Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 28, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Tlio Nash drill iiuiI.i a Hpccinlly
III' Hpeeial dinner, banquets 'i, Mi.
bin every uvening.
Mr. and Mih. ). K. Yiniiij of I'o-
llliillll, . ('ill,, llli! paying it In
1'iiiimU of l hi i-il.v.
Our clini'iin i "no dollar per month
fur renting your hnuMi. Will coilleet
ri'tit if desired. Can keep tbi'tn ('-
0O)il'l. Ill'IINOII IllVI!KlllH!llt Co. fii)
Mr. iiiul Mm. Will Jeukin of
l'illhliiii'i;, I'll., hliirti-il fur Ihhik; on
Mnniliiy after n "hurt vinit with
i'r'endn her.
Sco Prof. Anton Romanoff, for
merly court violinist of Austrian em
peror, fur Ikhhoiih on violin, guitar
nnd mandolin. I.eayo order at NiihIi
A party coniMiiii; of A. I). Sing.
It r ami T. A. Howell left Tueda,v on
a hunting .trip on the iliviilit near t li
headwater of tin Uinpiptii river and
Klk creek.
Order for nweet cremn or butter
milk promptly filled. Phone the
W. K. Xiehdon eim:e in the fir-t
of tho week from hit stork ruiirh in
Klaiiiath county to relatives and
friend and ntieud to homo buKinoss
matter. Mr. NiidiiilKon, who ha
been stnvinif in Oranttj I'omh for a
few weeks will return with biiu.
Hear Professor Rntnnno'ff in vio
lin nolo everv evening tho Nash
Grill. "
Mr. and Mr. W. A. Davidson of
White Salmon, Vnh.f who are trav
eling from their home to southern
California, stopped in thi pity for
a few day to visit friends. Mr.
avidHon was formerly a resident
of Medford.
The best pluee in town to upend n
pleasant boar Tho Iiijott. 1(13
Among the visitors in Medford
Monday was Mrs. J. W. Seiek of
Holland, Or., who is visiting friends
in tho city.
Lnrnipin pood truck, Hill thot;c
hot waffles fit the Louvre.
O. P. Wright nnd family of Knox
ville, In., are in fedford ns protpoo
tive -elder.
Tens nud coffees at 30 So. G st.
Mr. and Mrs. (', V. r'nuoinan of
Oregon City tire mnoug the vi-itor- .
in Medford.
rfest meal for the least money at
tho Spot cafe. I
Mr. and M s. A. I. Williams of
Itetroit, Mich., are looking over the
Spices nml' extracts at 30 So. fl
II. U. Waiibaiurb of Oenevn, Neh.,
its touring the valley looking for a lo
cation. ,
Phono 3303 for tea or coffco.
Mr. and Mrs, II. Carroll 'Brown of
Baltimore, who have been guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ilonoro Palmer, left
Kiln (litunyaw, public! Mtcnogrnpher,
room .J, I'nhu buili:;nr.
Knghieer J. W. I,',,lierls will niov
into his Oal.ilnle iivenmi bungalow
next week.
The J.ouvro cafo for tho best.
II. I.. Kelly Of !!:( bureau of fih.
cries at Klk creek has returned to the
hatchery after n trip to Portland.
Danee at Tho Wigwam Wednesday
evening. 304
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Knyart and Mr.
an'd Mrs. Charles Thorpe left Tues
day for a fibbing trip ut Trail.
Why rush home 7
Cafn'B 25c dinner.
Try tho Spot
Owen Uiinlap, aecompaiiiud by J.
K. Kishhuru and J. M. Marble of I-os
Angele, left Tuesday on u fishing
trip on the upper Itogue.
You will meet your best riond at
The Wigwatu Wednesday eveninir. so
ha on hand. 104
Jeff .Heard Monday caught the
largest cutthroat trout of the season,
weighing three pounds, near the Hay
Southern Oregon Ten mid" Coffee
Co., 30 So. G street.
William Ulricb, trustee, is paying
the final dividend in the case of Sto
vens et al. or tiio Jackson County
I. limber company bankruptcy pro
ceeding in the United States court.
Yep; fee! fine had dinner at tbe
A. II. MacClellan of San Francis
co was a Medford visitor Tuesday.
William J. Prant of Colorado
Springs is looking over the valley
and town this week.
Don't forget the dance at Tbe
Wigwam on Wednesday evening. 104
Mervillc Hrumble. the . drayman,
had an accident Monday evening
which, without being anything se
rious, is extremely painful and in
convenient. A henvy keg slipped out
of bis hands nnd in trying to bold
onto it bo turned bin wrist and threw
it out of joint. A rapid recovery in
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Hamrn of Kan
sas City, Mo., .who are touring the
northwest stopied off here at Med
ford for n short time to look around.
Mr. ii'.i) Mrs, (,'. W. ': !:!:, de
parted for l'oM!n:if M a. day e."iii.i;.,
where Mr. Conkliu v.ill attend the
National Undertake r' association
Mr. and Mrs. J, li, liridges o
Leavenworth, Kan., arrived in Med
ford Tueida,v morning oil a vinit to
Merle Sullivan. Tliey will stay here
with their old friend and then con
tinue on their journey south.
K. (i. Fisher and wife and boy of
Hustings, Neb., have been visiting in
tho valley for a short time.
Mrs. J. 0. Gore returned Tuesday
from Portland, where she bus been !
on it visit. I
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fnrrar of Gay- i
lord, Mich., stopped off here Tuesday
for h day in Medford.
Harry H. Hicks has moved into his
new residence on West Jackson
street, which be recently purchased
from C. A. Fowler ut a consideration
of )f 1200.
, K. I). F.lwood nnd O. M. Murphy
are expected to return this week from
an extended camping trip.
William ft. Orin of Yreka is spend
ing a few days in Medford,
Arthur Hrown left Tuesday eve
ning on a short trip to Asblnnd.
The Aid society of the ladies of tbe
M. E. church met at the church Tues
day on North liartlett street, to con
sider matters of importance.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Nordstrom of
Lyons, Kan., are touring the Rogue j
vnllcv. . ' I
A light dud speedy handcar for TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER
the Pacific & Fa,, tern arrived in a i i-
Send your trophies to tne for mount-
' . ling. Pig game beads, fish, birds and
he taken to l.a-le Point. 1 ,
I mammals mounted true to nature by
Mi- I,ie Tice returned Tuesday
improved methods. I do tanning, make
fur rugs, make, remodel and clean
from a trip i, several northern cities llr (-'"rments. Express nnd mail or-
and Alaska. She went a, a guest of . 'lcrS """'V uSoDii' '
ti. t,:i i . li. m. HAnnlS,
J he rnbune, ,mvIK won fnvt place '493 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
in the recent contest. I Teleihone Main 3000.
From n small beginning tho snlo
and use of Clininbcrlniii's Cough Rem
edy has extended to nil parts of tho
United States an dto many foreign
countries. Why? Becauso it has
proved especially valuablo for ,i'.ighs
and colds. For sale by Leon I!. Hns
kins.' Phf-rmacy. ,
Richard Darling Stock Co.
"Cast Adrift"
- A Comedy-Drama in .5 acts
, High-Class Moving Pictures
Monday for their eastern homo.
Meet your friends nt tho Bijou to
night. t H53
S. R. rent!!, tho Tint to Falls at
torney, was in Medford on business
II. L. Gregory of F.nglo Toint dis
trict is visiting in Medford this voel.
C. ,T. Campbell of Ashland is n
Medford visitor this week.
Nash Grill open all tho timo. Fin
est servico between Portland nnd Sun
J. C. Donovan, an Albany man.
wns visiting in Medford Tuesday.
Sponial musio every ovoniug dur
ing dinner nt tho Nttcb Grill,
Best Opportunity to Save!
We want to ask you a fair question:. Do you prefer to trade with
the merchant that advertises prices and displays goods so that you cart
learn all you wish to know about them? We feel that you do, and that
Is why most of our advertisements are full of prices and descriptions.
We want you to know all about our goods, because we can recommend
them best when we feel that you really know what good values we offer.
The New Goods
See Our Windows
Ctir windows are finished and stand second to none in point of beau
ty. We are beginning to show the new goods, and are desirous that
you watch our windows, for in them you will not only see many exclu
sive styles, but you' will see goods and fancy articles which you can
see nowhero elso in southern Oregon.
Successor to
Baker Hutchason Co.
in which LUXURY and ECONOMY join hands to the ultimate profit of the
wise housekeeper, allowing her to add two of the latest modern conveniences
to the equipment of the home and costing less to have these comforts than to he
without them. This'
Combination Range Boiler Insulator
and Hot Fireless Cooker
effects this wonderful combination.
Two Indispensable
First A hot water
apparatus which fur
nishes very hot water
every minute of the day
and night a hot water
system equal to the most
expensive that money
can buy.
eeond A perfect
fireless cooker which re
ally cooks without fire
and delivers the food
hot and ready to serve
a fireless cooker which
contains hot ovens all
day and all night the
only hot fireless cooker
in the market.
A3' '
f Q '
Two Sources-of
First By preventing
the radiation of heat
while the boiler is being
heated and by conserv
ing the heat within the
boiler after it is heated,
there is a saving of more
than. 60 per cent in the
cost of heating water for
domestic use.
Second By using the
fireless ' cooker several,
hours each day instead
of ouming wood, coal or
gas, there is a large dai
Iv saving of fuel. .
Can be fitted to any boiler regardless of size. Hot water "on tap"' nt all hours of tbe day or night.
Pays for itself in short time by reducing fuel expenses. No cost to operate. Use either coal, wood
or gns for beating purposes. Provides a hot water system equal to any on the market costing $100
nnd upwards, nt less than half that cost.
Instead of burning fuel needlessly nnd standing over n hot kitchen range for hours at a time, the
housewife may place the food, which hn.s been brought to the boiling point quickly on the gas plate or
range, into the Fireless Cooker, where it will simmer for hours until thoroughly cooked, and when re
moved it will be found hot nnd ready to serve.
While the cooking process is going on in the Fireless Cooker no enre or attention need be be
stowed. If she so desire, tho housewife may go shopping, calling, or receive callers.
There is no escape of food fumes into the kitchen from the Fireless Cooker on account of the
fact thnt the lids of the cooking pots fit very tightly nnd the doors of the cooking compartments nre
Senled tightly when closed.
On demonstration at all times at the Aiken Plumbing Company's office, next door to Condor Water
Power Co. YOU are Invited to call and see for yourself just exactly how it works.
District Manager
Office in in Aikin Plumbing Go.'s Store