THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOOX, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1900. 16" T ISOCIAL AND PERSONAL r f Kllu CI ii ii n ii vv, public stenographer, room 'I, 1'iiliu building. Miss Frances Niiiinii mill Mrs. Jo iiephinc Itusscll have returned from llii'ir summer's vacation. V. H. Collins, principal (if I lie high school, is building miller the direction nf J. II. Clink n six-room residence on West Tenth street, which li ex- I Im to he ri'iiily I'm' occupation by October r. Our charge Ik oiio dollar per iiionlli fur r'iiiK y,,lir house. Will coilleet rent if ili'Kiri'il. Cim keep them ne copicd. llcnsou Investment Co. Hill Misses Maude Newbury mid Fran ces Keniicy 'f Jacksonville spent Thursday evening in Medford. Mrs. Charles Prim mid MrH. John F. Miller spent Thursday afternoon in Mud ford. Phono 3:103 for tea or coffee. Dr. mid Mrn. It. T. llurnclt left for Seattle mid Portland Thursday evening. Among those from Jacksonville who took-in "A Knight for n Iiiy" Thursdiiv evening lit Medford were Mr. mid Mr-. H. It. How, Mr. and M. John F. Miller. Mrs. Charles I'riin. Minx Towni'. Mi-1 lleuter, Mr M. M. Tnylor nnd Mm. W. II. Ha r- num. SniecK and extracts at lit! So. fl street. At the conference of the M. K. church. South, held in Porilimd. Hcv. W. F. (lonlder of thin city was np jM.inted secretary f the hoard of missions mid hoard of education mid was placed on the committee of the joint board of finance mid conference relations. Ttevt meal for the least money nt the Spot cafe. A. F. Harnett, a former really broker of Council Muff. In.. has purchased nn interest iii the IIiim Investment company of thin city. Special music every evening dur ing dinner at the Nabh Grill. " Mr. mid Mrn. Cornelius OKecfe of Middletown. Conn., have been looking over the volley for. the last few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Olwell have re turned from their Alaska trip, where they hiive been making ft protracted vitiit. Hear Professor Romanoff in vio lin hoIoh every evening tbo Nash Grill, -t , ' ' The new dredging machine in being fixed and will he put to work on the ditch on West Seventh some time this iificriioon if nothing unforeseen happens-. Orders for sweet cream or butter milk promptly filled. Phono tin erenmer7. Miss Julia True is making social vi-it in Ashland this week. Ed 1 Inn-en of Ashland wa Med ford visitor this week. Yen; fee' f itio hud dinner at the I .i"IV! -' The big digger is being taken fV'Mii where it stood on G street across Seventh to Second street, where it will commence digging the sewer ditch. The digger has to be ferried across the, pavement on Seventh street on lumber placed beneath its wheels to keep it from cuttitn.' up the street. Ann it is. it leaves trncu which will not soon be erased. Tho Nash Grill makes ft specialty of special dinners, banquets etc. Mu sic, every ovening. Professor V. 0. Smith will enter tain the R Y. P. U. and tho One riundrcd club at his home this eve ning. ' Imperial addition Stop right now and look tip tho Imperial addition ad vertiscmcnt in this issmt. Lumber is being hauled from here for tho construction of an addition to tho power hnuso at Gold Ray. The Louvre eafo for tho best. The Tlogiio River Fruit Growers association shipped lf.OO half boxes of Comico pears on a consignment to New York Thursday. Southern Oregon Tea nnd Coffee Co.. 3d So. 0 street. 1 . ' W. G. Estop left for Spokane Fn- Aflni. n ten days' visit or nveiuiiu. , . ho will retnni to superintend the ;.,v,t, of his nntiles nn tun k- ... ...i.,.v,l. nflcr which he will join Mrs. Estop anl family in Los AuroIm tnr (lie will I el'. The onlv daily market report m sonlbern Oreiron-Jn The Tribune -1' Waller Moore of Phoenix lei I o Thnrsifay for Portland to meet b.s son from Unkcr Cily. Lnrrupin pood truck. Bill-thmw hot waffle- at the Louvre. .MihH .Miles CiiiiIi ell of Applcpate is viilin in Ai-hliiml. Mim. J. C. Kmeiii !. of this city vis ited AxIiIiiihI the lirt of the week. Tens and coffees at So. G st. .1. K, Snwyer, who linx been em ployed on the I'acirii- & Knslcrn as an cii"jiiccr, is in town. 1. K. Itollins of Phoenix wiih in the city WcdocMlnv on business, Nash Grill open all the time. Fin est service, between Portland and San Francisco. Miss I.ennie llmn-cn paid Medford a business visit Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gore have re turned from a visit to the Seattle fair. If the Fast Side will wnrko up now Oakdale avenue and West Eighth street won't have it all their own way, on the best residence districts of the city. . A consignment of ties and other lumber for the Pacific & Eastern ar rived Thursday from Jacksonville on the Jacksonville limited. L. I). Hrown will erect a fine mod ern residenco on South C street. Y. II. Hendricks of Suit Lake city is in Medford looking over the valley. Seo Prof. Anton Homanoff, for merly court violinist of Austrian em peror, for lessons on violin, puitar mid mandolin. Leave orders at Nash Hdel. . Mrs. I). W. Miilcy of the depart ment of horticulture of the 'n-li-inptoii statu collciie has been attend inp the packing school conducted by Professor Cole of O. A. C. for the past few days. H. I. Childevs and Carl Hiehardsoii. plasterers of this place, are in Cen tral Point on business. W. F. Itau. the proprietor of Uo- Moore, is down with an nttaek of la prijM'. THIS IS "' '"''ii ' - " Just the ordinary every day business man using Filing Cases and Off ice Appliances j For Sale By MEDFORD BOOK STORE Savoy ,1 7 " TONIGHT THE SEVENTH DAY A Comedy Drama 0H1 UNCLE. A biograph comedy. THE EVIL THAT MEN DO A western drama. . ONE CENTRAL POINT IS There are n (real many ways in which to estimate the progress and prosperity of a community, but the building operations are usually con sidered the most authentic record, and, accordingly the Central Point Herald has prepared nrf estirnateof the buildings that are now under construction in Central Point, or that have been completed within the past few months, mid while the list is only a rought estimate, yet it will convey an idea of wjint is doing in that local ity to outside readers. As prepared tlie list will total nearly $40,000 and it is quite probable that they have omitted a number of small cottages that have, recently been completed. The list follows: C. H. Hostel, business block. .$ 8,000 C. It. Hostel, residence .' 2,000 I. F. Williams, business block 2,500 I. F. Williams, residence.... 1,000 Mrs. Kandall, cottage ()00 Mrs. Downing, cottage 500 Mrs. Ileiisley, cottage 700 Frank Cochran, cottage 700 Mrs. PeniiiL'cr, cottage (100 Mrs. Olienchain. cottage ... 000 Mr. Kyle, .residence 2,500 John Alberts, two cottages.. 800 II. Sanborn, cottage 500 Kd Whitcide, business block .'3000 John Clark, bungalow 800 J. O. Iuacson. bungalow . . . 2.000 Ferguson A: Murray, stable ; . 2.000 S. A. P.ittison. office bldg. . . 700 W.J. Freeman, business block 10.000 Total 3!l.000 NOT AN Theatre 'A DIME ELK CHANGE MADE IN T Owing to the fact that letter car riers are prohibited by law from working over eight hours a day, it has been found since the establish ment of free delivery that Carrier No. 1 bus more territory than he can cover in the required time.. In con sequence thereof it has become nec essary to discontiniiij tho service on North lieatty street and North Cen tral avenue after Monday, Septem ber 27. This territory will be served again as soon as the department al lows the postoffiee another carrier. In the meantime all of those patrons who had boxes in the office prior to the establishment of free delivery HOUICWIVCI WATCM THI SPACE can retain them. After October 1 there will be plenty of boxes for rent. Christian Science. Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Commercial club room. Subject of the lesson-sermon for September 202J'Heality." All are welcome. Sun day school at 10.