THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. FRIDAY,. SEPTEMBER. 2-1, 1)00. Medford Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. ' MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Pctxam, Editor and Mauager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; One year, by mail .$3.00 One month by mail or carrier .$0.50 The Tribune is for sale by Hotel Portland News Stand, Portland, Or.; Ferry Xews Etund, San Francisco, Cal. COOK AND PEARY. Contrast between the actions of Dr. Cook and Com niander Pearv since their return from the frozen seas of silence is all in favor of Dr. Cook, who has been quiet and dignified in his behavjor, submitting gracefully to iuqui sition, answering clearly all questions regarding his ex ploration and refusing to discuss Peary's charges. Proofs of his claims have been submitted and passed upon by scientists. The arrival of Harry "Whitney with instru: ments and data confided to his keeping is awaited for com plete confirmation of Dr. Cook's claims to discovery of the north pole. . No evidence has been submitted by Commander Peary to prove his wild charges of fake and falsehood against Dr. Cook other than the statements of a negro servant, who alleges that he secured the information from the Es quimos. Peary's sudden determination to remain in se clusion at his summer home at Eagle Island, Me., indefi nitely instead of hastening to New York to submit proofs of his assertions that Cook did not reach the north pole, also arouses conjecture. The Umpqua Valley News indulges in a half column of hysteria in which it does not answer the point at issue, namely, that the claim that tmpqua valley pears this sea son brought a higher net price to growers than Rogue River valley fruit is false. The price of $2.25 a box net, received for oiie car of Umpqua pears has been exceeded by at least 50 ears of Rogue valley product. The quality and quantity of Medford pears speak for themselves and the prices received speak louder. As to varied resources or products, the editor of the News should visit this sec tion before presuming to discus,s it, and learn something about it and he won't be put in jail, either. . The News pronounces the editor of The Tribune semi-insane. If the editor of the News is a standard of sanity, he undoubtedly is and glad of it. Better be wholly insane than be in the same class with the News editor. COUNTY ADVERTISING. The Sacramento valley, California, counties, are rais ing a $250,000 advertising fund to be used at the rate of $50,000 a year for the next five years for advertising the Sacramento valley in the east and filling the valley with settlers. To raise the money, a two-cent tax was asked by the eleven counties affected. Boards of supervisors of eight counties have already made the iieeessa(y levies and the other counties will probably respond. Trainloads of col onists are passing up the Sacramento valley for other sec tions that advertise, and this has forced tardy action by the Sacranientans, who see the growth southern Califor nia has had through advertising. The last Oregon legislature passed a law authorizing counties to levy a special tax of not more than half a mill "for advertising, printing and distribution of literature in such manner and forms as may be determined upon for the purpose of making known the various agricultural, horticultural, mining, manufacturing, commercial' or oth er resources." Provision is also made that such a levy be comes compulsory upon a majority vote at the next gen eral election, the proposal having been submitted upon a petition signed by 20 per cent of the legal voters who are taxpayers. Such a tax1 in Jackson county is a necessity if this ac tion is to hold its own in attracting immigration. So far all the advertising has been done by the commercial clubs through private subscriptions. Taxpayers in Jackson coun ty whose property has been increased in value have not contributed a cent towards publicity. Such a tax will equalize the burden, and relieve, to a degree, the strain now borne solely by the contributors to the various Com mercial club funds. It is a business proposition. During the past few years there has been a remarkable advance here in land values, based largely upon the expectation that people are coming, here to settle and to transform farms into orchards, to make land which for farming is not worth over $100 an' acre into orchards worth $1000 an r. ;re. The entire Rogue 1 River valley from Ashland to Grants Pass, with the rare! natural advantages it possesses for fruit raising, should; be one gigantic orchard. To make it, we must have set-; tiers. To develop our timber, and mining resources, we , must have people. To supply the needs of the fruitgrow- ers, we must have manufacturers. To secure them, we must j advertise. . . ''.'.. , .' ; Because Medford has advertised, it has grown, and the country about the city has grown. Every part of tlie conn-j ty should show similar growth. It will if the entire county j carries on the work so well begun by Medford. j Every county in the state should make the required levy j for advertising purposes, and Jackson county should lead ; Oregon in making it first. !;;. !i n n. ..;,. , j MATTRESS FACTORY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Sacramento Man Here Looking for Location May Decide to Remain. KOI I Millf cow. Ivy street. Call ill 227 1(1.1 t. It. Homer of Suoriiinonto i in Medford looking for n suitable site on which to locate 11 mattress mid up holstering factory. If ho finds what ho desires, he will locate. Mr. Homer in nn experienced mat tress milker mid such a business fdumld find n Rood field locally. JAPANESE POACHERS ARE CAPTURED BY AMERICANS WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. Aiiolh or seizure of Japanese, alleged seal poachers, Huh time at Will run inland, in Alaskan waters, was reported to the treasury department yesterday in a teleprani from San Francisco, Special Apent Judo scir.ed two bunts with a total of six Japanese on September 2, ami the men were brought to San Francisco yesterday by the revenue cutter Hear. Why rush homo? Try. the. Spot Cafe's 25c dinner. " FOli SAI.K 0011; Krcalct liarKiiin in Mcdlord in a lininc, lot Mix 112, rive-room resilience and all in - sary oul!inildht;s. Will sell on easy tonus. Why pay rent, when yon own a linine llcnsoii Investment Co. . llll FOH SAI.K .VitlO; a cal hnrejiin in a beautiful home on Soul li ('en tral avenue, only three block from Main street ; will sell on easy terms. Investigate. Benson Investment Co. 101 FOIt SAI-K if:i200; new modern 5 room house on South Central ave nue, lot 55x1 H5, on terms to suit if sold at onoe. lloiisou Investment Co. 101 WANTKU A largo investment com pany, just being incorporated, de sires the services of tin acceptnblo person (lady or gentleman) with a business education and experience, to represent iih in Medford and Jack Hon county; wo will pay a Hillary of $100 per mouth; a cash bond of 2000 will bo required. State ago and experience. Address Ji, care of Tribune. 101 ' FH KKNT Furnished rooms with all the modern improvements, wild tabic gourd if desired. .12 South Mis tlctoe street, two blocks from Vet school, or address K, cure of this office. 1!2 Many fine dwellings are being erect ed in the vicinity of Grape and Tenth streets, South. These bouses are at tractive of appearance and are a val uable addition to the homes of this city. Their ercctior. i- rr .f that people a comin',' to inimiiit them. Investors v. iii :n,i; '.. , ? unless they have n guarantee that they may be utilized in some way profitable. to themselves. The investor has placed ; his mark of approval upon the city of Medford by investing his money here. It wouldn't be surprising to see nn epidemic of street improvement break out on the Fast Side ut any time. There are a few fellows over there that can sc that it will double and triple the value of their property. Medford's Modern Shoe Store We have always answered the fashion demands of the discriminating public. We propose to occupy the same ground here. At present hut ton boots have the call. Of course, we have also provided plenty of Lace Hoots, but we pre dicttbat Button Shoes will be more popular. Weshow them in all colors of suede leathers anil cravenetted cloths; rich bronze 1 leather, dressy patents 'With tops leather, black or col ored cloths, soft kid skins and new semi-dull leather, "velvety in appearance," for which we expect -there will be a big demand. $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 Edmeades Bros. THE WEST SIDE SHOE STORE The Excitement Is Over THE ELKS HAVE A NEW LODGE AND EVERYBODY IS HAPPY AND MORE FIRMLY CON , VINCED THAN EVER THAT Medford Will Double In Size WITHIN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS AND WE ADVISE YOU TO BUILD THAT HOUSE NOW WHILE THE WEATHER IS GOOD AND OUR STOCK OF BUILDING MATERIAL IS COM-' PLETE WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED. . Wood s Lumlbej: Coimpy