THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDlORD. OWlKiON. MONDAY. SKI'TKMIiEIt 'J7. 1!)()). OREGON ARPLES FOR SPOKANE SHOW Mcsni's. Ti'iiiiHini & Oulhi'iii of Ku V.U' l'liinl spiiit Monday in Mcdford. ('. II. Kvnus of Weed, president of Ihi' .MimII'oiiI Hardware company anil manager of t lit Weed Lumber coin pauy, .-1 ; 1 1 1 Monday lookini; alter his Ihimiii"s interests in Mi'dford. ('limit's Thorpe of Omaha, who is known lo funic as the "Imilpri'-jui'k-ey," li relumed tiuin Sun I'Vuncin- en with his wile lo enjoy a lew day' I'ishiliK' lliilh & I'ei'k. who recently Hold the Meoiioliiy market, have pitt'a'llii -ed the l(ev liinrl,el in the Deuel liloek. "The (ill I ol the (inlilcit Wol" nl the Itijoii was a iliainel lilt, mid II you want lo spend another !'. nut i'VellillK mi' loliinlll anil heni ii -I" Dfferent Fruit Sections Will Be - Represented This Year. l'OUTLAND. Sept. -J7. "Oregon npplos will lie well represented lit llie vecoud national apple show at Spo kane November- lo-UO,' said Ken IT. Hive, manager of the apple thow, ylm was in Portland during the' past week. "While the crop is generally much smaller than last year, the quality is oC the very best and growers in nil parts of the state are showing the keened interest in the various con tests. While the first apple show was an unexpected success, we have as surances that the second exposition will be even more so, as the growers want a chance to exhibit their choice apples in comparison with fruit from other states, and the prize list gives an opportunity for every apple raiser to compete. The contests include car loads, ten boxes, five boxes, single boxes, barrels, jars and plates, with rash premiums ranging from $1000 sweepstake's in the cnrload classes down to $3 for a single 'plate of five apples. ' "All the railroads ha united in piving a rate of one ;aud one-third fare for the round trip to Spokane during the apple show week and also allow visitors to go by one line and return via another. "The national apple show dates give growers an opportunity to ex hibit at local county fairs and apple shows, such as those at Albany and Flood River, and have plenty of time to ship to Spokane and win addi tional honors and premiums. '-i: "I have been in many of the fruit growing districts of Washington and 1 " : """ "7TI2 FIXAL ACT OF "THE f.HU, QI-KS TIOV." 7,rTHI Oregon, and in nearly all sections the report is the same small crop of fine quality." A farming demonstration train will be run by the O. R. & X. companyi through Sherman. Gilliam and Mor- I row counties in October that is ex-' pected to aid the farmers of that j section of the state in the more in j telHgent cultivation of the soil and ; in improved farming methods. Lec tures will be delivered by agricultural,, ! college experts, who will be on the. train and demonstrations of farming! practice will be made. - Dr. James Withyconibe, director of the Oregon experiment station, will be at the bend of the party of lecturers and the train will really be an agricultu ral college on wheels. That the passenger train service on the O. R. & X. between Portland and Huntington has increased 150 per cent in the last six mouths is the statement of General Manager O'Brien. This shows the remarkable gain in passenger travel throughout the Pacific northwest. From two trains danly eaeh way between the sury to increase tho number of five daily in each direction. Much of this added travel is of course duo to the A. Y. P. exposition, but a largo part of it is attributed to the increase of two points named six mouths ago, the population in this stnto nnd tho in railroad company has found it neecs- J flux pf new settlers. Medford Theatre The Great Big Musical Comedy "The Girl Question" With JOHN KEARNEY and 45 Others 45 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1st 100 dozen Men's Cotton Flannel Gloves, Knit Wrist, 10c a pair, 3 for 25c. 50 dozen ladies' seamless, fast color Hose; black or tan; sale price 2 pair for25c ' 50 dozen boys' and misses' heavy Jersey ribbed Hose; fleece flesh, black, plain or fleece lined; sizes 6 to 914 15c pair. 2 pr, 25c 25 dozen ladies' Jersey ribbed Vests, 4 for 25c. 10 dozen ladies' Union Suits; taped neck and sleeve, 65c and 75c value ; 49c each. 40 dozen ladies' 25c and 35c quality genuine lisle thread Hose ; black or tan ; 3 pairs for 50c- 1000 rolls Toilet Paper ; best quality ; 3 rolls for 25c. . 40 dozen genuine Japanese China Cups and Saucers ; $1.25 value ; here, per set of 6,. for 75c. Glass Lamps, with brass or glass burners; 50c and $1.00 each. We are the leaders in price for Enamelware Tinware, etc. Come in and be shown. Men's Leather Gloves 50c TO $175 A PAIR. Mr. Man, we can save you mon ey on your Work Gloves. Come and let me show you. Ribbons For the School Girl. Come in and see how much bet ter Ribbon quality you get here than at other stores for the same price. Special Notice S. H. DUFFIELD a SI All Day Monday--TiLiesday Preparatory to Big Shoe Sale ' Which Starts Wed nesday Morning at 9 a. m. r W&tch For Particulars