Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 25, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Medeord Daily Tribune
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
Published every evening except Sunday.
Gechge Putnam, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at
Medford, Oregon.
One year, by mail $j.00One month by mail or enrrier. .$0.50
The Tribune is for sale by Hotel P ortlanti News Stand, Portland, Or. ;
Ferry News Etand, Snn Francisco, Cal.
- Bend is an admitted goal of the Hill railroad down the
Deschutes valley.
Crescent City, Cal., is an available and practical har
bor for an ocean terminal.
Place a ruler on the map and Medford will be found
on an approximately straight line connecting Bend and
Crescent City.
A railroad built on this line would skirt the base of
the Cascades east of Crater Lake and west of Upper
Klamath, cross the range at the Fish Lake pass, come
down the Pacific & Eastern to Medford, thence southeast,
via the Josephine caves, to the coast.
Such a railroad would secure tonnage every mile of
the way from Bend to the coast. It would tap vast for
ests between the Deschutes and Butte Falls, the great fruit
district of the Rogue river, the Medford coal district, the
Blue Ledge, Takihna and other rich copper regions, hun
dreds of producing gold mines, numerous agricultural val
leys and the great redwood timber belt.
Contrast such a route with-any other route to Califor
nia from Bend. The Pitt river route, the only practical
pass, traverses arid sagebrush plains for; hundreds of
miles" with never a tithe of the possible tonnage.
Between the two, which is the probable route that Hill
will utilize to reach San Francisco? -
From Crescent City the route would go south to Eu
reka, thence along the coast to the Bay City. This coast
line would be of expensive construction, but. no more so
than the North Bank line. It would afford tourisfs the.
. most attractive of all possible routes, with the ocean con
stantly,, jn view, i$44&f&v.m,l;-t0,u- .
)i Hill has given no inkling of his intentions, but such a
route is practical and a money maker, and some day will
he constructed, if . not by Hill by some r ;other railroad
To Chicago and Return.
October 4 October 4. October 4.
Ten days allowed going trip, re
turning tickets good until November
30. Round trip $82.40. For particu
lars, enquire at the local office or ad
dress A. S. Kosenbaum,' S. P. Co.
Agent, Medford, Or.
It wouldn't be surprising to see an
epidemic of street improvement break
out on the East Side at any .time.
There are a few fellows over there
that can se that it will double and
triple the value of their property.
There will be a dance at The Wig
wam tonight. Don't forget to be
there. 102
Novel Decree Handed Down by a
Wise Judge.
Jmlpe Harris of Cook county, Il
linois, handed down one' of the most
novel decrees in tho history of di
voroo litigation: "Win the love (ot'
your children in neven days aiid you
can have them," is what ho told Mrs.
Hex Martin, who wished to bo sepa
rated from her husband and have
tho custody of tho twu children. At
tend the Snvov touigli am! see Luw
this decnt51tvJuTeJ out. The story
is clearly .portrayed, consistently
acted by a clever company in a pie
turceutitled "Seven Days." Western
dramas are always welcome, especial
ly if they are full of fire and action.
"Tho Evil TLalun Do" fills the bill,
being misf'the bst western pictures
shown in some time, "Oil, Unclol"
is the lntest and best comedy piuture
on the market, a laugh producer of
great merit. Don't fail to see this
one. Entire chungo of program to
morrow night. One dime. .
See Prof. Antou Romanoff, for
merly court violinist of Austrian em
peror, for lessons on violin, guitar
and mandoHn. Leave ordors at Nash
iiotel. '
FOR, SALE Seven-room bungalow
for snle cheap, or will trade for
Portland property or good ranch
property in Washington, Oregon or
California. Address Owner, Box 111.
LOST A small open-faced silver
watch, with heavy chain attached
and monogram on the back, F. C. B.
Return to Osgood & Cummings' of
fice and receive reward. 164 ,
EXCHANGE Several choice building
lots,, close in, will exchange for
acreage property. For particulars
address F, care Tribune. 162
FOR SALE $900; greatest bargain
in Medford in a home lot 50142,
five-room house and nil necessary
outbuildings ; will sell pu easy terms.
Why pay "rent, when you can own a
home? Benson Investment Co. 162
FOR SALE $5500, a real bargain in
a beautiful home on South Central
avenue, only 3 blocks' from Main
street; will sell on easy terms. In
vestigate. Benson Investment Co.162
FOR SALE $3200, new modern five
room house on South Central ave
nue, lot 55x185, on terms to suit if
sold at once. Benson ' Investment
Co. ... ...... 162
FOR SALE Fine building lot on
South Central avenue, close in, a
bargain. Benson Investment Co. 162
WANTED Married man .familinr
with orchard culture, who will board
help on fruit ranch. Call at Con
dor Water & Power Co., 209 West
Seventh. ' 167
WAXTEP T- t -'-, ." ----. of well
improved land in Sams Valley for n
Medford cottage. Address Mrs. II.
125 South Oakdale, Medford. 102
YOU have nothing to
lose and all to gain,
in placing it with a reliable
home nursery.
1201. N. CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 3221
AT VAN DYKES For These Cool Fall Days
Cotton Blankets, in brown, gray, white and tan at 75c, 90c,
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50.
Wool mixed Blankets at $2.50, $3.00 and $3..j0.
t All Wool Blankets at $G.OO and up to $10.00.
Outing Flannels in plain and fancy patterns at 10 and
' 12 l-2c, All standard widths.
Furs, Coats and Suits; strong line of ladies' and misses'
Coats and Suits from $7.50 up.
Furs from 98c to $50.00 set.
The fall demand for Knit Sweaters and Jackets was never
so good. White, blue and red are the best colors. We
have them in all sizes, women's, men's and children's, in
all grades.
IT'S 1
The "Reason Why
of all the Steel ranges now manufactured is con
sidered by the discriminating housewife, SUPERIOR
TO ALL OTHERS is plainly evident. Call and
let us demonstrate it's merits to you.
f i M ,1 i. i .TT-n
Medford Hardware Co.