kr33! L2. THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SKPTEMU 1!K)0. THE LOUVRE CAFE NASH GRILL Table d'Hote Dinner, Sunday, Sep tember 26. Table d'Hote Dinner, Sunday, Sep tember 26. , ;.T,V ev.,fc"iw''- .. , ivv Olympin Oyster Cocktail, Louvre .' Spoi-ial Celery on It ranch Rogue River Tokay Grapes Olives Consomme Ilalienno ' or German Noodle Fried Salmon Shoe String Potatoes Fresh Tomatoes Mayonnaise Filet Minion, String Beans f Louvre Special Fruit Punch Stuffed Young Turkey ' Strawberry Preserve Cauliflower in Cream Mashed Potatoes Russian Salad Ice Cream Home Made Cake ; ' Roquefort Cheese Bent's Toasted Crackers Cafe Noir " 75c JOINT PUBLIC SALE. I We will sell at public sale nt the farm of Mrs. Ella B. Stanley, known as the Bowers place, miles north of Central Point, on Tuesday, Sep tember 28, commencing at 10 a. m. k sharp, the following described, prop erty: V Registered Percheron . stallion, Morning Star, beautiful black, fine style and action, weight 1900 pounds, foaled May 23, 1904, full pedigree furnished ; 1 team bay mares, 7 years old, weight 1400, one with c-olt by side; 1 team work horses, weight 1300! 1 brown mare, weight 1175: 1 bay horse, 12 years old, weight 1200 : 1 chastnut sorrel horse, 10 years old, weight 1150, A-l family driving horse, city broke; 8 head of cattle, look them over, they are good ones;. 2 regis tered red polled good milch cows, both giving milk; 1 2-year-old heifer, giving milk, gentle broke; 1 Jersey heifer, fresh' this fall : 1 yearling heifer, part Jersey and Durham; 2 nice Jersey calves ; 1 red polled heif- Cauope Astrueljan Consomme Solforiuo Celery en Branche Radishes Olives Salted Nuts Filet Solo a lu Bella Poiumes Chateau Rissolotte of Veal Sweetbreads, Godard Peas en Caisse Fruit Punch Kabiseo Wafers Sqiuil) Chicken Faroie, Giblet Sauce Striusless Beans Mashed Potatoes Vanilla Icq Cream Assorted Cake Nenfehntel Cheese Toasted Crackers ' Cafe Noir M. B. Langford of Portland is pity ing a visit to A. F. Wettler today. Mr. Langford has been fishing up nt CnU ter Lake. cr calf, eligible to registry. Farming implements 1 hack, good as new; 1 set double harness for hack; 1 2-horse buggy; 1 single bug-- gy; 1 set single harness; 1 John Deere disc plow; 1 Peerless gang plow; 1 spring-tooth harrow ; 21 smoothing harrows; 1 walking plow; Star 3;"1 walking plow, Crescent Fire; 1 good McCornuck mower; .2 good hay rakes; 1 Dain hay baler; 1 Pacific seeder and bed; 2 hayracks; 2 grindstones and others too uumer- j ous to mention. Household goods 1 bookcase, 1 wardrobe, 1 dresser, 1 lounge, 1 din ing table, 3 rockers, 7 dining' chairs, 3 kitchen chairs, 2 stands, 1 Banquet range good as new, 1 heater, 1 cook stove, 4 iron beds and springs, 3 cots, dishes. Terms cash. Everything must be paid for before removing. Everything must sell. MRS. ELLA B. STANLEY, GEO. L. NEALE, FRANK L. ORR. ROY HARGRAVE, Auctioneer. - Sale Opens 7 p. m. Sensational Bargains Occasionally we hold sensational 'Saturday Niirht Sales and offer fronds that we wish to close out ouicklv at verv low prices. You Will be surprised at the class of troods offered and the prices asked, and won't hesitate to buv when vou see the troods. 20c All Linen Bleached Crash 12c Tonight from to closing of the store, or as long as 100 yards will last.' wo offer five yards of 20c a yard Crash, or less, to each customer for only, per yard . ! . I2c Bijou Theatre BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager. TONIGHT AND SUNDAY Presents Richard Darling Stock Company in "The Girl of The Golden West" AST CHANCE TO SEE THE BEAUTIFUL COMEDY-DRAMA, Two .shows tonight 8 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs Doors open 7:45 p. m. ADMISSION ... Curtain at 8:15 sharp. ..20cANDI0c - 15c Huck Towels 18x36 inches 9c Six to each customer,, starting nt 7 p. m. and as 9c long as 20 dozen will last,' only New Outings 9c Values, 27 inch 5c 1000 yards of new Outings; regular 9c values; bought nt a special sale; per feet; only in 5 to 20- yard lengths; Saturday, 7 to 0 p. m. .5c 43c All Linen Table Damask, 75c quality Six full pieces; three are absolutely all linen, the others are union, but excellent 7" sellers; after 7 o'clock .- 43c Reduced 1 4 ALL sum COATS SKIRTS FURS " WAISTS DRESSES and DRESS GOODS TONIGHT for last time this fall Some 50c, 75c and $1.00 Dress Goods 29c Think of this for a bargain: Kvery pieco is good value if sold at regular price. - See it at 29c A Lot of Hosiery Half Price 35c Worsted Effects All New for LOV A number of bolls nf now I)res Goods j dandy vulues at y.')c; tu go this sale 23C $8, $9, and $10 CO Q Hats for Y Kvery one n new fall style; exceptional valued nt the regular prices. All Summer Dresses and Some Silks for Half Price Regular $2.00 frl 1Q Satine Petticoats Worth every cent nf $2.00 each; saline and moire skirts; to sell after 7 p. m. for $.9 The liutchason Company Successor to BAKER HUTCHASON CO. CENTRAL AVENUE. JUST NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTV DANK. ART DEPARTMENT ADDED TO ST. MARY'S ACADEMY Sister Vnlcre, an artist of the Cath olic church, arrived this morning in Medford to take charge of the art studio at St. Mary's academy. The sister understands oil painting, water color, crayon work. Besides the department of art, the gymnasium, chemical, botanical and physics laboratories are being equip ped with first-class apparatus. All athletics is beiiig encouraged. The domestic science department nnd the manual training department arc both interesting features of the school. Well wishers of the school are in vited to look over the building and in spect the paintings and other work of the pupils. To Chicago and Return. October 4 October 4. October 4. Ten days allowed going trip, re turning tickets good until November 30. Round trip $82.40. For particu lars, enquire at the local office or ad dress A. S. Rosenbaum, S. P. Co. Agent, Medford, Or. Hot Tamale Parlors BEGINNING OCTOBER 2, WILL BE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Fresh beef and chicken tamales, Mexican beans, chicken soup and all varieties of Mexican dishes always on hand. Special tables for ladies. Will also keep a supply of tamales, etc., at Kennedy's. MANUEL ELARIU, Proprietor, WOULD YOU REFUSE A. PRESENT OF A HOME IF WE WERE TO GIVE IT TO YOU? OF COURSE NOT. THEN WHY REFUSE THE PRESENT OF $240 WE ARE MAKING YOU?-r-THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE PRICE OF A LOT IN - . t Mountain View Addition NOW AND WHAT THEY WILL BE SOLD FOR WITHIN FIVE YEARS FROM TODAY. CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU WHAT A REALLY GOOD THING OUR $10.00 DOWN AND $10-00 A MONTH PAYMENTS ARE FOR YOU. Ben son' Investment Go