THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. ()RKflONT. TUESDAY, SEl'TKM HKK L'S. 1 !!. WESTERN OREGON ' ATTRACTS ATTENTION Tho Oivyoii Joimitil in n Hi'oeut is fciio, snvs reaiuilins; llihor l'ricoJ Lands:" A movi'iiieiit is on tluit diiocts nt teiition t western Oivgou farm lands. It is illustrated in .sales near lvose burg in the past few days. A farm of 311 aeres was sold to a Kansas buyer for $40,000. Another of 100 aeres went to a Virginia man for a large consideration, but the price has not been made public. A third of 320 aeres was bought by tho Over land Fruit and Development company of Boston, Mass., for $25,000. The latter traet is to be set to apples and pears, and its purchase was mad eafter looking over fruit areas in the state of Washington. The prices iu all cases are at figures far abovo those which' have been current in the state. That there is a movement in which western Oregon farm lands are to eenerallv go at higher figures seems j confirmed by sales like the above in other parts of the section. The tre mendous advance in the Medford fruit district and at Hood River are a part of the story. Prime lands in the vicinity of Xewherg and in Ma rion county are held and not infre quently change hands at $300 per acre. Tn other counties lands have re cently changed hands at prices that a few years ago would have been considered extraordinary, if not im possible. The explanation of the movement seems to be the wide interest throughout the eastern states in fruit culture in Oregon. The fame of Ore gon apples and pears, and the ex traordinary profits realized for them has moved men of means to reflec- j tion. The magazines everywhere have devoted large attention to cxploita-j tion of the orchards by descriptive j articles and profuse illustrations. In the articles are frequently embodied j fascinating tales of profits made, and , of the great advances in land values j in such places as Medford and Hood River. Pears bringing as high as $8 i a box, apples running at $3, and fruit orchards changing hands at $2000 1 and even $3000 an acre fire the east- j em imagination and paint dreams of! easy wealth. Perhaps they are ex- I aggerated, but their effect is that in all parts of the east there are men who are looking westward with a view of orcharding in Oregon, and here and there one of them is acquiring a farui at prices above the usual with j a view of setting it to apples and j pears. What portion will fail and what succeed, and how far the movement j will go in stimulating land values is j a problem for the future. The me- j teorological and soil conditions are most favorable for success, but apple and pear growing is not an accident. Skill, exper knowledge and industry must be applied or there will be fail ure. If all these are conscientious ly involved, success is certain, and upon the number of those who suc ceed will depend how far the upward movement of the land prices will go. (laelle; O. P. Wright, Knoxvilloj It. T. Hangman, l.ogausport ; It. U. Washburn, Portland; V. .1. Schaeffer, Talent; II. S. Tallin, St. Paul; 1. W. ltostwiek, Medtord; J. Mcl'arice, Hilt D. Franklin,' Santa I'm; Kdwnrd Kynn, J. W. North, Portland; C V. Dagmiin, Oregon City; J. H. l.uiuins. Portland; ft. W. Goodwin, San Fran cisco; J. W. Johnson, Portland; S. M. Lee, F.esber; Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Williams, Detroit; Miss M. F. Pene dict, A. I'. Benedict, Yonkers; D. Franklin, Santa t'ruz; F. It. Wnn liauch. Geneva. SZILEM BEER SALEM Is the most popular beer' in Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies In drinking Salem brer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford lc & Storage Co. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Nash Seth L. Bargan, Trail; H. L. Kelly; Jr., Trail; G. W. Goodwin, San Francisco ; J. W. John son, Portland; P. I. Hampton, San Francisco; J. F. Fenntwers, John E. Marble, C. E. Finch, Los Angeles; Leo Lewis, New York; Roman De Vanne, Portland; G. Mish, New York J.' A. Robinson, Red Bluff; F. H. Watson, city; Carles A. Brand, Bos ton; A. Smith and family, Tacoma; J. II. Ireland, Almena; C. E. Evaps, Weed; Mrs. J. M. Swock, Holland; A. P. Arlesse, Seattle; Emil Capelle, Evansville; W. R. Harris, Hennet; E. B. Harris, San Diego; E. L. McKin ley, B. R. McLee, Portland ;,H. F. Holmes, Maynard; R. F. Kruse, St. Louis; Charles Thorps, Mr. and Mrs. Knews, Nebraska; L. D. Bacon, San Francisco;, A. T. Chute, Newcastle; A. Daly, Rochester, E. E. Smith, Yreka; R. B. Christie, Sah Francisco ; H. D. Green, Berlin ; D. M. Banker, New York; B. C. Pauline, Philadel phia; C. II. Smith, Galice; Albert Mitchell, New York; Mrs. D. H. Church, Akron; B. G. Washburn, Portland; H. H. Willings, San Fran cisco; Fred A. Belcher, Portland; F. J. Copper, Cadillac. At the Moore J. W. Baker, John Sipple, city; Guy Shnttenkirk, Wil liam Marlyon, Oakland; F. H. Wat son, Harry Pellett, Pete Porter, city; Harry Dunn, Medford; C. T. Hull, Do You Contemplate Planting an Orchard ? If So svitk,, .l iar .'- Wi&8W$ At HI iiiW. I Have a Full and Complete Stock of of all the Leading Commercial Varieties and you will Find it to your Interest to et our Figures Before you buy. Home Grown Stock and Everything Guaranteed. ROGUE RIVER NURSERY MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. C. F. COOK, Proprietor OFFICE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT Excursion Rates to Chicago Oct. 4th Oct. 4th Oct. 4th Oct. 4th Remember the Date' To Chicago and return To Chicago and return $82.40 $82.40 $82.40 Full particularsat the local S. P. office or address A. S. ROSENBAUM Agent S. P. Co. Medford, Oregon ATTENTION Those who are looking for good invest ments.can do no better than to inves tigate this beautiful proporty Twenty-eight fine lots located on Main street, six blocks west of the business district. Main street is be ing paved, water mains are being laid, sewer is, in, ce ment walks going in, cross street (i0 feet wide. Lots are "0x137, front lots 70x1-10. Always accessible, either on foot or wheel on account of paved streets. Duilding line 23 feet from front of lots. There is no question but what one will make 50 to 100 per cent on the investment in the course of a year. .A red ford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city today. The price and the terms are reasonable. Come and look this over and be con vinced. Wo also have a splendid business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. Tho present price will look ("heap in a year's time. Also have 40 acres first-class fruit land that can be traded for city property. This is some distance out, well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land. Now what have you to offer? J. W. Dress !er Agency West Main St. o o z z o o o o Ul Ul XX o o o o o u Ul ui XX o o z z o o o o U Ul V V XX o o z z o o u u ui ui xx o o nc z a o o o ui u XX o o ' z z o o oo Ul Ul ECONOMY ECONOMY I ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY JUST A WORD To the Wise Housekeeper Is Sufficient Order Now And Be Sur of The Choicest Cuts THE ECONOMY MARKET ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors. Opposite Postofflce Phone 461 ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY m pi o o o o 2 2 O O XX - n m o o o o z z o o X X - - mm oo o o z z o o XX - m m oo o o - o o o o o o XX - m m oo o o z z oo XX - The Last Word In Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, whips Robes, Wag on Covers, Tents, Blankets, etc., can befound in stock at HERMAN BROS. Successors To I. F. SETTLE 317 E. 7th Street Medford, Oregon P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. Wo carry glass of any size on hand. . Medford Sash & Door Co.