THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREaONViag SEP TEMBER 1909.. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL A, .). Kiiuililviii til (liillirii', Olcln, im in liiwii looking nvi'i' Huh Hi'i'iimi nl' llin country. Mi'ct mo nl Tim WiKwiirn tonight fur ii ijiiikI iliincu, . 102 J. W. linker of Coltngu drove, who Iiiih been in Dm uily utlcjuding tha KIIih' 1 n i i i h , Iiiim returned humc Special lniihii! every ovmiiiiK dnr irnr dinner lit lliu Kilk.1i drill. J. W. Hiirlon of Pacific drove, Oil., Iiiim returned to hm Iioiiki ufler miik iiiK iimiiigi'iuuiiU for bringing lit h family to tlim uily In live. J(Ht tui'iil for the IiiiihI money nt llin Spot enfo. Mr. mid Mtm. Kdwnrd Fouler luive returned from a protriieled vUil with 1-eliitiven in I'eiiiiHylvnniii. Spieea mid oxtrnctH at 3(1 So. d dtreet. Williimi Owiugn of North Central avenue, who Iiiim heen nick for a short time, i coiivaluHcing rapidly. 1'holio 3.'I03 for ten or coffee. Mihm Kant wood (7f San Joni, Oil., who Iiiim lievn visiting friendM in the valley, returned home Friday. Our clmrgu in one dollar per month for renting your Imhiho. Will eoilleet rent if dewired. Cnn keep them oc cupied. Hciimui InveKtinent Co. Kill Paul Kiihriell entertained n Inrco niiuiher of lii friends nt 11 party Fri day evening. Kiln Oniiiiynw, public stenographer, room, 4, Palm building. Hilly Muller, the local liee king, Iiiim Mold 1(100 pouudM of honey, thi, tii m fir-t fieasoii, which bronchi him 2',i eentM n pound. Mr. Muller'u honey i very fine, quite the het "grown" in thin section. I'lon't forget that on Monday 11ft enioon Mix Clareuioiit opeiiM up 11 dancing hcIiooI nt The Wigwam. 102 Kiln Wood i rapidly reeovering from n (severe ntlnek of pnrnlyniH. The Louvre rnfo for the best. Mi'M. Joluihoii ot (Jrnpo htreet will move into the liuii-c vaeiiled by John Clinton. Jli'i ISahli (mil uialieM n Hpei-iiilly j or hpeeial iIiiinerK, ImiiqucM etc. M11 iie every evening, II. I'1. Holme of Maynard, In., in looking over the valley thi week, Yep; fee! fine bud dinner lit the .I'!IVI'. Mi'm. Hubert WJImoii of Pear Ktreet fell from n ladder mid bruised liernelf eoiiKidurahly, Xo hone wero broken. Order for nweet creurn or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the orenmor.7. . J. C, Pendleton of Table Rock in in town on hindncM. Hear ProfeHHor Romunoff in vio lin HoloM every evening tlio NiikIi drill. Mim. T. A. WilliainH of Minot, N. I)., nrrived in Med lord Friday on' a vinil with frinndH. Minn Clnremont wiH'oMn up n dmieiiig school on Monday afternoon at The Wigwam. 1(12 Mr. Mini Mm. JR. Tueker of Trail are viHiting Mr. mid MrM. IJ. T. I.uw ton of thiH city. Lnrrupiii good truck, Bill those hot waffles ot the l.iiivro. Minn F.lhie Retime of Ashland, who Iiiim been visiting friendii here, Iiiim gone home. Tciim mid coffees nt 3(1 So. 0 fit. Mm. Pottinger of Tenth utreet, W., who Iiiim been Hiifferiug from n par alyse stroke, is improving. On Monday afternoon Minn Clnre mont will ok-d 11 new dancing sehoid at The Wigwam. Come and elnrn to dance. 102 Mim. F. L. Orr of Central Point wan visiting with friendM in Med ford tlitM week. Xnhh drill open nil the time. Fin oht servieo between Portland nnd Snn Francisco. MrM. Clinton of Rrownsboro, who Iiiim been visiting her sou, John Clin ton and family of this city, has re turned home. Imperial addition Stop right now nnd look up the Imperial addition ad vertisement in thiM issue. John Clinton of West Medford Iiiim moved from the residence 011 the eor ner of Kighlh and Newtown to North Medford. Iti'iiiemher the dnnco tonight at The Wigwam. J 02 Mr. and MrM. Kdwnrd Feiinesy, vis itor of Dr. Pago nnd family of Med ford, have departed for their south-. crn homo in Pasadena, Cal. Why riiKh home? Try the Spot Ciife'n 2fm dinner. Jacksonville has a high school and .Jacksonville's ndvnneed students will no longer have to eorno to Medford for schooling. Student graduates of the Jacksonville schools will no long er have to take examinations to en ter the colleges of the state, but will be allowed to go in on the credits given by the local school. fjoulhnrn Oregon Tea und Coffee Co., 30 So. 0 Btrcct. deorgo Hishop, mnnngcr of Dr. Pnge'M runeh nenr Talent, whh a Med ford visitor Snturdny. The pnrly given lust night nt the Kwhiinks residence for Xellio nnd Lil lie Renter whh well nt tended. It whh a shower party of presents given at the hcgiiming of the shower season. The Misses' Renter will leave soon for Newherg, which will be their future home. If the Knst Side will wnrke up now Onkdulo nvcnuo nnd West Eighth street won't bnve it nil their own way, hb the best residence districts of the city. Mrs. Mnrgnrci Tueker nnd mother lire visiting Mrs. Rose M. Rollins of this burg. A grocery store is being established tin North Hniirdiiuin street. This is the seconTid house of its kind in the northern part of the city. Mrs. II. C. Emery of Ashland hns been visiting Mrs. Ralph Lasher this week. A. Hentinp of Colorndo Springs. Col., i here looking over the vnlley. Annette, dnnghter of L. E. Watt man. left this morninir for the south. John Reiss of Trnil, one of Jnek so neounty's pioneers, wns trnnsnct ing business in Medford yesterdny. Mrs. I ful C f 'onrud will leave on No. 10 t anient for Senttle. Miss Wlikemnn visited her moth er lit Talent Saturday. O. L. Davis of Jacksonville spent nnitirdiiy in JtieuTord. .. K. Wright has relumed from a j trip to Lakeview.. Mrs. J. A. Melvin of Suernrnento returned td her home after a pro tracted stay with ber father, J. R. BuekrnnBter, of this city. John Robertson, the chauffeur who stole W. M. Ludd'b automobile for the fatal "joy ride"' nt Portland lust Sunday, nnd has been indicted, wns formerly employed in n Medford lgragc. ' Clarence If. Snyder of the Snyder j Motor Car company is in Seattle on a short business trip. I William C. Keys of Yreka, Col., is spending a few days with friends in .Medford. Peter M. Kershaw of this city is in California on a short business trip. To Chicago and Return. October 4 October 4. October 4. Ten dnys allowed going trip, re turning tickets good until November 30. Round trip $82.40. For pnrticu lnrs, enquire at the local office or ad dress A. 8. Rosenhaum. S. P. Co.- Agent, Medford, Or. Do You Contemplate Planting an Orchard ? : , , , . , . ... . y " If So I Have a Full and Complete Slock of of all the Leading Commercial Varieties and you will Find it to your Interest to zet our Figures Before you buy. Home Grown Stock and Everything Guaranteed. ROGUE RIVER NURSERY 0. F. COOK, Proprietor MEDFORD, OR. PHONE 583. OFFICE IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY DEPOT A RARE COMBINATION in whiHi LUXURY ami ECONOMY join hands to the ultimate profit of the wise housekeeper, allowing her to add two of the latest modern conveniences to the equipment of the home and coking less to lave these comforts than to be without them. This Combination Range Boiler Insulator and Hot Fireless Cooker effects this wonderful combination. Two Indispensable Luxuries First A hot -water apparatus which fur nishes very hot water every minute of the day and night a hot water system equal to the most expensive that money can buy. Second A perfect fireless cooker which re ally' cooks without fire andjdelivers the food hot and ready to serve a fireless . cooker which contains hot ovens all day and all night the only hot fireless cooker in the market. If " ' lite Two Sources of Economy First By preventing the radiation of heat while the boiler is being heated and by conserv ing the heat within the boiler after it is heated, there is a saving of more than 60 per cent in the. cost of heating water for domestic use. : ... Second By using the fireless cooker several hours each day instead of burning wood, coal or gas, there is a large dai ly saving of fuel. JUST THINK OF IT Cnn be fitted to any boiler resrnrdlesa of size. Hot water "011 tap" lit nil hours of the day or niuht. Pays for itself in short time by reducing fuel expenses. Xo cost to operate. Use either coal, wood or gas for heating purpose. Provides a hot water system equal to any on the market costing .$100 - nnd upwards, at less than half that cost. Instead of burning fuel needlessly and standing over a hot kitchen range for hours at a time, the housewife may place the food, which has been brought to the boiling point quickly on the gas plate or range, into the Fireless Cooker, where it will simmer for hours until thoroughly cooked, and when re moved it will bo found hot and ready to serve. t While the cooking process is going on in the Fireless Cooker no care or attention need be be stowed. If she so desire, the housewife may go shopping, calling, or receive callers. . There is no escape of food fumes into the kitchen from the Fireless Cooker on account of the fact that the lids of the cooking pots fit very tightly and the doors of the cooking compartments are Sealed tightly when closed. On demonstration at a!! times at the Aiken Plumbing Company's office, next door to Condor Water Power Co. YOU are invited to call and see for yourself just exactly how it works. J. W.WHITNEY District Manager Office in in Aikin Plumbing Co.'s Store Medford