THE "EDFOItD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY. SKPTEM I5ER 2K. MM). I'mpert yowners nl' WVa 'i'cnlli, 1 I 1 1 1 j u -"nl 1 -" l , i iilly fiiiiii'il ii I -1 it i it lor ilic inning u' WV-i Tenth hlri'i'l I rum I ii i-in in went to I I hlri'i'l with hil iililliic. jiuve II. 'III. Till' Mlllll! hi'lll'IH In the to- inl nl' In I II ii'it now siaii now ii ri'iiiiiiihtriiiii'u iilli'Kinj; Hint tho piive- llll'lll illlHIHl'H "llll lllllll'rdHhlll'y 1111(1 iinlii'iinililii lux, iiiii'iiIUmI lor in thin ii'hidi'iico pint (if town." TIhim! who (tinned tlni o ri) i 1 1 ii I i(t liliuii mill ii lew (liiyn liilcr tho ro iiioiixlniiii'i) mo: J. ('. Sniilli, llll) feet; II. C. Kcntiiitr, IH.'i i'ect; V. II. MrOownn, 11)0 I'ect; II. A. r'rcdcn Imrtf. Ml I'ect ; Mih. Krdiimn, Vl'lV iiM'l ; .7. W. Wi.keiicld, ISO feet; C. 1). lliiwlritrir, 100 feci, mid C. I. llutch-i-..ii. 'J00 foot. "A Tim" I'ily council will tako action nt tlni next council nicctini;. W. I. Vnw tcr appeared before llni council Mon ilny evening in bchiill' of those kiku inif Ilic ri'iiioiiHti'iincc, nriiiK' chcup cr piivcincnt, lint nclion whh delayed, lit tin' I'tijsiiUM-r lind nut lnul time to complete 1'i.tiiiiiitcs mill bid on piiv intf could not Im pri-wited. Hidn for Inyintr cci it sidewalks were referred to the street Committee. GOLD HILL ITEMS. (Tln N'ljWH.) Mr. Owen of Kiiuciic is hern vis iliiiK with Mr. mid Mi". Ocnriro Sper i'.v. Mr. mid Mr-. .John Hrown of Kane Creek were shopping in town Mml diiy. Mark Whipple mid Charles- While Were JIHHMMIIHTH Oil till! f olll llllolllld ! ruin Monday. Mi-h. S. A. mid Mr. Cnl Pucn berry of Sardine Creek were in town .hopping Tuesiiny. Tom Wet mid W. 11. Walker have :oiii to Kaule Point to work on the railroad teaming. ('land Lawrence wan in from Gals Creek the fore purl of the week, at tending to Homn IniKiiU'SH matters. Dr. Chishobi him sold hi residence on tho south H'da mid has moved into bc Moon rc'denec on the same ptrcct. Mr. J. .1. 1I k arrived in Gold Hill from Cotviillw Mon.l.iy and is at prwnt vis'litm with Mr. and Mrs. (i. A. Landi-'. J. 1!. Ihvrrii it-ley and Ralph Hay "n.ond lefi Monday for Sardine and l'vaiiK ei-"cU-i. -vhere they will gath er liecf entile Cor a lew days. Mr. and Mix. I.. 1!. Cnrdwell were at Cent nil Point Sunday. Iicrnld I.iir of Sariline Creek w.m n pletKinil culler at' the Xew ol liee Sal iviiiiy Robert Moore and wife, nccompii nied hy Mrs '.leortte I.nmlis spent Sunday in Coiitial Point. J.ynn ri-din of the Central Point lleriild vii!".l villi old Iriendrl ill (iuld i llll hint S. ninny, .Mih. K. II Jlnmmcrslcy Iiim lieeii -"ii-l iin the N in composing ' i hi l linen) M''.ei,i iIiivk this week. K. II. liyin-H, I raveling iigent of tlie I'iiI'IIiiiiiI Telegrniil. v.ns in ( 1 U I Ilillj llii week looking nlier I lie inlere-ln , of llnil paper. ' Mrs. Mary linel.eliler, has heen viniling with Mr. .1. L. 1 l.iinineivley for llio (t si t week or ho, left for her hoinii in l.akeview Monday morning J. I0. Deltoy, one of Uohul Ilill'M. foriner ImrhcrH, who haw heen viit- ing here, left for Monlaguu, Cal., lat Mondny. Hu m now engaged in the hiirhcr lniHinehH in that eily. Peophi who come, mid go over the Southern 1'iicifiu route through Gold Hill have hul u miiiiII conception of the fertile vnlleyH and fine pitblureH which biirioiuid iih and lire shut off from the olmcrvntion of the hi ranger hy the range of moiiiitiiiim on either Hide. Jihn Ilanimernley and Italph Ilnm moiiil made a fine hhowing with theli- hunch of lomled doiikejH hint Monday , morning, hut they were too much for Itapliael Mohbiicr'H horse, who had (.'videiilly forgotten the nights of the old lime niininu camp, and he lirokc Iooho and made thingH lively around nhout his after partH, Kef ore he j could he quieted he uiauiiged to ilis-, pohti of one hhuft of the buggy and; play fad havoc with wmic part of thei hariiOHH. . , Oold Hill x heginuing to ii-imio an iiji' of railway importance. 1 he two morning pas-cngcr meet here fre (piciilly and iuiproveineiils are grnd-! iially taking place. The depot i he ing refurnished and a new flooring put down in the office iind ware house. When this is completed, to gether with other carpenter work aliimt the building, the painters will finish up on the inside and out, and S. P. Agent Itico will have not only comfortable and convenient (pinners, hut the town will also be afforded n depot that will compare favorably with those in stations of much larger population on the S. P, line. Mr. Thomas of Hlackwell Hill came into town Monday. Mr. Stevens of Kanes Creek had business in Oold Hill Monday. ChnrlcH Chauipliii cimie in from the Knots Creek dredge Monday. George llaff made a business trip to Ashland on Monday's train. Mr. and Mrs. William Morris of Rock Point were in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Griffiths were in from Sardine creek the first of the week. Chnrles Johnson, who has n ranch on old Gold Hill, was doing business j in town Monday. j George Hoxey, from Miller gnleh. was shaking hands with old friends and making new ones in town Mon day on his way to Med ford. Mrs. lielle Johison of Carthage, Mo., who has been vi-iling with C. C. Gull and family, left for her home in Missouri Monday. J. R. Johnson, the Sardine creek luisket maker, was in Gold Hill Monday. J. K. ENYAKT, President . JOHN S OflTII. Ca-.l,,e,.' J. A. PKRKY, Vico-Preside.1t. W. 15. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier, THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes (or rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. yttrs, Hrene Hampton Isaacs "3ntuctor of "Piano, H 5tltbo6 j SltiAtoat ?Ulnit4. Mortti Oru tr4l APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west.. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. l. e. Hoover, Agent MEDFORD, O Tt E J O N 8tHte Depositary Established 1888. Capital aad Surplus 12S,000 Besourros 700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your nccount, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with tbis oblig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier. "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good wc cannot obtain a better co2ee not if we paid $1 a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gae Coffee is perfect, aad we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCLtJ.ES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. i Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler FOR WATCHES AND . FINE W A T C II AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Nea-- Postofflce Why Not Be Comfortable ? and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere In your store, office or Sh. Ay-f m home. - - - . Invest in a G. E. Fan and get the best something that will last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only 12c to Ic per hour. 12-inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. J To Chicago and Return. i To Chicago and Return. October 4 Octobe'r 4. October 4. October 4 October 4. October 4. Ten days allowed going trip, re- Ten da.vs allowed going trip, re turning tickets pood until November tuf-ning tickets good until November 30. Round trip $S2.40. For particu- 30. Hound trip $S2.40. For particu lars, enquire at the local office or ad- Jars, enquire nt the local office or ad dress A. S. Rosenbaum, S. P. Co. dress A. S. Koseubaum, S. P. Co. Agent, Medford, Or. Arent. SIpdford. Or. The Reason Why The LORAII of all the leel ranges now manufactured is con sidered by the discriminating housewife, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS is plainly evident. Call and let us demonstrate it's merits to you. Medford Hardware IT'S T ON I LBQS J ( I) -m&-jA IT'S 1 ON I LBQS J