymi want a homo in S. W. Ti'a-7 (Mill anc, a ilarl: chncnhilc lumri, (ViicimI mill crnxH fclici'd; ri-niiini house; three 2-l'oniii lniiii.cn; Itn in .'12x41, J-htury; well "I' line water; mill ami :ifiOO-giilloti lank; water iin'il l.i limine ami bntii: impl'IH i-tlll'llU all lll'WJ 300 llCI'Ch grubbed; lilili acres pluwcd; every tin' lain! i'iiii In! cultivated; l'2 miles west nf Millclt; infill ex change fur ifiioil liii-iiii'.i; iriiii'i'ty nr good farm laml in or near Med ford. Price iJ.I.'i.liliO. ,1. M. ("line, Milli'lt. Tec. 100 FOIt SAI.K Why go out in tho u burb to hny, when you can gut, right in town, only two block from depot, two lot, new 4-room (ti riotty modern ooltrifft, completely furnish pil, everything now, woodshed and chicken house, for only $30007 Call 134 S. Ivy. 105 I'Dlt SAI.K First-class railroail tii'ki't to Sun Francisco ut reduced price. Addrc box 511. FOR lam SAI.K 3 acres miller ditch; good good garden house; Phoenix. Matt Calhoun, KOIl SAI.K 5-room house, 31 S Orange street, $350; three lot and hnue .'J0(in. P. O. Box 530. FOIt SALE Why buy a town lot when von can get one nero nmler Fish Lake ditch, IV mile out from poHtoi lice, fur ..i00; also have a 5-iicre tract. Buy from owner and hiivo commission. Xo. 20 South Peach street, or P O. Box 842. 102 FOIt SALE Oak, fir and pine wood cordwood, 4-foot lengths, will be unwed into 10-inch length when dc sired; fir wood split and in blocks 10 inches in length. F. Osenbrugge. Stiidebnker Bros. Co.' warehouse FOIt SALE Or will trnde for good milch cow, work horse, sound . in every respect except one eye; gentle, perfectly true, will work anywhere; weight about 1125; good color; ngo about 12 years. No fake. Apply to L E. W 'Tribune office. FOIt SALE Or trade, for city prop- erty, new Buick 5-pnssenger car, used five months, nil in good condi tion. Address Mcdford postoffice. Box 12. ! 105 FOR SALE 7-year-old blnck mnre. ride or drive single or double; also good milk cow. O. L. Pnnkcy, IV2 miles northeast of Central Point, or address care Tribune. FOR SALE 100 acres good fruit land, 30 ncrts cleared; stock nnd implement with place $2000. Chns. R. Piueon, Meilford. FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow on Peach street N.; pantry, bath room, closcls, screened porch, mte sion furniture, electric lights, sewer connection, city water supply con tracted for. Good well and pump. Woodshed. Apply to W. 3. Robert... office over Medford National onnk. FOR SALE 1200 acres unimproved land, also improved land, suitnb'.e for fruit, for sale cheap. See II. M. Coss. snlo agent, 004 W. Tenth St , Medford. FOR SALE Twenty acres, near Merlin ; good fruit land; $400; forms. Address S. Tribune. FOR SALE 1200 ncres improved land, suitable for fruit, for sale cheap. See II. M. Coss, sole agent, 004 W. Tenth St.. Medford. tf. FOR SALE 5 and 10-ncre tracts just within nnd adjoining city lim its, at a tinrgnm, on 0 annual pay ments. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE--Choice business proper ty nt a bnrgnin, on long time; easy term. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE Gnats. I did not dis- sover the north pole, but have dis sovered Hint thero is money in an gora gouts; havo a few high grades for sale; also two registered bucks; can furnish you 0110 font, n thou sand goats, at from $2 up. C. C. Gilchrist, Sams Valley, Or. 105-54 FOR SALE Furniture of a nine room homo nnd tho lease on house. Aqly E, care this office. 1G5 Your Wants c AN Be Easily Satisfied by a Costs but a Few Cents, Matter What It Is a Want Cent a Word, Six Insertions t- FOR RENT. FOIt KENT Nicely furnished room, all modern convenience. No. 10, North Grape street. Mr. Jennie L. Stone. FOIt KENT Furnished housekeep ing room at 125 R. Oakdnlo ave. 58 FOIt BENT Two large room, nice ly furnished, close in, corner of Fourth and Front street. E. C. Avlor. FOIt RENT Farm in the Meadow district, 320 acres, 280 good farming land. For one or more years. Rent er expected to buy stock, soncicc ing of hogs, horse nnd farming tools. Bargain on lntt'jr. Address A. J. Olson. Gold Hill. Or. FOR RENT Rooms at 004 West 10th street, corner King street; one front room upstairs, suite of room; downstairs -in suite or single; hot and cold water and bath; largo screened porches; lawn and shade for the comfort of patrons. FOIt RENT Boarding house, in bus iness center of Meilford, nicely lo cated with beautiful grounds, at reasonable rental. Inquire at Rogue River Electric Company, 200 W. Main St. CITY NOTICES. S54.250.00 CITY OF MEDFORD. OREGON. IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Medford. Oregon. September 10th. 1900. The Citv Council of Medford. Ore eon, will receive scaled bids up to 0 o'clock p. m.. September 30th. 1909, for the sale of $54,250.00 G per cent 10-vear improvement bonds, bids to be accompanied by a certified check enunl to 5 per cent of the amount bid for. The risht to reject nnv and all bids is reserved. Bids to be addressed to Robt. W. Telfer. Citv Recorder. Certified check to be mndo payable to the City of Medford. ROBT. Wr. TELFER. Citv Recorder. Dated Medford. Oregon, Septem ber Kith. 1909. . 101 TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to me for mount ing. Big game heads, fish, birds and mammals mounted true to nature by improved methods. I do tanning, make fur rugs, make, remodel and clean fur garments. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS, 495 Washington Street, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3000. FOR SALE I have some choice real estate, close in, that I will exchange for a team of good, heavy driving horses. Benson Investment Co. 105 FOR SALE 100 acres good fruit land 1 mile from Merlin, $15 per acre; one-fifth cash, balance 0 yrs. (1 per cent ; will divide. Address R, care Tribune. 108 FOR SALE Choice voting milch cow ;, fresh, good quality. Addre r, care ot tins oitice, or inquire of P. J. Pnrton. Medford, Or. 105 WANTED A waitress nt the Dia nmnd. rult oAl.E Uood team ot marcs, one with colt nt.sido, 7 yenrs old, weight between 1300 nnd 1400 pounds, a fine work team and splen did walkers; three Jersey milch cows, 8 nice shonts of about 150 pounds 'weight. Inquire of F. L, Orr. on the old- Van norderburg place, 2' miles below Central Point or Bert Anderson. Medford. Or. FOR SALE Eight or ten rods of good picket fence, in sections, nil ready to put up. Inquire of Bert Anderson, Medford. Or. Want Ad in The Tribune. Saves Time and Money. No Ad Will Supply It, One for the PrlGe of Four. WANTED. WANTED A competent girl for a hinull fumily; good wage. Address P. O. Box 423. WANTED Married man familiar with orchard culture, who will board help on fruit ranch. Call at Con dor Water & Power Co., 209 West Seventh. 107 WANTED Whole, white, clean cot ton rags, at the Tribune office; no overalls or jumpers taken. WANTED Oirl for general house work;' good wages to right party. Address R. this office. 100 WANTED First-class waitress at the Franco-American hotel; fare paid. Morrison & Lash, Yreka, Cal WANTED An experienced girl for dinintr room work at the Louvre Cafe. WANTED A small furnished or un furnished cottage, 5 rooms, close in Address M. care Tribune. WANTED Experienced quarry man Address P. O. Box 418, Mcdford, Or. " WANTED To buy, 6-room modern bungalow nnd 2 lots, good location price must be right. Address B. F. care Tribune. 104 WANTED An experienced waitress at the Totel Nash. ' WANTED Man to represent large conservative life insurance company in Medford and vicinity. Good chance for right man. Superintend business. Address W. C. K., care Tribune. WANTED First-class 0-mnle team ster. See Price, the blacksmith. VANTED 12 wood choppers to chop cordwood and tierwood. Address E. W. Liljesrran. Tolo. Or. LOST. 4- LOST A small open-faced silver watch, with heavy chain nttached and monogram on the back, F. C. B. Return to Osgood & Cummings' of fice and receive reward. 164 FOUND A purse, with money in it, Owner can have same by identify ing and paying for this advertise ment, to Frank Wilson, nt Cigar Store. 4- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. t t tt t Luke Rvan to Theodore H. F. Engle, land in township 3S, range 1 W 4300 A. W. Stureis to Gordon Mc- Cuteheon, property in West addition to Medford 800 Miti v L. Clark to Charles W. Bighnni, 82.31 acres in sec tion 5, township 39, range 1 W A. W. Sturgis to Edgar S. Hater, lot 10, block 2. Oak Park addition to Med ford F. I. Dunbar to Clifford Cog gins, land in township 41, range I E Andreas Weidncr to Luke Ry an ( land in section 10, town ship 38, range 1 W David Pavisson to Star Gold Mining company, silver initio lode claim in Wagner Crock mining district 1.300 000 10 4000 New Cases. Emma Flohr vs. Charles Flohr; di vorce. Cms Newbury, attorney for plaintiff. D. A. Pnttuls vs. Fred J. Blnkelcy and Ida J. Blnkelcy; suit to fore- j T Wlinllev audi 'A. E. Reames, attorneys for plaintiff. BUSINESS DIPECTORY Pnysicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and res ident phone Main 2301. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Physician and surgeon. Office, 133 W. Main st. Phone Mntn 577, Medford. DR. R. J. CONROY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in Stewart build ing. S. E. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hoars: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteop at h i c Physicians. Mission Block, Phone 291, Medford. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, Mission Block Phone 291, Medford. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Main street, Medford, Ore gon. Amusements. BIJOU THEATER West Seventh st continuous performance every eve ning of motion pictures ano: illu trated ballads. Entire change of pro gram Monday. Wednesday and Fri- day. Admission 10 and 15 cents. SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou street; latest motion pictures and il lustrated songs. Entire change of program, Sunday, Wednesday and Fridav. Admission 10 cents. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and tlistributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. lonng and nail buuding. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound Citv kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS- Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18-20 F St .South. Phone 91, Medford. Or, Hospitals. MEDFORD HOSPITAL Surgical cases a specialty; thorough equip ment. Mrs. L. G. Gardner, Prop 446 E. Evergreen St., Medford. Photograph Studios. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey and die with joy." Over.Al len & Reagan's store; entrance 00 Seventh street. Drayage and Transfer. ADAMS & MOORE. GENERAL Drnying and Transfer, will call anywhere in city. Phone Main 561 Rtnnd at S. P. Depot Probate. Estate Mathew II. Coleman: ord. made setting October 30, 1909, 1 time for final hearing. Estate Ida Maria Carlson; admin istrntor's bond filed. Estate Nancy Steuber; invento and appraisement tiled showing es tate valued at $2000. j Estate Casnnder Grazer; inven tory nnd appraisement filed showing estate valued nt ifdou. Estate Milton J. Hampton; inven tory nnd appraisement filed showing estate vnlued nt $4693.04. Guardian William Edgar Gillette et nl. : order mndo to show cause why real estate should not be sold. Estate Ida Maria Carlson; order made appointing Alfred Weeks ad niinuistrator and Wallace Woods, N. S. Bennett and D. L. Me Nary ap- praisers. Estate Ilildah Colver: order made I confirming sale of real property. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BuildngjndJLoanAoclaUon JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 0. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 E. Main street. J. NEWMAN, JOHN CAR KEN. Newman & Ca.'kin, Court Lawyers. Corporation and criminal prac tice in state and federal courts. Of fice over Jackson County bank. COLVIG & REAMS W. M. Colvia, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Building. Second Floor. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. PORTEK J. NEFF Attorney-at-law No. 9 D street, ground floor. Stenographer. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance. Office 112 W. Main St., Medford Ore. Phone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. ha the best equipped job office in Southern Oregon; Portia id prices. 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac ramento. Office on West Main street and rmirjad. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ey specahst. when others fail. Office in Eagle Pharmacy. Mam 233. East Main near D'Anjou. Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew- elers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. GEO. A. BUTT Watchmaker jew eler and engraver. My jewelry stock is up-to-date. My facilities, includ ing eperience and material for re pair work, are the best in the city. Corner G and Seventh sts. Nurseries CARLTON NURSERY Grow all all kinds of nursery stock without irrigation or fertilizer, but on deep, rich soil, producing a normal growth and a vigorous, healthy tree, with a strongo root growth. Those treos are especially adapted to Rogue River valley soil and conditions. J. P. Adams, Agent, P. O. Box 143. Office in Central Point Hotel, Cen tral Point, Or. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. EDEN VALLEY NURSEHY N. 8. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow tree that sell, sell trees that grow and fruit true to label. Phone 3221. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cook, Prop. R. B. V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 583. Medford. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITE Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and made to order 128 North G street. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. A. T. O'Brien. O. D. Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contrac tors; also lime, cement and plaster in any quantity. Office, Medford National bank bldg. Phonee Main 545. Underakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 353. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 36; J. H. Butler 148. Fruit Stores. FRESH FRUIT We have the larg est exclusive fruit store in Medford. We have a reputation for handling only the best. We know how to bujl and sell cheap. H. H. Lorimer, R. R. V. R. R. Depot. .. ,