THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, Ol.'WIOX, MONDAY, SKI'TKMIiER 27, 1009. tnnnill inn nrnnn.i t L W. A. M.-illi-y, brother of J. (1, Medley iif his rilv, Iiiih I'imiii to Mi'dlnnl o uml.ii li ik Inline, Mr. Medley in from MiNKimri. Vnrrcnn Iiiii'k In IIiii town, anil lui Iiiih been (diown bo HutiHfuolorily Hint li Iiiih brought hi fit in i I y with liim to nhow bin Rood intention. See l'rof. Anton Itornnuoff, for merly court violinist of AiiHtriim em peror, for Ichmhih mi violin, fiHtur lint mandolin, .euvu order tit NiihIi hotel. Mi I flu Fletcher wan mi A kIiIii ii1 vixilor to Medl'urd Saturday. II. K. K'ed from Ki'imi-vvirk, Wnxli., nrriv cl in Mi'ilfonl Snt. inlay to look around a little nnil vixil friend of liix hero. O. N. WIImoii Iiiih returned from a trip to Noil ti llnkolii wild a better iiiiion of MiMlfonl tliiin ever. Tlx Mrciiiioiix climate of Diikotii iniiy be nil riulil for mime, luit Mr. Wilmin prefer tin' Imlmy weather enjoyed by 1 lie inliiiliitiinlM of t lie lto.'iii! valley. Tlx) recent f-howcr Iiiih done inurli liond in ncltliui; the dn-t, Martinir Vf'i-I it I ion, clenriiiK up the nir and qucuchiiii; tint threatening forest firi'x. Mr-. .!. F. M.'i lilM, a dinmliter of A-dibind, returned homo today after vixitine Iiitu for a few diiyn. I.. V., Hoover, tin1 iiurxcrviiiini, left for n viil to Yukimn and Scuttle Saturday. lfenn (ioddard, MMipcriliti'iideut of tlii Week riw.rli, which i located Miuth of town, ix in Medford, fJny l!ilion Iiiih returned home lift er n nhort stay in I'ortliind. Anita lodi:e, who in ntti'iidinir the Sinter' ti'dmol hero, departed to her home in Talent Friday. Hannah Wyn and Louim Aryner. holh of whom lire students lit SI. Mnry'n iieiidemy, were iriven pcrm'm Mon l .'o to Woodvillc, where they will May till Sunday evening.' They will then return in order to intend cehool iiifitin Monday. Mr. mid Mr. K. F. Hciehmnn of Fort Jonen, ("ill., who linve heen vis iting Mr. and Mrs. (. K. lieiehmun of Medford, returned home Saturday. A party consi-tinj; of Mr. anil Mrs. K.N. Hiiien, Mr. and Mr. J. W. Wi ley nuil Mrs. Hump returned todny from ii trip to Crater Luke, where they have heen having a pood time limiting nnd fishing II. i. (Ireory of Kiiplo 1'oint din fiiel is vihilini,' in Mi'ilfonl 1 1 1 j h week. John T, Wliiillcs, a I'orlliind at torney, wan in JiiekHoiivillii Sat unlay on li'Kiil hilMliChH. .Meet your friendx at the Ilijou to iiiulil. Ki.'l John Hunan, the janitor of the eoiirihoiiKe, has returned from a week's viienlioii at Portland, I'hona a:i0:i for ten or coffee. Miles ('nutrell ot Knell was n Med ford visitor Saturday ns was also James liucldcy. SpieeH mid extract lit 30 So. (1 si reel. Mrs. S. A. Coleman has returned to Talent after it week's visit with her son, V. It. Coleman of Jack sonville. iicst mciil for the least money nt the Spot eufo. . lleiijnuiin M. Collins has moved his family from Medford find is now residinu in the James A. Wilson house in Jacksonville. Special music, every eveninj; dur ing dinner nt the Xiish Grill. Mr. mid Mrs. I). W. Hull returned to Medford Monday from a short visit to Ashland. Vho Louvre enfo for tho bct. Tw. carloads of rnils were taken out on the Pacific; & Eastern Mon day morning. Kiln (Inunyaw, pubiic Monographer, room 4, Palm building. T. J. Tnlcoiub, Mr. and Mrs. L. Orwilcr mid Mrs. Xewton left on the Pacific. & Kastern this morning on n visit to 0. Hriscoe of Trail. Nash (irill open all tho time. Fin est servico between Portland and San Francisco. ' " Vrtn Dodge returned Sunday from a v-vit with her parents in Ashland to ntintin her work nt St. Mary's nendemv. Teim nnd coffee nt 30 So. O ft. J. M. McCnirn of Hilt is visiting in Medford. Lnrmpin good truck, P.ill those hot wnfflen nt the Ismvre. S. 0. Menefee of SokHiie is look ing over the viilley tliis week. The best plnce in town to spend n pleasant hour The Dijon. 103 Hazel Whitmoro of New York is visiting friendH in this city. Hour Professor Romnnoff in vio lin solos every evening , tho Nash Grill. A. Daly of Rochester.. N. Y., is looking over the vitlley for a loca tion. , Orders for nweet prenm or butter milk promptly filled.' Phone the oreamery. WALK-OVER SHOES Never Mind the Size-Get Fitted When WALK-OVER Shoes arc fited in the "WALK-OVER WAY," that is to e.act foot measurements, the "bend" in the shoe comes just where it was intended to come, thus in suring perfect comfort nnd the full limit of service. No fallen nrehes, corns, bunions, etc., trouble the wearer of 'n per fectly fitted pair of WALK OVER Shoes, so Never mind the size get fitted $4.00, $4.50, $5.00. Edmeades Bros. THE WEST SIDE SHOE STORE Savoy Theatre TONIGHT i A BUNCH OF LAUGHS THE LEGLESS RUNNER SHOEING THE MAIL CARRIER THE WOMAN-HATER ONE DIME E. F. Saylor of Eugene left Sat urday for home after spending it lew days in Medford. Yifpi fee! I'iup Juki dinner nt the I .!! V) ' W. R. Harris of Hermit, Oil., is looking over the valley with the in tention of investing in properly, prcicralily fruit land. Southern Oregon Ten nod Coffee Co., 30 So. 0 street. Mrs. A. C. McLcod of Pollillaiid, who has been paying a visit for the last lew days, departed Saturday for her home in Sjui Francisco. Why rush borne? Try the Spot Ciifc's i!.rf! dinner. Miss Anna Drake was transact ing business in Ibis city Saturday. W. F. Mossbuiver of Seattle is n Medford visitor this week. Mr. Moss hui'tfcr is looking nt some of the choice buys available in the valley and will probably rnnke an invest ment. Mm. A. L. Irwin, her daughter, Miss Clara Rhodes, and Master Keith Horer, who have been shop ping in Medford, returned to their homes in Ashland Mondny. A. It. Miller of the Medford book store left Sunday for a trip to Eu gene mid Senttle. Mrs. Miller ac companied him. MisH Imise Johnson of Pasadena, Oil., who has been visiting R. II. Whitehead, ret timed to her home Monday on No. 15. She wan ac companied as far as Ashland by J. T. Norman and wife. J. H. Adams, representative of the Carlton' nurseries, with headquarters at Central Point, was n Medford vis itor Monday. The city mailmen are now deliv ering mail to about 3tidO residents of Medford. Two deliveries a day are made in the resident section and three in the business part. L. M. Smith and family of Twin Falls, Idaho, who have been staying in this city for some time, have gone to Eagle Point this week to visit Charles Painter, an old friend. ii NEXT ATTRACTION The next attraction at The Med ford theater is II. H. Frazce's t-reut musical comedy, ''The Oirl Ques tion," which wiii he -,-en nere Fridav, October 1. This production is under the supic iniimigeinent as "A Kuuiyht for a I lay," which made such a hit here last week and the costuming and scenic investiture is on the same scale of magnificence.. The company is large, numbering 48 people, and is headed by John Kearney, who "won a horno"in Medford two years ago, when he brought "The Major of To- kio" to tho local utago. The advance sulo of seats will open nt Masking drug store tomor row (Tuesday) morning at 10 o'clock. To Chicago and Return. Ten days allowed going trip, re turning tickets good until November 30. Round trip $82.40. For particu lars, enquire at the local office or ad dress A. S. Rosenbaum, S. P. Co. Agent, Medford, Or. ' MEDFORD. Or.. Aug. 5. 1009, Hall's TexnB Wonder, of St. Louis, cured my daughter of a severe kidney and bladder tronble ofter doctor-, failed to give any relief, and I can cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. I. Wilson. 135 Barllett St. Sold by HaskinB' Druir Store. ' . To Chicago and Return. October 4 October 4. October 4. Ten days allowed going trip, re turning tickets good until November 30. Round trip $82.40. For particu lars, enquire at the local office or ad dress A. S. Rosenbaum, S. P. Co. Agent. Medford, Or. " Tho Eternal Feminine. It would seem that tho sir-year-old dnugliter of a Washington official Is at times harassed with doubts touchiug his own future conduct of life. "Father." said she, "I'd like to have your advice about something." "Well, daughter." answered the fa ther, with t lie solemn air nnd speech be affects at such times, "upon wbnt point am 1 to be token Into your con fidence? Whatever it mny be, 1 prom ise that 1 shall give it my earnest con sideration." "It s this." said the child. "When 1 ect through school, what would you advise me to do while I'm waiting to get married?" St. Louis Republic. Love. Properly there is only one verb for love. It is not "nmo." It Is not "iilmer." It is not the softest Italian verb. No printed language of man knows it. Hut the violin knows It, and the wild bird knows It; even the sea knows it. The rose Is it, and the moon is it, nnd tho look of n man's eyes into a woman's is It, and the look of a woman's eyes buck again Is It. It ut no man or woman can say It In any language that endures. "Love Let ter of the King." Defying Death. There Is no use of reading any more rules about how to live a long time. An old lady 1(H) years old lins entcn Sew England doughnuts all her life. Birmingham Age-IIernld. The Official Goat. "Your wife doesn't seem to enro nucli for thnt friend of yours." "No. lie's t lie limn 1 lay the bin mo in when I'm detained downtown." Millailoliililn Post. t H TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. ... FOR SAT.K IfiO acres, j-ood fruit laud 1 niilo from Merlin, $1.") per acre; one-fifth cash, balance (i yvs. fi per cent', will divide. Address R, care Tribune. 108 A RARE COMBINATION e in whidi LUXURY and ECONOMY join hands to the ultimate profit of the wise honst-keeper, allowing her to add two of the latest modern conveniences to the equipment of the home and costing lens to lave these comforts than to le without them. This Combination Range Boiler Insulator and Hot Fireless Cooker effects this wonderful combination. Two Indispensable Luxuries First A hot water apparatus which fur nishes very hot water every minute of the day and night a hot water system equal to the most expensive that money can buy. Second A perfect fireless cooker which re ally cooks without fire and delivers the food hot and ready to serve a fireless cooker which contains hot ovens all day and all night the only hot fireless cooker in the market. in . pa RiV "- If P ' ! IP Two Sources of Economy First By preventing the Radiation of heat while the boiler is being heated and by conserv ing the heat within the boilef after it is heated, there is a saving of more than 60 per cent in the cost of heating water for , domestic use. ' Second By using the;: fireless cooker several -hours each day instead of burning wood, coal or gas, there is a large dai ly saving of fuel. t JUST THINK OF IT Cair be fitted to any boiler regardless of size. Hot water "on tap'' at all hours of the day or night. Pays for itself in short time by reducing fuel expenses. No cost to operate. Use either coal, wood or gas. for heating -purpose. Provides a hot water system equal to any on the market costing $100 nnd upwards, at less than half that cost. Instead of burning fuel needlessly and standing over a hot kitchen range for hour's at a time, the housewife may plnce the food, which has been brought to the boiling point quickly on. the gas plate or range, into the Fireless Cooker, where it will simmer for hours until thoroughly cooked, and when re moved it will be found hot nnd ready to serve. While the cooking process is going on in the Fireless Cooker no care or attention need be be stowed. If she so desire, tho housewife mny go shopping, calling, or receive callers. There is no escape of food fumes into the kitchen from the Fireless Cooker on account of the fact thnt the lids of the cooking pots fit very tightly and the doors of the cooking compartments are Sealed tightly when closed. On demonstration at all times at the Aiken Plumbing Company's office, next door to Condor Water Power Co. YOU are invited to call and see for yourself just exactly how it works. J W.WHITNEY District Manager Office in in Aikin Plumbing Go.'s Store Medford