c Ol'TMM HKlfc 23, 15)0!) CITY NOTICES. $54,250.00 CITY OK MEDEORD, OREGON. 1M PHOYEM EXT BONDS. MedtWd. OlVL'lMl. September ltilli. 1H09. The Citv Council of Medford. Ore gon, will receive sealed bids up to 6 o'clock p. in.. September 30lli. 1900. for the sale of ."4.'J"0.00 li per cent 10-year improvement bonds, bids to be accompanied by a certified check PQluil lo 5 per cent of the amount bid for. The riuhl to reject any and all bids is reserved. Bids to be addressed to Robt. YV. Telfcr. City Recorder. Certified cheek to be made payable to the Citv of Medford. KOBT. V. TELFER. Citv Recorder. Dated Medford. Oresron. Septem ber llilh. 1909. " 1 HI XOTICE TO CEMEXT ANI 1'AYIXO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that the city council of the city of Medford, Ore gon, will receive sealed proposals for he paving of Orange street from Main street to Fourth street, and West Tenth street from Oakdale avenue to Hamilton street, with bitulithic pave ment, and for the placing of concrete or cement curbing on both sides of said streets. All bids must be submitted on forms to be furnished by the city engineer, and filed with the city recorder on or before 4:30 p. m. on the 27th day of September. 1909. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the city treasurer equal lo 10 per cent of the estimated amount bid for, to assure good faith to enter into contract, and to be forfeited to the city of Medford if the successful bidder defaults in contracting. Plans and specifications may be had by calling on the city engineer. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 15th day of September, 1909. 162 ROBT. W. TELFER, ORDINANCE NO. 222. An ordinance authorizing the issu ance of $54.2."i0 of the Improvement Bonds of the city of Medford. Jaek- vertising of the same for sale in ac cordance with Chapter V of Title XXY11 of Bellanger & Cotton's Anno tated Codes and Statutes of the State of Oregon. The citv of Medford doth ordain as follows: Section 1. Whereas the citv of Medford has heretofore caused cer tain streets of said citv to bo im proved, and has duly assessed the cost thereof to the property benefited thereby in accordance with the char ter of said citv; And whereas certain owners of sundry pieces of property each as sessed for such improvement in a sum exceeding twenty-five dollars have duly made and filed application to pay said several assessments in installments in accordance with sec tion 2727 of said Bellanger & Cot ton's Annotated Codes and Statutes: And Whereas an assessment and bond lien docket has been duly made up in accordance with the provision of quid section and of section 2728 of said codes and statutes, and the total amount of unpaid assessments for such street improvements aud for which application to pay under the provisions of said sections above cited has been made and filed, as aforesaid is the sum of $54,348.80 dollars, as shown by said bond lien docket : Now. therefore, said city of Med ford doth ordain as aforesaid that there is hereby authorized to be is sued the bonds of said citv in total amour.', of $54,250 dollars, in denom nations of two hundred and fifty and five hundred dollars each, as may be convenient. Section 2. Said bonds shall be in the following form: No; Citv of Medford Jackson County State of Oregon Improvement Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the citv of Medford in the county of Jackson, state of Oregon, for value received, hereby agrees and promises to pay the bear er the sum of dollars in gold coin of the United States of America, on the presentation and sur render of this obligation on the 1st day of October, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nineteen, without eraec, with in terest thereon from the date here of until redeemed or until the time of the semi-annual interest payment next ensuing the publication of no tice by the city of Medford that this bond will he taken up and can celled and that interest thereon will cease at the interest payment period next following such publication, at tho rate of II per cent per annum, payable seiui-anuuallv in like coin on the first day of April and Octo ber of each year, on the presen tation and surrender of the proper coupons thereto annexed. Principal and interest payable at the office of tho treasurer of the city of Medford. This bond is ono of n scries author ized bv an Act of the Legislative As sembly of the stale of Oregon, en titled, "An act to provide for the is suance of bonds for the improvement of streets and the lavini; of sewers in incorporated cities and for the pay ment of tho cost of such improve ments and laving sewers bv install ments." filed in tho office of secre tary of state February 22nd, ISiKI, as amended bv an net entitled "an Aet to amend Sections 1, 2, H, 4, 5, 0 and 7 of an Act entitled "an Aet to pro vide for the issuanco of bonds fur the improvement of streets and the lav ing of sewers in ineormrated cities, and for the payment of the cost of such improvements and laving sewers bv installments, filed in the office of tho Secretary of State February 22nd. 1893," ap proved February 28th, 1901, and is an obligation of tho city of Med ford aforesaid, and ( is not deem ed o r taken to be within any part of the limitation bv law as to tho indebtedness of said citv, and it is further certified that nil reiiuire meuts of laws have been fully com plied with bv the proper officers in the issuing of this bond, and that the total nmount of this issue does not exceed the limit proscribed bv said act. This bond is redcema'vjlu t the of fice of said treasurer at the option of the city of Medford upon payment of the face value thereof with accrued interest to the date of payment at any semi-nnnual coupon period at or after one year from the date hereof, as provided in snid act. For the fulfilment of the conditions of this obligation, the faith and credit of the citv Medford are hereby pledged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Bond has been signed bv the mayor and attested bv the recorder of said city of Medford and the corporate seal of the city of Medford hereto affixed this first day of Octo ber. A. D. 1909. Attest: Mayor Recorder of tho citv of Medford. Seclou 3. Each of said bonds shall have attached therein twenty coupons, each of which shall bo in the following form : CITY OF MEDFORD State of Oregon will pay to the bearer dollars in irold coin of the United States of America, at the office of the treas urer of said city, on lbs 1st day of being six mouths inter est on improvement bond, No , unless said bond is sooner redeemed as therein provided, which redemp tion will render this coupon void. Attest: Recorder of tho citv of Medford. Mayor Said coupons shall be numbred from ono to twenty respectively. Section 4. The mayor of suid city is hereby authorized and directed to sign said bonds nnd tho city recorder to countersign the sumo bv attaching thereto the seal of said citv. all on behalf of said citv. Section 5. Tho recorder of said city is hereby directed to register said bonds and number the same on blank provided therefor in the foregoini; form in ncordnuce with Section 2730 of said code and statutes of the stale of Oregon. Section (!. The recorder of the citv of Medford is hereby directed to advertise said bonds for sale nnd that the same will bo sold for the highest price obtainable, not less than par and accrued interest, and in said ad vertisement he shall announce that ho will receive sealed proposals for the purchase of said bonds or any por tion thereof nt his office at anv lime before 4 :30 p. in. on the 30tb day of September, 1909. Ho shall publish saiil advertisement three times in a daily newspaper published and print ed in said citv. and shall submit the sealed proposals received in accor dance with said advertisement to the council at its next meeting thereafter. The foregoing ordinance was passed by tho citv council of tho citv of Medford, Oregon on the 14th dav of September. 190!) bv tho following vote, to-wit: Welch avo. Merrick ave, Emerick absent, Wortman avo, Dem mer ave, Eifert ave. Approved September 15th,1900. Attest: ROBERT W. TELFER. Recorder " W. II. CANON 15G Mnvor For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house ront for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by uullillnn. you a home and allowing you to pay for It in easy monthly payments and low rate of Interest. We will furnish money to build Churches, .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Monoys can be returned any time, thereby stopping Interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent Interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Rosehurg xs o o z z o o oo lUU II o o z as o o oo UU ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY o o oo UU z z oo uu o o UU oo o o UJU JUST A WORD To the Wise Housekeeper Is Sufficient' Order Now And Be Sure of The Choicest Cuts THE ECONOMY MARKET ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice ' Phone 481. ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY mm oo oo z ac oo X K - m m oo oo at at o o II mm oo o o acar oo mm .o o o o m m oo oo z z o o mm oo oo xae oo r 11 e iiiri ot tiie (brolden West Richard Darling Stock Company AT The Bijou Theatre Moving Pictures TONIGHT Illustrated Songs EMILY HOLZEH. CAST.! ; Jack Dilmore, tbe outlaw .Richard Darling Luke Short, the sheriff .. .James Dayton Sam Burton, the barkeeper. . Eric Kleppin Wah Chin, the laundrymun Billy Empey Van Betsy Berry, the widow . . . Emily Driscol Roxy, tbe girl Emily Holzer Billy Empey Van, Mgr. One Hour and Forty Minutes of Solid Enjoyment JAMES DAYTON. : f C ; At " - ' 'J 1 SYNOPSIS: ACT L Ranclunnii'H RckJ. "He said I had the face of an imKcl oh " ACT II.-Roxy's cabin. Same nielli. "I win; three quceiiH and a pair of tens." ACT I IT. Rest room at Hie Ranchman's Rest. One week later. "Our new life is not a dreum, after all." ERIC KLEI'I'IN. Direction Richard Darling. Admission 20 and 10 Cents RICHARD DARLING. EMILY DRISCOL.