TJTE MEDFORD BATLY TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREOON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1909. 5 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mull CmIIimiih I'liui'iiix j 1 1 ( Viiliii'ilny in Mi'ill'iiiil, Teas mill eoflccs nt IK! So. 0 st. Mr. iiml .Mr, rickcr'nii: of Cliiini piiiuu, III., arrived 'I'uusdity cveniiiic In visit Mi'ill'nnl with it view of in-vi'-liinr in tint valley iiih! making il their future homo. I.arVupiii itond truck, l.lill those t.ot wnl'l'li't ut tlm l. iiivri'. - . Tlio Koulhcm 1'iii'iiii! is iliiniiiiir t ilni' iN I'liui'iiix properly on the market. Survey"!' nr ro-estnb-li-liinx corners iiml other prepara tions urn under way preparatory to disposing of lint iiiiin y town lots owned by tlm riiilriuul. Tim only ilnily market report in southern Oregon in The. Tribune. F Superintendent I,. It. Fields, A-r-i t it 1 1 1 Siiperiiileiiileut Hucklcy linil oilier Southern Pncil'ie official spent Tuesday evening in Medford looking ovijr liie railroad hitiintioti. They found the truck full of eiirti null so liiurh i-'t-'Ji (-' t tut t the 1)iik.'iijo rooii) would not ml ii in it. See I'rof. Anton Homiinoff. for. tiu-rly court violinist of Austrian cm-is-ror, for lessons on violin, trnit n r null mandolin. I.enve order nt Nush -tel. . w Teniic-scc Smith' tract of 11.1 acres lit I'ho'nix hn been -old by Mull ("nlhoim iiml If. W. Xorihrtip for .'.'."i.(HI0 cash to Chester Fitch of New Yolk. The llig I'iiien .umber Co. want to buy i hoi-e of good wciuhilt and eolor, young and mhiiiiI. J'0 W. !,. l!ol nbeii.' i const no-ting u fine ten-room house for V. It. Kw bunk on hi- lot on the comer of Tenth r.nd C street. The hotie will bo reuily for occupation in n few weeks. ! Imperii!) niblition Stop riuM now nnil look up the Imperial addition ad vertisement in thin issue. U. W. Wnrd, an Arioiin man. i in Medford for the pursue of buying land. The Nash drill makes ft specialty of speciul dinner, banquets etc. Mu sic every evening. K. H. Williams i f Aniieotiili-. Mont., in looking over the valley .".nil will piohnhly loenu- here in the near fu ture. Yep; fee! fine bud dinner nt the ll'UV)". v There i miuli riviilry hot ween the fYeshincn u:,d phomor class of the high school thin year and several fight resulted. The different members of the classes gather also nml do artistic work on the side wulkK around the building, Their work is not always appreciated from a practical standpoint. Ordors for sweet cream or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the orenmery. H . C. Stoddard went to dold liny this morning. He states that his conipnny has bought n new donkey engine for hauling logs up ,n(' ''iv!r- IJenr Professor Iiomnnoff in vio lin solos every evening tlm Nnsb Grill. ' Mrs. Fred A. Willinms in visiting her father; A. M. Woodford, of this oily. ' Special 'music every evening dur ing dinner nt tho Nash Grill. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 4..4, 4. 4. 4. 4 4- f'f rpli NAI,I'V.' acres good land, under ditch; good l'hocniv. Mult Calhoun. garden house ; FMU SA I. K -Choice ltarllclls. grapes Italian ami Petit" prunes for pre serving; must act quick or all gone; low juices at PleiiHiint Hill orchard Crnndcll), south Hurrell orchard. H. V. 1). No. 1, Med ford. 100 r Mr. and Mix. N. I'. Mileliell stop peil o)'f ben,' ou I in-: i" tour of tin: lioilliui'ht. It wouldn't he Mirpriiiig to fccj iiii epidemic of hi reel improvement break out on I Iiii F.nxt Siiln at any time. Tliern urn a few fellows over there Ihat can sc that it will double, and triple the value, of their property. J. II. Cochran ! building a five room Iiouhk on hi property. The )!ig Pine Lumber Co, want to buy n horse nLgoil weighdt and color, young and sound. I'ift P. I.yluirger of Colfax, Wash., i louking over our valley with tho In tention of invcht'iuir here. lie in quired especially about Ibu hunting mid fishing poHhibililies of the coun try. F.lhi Gaiinynw, public stcnogrnpber, room 4, Plilin building. A good sized .building is' being creeled on Tenth slrecl near Grape for tle occupiilioii of n local clean ing company. A. Johuxloii is super iiiluiiding the construction. Xnsli Grill open nil the time. Fin est service between Portlnnd end San Francisco. W. M. Van Scoyoc and family of Mortis, 111., are in town looking for It locution. Mr. and rs. II. 11. Chidihler of the Mime ulace were to meet them here, but failed to kecpl the appointment. They will. arrive on a later train. The Louvre cnf; for the best. V. K. Stueker of ie Moine,-. Ia is here visiting relatives and inci- ilcntally lookiirg about for an in vestment. Souther.) Oregon Tea and Cuffec Co., 'M So. G stieet M. (1. Wheeb r. a Nw Jersey num. is looking for ii home in this valley. If the Knst Side will wnrke up now fliikiliilo nvenn and West Eighth street won't have it all their own way, as the best resilience districts of the city. H. K. Milling, traveling agent for the Chicago & Northwestern, is in the city oh business. Whv msh hotnot Try the Spot Cafe's dinner. T. H. Wilcv is looking over some of the choice lironerlies obtainable hero and will in all probability make an investment. Mr. Hey conies from Orient, In. Rest meal for the least money nt the Spot ehfe. Muiiv Iowa nconle have come to realize the superiority of the Rogue volley. Spices nnd cxtrncts'nt 30 So. G street. W 71. Tucker and T. II. Tucker of Indiaiiola, In., arc looking over the valley for fruit land. Poth these men are wise to the fact that in a few years fruit land here may not bo bought by everyone. Phone 3303 for ten or coffee. W. P. Raymond of Nashua, In., is looking over the valley this wock. The Piir Tines Lumber On. wnnt to buy a horse of pood weighdt nnd eolor, young nnd sound. low . C. S. Reistor of Orange, Tex., is slopping off at Med ford on his wav to Frisco'. ITo will look over the vnl ley while here. George Lindley's new residence on W,.l Seventh is almost completed. Tt is on ft slight elevation and eom mnnds nn excellent view of the city. .Tames A. Wilson is in Jacksonville looking-'nf tor his property there. George Merrill of Jacksonville, for mer science lonelier of the hurli school was in Modford Wednesday. Mrs. Nellie Muss, who has been spending several weeks with her "is le r, Mrs. L. P. Warner, returned to her homo in Los Angeles Wednesday. 0. F. Lamming of Portlnnd is reg iHterod nt tho Nnsh. , . W. M. Itaxtcr of llie Kixkiyou Cop per and Hold development company has rcliiriieil from his mine in Happy Cnmp district. He reports that pros pects are good and that five men lire being employed steadily. L. Sclioenfield of San Francisco is here on bis return trip from Seattle, where he bus been taking in tin; fair. He is min i) impressed with the coun try and stales flint lie may return and make, an investment here. Mi , Niiinnu Fisher, a former resi lient ol this valley, is visiting Mrs. Aikim of Medford for several days. An Arrngmnt Approved. '8o they huve reduced the number of trains Unit stop ut your utiitlonV" "I'm,"' mmwereil Mr. Cromilot. There lire only two a day at pres entone to take us to town In tbe morning and one to bring ui back at night" "It must be a great disappoint ment." "Not at all. When we get a servant now she's obliged to stay at least one day." Exchange. Hard to Chooio. 'Why enn't she make a choice be tween her suitors?" "Well, one of them In a pres agent Ills language' In very attractive. Bat the oilier Is a traveling, and ho treats tier ns If 8 lie were a big buyer." Kansas City Journal. ' Badly Exprestad. Maliel-1 didn't tiellcre $u really ti M-ii 1 1 1 It when you snld you were anx ious to hear ir.e slug. Sain Oh, I aft sure you I illd: You nee. I bad never heard you slug bcforc-London Plck Mel',1. 0 od Example. Father "in a lecturing inocili You never benri) of a mo n genius Into troulilc by following n il -.;nnp:c Jjon (Incorrlaililei-Vi'. -'r I ii-.ivc-ilie couiitcrfcliei- - Hot, u 'ST.';:- --i i'-i "The Bbast and the Jungle," Judge Lindscv's autobiogra- j phv is one of the biggest j things ever published by any ni;ig.ri:ie. j It Marts in the October j EVERYCODY'S j No believer in clean govern ment and right living can aftord to miss it. And don't let Ov Henry's norv get by you. It's one of , fceven crackerjacks in the OCTOBER EVERYBODY'S On Display bv Medford Book Store, Hiihsell's Store nnd Hotel Xush Paul de Anna FIRST-CLASS GERMAN WATCHMAKER, JEWEL ER AND ENGRAVER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. IN CONNECTION WITH MED FORD LOAN OFFICE, COR. CENTRAL AVE. AND SEV ENTH ST., MEDFORD. Acreage Property At A Bargain We hnve three acres, just out side tho city limits, plntted all nround it, with n new five-room liouso, which we consider n bar-' Rain nt i $2200 l The property faces on two. streets and would subdivide nicely. There is nn electric motor nnd pump which rocs with tho place, nnd the woll would supply water for irrigating. The owner has made (he price low in order to sell quickly, nnd Iho property will Im on the mar ket but n nhort time nt this price. W. T. York 6 Co. HOTEL ARRIVALS. I. At the Moore Mr. nnd Mm. .TiltiilH Hceman, Pol timid ; F. F. Prior, Hart ford; Mr. nnd Mr, 0. W. Cooper, Mr; and Mrs. M. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs.l W. L. Cooper, MiM Kthel Cooper,! Yreka; Kelson Wilbur, Albany; F. M. j Keoves, Sun Frinci'-eo; A. C. Ab bott, Portland; G. W. Hollister, Port laud;' J. K. Peterson, Weed; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McTntosh, Kansas City; L. E. Hayes, Kentucky; C. P. New berry, Scuttle; L. U. Murray, Portland- Mr. and Mrs. John Maney, New York; James I. Craig, Portland; Kdwin L. Lane, Mrs. W. P. Lane, John F. Masebiiry, lioston. At the Nnsh M. F. Jeff res, P. F. Harrington, Portlnnd; P. J. Dclil, Willinmsport; C. F. Lamming, Port land; Angie Mabrad, Mrs. Fimlan, Ashland; J. IC Hendrick, A. J. Rose, Willows; C. P. Herman, Boston; H. J. Lyon, San P'raneisco; E. II. Blythe, Scotland; J. D. Goldsby, Kansas HOUftCWtVC ? . WATCH THIS BfACC City; James Simmons, E. M. Ail ken, Los Angeles; J." Meyers, B. S. Hall, San Jose; II. J. Murphy, Chicago; George II. Marsh, Sacramento; E. J. Martin, Portlnnd; F. S. Sawyer, Butte Falls; W. F. Biddlc, city; Robert Nix on, Yreka; L. 0. Onton, city; Frank Woodard, II. N. Starr, Fred Lipton, J. M. Rice, L. E. Tidbnll, G. E. Met calf, Portland; II. Loeny, San Fran cisco; Franklin Taylor, Jack Lewis, Portland; W. W. Hubbard, L. C. Bogroph, San Francisco.