Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 23, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Hyuopmii Cliuplor I l'olly, n child
of the ciruim, m brought up by Toby,
clown, and hy u Ijohh i-uiiviihiiiuii
called "Muvver Jim." HIio luuniH to
ride ii!tKi o circuit horHO, nnd KruWH
. to woniuiihoud knowing no life ex
cept that of tho isirmiH.
Cbuptor 11 A duff-It nonr the cir
u lot SntoreHlH l'olly Jim removes
her for lur rockluhn ridirir-
Cbnpter III I'ully urnH HiiiK to
unprecedented Hpeed m;d 1'uIIh. Toby
fcnd Jim curry the injured k'u t the
jarnonaKO i.turby.
Chapter IV Tho liuv. John Doiik
Itut, unuih to Dimoon 10lvorH(in'n din
liust, taken l'olly into the piirHouiiKc
Toby nud "Muvver Jim" aro receiv
ed kindly by Dotiiflax, who him placed
Polly iu charge of Imm colored serv
ant, Mandy. DoukIuh promim-a to
euro for tho (irl until hIio in well.
Chapter V When l'olly bmnuneH
coiiMciouH hIio declare that hIio mind
rejoin the circuit at once. "Aro you
a Hky pilot T" alio oh kit tho ininiHlur.
Her luothor nn killed ridiiiK n circuit
horse, and her father "f(ot IiU'ii in a
Hoii'h cane." The uiiuiHter rudn tu
her about Hulh and Naomi, nnd l'olly
uya "I K"C'HH I'd like to hear you
Chapter VI IJuiikIiik offendii Pea
eon fllroriK by dut'oiiding boyii who
phy bimobull on Sunday.
Chapter VII l'olly recovrn her
health, but in Buddeued hy the death
of Toby. Jim boiuIh the iiowm and
promises to keep in touch with her.
Chapter VIII l'olly recovers from
the blow denlth her by Toby'n dealh.
She him rnnHcd iming hIiiiik unci is
educating hentclf under DoiikIuh'
guidance. Sho endeavor to improve
Mandy's grammar.
Chapter IX Deacons Strong nnd
Elvoinou nirove tho piinlor for har
boring tho circiiM girl. PoukIiih do
clarea that ho in merely doini; hi
duty. Strong doclurex that the n'ir
iiiiihI go. DougluH defien him.
Chapter X DoiikIuh hiikrohU to
Polly that sho go to a Hcminary. Her
quotation "And Until Hiiid, 'Kntrail
me not to lenvo thee,' " ri'vcnl to
both tho fact that they love each oili
er. DoiirIiih takcNC her in hi linns
and tells her that sho is never to leave
Chapter XI "Muvver Jim" calls
and note tho chniiKO in Polly's
xpeech. Polly lolls him hIio bus
iihandoned the circuit business. Dea
coiih Strong and Klvorson iul'orm
Polly that Hlio cult Have tho minister
trouble by returning to the circus,
learning that tho deacons contem
plate discharging Donyliis, she re
buffs Douglas, declares that she
yearns for tho circus and rushes
away sobbing. U 5
JNELJf days followed Polly'i
desertion of the pamonnifo.
Handy went about ber duties
very quietly, feeling that the
little comments which once amused tho
pastor bad now become an Interruption
to thoughts to which Bbe hod uo part
Be would sit for hours with bis head
la bis bands, taking no notlco of what
passed before hlin. She tried to think
of new dishes to tempt bis appetite and
shook , her bead sadly as sho bore the
untested food back to the kitchen.'
She sometimes found a portfolio of
drawings lying open upon his study ta
ble. Bbe remeiubored the seal with
which he bad planned to remodel the
church nnd parsonage when be first
same to tbem, bow his enthuslusin bad
gradually died for lack of encourage
ment and how be had at Inst put his
books In a cupboard, where tbey grew
dusty from long neglect - Bhe mar
veled at their reappearance now, but
something In his set, faraway look
made ber afraid to Inquire. Thus she
went on from day to day, growing
mora lmpatlont with Hasty and more
silent with tho paBtor.
Mandy needed humor and compan
ionship to oil the wheels of her hum
drum life. Thero was no more laugh-
tor In the bouse, and sbo began to
Polly had been awny from tho pnrson-
age a month when tho complacency of
the village was again upset by the ar
rival of the "Great American Circus."
There were many callers at the par
sonage that dagi for speculation, was
now nt fever ficiil about the piiHtor.
"Will bu try to hoc her?" "Has be for
gotten bur?" a nil "Wluif did bo over
llnil In bcrV" were a few of the muny
qiiCHtloiiH that the women were uxklng
cucli other. Now Hint the causo of
their envy was removed they would
gliully luive reliiHtated tho pnstor as
their Idol, for, Hint nil truly feminine
souls, they could not bear to scoa man
unhappy without winding to comfort
him, nor happy unless they were tho
direct rniiRo of bis state. "How dare
liny inn n bo hnppy without mo?" baa
been tho cry of ciu-li woman sluco Eve
was crcntcd to mate with Adam.
Ixuigliis bud held bliiixclf more and
more uloof from thiidny of Tolly's dls
uppcnriiiiro. He cxprvuxcil uo opinion
about the oVnroiiM or tln-IV recent dls
upprovnl of lilin. Ho molded meeting
them oftcm-r lliiiu duty required, and
Ktroug felt so uneoiiifortalilo and
tongue tied lu his prcKcurc Unit be, too,
wiih gliiil to make their talks as few
as possible.
Nothing was snlil about the pastor's
pliius for the future or about his con
tinued connection with the church, and
the Inquisitive NlHterlmod was on the
point of exploding from an overac
cumulation of uiiiiimwcrcd questions.
He delivered bis Kkriiious conscien
tiously, culled upon hie poor, llHteucd
to the sorrows, real and fancied, of his
parishioners and shut himself up with
bis hooks or walked nlouo on ttio bill
behind the church.
He lind been absent all day when
Mandy looked out on tho circus lot
for the dozenth time and snw that tho
afternoon performance was closing. It
had driven her to desperation to learn
Unit Mini Tolly was not In tbo parade
that morning and to know that the
pastor bad Hindu no effort to llnd out
about her. For weeks both sbo and
Hasty bad hoped that the return of
the circus might bring Tolly back to
them, but now It wns nearly night
nud there had beeu no word from ber.
Why didn't she come running In to seo
tbem, ns Mandy bud felt so Buro sho
would? Why bad the pastor stayed
away on the bills nil day?
Unanswered questions were always
nn abomination to Mandy, bo finally
she drew a quarter from tbo knotted,
gingham rag Hint held Iter small wad
of Kiivimta and told Hasty to "go 'long
to de show an' find out 'bout Miss
Hhe was anxiously waiting for htm
when Iieucon Strong knocked at the
door for tho second time that after
Is Mr. Doiiglns buck yet?" he asked.
No, sah, ho uln't," said Mandy very
shortly. She fell that Strong and El
verson bud been "n-trylii' to Bpy on do
parson nil day," and she resented their
visits more than she usually did.
What time are you expectln' him?"
I don't ueliber spec' Massa Doug-
Ins till f sees ti I in.
Strong grunted uncivilly nnd went
down the steps. Sho snw from the
window that be met Elvcrson In front
of tho church.
"Dey sure am a-meunlu' trouble,"
sho mumbled.
Tho band had stopped playing; the
last of the audience had straggled
down the street. Sho opened tho door
nnd stood on the porch; the house
seemed to sutTocntii her. What was
keeping Hasty?
Ho camo nt Inst but Mandy could
tell from his gait thnt he brought un
welcome knews.
"Ain't Bbo dnr?"
"She's a-trabbelln' wld 'em, Mandy,
but sho didn't dono ride."
Seo lienti, Hasty Jones, Is dat ere
Chile sick?"
"I don' rightly know," said Hasty.
"A grcut big man, what worcd clothes
like a gcmincn, coined out wld a whip
In bis band an' says as bow bo's
'bilged to 'iiounco auuddcr gal lu Miss
Tolly's plnco. An' den he Bays as how
de udder gal wns Jos' as good, an' den
evcr'body look disappointed llko, an'
don out conios de udder gnl on a hoss
an' do tricks, an' I ain't benrd no moro
bout Miss Tolly."
"She's sick, dat's whut I says," Man
dy declared oxcltodly, "an' somebody's
got to do somethlu'l"
"I dono all I knowod," drawled Has
ty, fearing thnt Mandy wns regretting
her twenty-Uve cent Investment.
"On 'long out an' fix up dat cro
kitchen lire," wns Mnndy's Impatient
reply. "I got to keep dom vlttcls
warm for Mussn John."
Sho wished to bo nlonc, so that sho
could think of way to get hold
of Tolly. "Pitt lutby fneed mornlu'
glory done got Mitndy all wobbly 'bout
ilu heart," sho declared to herself as
sho crossed to tho window for a sight
of tho pastor.
It was nearly dark when sho snw
him coming slowly down tho path
from tho hill. Sho lighted the study
would not let hi mm-if go near the win
dow. He stood hy the side of the ta
ble, bis Arils clliir-lif-d, and tried to
beat back the Impulse I but was pulling
hi in toward the door. Again and again
be set his teeth.
It was uncertainty that gnawed at
blm so. Was she 111? Could she need
blm? Was Hho sorry for having left
hlin? Would she be glad If be went
for ber uud brought ber back with
him? He recalled the hysterical note
In ber behuvlor the duy that she went
away how she had pleaded, only a
few moments before Jim came, never
to be sepuruted from blm. Had she
really cared for Jim and for the old
life? WLy bud she never written?
Was she ashamed? Was she sorry for
what she hud done? What could It
mean? He threw his bunds above bis
bead with a gesture of despair. A mo
ment later be passed out Into the night.
, "SK'f lick, dtit'i wliat I ay."
Iain;i, rearranged the cushions and
tried to make the room look cheery
for Ms entrance.
i i 'frald yo's mighty tired," she
"( Ii, no," answered Douglas absently.
': ebbe yo'd like Mandy to be sarvtu
you supper In here louignt:. u s more
die : fuler."
I: .- crossed to the window and looked
.ul upon the circus lot. The flare of
the torches nnd the red fire came up
to i -ct his- pale, tense face. "How
like Ihe picture of thirteen months
ago: ' he thought, and old Toby's words
can . back to blm "The show has got
to i i on."
II longed to have done with dreams
and peculation, to feel something tan
glbl -. warm and renl within his grasp.
"I :'.li't go on like this!" he cried. "I
can'.:" Ho turned from the window
and valked hurrli-dly up and down the
room. Indoors or cut, ho found no
rest. He threw himself lu the uriu
chal - near the table und sut burled In
thou lit.
M. ::dy came softly Into the room.
She v.ns followed by Hasty, who car
ried a tray ladeu with things that
aught to have tempted any mini. She
mot I lied for Hasty to put the tray
on t! table and then beguu arranging
the i shes. linsty stole to the window
and eeped out at the tempting flare
of ri I lire.
AVI: ii Douglas discovered the pres
ence of bis two fullhf.uls" be wus
torn ! 'd with momentary contrition.
' l: .ro you bad a bard day with the
new travel walk?" he asked Hasty,
rem. iberlng that he had been laying
a fi sh path to the Sunday school
"J .' yo" come cnt yo' supisjr," Man
dy c. Hed to Douglus. "Dou yo' worry
your liend 'bout dat lazy husbnn' ob
mine. Ho ain't golu' ter work 'nuff
to h; rt hlssclf." For au tnstunt sbo
bail Veu tempted to let the pastor
knov how Hasty bad gone to the cir
cus d seen nothlug of Tolly, but ber
mot! rly Instinct won the day, and
Bhe i ucd blm to eat before disturbing
hlin :1th her own anxieties. It was
no . a Ho only toyed with his food;
he v. s clearly 111 at ease and eager to
bo a: ne. She gave up trying to tempt
bis : .ipctlte and began to lead up In
a ro. .idnbout way to the things which
she lulled to ask.
"T r's quite some racket out dtvr In
do ) : tonight," sho said. Douglas did
not i swer. After a moment she went
on, '; lusty didn't work on no walk
todu; ." Douglas looked at her qui
sles! , while Hasty, convinced that
for i ikoiih of her own she was going
to f. t hlin into trouble, was making
fran . c motions. "He done gone ter de
clrcv ." she blurted out. Douglas' face
beer. ;o suddenly grave. Mandy saw
that . ho had touched nn open wound.
"1 .' -s' couldn't Btnn' It, Mussn John.
hn." ter Und out 'bout dat angel chile."
Theu' was a paUBO. She felt that he
wns vnlllng for her to go on.
"S-.: didn't done ride today."
Hi looked up with tho eyes of a
duin'v persecuted nnliniil. "And de
gem tn lu de show didn't tell nobody
why - Jos' spenked 'bout de udder gal
takl: her place."
"V. ' y didn't sho ride?" cried Doug
las, i mi agony of suspense.
..j-. a Tvimt: i don' know, sau."
Mm: : begon to cry. It was the first
time- 'n his experience thnt Douglas
had ; vor known her to give way to
any i tch weakness.
II: y camo down from the window
and led to put one arm about Man
dy's uiiildors.
"I U me alone, yo' nigger!" she ex
clali il, trying to cover her tears with
a si : of anger that she did not feel;
thci ho rushed from the room, fol
low by Hnsty.
TI band was playing loudly. The
din .' the night performance wns
lucr dug. Douglas' nerves were
strn. d to. the point of breaking . He
(To bo continued.)
"Well Irrigation for Small Farms"
is a publication just issued by the
general pio-sengcr department of the
Oregon liuilrond and Navigation Co.
nnd Southern Pacific lines in Ore
gon. This booklet sets forth in a prac
tiacl nnd concise wny the. possibilities
for profit of inexpensive irrigation
nud should be in tho hands of every
fanner in Oregon.
Copies may be had free upon np
pliiictiou to Wm. McMurray, Uenerul
Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. and S.
P. lilies in Oregon, Portland, Oregon.
At A Bargain
We have three acres, just out
side the city limits, plaited all
around it, with n new five-room
house, which we consider a bar
gain nt
The property faces on two
streets and would subdivide nicely.
There is an electric motor and
pump which goes with the place,
and the well would supply water
for irrigating.
The owner has made the price
low in order to sell quickly, and
the property will be on the mar
ket but a short time at this price.
W. T. York 6 Co.
Paul de Anna
v mkx J
How Many
Over the
THAT question worries you when your nicer things
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But rubbing is bound to be hard on clothes it
wears away the board in a yearl
Throw away your washboard I
Treat your clothes right!
Try the Coffiejd Power Washer. It washes entirely
without rubbing. No imitation washboard inside, like
other machines. Nothing to wear or tear your clothes.
Pays for itself many times over by the saving on the
Let us put it in your home and do your washing
for you. Examine it. Examine its work. You won't
let us take it back after that.
City -water runs it while you rinse and hang out.
If you are still doing your washing by hand, wast
ing your energy and strength, or are using one of
the old style washing machines, we would suggest that
you call at once and inspect
I Cof field
You will find a pretty good cut of it in this ad, but
it does not show the beauty and simplicity of the mo
tor which operates the machine-
"The Beast and the Jungle,"
Judge Lindsey's autobiogra
phy is one ot" the biggest
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It starts in the October
No believer in. clean govern
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And don't let O. Henry's
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On Display bv Medford Book Store,
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Our Tree are towu ilrlcllr
Write for fn-e ctlo. l.rto ilock of
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It washes while you rinse and hang out, and the
expense is less than 5 cents a week. Sent on free
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Hardware Co.