THE VEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR FXi O S, "V K OX RS'I )A Y, BK1TEMHEK 22, 1900. 3 CENSUS TAKERS . TO BE ENGAGED VASIS(iT. ll. C Sl' l i'lillicl' 'J I. rnt,V-ivc lIlllllMIIll! I'lUIIIHTII I'iin (ml (if ii ifriuiil luliil of i.'(,0(l(l will lie i-mimijm'iI Aicil l.'ilh next in Ciitlii'i'iiii; tin1 required information -iff ruiiitf agriculture for Hie. Thir teenth I i niit I I', S. cciimim, I)i ri'i lur Diiriinil iiii'iiiNK milking ev ery effort In nccine irni.'r'HKivp fiirincrx niid crop reporter for IIichp I tilC'CM. U lll'lillll H l)lH('ll lipilll I lie reeiiiiiiiiciiiliiliniiH (if chief kIiiIh lieiini Lcgniml Power mill llm ad visory hoard of Hpeoial iiKentH 00111-pohcd- of priil'eHHoi'M of eeoiiotiiicx anil f 11 nil experlx who hiivn linen itx Mtinj in I he forniiiliition of the (elieduld of iii(iiiricH eonccriiiiiK f 11 nil operation 11111I cipiipmeiit. It i believed llinl llm selection of thin ehiHH of men, already familiar fain iliiir willi HliiliHlinil method of no curiiiK data mill reporting il in eoni prelieiiHililu forin, will mill jcn-ally to I he efficiency of (lie pkiihiih ii ml to the Hcientifie value of lh iiiforrna t ion obtained. Pireclor llnriiml doex in t ntilicipnli nny difficulty in pro (iniiitf enumerator of ihix kind in there lire ill every Mate of Ihfl I'liion, hundred of crop rcortcr, iiclini; fur the department of acrictilturc, reprchciilnlive-i of Mate board of lifiii'iiltiue, etc. The nt'iiciiltiiinl fccheduli' which is to lie placed in the bmiV of tlio-c enumerator1! i neiirins completion by the Ceii-iif; ISitrcfiH. The iidvi--. 1 r V liiiind who lire iicimiinlcd with priictienl agriculture, 1 1 -s varying condition, nuil who arc itetivc in their respective states in ii-i-liiif the farmers In jmnprovc their farm methods, have lieen miist earnest mid lid effort in Itcitia spared to make the t-ehednle as simple as possible, and yet secure the irreatcst miionnl of in fiiiiiitidii eonei mini.' agriculture. Ity means of the census schedule nil effort will lie tiindi; to secure the accuracy statement of the total 1111111 hcr nf acres of.lmiil in the farm of the country, by states mid coimtics: n!d the impi'dved area, immhei' and sin; of farms. hi neeoiuil of the prowine; importance of tenancy in many parts of the country, consid erable information will be secured to whether farniH are operated by owners, tenants or hired manniror. Information ahdiit the value of the farm, hiiildinc, nnd other permanent improvement: and of the farm equipment, bdth machinery, imple ments, nnd live Uk wilf lie secured. LITTLE OLD NEW YORK GOOD ENOUGH FOR DEPEW PAUIS, Sept. Jl.fhiiiineey M. Iicpew, now in Paris, has been an noyed by the reports published in the United Slate that he intend to go to California and live with n nephew, ". M. Ucpevv. lie says he has no filch nephew. Mr. Di-pew will sail fur New York Oct. 2 to take pnrt in the mayoralty campaign, and he will open his lions-tin Washington Dee. , when he will rtwmno his senatorial dntieB. "New York has treated me pretty well for seventy-five years," Seniilor Depew said today, "and I intend to round out the century on the banks of the Hudson. " WOMEN LIKE A TUB BATH SO TKEY CAN SPLASH. CINCINNATI. s,.iit. - - Kxamiii er Henry Waddell, who has been ex amining public bath houses, Ims enm plelcd a unique report In (lov. llar 111011, in which he iis.-i that women he plcmlcd w ith lo 11-e - bower bnl In mid to save the oily thousands of dolllir by so' doing. Mo say thai it i-osls the city or slati! 2 cent to h.ilhc the ordinary man at the bath house. TIiiiI'h be cause he will use the shower, "hut will woman do this? . Xo, sirce, not woinnn. Only fifteen out of J 0,000 who balhhed here the past year con sented to lino the shower," ho Hay They like lo fd in 11 tub mid splash iirou. id, ho continues, mid it costs Iho people, nine and one-half centK for this operation. While; tin; shower bath is far more healthy than the tub you mij;ht an welf talk to Marx as maka the average woman believe thai, ha finds. Tubs for women and showori for men nrc nil that will "tuko." REACHING THE SPOT It Can Bo Done, Bo Bcoioa of Medford Citizens any To euro nn ncliing back. Tbn piiiim of rlirimintlHm, Tho tired nut fooling, You immt reach Iho Hjiit1 get at the eouBO. In iiiont cnnei 'tin tho kidney; Dean's Kidney Pills nro for tho kid aoyj. O. Ii. Bonne, earner Ninth nnd- C Btrn,tn; Sredfnrd, Or., miyn: "I wni trniildeil with rlieiiinntlHiii when I "flrnt boKiin using Dunn's Kidney Tills. I ' did nut I hey -vimiM dn mo nny, but finally p--rtired n hex nt I 'V rli inn' drim Htnre. .Tliey proved to be tbn remedy 1 required My kidneys wen: restored to their normal condition, and the pains nnd aches in my back worn removed. Dona's Kidney Pills lived up to their repr-sentationB in my rn." l-'nr sale by nil denlers. Price .rn rents. rnster-Milhiirn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole lifreiils for the United Stntes. Koniember Iho nnni.i Dunn's nnd tnko no other. a MRS. SAGE OFFERS' $500,000 ' TO SPREAD THE BIBLE OHAWKORLtSVILLK. Ind., Hopl. 21. Thiit Jlrs. Knssell Sato will (rive $:,0(),f(ll) to the Methodist church provided the church raisox n like mndiiut by Jail. 1. 1010. and Ibis amount lo be' tised in sprcndhif; Iho bible over the world, developed nt tho ainiiial meetini.' of the American Hi ble socleiv, held jn the fil'ty-cii;hlh ainiiial sessj,,,, i,f the Nmlhwe'-t Ind-1 i;in:i Conference here today. The i hnrch is ti vint; to raise f. i (IIIO.OOO by lilll! for the purpose df i spleiidim; the bible into every nook' and corner of tin- world. And the do- I nation of Mr-. Satie and a situi rai-ed 1 by the church will form the fil-l mil-; lion of this sunt, j Notice. i-i heri'by civen lhat the undersigned will npply nt the rej;nlar ineetiuc of the city council of Medford. Oregon, on fiddlier -". l()li!t, for license to sell malt, vinous and spiritdiis liipiors in less quantities than one (ralloii for six mouths nt lot 12. block 20, in Medford, Orrpon, for n period of six months. SLINGKK & DOWNING. Stenography, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Mathematics, Penmanship, Business Cor-, respondenco. Lepal Frnms and Commercial "Liw oy expert teachers. Terms very reasonable. No busi ness college methods. Afternoon session 3:30 to 6 p. m. Night session, 7 to 9:30 p. m. Apply 135 Bartlett Street, Opposite High School SOUTHERN OREGON ""V ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCY MALE AND FEMALE HELP FURNISHED TO EMPLOYERS FREE. Office .33 SOUTH FRONT STREET. PHONE NO. MAIN 3351. ATTENTION Those who are. looking for good invest ments can do no better than to inves tigate this beautiful property Twenty-eight fine lots loeated on Main street, six Murks west of the lmsiness district. Main street is be ing paved, water mains are being laid, sewer is in, ce ment walks going in, cross street 00 feet wide. Lots nrc 50x137, front lots 70x140. Always accessible, either on foot or wheel on account of paved streets- Building line 25 feet from front of lots. 1 , There is no question but what one will make 50 to .100 per cent on the investment in the course of a year. Medford is growing very rapidly and without question this is the cheapest property within the same radius of anything in the city torjay. -The price and the terms are reasonable. 7 ome and look this over and be con vinced. Wc also have a splendvl business property, of large size, that will stand investigation. The present-price will look cheap in a year's time. Also have AO acres first-class fruit land that can be traded for city property. This is sonic' distance out, well located, easily cleared and no waste or steep land. Now "what have you to offer ? J. W. Dressier Agency West Main St. DON'T GAMBLE Kxperiments nre often costly. Xo one can nfford to experi ment with tlint which to vitally concern both their own and their family's future. ' THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK is NOT nn exiicriinenf. It is the oldest active life insurance company in America and i n MUTUAL, notn STOCK COMPANY. It has paid to members and now holds FOR THEM nearly one hundred and twenty-fivo million dollars MORE than paid by members. In lOOa tho total benefits to. policyholders EXCEEDED payments BY THEM of nearly seven million dollars. OREGON POLICYHOLDERS PARTICIPATED IN THIS. Before plaint; insurance, ascertain the difference betwer n a STOCK and h MUTUAL company. J. H. COCHRAN, DISTRIST MANAGER, THE MUTUAL LIFE 1XS. CO. OP NEW YORK. Medford, Oregon. The Last Word In Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, whips Robes. Wag- , on Covers, Tents, Blankets, etc., can befound in stock at HERMAN BROS. , Successors To I. F. SETTLE 317 E. 7th Street Medford, Oregon Why do they advertise, in The Tri buiia? Easy. They Rot results. F. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send yogr" trophies to me for mount -iiif,'. lli; (.'nine heiuls, fish, birds nnd miiiiiuitils mounted trim to nature by improved methods. 1 do tannin;;, make fur rns, iniilic, remodel and clean fur garment. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS, l!),r Washington Street, Portland, Or. Tolephono Main 31100. L O. Hansen. Tom Moffat We make any kind and stylo of windows. Wo carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Saslj & Door Co. 'For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. ' Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and e sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GItOCE, JES. CHIN AW ABE, ERTJIT AND FEED. J. E. E NT ART, President JOHN S ORTII. esir.l.r J. A. PERRY, Vice-Presideot. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashie-. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS .'' $10,000 Safet boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. ' APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OE FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, ORE J OX. State Ut'iiimitcry Established 1S8S. Capital and .Surplus $125,000 Reiourco J700.000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oWlig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. O. R. LINPLEY, Cashier. IBS Why Not Be Comfortable ? and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere in your store, office or home. Invest in a G. E. Fan and (jet the best something that will last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only 12c to Ic per hour. 12-inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. , Successors to Coudor Water & Power Co.