THE ".'EDFORD DAILY TmmiNTC xiTrTnrnrm hnwmv 'nrm.i... . ... . .. --- -.n, win ,..w.T, Jiniiioiu), rsi';i' l KM J IKK 1 f KJf Weeks 6 McGowan ( v e u 1 , o o o s (i v Aim k k k t o f FLOOR SI'ACK COVEKKI) WITH FUKN'ITUJiK Weeks 6 McGowan Only A Few Days Left Now Of This mm A 41 WfW -Ss Wr ?: GIGANTIC FTOITUftE SALE THIS IS THE GREATEST 0PP0R TUNITY IN THE WORLD FOR THOSE WISHING TO FIT UP HO TELS OR ROOMING HOUSES Of The Weeks & McGowan Cos Stock If there is a person in Medford who has not taken advantage of these the The Lowest Prices Ever Quoted On Furniture In this CityAll we can say is "Hurry Up" This Tremendous Stock of Fine New Iron Beds All Go W'ONIIUHKUl.A.s.soliT.MKNTOI-'S'I'YLE.S MJ (.'OMHtN, WIIII.KTJIKV LAST 12.95 .....$5.85 $7.65 $9.25 ...$13.50 $14.85 ,...$18.25 ....$24.75 Full size? Jron Jit-ls, .sale price, rum 10.(0 Iron lh'U; sale price, ouch: tll'.OO Jron Beds; sale price, each ' 1").00 Iron Beds; sale price, each , 20.00 Iron Beds; sale price, each , . . .2"j.00 Iron Beds; sale price, cadi. , ijCW.OO Iron Bed!?; sale price, . each . $10.00 Iron Beds; sale price, each COMPARE THESE PRICES WITH THOSE CHARGED ELSEWHERE, THEN FIGURE THE SAVINGS You just Ought to See The Way They are Buying These Couches $785 .$10.15 $14.60 f 15.00 Couches; all kinds; sale price $20.00 Couches ; big assortment $25.00 Couches ; big assortment $35.00 Couches; big assortment $42.50 Couches; big assort ment ' $50.00 Couches; big assortment $17.25 $21.85 J $28.50 Don't put off buying and be sorry later when you have to PEOPLE ARE FLOCKING INTO MEDFORD FROM ALL THE SURROUNDING TOWNS. COME AND SEE THE REASON. ifljr 1 i J NO GOODS PROMISED .THE SAME DAY . WE WILL DO THE BEST WE CAN. DINING TABLES Wonderful Assortment, over BO styles to choose from. Astonishing Reductions. SPECIAL C loot Extension Dining Tables imitation quarter sawed, excellent $8.50 values; sale price $10.00 solid oak (i ft. square Extension Tables. .. .$7.25 ' $15.00 Dining Tables, several stvles $8 B0 $12.50 $20.(IQ Dining Tables, several styles $25.00 Dining Tables, several styles $.'10.00 Dining Tables, several styles . $.'15.00 Dining Tables, several styles . $10.00 Dining Tables, several stvles . ..$15.85 ..$17.50 ..$19.35 . . . $24.85 Matresses Sale prices mean a saving to you of nearly one-half. Can you af ford to put it off and buy later? $1.00 Combination Mattress, sale price, $3.50 $!.f0 Combination Mattress, sale price $4.50 $7.00 Combination Mattress, sale Price $5.85 $H.00. Combination Mattress, sale Price $6.45 $10.00 Mattress, fibre combina tion $8.75 $12.50 Silk Floss Mattress, sale Price $10.15 $15.00 heavy felt Matt ress, sale ' Price $12.85 A great many of these prices are so low that many of you will think that some of the prices are mis take in print bnut we guarantee to fill everything in this advertisement. pay full retail prices IF YOU ARE NOT READY FOR YOUR FURNITURE BUY IT NOW AND OBTAIN BENEFIT OF "SALE PRICES. WE WILL STORE IT FREE UNTIL YOU ARE READY FOR IT. Dressers and Chiffoniers $S.50 oak color Dresser, extra bargain $6.85 $10.00 oak color Dresser, only ten left $8.65 $12.50 Dressers and ChLtToners. sale price $9.45 $15.00 Dressers and Chiftoncrs. sale price $10.35 $20.00 Dressers and Chitfoners. sale price $14.60 $25.00 Dressers and Cliiff oners, sale price.. $16.35 $:t5.ri0 Dressers and Cln'ffoners. sale price. .... .$22.50 $50.00 Dressers and Cliit'amers, sale price. $31.75 $05.00 Dressers and Cbiffoners, sale price $37.50 EVERYTHING IN THIS MAMMOTH STOCK AT A TREMENDOUS REDUCTION FCR A FEW DAYS MORE. SEE THE YELLOW SALE PRICE TAGS ON EVERYTHING Regular Eastern Manufacturer's Prices fluoted on All Ranges During Sale Theyr'e Going Fast, So Hurry. nu mMcmoG to ureai---You can save your Railroad Fare en the First Article You Buy SAtE PRICES W00W SHADES, GOOD W.0TM K"..n-:n. ALL COLOfiS, FIXTURES ALL COMPLETE, EACH, WEEKS T" c The Largest Furniture Store in Southern Oregon main btreet, West Side of Railroad Medford, Oregon FULL SIZED iFION'BEDS, ALL COLORS, IV KITE, BLUE. GREEN, ETC., EXTRA SPECIAL