THE "ETTFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, SKl'TKMBKR 27, VMi. 3 TALENT TALES. Cllllliln Kl'lllllllf, II hllliliMll of llll) . ,. '. I'lllMllliH, till H ll'l- H J .1-II 'I - iiic miiiim linn' iii 1 1n, vii'inily ill' Tnl riil i-MTiiiuiiliiii; in irriuiitiiiK or rluiril'i. Willinm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -i , ii-ciiI ill' lln' ('. K. Slmvnit Siinni Siiiily I inn nl' Slu'Kloii, ('iilil'in'iiiii, wiim ilniiiK Iiiih ini'xu with iiiir crliuiil Iriihli'i's In '.t Wi'I'lt. lln Tliui-iln v I'M ( 'Ii'uh'iih inmli! a Iiiimiio-h irii in Mi'ill'oril. (ii'oi;i Sli'ilii'iiMii on Siiiuliiy mi Kiimlny wiim viiliii( friends ill Tal ent. .Minx Olliii llciiriiitf, ('. W. WulKir'H popular kiiIchIiiiI.v, on Kiiiuliiy ttturtml mi u vihit to rcliilivcM at KcIIdkii, IiIhIio. Sim will Mop I'll run l o and liikii in tliu A. Y. P. expoHition ut Ken I lie. Miirinii 'fryer, hardware mini of MfiH'iinl, wiim vimtiiiK rvlutivuH al Tali-lit on Monday. KIlHwnrlli AdniiiH, n poiin;tmill of l'ur'.liiml. who recently Hindu u trip In 'San Krniicihcii iih a ginml, over Huiiii) bullion that wiiH lii'iiiB M;nt to the mint, on Inn' return trip Mopped nff at Talent and visited hi father ,lr--! AillllllH. Al l(oh) our efficient road hiiper vicor, Iiiih a K"U f team huiiliiil,' gravel on lliu rmid mhiiIi of Talent. A huh flower M'i inelu'H in iliiiino tei' was crown on the furr of Areliie Waterman one mile west of Talent. Jesse Adams Mariot Vount and ilrville Works Inst week were, atten inir the unldii'iH reunion at Jiii'kxon ville. All report lllivinj; a fmiil time. Isaac Hidini! of Kansas, after at tending' tlin fair lit Seattle, Mopping nil' at Talent, and i viuitini,' with the family of CliarleH IIoldriilKe of thin iaec, Talent in making u M'-ady growth; there is now evidence of this fact. The price of land ill tilt! vicinity of Talent is coiiliiiually rising; there has lieeu many real estate miles. There are many ImildiiigH in construction, among them being the dwelling houses of John Jturnctt, Mr. Stump, Hr. ForhcH, A. Wicdner and lilin Cnlemau. The addition to the school house and the addition to 0. A. Wultor'H sore. Welhorn Iteesuti is preparing to in stall an up-todato water system in his farm dwelling house near Talent. He will ('(iiistruct n windmill and pipe tlio water thropgh liis residence and use it for fire protection. On Saturday evening the freinds of Ir. Forbes and wife treated them to n surprise party. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hurley. Miss Kttylino Hurley. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. lliildridce, Mr. mid Mrs. 1). (). Hur ley, flcorgc K. Chamherlaiii. Ice Ice ('renin and cake were served by Mrs. John Dudgeon ot the Talent ho tel. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darke left on Sunday for a visit to the Seattle fair. .luliii Lucy lias moved to Talent in order to send his children to school. The following is n list of people from outside districts who have reg istered at tlio Hell House during the week: Martin Coffman, liuch, Ore- gon; John Swatlzln(,'!.'er, .Inck"oii- villc, W. II. (Yowslon, Montana, J'roi'. A. ('. Joy, Ashland; ', II, Kcaclily, I Ashlinnl; C. II. 1'niil. .Med ford J Wil t her Jones, Jacksonville; A. I. Ilona . hue, I'oi'lliuid; J. W. Hiirns, Aslilmid ; . I). Low, Uiiitoii; J. T. Sclmffer, rhicii'o; (', II. ( 'niiiiiiicr, A-liliind; Mi and Miv. Whitney, Medford; U. .11. .'Inckson, MciUoril; ('. II. Cook. Meill'oril ; Josephine l(i'lllinl-iii, Mr'l jford; J. M. I'.rooks, A-Iiliunl. I Milius Iticliiirdsoii, of .Medford, was up at Talent Sunday evening with an auto load of people. Miss Mrlle I'casc of Portland agent for the Children's Aid Society, was slopping at the Talent hotel one day last week. J. A. Lemmery and wife of Ash land were visiting freinds in Talent on Sunday. Notice. is hereby given that the undersigned will npply nit the regular meeting of Hie city council of Medford, Oregon, on October .r, J!lf)f, for license to sell malt, vinous ami s;. nitons liipiors in less iiiaiilities llian one gallon for six months ut lot J2, block 2(1, in Medl'onl, Oregon, for n period of six inonllw. SLINOKU & DOWNING. lion. II. K. Ilni. nit and li. F. Mill -key, district attorney, left for Orauts l'a-s Sundiiy evening to hold circuit court. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to me for mount ing, liig game hen. Is, fish, birds imd ' mammals mounted true to nature by j improved methods. I do turning, make! fur rugs, a. .il.c, remodel and clean j fur garments. Kvpress and mail or-j ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS, , 405 V'oHliingtoii Street, Portland, Or. j . Telephone Main 3(100. j HOTEL ARRIVALS, At til.) N.ish J M. (ioie, Los An geles; II. V. Melelwell and wife, Oak land; ('. Merle, New York; W. Kor teniut, Cii't'f!"'. K. 0. Nuper, Illinois; W. H. Carrft'! . n Francisco; II. T. Holmes, Muvoard; J. W. Viin'Hcn pers, San Km v',ww, J. I). Onrgoii, At liiiita ; John J. Korus, S-in Francisco; Mr. and M'-i II. F. Kcii'hmnn, I'orl li'ml; A. Oniienbeiiner, San Krancisco; Peter Jack-cn, Seattle; lllanche Jack son, Seattle; flay K. Melcalf, K. S. Sawyer, Kugctic; W. II. linrlon, Port laud; J. C. Peiidlelon, Tabla Hock; ('. ('. Hall, Portland; Thud Young, Charles L. Wagner, Chicago; Hazel Whitinore, New York; Mrs, I. M. Origgs, San Francisco ; K. P. Hub bard, North Yakima; O. J. Patton, Spokane; Ciipellc, F.vansville; J. L. Kerr, Christobel. At the Moon If. 0. Teuna, Ohio; .1. P. Hums, Portland; 0. 0. Smith, Omaliii; Mrs. Crego and daughter, Oiniiha; Mr. and Mrs-. H. K. Metlock, city; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Parker, Portland; Arthur C. Seeley. Portland W. F. (iwiim, Pittsburg; I). Hardy, San Francisco; William F. Hrown, (icorgc W. Gordon, Portland; F. II. Gordon, Portland; John I). McDiine, Kichmond; Joe Itaum; William II. Mcrriman, Central Point; A. T. Grant, Itoseburg; K. M. Eldridgc, Portland; William F. Hrown, St. Paul; F. J. Schaeffcr, Talent. Paul de Anna FIRST-CLASS GERMAN WATCHMAKER, JEWEL ER AND ENGRAVER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. IN CONNECTION WITH MED FORD LOAN OFFICE, COR. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEV ENTH ST., MEDFORD. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes ! Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main Prepaid Raliroao Orders. "Something which is of conRider known is the Bystem of prepaid ar able interest to the public generally end which is perhaps not generally dors now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the United States. By means of this system tickots may be purchased at Medford from any plnce in the United States and mnil j od or telegraphed direct to the party j wishing to come here. Sleeper ao j commodntions and small amounts of ! cash in connection with these tickets may also be foiwarded at the same ' '.tii.n Bhe KEWANEE System of Water Supply Drovidcs an absolutely safe and satisfac tory water service, equal to that A'titr With oflcred by any city water works, y'yy e An abundant supply of water Mjf Kewanee always available and deliv- i' System, crcd under strong pressure .Off an air-tight, steel, piieu throughout the house, barn iW matic tank, called the Kewanee Pneumatic Tank is placed in the cellar. Water is pumped into this tank and is delivered to the fixtures by air pressure. No Attic Tank, or grounds, Affords Absolute Fire Protec tion. dm. i that rlu. i w V mat if 1 JSb TAN Wvttow vvv, to Leak and Flood the House. No Elevated Tank to Freeze or Collapse. 100 pet cent belter service and will last a lifetime. Over Nine Thousand Kewanee Outfits in Successful Operation. cm Also agents for White Steam Cars and Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Pumping Outfits. BE mm V For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folders Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHINA WAKE, FRUIT AND FEED. Why Not Be Comfortable ? and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere In your store, office or home. Invest in a G. L Fan and get the best something that will last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only 12c to Ic per hour. 1 2-inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC "CO. Successors to Condor "Water & Power Co. ! You hnven't rem) nil tlio ,ncws nn-1 ' less you linvo rend the nrts somp in - ' teroKtini; items for your pnrso in ev- j cry issue. i E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford, Oregon To Chicago and Return. October 4 October 4. October 4. To Chicago and Return. October 4 October 4. October Ten days allowed going trip, re- Ten davs allowed coins' trio, re turning tickets rood until November tuniinr tickets trood until November 30. Round trip $S2.40. For partieu- 30. Eouik'. trip .'?S2.40. For particu lars, enquire at the local office or ad- lars, enquire at the local office or ad dress A. S. Bosenbaum, S. P. Co. dress A. S. Rosenbaum, S. P. Co. Agent, Medford, Or. .' Agent, Medford. Or. WOULD YOU REFUSE A PRESENT OF A HOME IF WE WERE TO GIVE IT TO YOU ? OF COURSE NOT. THEN WHY REFUSE THE PRESENT OF $240 WE ARE MAKING YOU? THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE PRICE OF A LOT IN Mountain View Addition NOW. AND WHAT THEY WILL BE SOLD FOR WITIIING FIVE YEARS FROM TODAY. CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU WHAT A REALLY GOOD THING OUR $10.00 DOWN AND $10.00 A ..' r , MONTH PAYMENTS ARE FOR YOU. .Ben son Investment Co,