OS THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OHKUOX. FRIDAY. KK1TKMHKIt 21. I!(!. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Moore Hurry Z. Hildoburu, Tluiii)siiii Ij. Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Licit Wilber, New York; B. 1'. Wo lmin, New York; Evelyn Shaw, Miss Coral Thonidyke, Now York; A. 0. Itcuiictl, Cedar Rapids; Smith Tur ner," Portland; Kd Listen, Grants I'aw, C. Y. Lasher, G. W. Sparks, Chicago; K. M. Duncan, S. P. Tow crs, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Lane, Huntington. At the Nash J. II. Kclsey, Harris -burg; Armin Kohn, New York; H. GY Silverstone, New York; Binger Her nial), Oregon; S. W. Lashin, Chica go; C. J. Johnson, St. Paul; L. Haws hurst, San Francisco; J. C. Fuiiuiu, Boseburji; C. M. Strauss, Portland; A. B. Macclillian, San Francisco; M. W. Atwood. Medford; John F. "VYhalley. J. M. Gore, Portland ; Mrs. T. A. Williams, Miuot; J. G. Reddick. Portland. iL&flOSj Saturday Night Sale SPLENDID GRAPES GROWN BY GOFFE NEAR JACKSONVILLE County Fruit. Inspector Taylor brought in some bunches of grapes Friday, w'hicb. were grown by Dr. Goffe on the hill road near Jackson Tille. One of the bunches a huge eluster of Tokays weighed 7 pounds. .The grapes were splendid large ones and show conclusively what crapes will do on the foothills in that section. Judge J. C. Fullerton of Roseburg spent Thursday and Friday m Med ford. ' ' Dr. J. M. Keeue and wife left for Portland Thursday eveniug. George Bordeaux, proprietor of the Oaks, returned Thursday from a hunting trip in the Klamath and Goose Lake regions, bringing back a string of mallard and other ducks. Fifty-sis dollars was collected in fines by Jeff Heffrd as judge of the Elks' kangaroo court Thursday eve ning. . . -j . A. Edgar Beard" and J. V. Coffe-, who represented the Portland Elks at the local lodge installation, returned north Friday evening. A. E. Voorhies, a Grants. Pass newspaper man, was .visiting Med ford Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mclntyre of Oakland have left for home. They have been on an extended visit with P. E. Wynkosh. Miss Laura Frick is visiting with friends in Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKee of Albuqirerque, N. M., are visiting A. C. Allen. . C. S. Holbrook of this city in is Portland on business. R. R. Cantrell of Boise, Idaho, is a business visitor here. An Applegate man, the Hon. H. D. Kubli, was. in Medford Thursday. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Sarah A. Griffith to Scott V. Davis, land in township 37, range 1 V Peter Eain to R. H. Toft, prop erty in Page addition to Med ford '. August D. Siugler to Annie R. Owings, AV y2 lot 5, block 4, Sunset Park J. R. Hill to Emil Wolter, 4.73 acres in Ashland . G.' Miller to John W. Cox, property on Central avenue J. R. Horning to G. H. Johnson, lots 1 and 2, block 2, Fruit dale addition to Medford . . M. L. Daily to O. E. Stinson, 80 acres in section 6, town ship 37, range IE J. E. Olson to -W. H. Meeker, lot 3. block 3, Olson addition to Medford e. A. Meeker to Clara J. Meek er, lot 33, Highland addition to Medford E. E. Oman to Clarence A. Meeker, lot 33, Highland ad dition to Medford T. W. Daily to Sedotha Hannah, property in Cottage addition to Medford S. L. Bennett to James Bowl ing, land in D L C (50, town ship 37, range 2 W W. H. Hamlin to William Budge, 43 acres in township 37. range 2 W L. R. Parker to Clarence A. Meeker, lot 34, Highland Park nddition to Medford. . T. L. Hamilton to E. E. Oman, lot 33, Highland Park addi tion to Medford Watch For Particulars The Hutchason Co. Successors to Baker Hutchason Co. A. O. Itcunclt of Cedar Rapids, In., is visiting friends here. Mrs. V. M. Chesmoie is building a tasteful bungalow near her house on Cottage avenue. Mr. and Mrs. U. T. Burnett arc visiting the fair at Seattle. Thoy are also visiting friends in the Willam ette valley. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hall of this city are visiting friends in Ashland this week. F. C. Sehafer of Kansas arrived Friday on No. l."i on a visit to Louis Hrown, nil orchardists of this val ley. The sidcknlks on North Ivy street are being paved with cement. South Ivy needs a few of the ame. Best Treatment for a Burn. If for no other reason, Chamber lain's Salve should be kept in every household on account of its great value in the treatment of burns. It allays the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a severe one, heals the parts without leaving a scar. This salve is also unoiuittcd for chapped hands, sore nipples and dis eases of the skin. Price 2." cents. For sale by Leon B. Hakiu' Phar Hesl paper in southern Oreijon Tlio Tribune. . CRESTBROOK 5 ORCHARD TRACTS 10 - 20 Acresr Adjoin Hillcrest orchard and contain , t t . , , . unexceled deep, rich soil. Reasonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY He Didn't Discover the North Pole. C. C. Gilchrist says in his class ified ad that he did not discover the north pole, but that he has discovered that there is good money in the high grade angora goats; he has a few yet for ' sale and can furnish any number. 160-53 Colonel George P. Mims of- Tolo ;pent Thursday in Medford. Bijou Theatre : BILLY EMPEY VAN, Manager. Presents Richard Darling Stock Company in "The Girl of The Golden West" in a three-act comedy-drama . . Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs Doors open 7:45 p. m. ADMISSION ... Curtain at 8:15 sharp. ..20c AND 10c 2200 400 10 1500 10 10 10 150 1 10 175 10 1 10 10 VF215 jy " fT I i f- "V."r'-ipI f tV i; ,( j Mi' j: . . K i ' A ' M Oregon Calls "More People" . Pass the word lo vour relatives mid friends to conic now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will prevail l'roin the Mast SEPTEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15 .'(i ; '' ' via (lie Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific (LINKS IN OIIKGON) ' . , Froni Chicago $33.00 lEUIB i From St. Louis $32.00 From Omaha $25.00 From St. Paul $25.00 I From Kansas City $25.00 Fares Can Be Prepaid Ot'imsit the nmodut of the faro with the nearest O. It. & N. or S. P Agent mid ticket will bo delivered in the Kimt with,,, it extra cost. Send us the name ami address of anyone intcroled in the Stain lor Oregon literature. WM. McMURRAY. . General Passenger Agent, ' Portland, Or. Advertise in the Tribune TEN REASONS WHY You Should Be a Reader of The Pacific Monthly 1st. It if) the lending magazine of Western Anvorica, publish ed on the Pacific coat.t edited by wontem men and iln entire contents ore Weutorn. With pen, brimh and camora, it tolln tho story of the wonderful progreHH of tho West. 2nd. No other soction of the onliro world m experiencing such a rapid industrial and commercial growth im that section of the United States went of tho rookie s. It is a duty you owe to your self to keep informed Tho Paoifi e Monthly coir.oletoly covers tho field. 3rd. There ure opportunities for the extension of practically every line of business in this territory, and The Pacific Monthly tells of these opportunities. 4th. If you are looking for a chnnco to invest or locate commerce, farming, orcharding or professional work, if you aro worn, tired or in ill health, seeking rst or roasoimhlo, The Pacific Monthly will give you a thousand valuable hints. 5th. Here olso you ean get closo to nature. The groat snow capped mountains, in all their rugged grandour, tho botmdloss plains and the virgin forests, "God's Country," fcntarnUhod by the hand of man. Do you not wish to spend a few hours each month with usT 6th. The best of we.itern literature to be found in the Pnoific Monthly. Live topics of THE DAY, stories of progress and of opportunities, tho Romance of tho mountains and tho plains ol ways intensely human. ' 7th. One never tires of beautiful pictures and tho - Puoifio Monthly is famo.uj for its illustrations, always a veritable picture book of Western scenery, from Mexico to Alaska and from Denver to the coast. No expense is spared in securing the most sfrnking photos for reproduction In colors and halftones 8th.Tho Pacific Monthly should be in overy'home. From cover o cover it is clean wholesome rending of an educational nature It is particularly interesting and valuable both to teacher and students. I)th. Look upon vour map nt, prcnt nrea wRt of , Rockies, think of tho wonderful recources of this section of the eomitry-thouHauds of acres of agri,.,,!,,,,,, land.billions of feet of standing Imiber, mninral nches beyond comprehension, extend ing to the shores of tho nnghty Pa(!ifi,, ,10 hi(?h , tw 0rjmit -Do you not want to know more about this marvelous country. O h. A writ of optunism prnVniH throughont the west that lends life and vigor to all. That j wliy th() pnnifio Month, fa different. It crncs to yon each mth breathing this spirit of the west. It will put tho rod blood into your veins try it Rample copies at the Tribune office whero subscriptions can be MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE FOP TIIRF.F MONTHS 150. THE PACIFIC MONTHLY ONE YEA II , . $1.50 MTIIFOR $2.00 I I