uregon Historical ouueiy City Hall . $1,000 REWARD! ONE T110UKANT) DOLLARS Rt'AVARD WILL BE PAID BY THE UNTJERSIONrV TO ANY PERSON WHO CAN SHOW BY AUTHENTIC TES TIMONY THAT ANY CITY OR TOWN IN THE UNITED STATES, OUTSIDE OF THE ROGUE RIVER VLLEY. HAS TRIBUTARY TO IT. WITHIN A 10-MILE RADIUS. A 20-MILE RADIUS, A 30-MILE RADIUS OR A 40-MILE RADIUS, AS MANY DIVERSIFIED RESOURCES AS MEDEORD, OREGON, HAS WITHIN A CORRESPONDING RADIUS. MEDFORD COMMERCIAL CLUB. Medford Daily Tribune MEDFORD. OliEUON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1900. No. 159. FOURTH YEAR. ., BURGLARS LOOT STORE OF DEUEL 6 KENTNER'S ENTERED LAST NIGHT BY ROBBERS KEHTNER LOSES HOME TIMBER CLAIM 8V FIRE, HAS STORE ROBBED. ALL IN A WEEK Robbers entered department store through rear window and got away with many suits of clothes, suit cases and men's furnishings CITY DONNING GALA DRESS OF PURPLE-WHITE Business Houses Preparing Fronts for Reception of Elks Tomorrow Big Time About to Break Loose. AUTOS WANTED THURSDAY TO TAKE B. P. 0. E. OUT ln'i'tj mi Irani tl.ni'HtiililiHlimcnt of Dt'pcl li Ranlncr on Tuemlay cvfuiiiK and u.ndV their escape with over $1000 worth, of goods. Tlie.po- li.'O. insisted by Sheriff Jones, nre workup on til ecase, . j . . . .1... . .... ll.i..iit,rli n mill u'ltlllllW. The bnrK'Hf guincu eiuraiu-e u n - ... .....i .i, .,.. wiiH in the more, for one mnn would nl have .Wiim; " - . . , ...... v. iAnm ..i. i.. . r.rr (hn iiiiioiiiii oi comix wikuii. riu - - nee to, the. h.' pit was'saincd'and from (hero into the store. Mnnv aims Are i aneii. . - Kiirht or ten suits of bent quality were taken well as a'doxen pair ,.i ....Liinu. hik or seven suil.enHos mid inuoli oilier miner 11 IMIUi nun i", , , 1 1 I :.. l,..sli..rv. The suits f..r tlio most purl were of blue serge and at least fixe uf'th.mi were 38 eesl measure. Five dollars in cash" was obtained from it... .......mil left iii the cash drawer in order that Hie Ollirc, "" " - . ... e oarlv arriving employe can make chaimo belore the safe ih opened Clothino Scattered. - . ..i .i... .v..- ..iKiiml Wednesday mornine it was noticed that i .... ' . nlw.nl iii all directions and it was not long before !l.la were missed. During the morning every few minutes, some further fl rill l n lin iiunnvn. t . . Over 770 worth of (foods have been missed and more are being a ,i, Ki....k is bcinir gone over. II. C. Render places the loss nt about 1000. . , , . . Rail Luck Bunched ,r. i.-........... ..iu ro.ivnd word Wednesday that his tract of tim ber near Lelqnd. Or., is burning over. The tract cruises over 4.000 000 , r .. .... i... ..ai,1r1il.le. Last week Mr. Rentncr's, home in this !!!! I,r..d. His many friends are trusting that his misfortunes are a nn end for iomo time at least. To lose a fuio residence, valuable-1, ' ' . .1. p within n week s addinir insult to injury "mt i; Zf oni tlnibberyof the store, which is the Invest Medford , :..rf,.i n hnx car on the Southern Pacitic was enterca iuesnn ' . . , ' . p LrfnoMinlil troods scattered over the car, " Alow mimbor of suspicions vharncters have been in the city Intel. nd are K tl.e-gHty parties H is improbable that the robbers w " . , i o ..Hum w Ih their booty. o enterca i e --" m I evoninff to onter the establish mnl,t of H. I- Montgomery on Seventh street, presumably by the same parties. They wore rniiiuonoa uu. firm them.' Tho Berlin office of the United Press was the only one to send accounts to the -United States yes terday. Today the papers here arc teeminj? with horrible details. GE German Press Condemning Actions Regarding Massacre at , . ' Kiel. IT the DENVER GIVESiDEATH LIST IN PRESIDENT THE GLAD HAND Thousands Cheer Nation's Executive and Give Him Taste of the True Western Cordiality. DECLINES TO SPEAK . ON LATE UNPLEASANTNESS Pinchot-Ballinger Controversy Side- tracked Great Ovation Given. SOUTH GROWING Reports state that hundreds of fish ermen and planters were drowned. Property loss, $5,000,000. New Orleans suffers Special Deputy Due From Portland Thursday Morning Every thing In Readiness. " - If there is anyone busier thuu Bill Klk toiay ho hasn't shown his ifaee in Medford. The oily is donning its jjala dress of purple and white and Bill Klk is buttoning the dress up the bank. Consequently he has his hands full. '. ' The manv establishments hi the city are rapidly putting out banners of purple and white, and Seveuth street is taking on a most tcstive ap pearance. Some of the fronts arc vcrv elaborato, but no comparison is liossiblo until the work is finished. All the bunting in town has been sold j Tomorrow Taft will visit DENVER, Sept. 22. President Taft was greeted in this city today with true western hospitality, - and cordiality. Great crowds began to "iitljer-carlv today and thousands met him at the depot. Tuft was formally welcomed by Governor Shafroth, other state of ficials and the city authorities. After wards a reception was held at the capitol and this evening a banquet will be given. During the speeches this morning mention -was made of the Piuchot Balliugcr controversy, but. President Taft omitted all mention of the late unpleasantness. He is now getting into the territory most affected by the outcome of the fight. Pueblo : NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 22. Refu gees arriving ,here ; from the south west coast of Louisiana state that no less than 300 'lives were lost in the tidal waves which swept the Gulf coast on Monday night and Tuesday. Scores of fishermen were caught. It is believed that the list will be greatly increased when the reports from other districts are received. Forty are known to have lost their lives according to reports received in Memphis. The property loss will ex ceed .$3,000,000.' The greatest loss was in Mississippi and Louisiana. The tidal wave inundated the homes of. 5000 fishermen and plant ers. Few telephones are working and these tell of disasters the worst that ever visited the coast. In New Or leans alone 300 city blocks were sub- j merged and scores of lives lost, but only a search can reveal the number. Yesterday's list of 30 dead will be in creased today. The property loss in Alabama is almost as great as in Louisiana. Later today the death list was in creased to 40. It is certain that scores of cessels were lost. TERRIFIC BATTLE IS PROGRESSING (MICE PEARS GOING FORWARD and more ordered. Elks are beginning to arrive m Medford already. - Special Deputy Be.ard of Portland will arrive Thurs day morning. Owners of autos have been request ed to have their machines in the city by 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon to tako the visitors on a ride through tho valley. 1 One hundred rooms have been re served by the committee for visitors nnd no trouble is expected in enter taining them. and Colorado Springs. y LIES III STATE Thousands of Admirers Pour Into Capital to View Body Burial Tomorrow. COLONIST TRAVEL HEAVY IN SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 22.-The I.flS ANOF.LF.S. Sent. 22. Colonist I body of Governor 'Johnson is lyin Irnvel to Los Anuelos , and other in state today in the rotunda of the southern California poiiits promises capitol, where thousands of admirers this year to be heavier than ever be-1 are coming to view it. It will lie fnv in the history of this section, there today nnd tomorrow, guarded 'I The low rates that wont into eflcct by officers and men of the militia. ' I 1- ...l Ui. I. win) PmAP urtwwiac ii-;il Ka l.nlil nt the pnii- J. A. Bothwell went to Los Angeles ?.'TU" "I ' "T ' I " . 7.. V " Spaniards and Moors Fighting Like Fiends Under a Blazing Desert Sun. GIBRALTAR, Sept22 -rThe fierc est battle of the war between the Spaniards and Riff tribesmen is pro gressing today, according to advices received here. The tribesmen were defeated yesterday, retreated, reform ed lines and renewed the attack this morning. The Moors are fighting against the Spanish advnuee, who nre reported as forcing the tribesmen back. . The slaughter has been terrific and the country is strewn villi dead. For ty thousand Spaniards and 50,000 li").?meu nre fighting in an arid eoun'ry under a bltuii.g sun. The wounded are dispatched immediately as an act of mercy. Thnre are no details of losses ex"ept the Spanish lost 20 higher officers. Work of Picking and Shipping Under Way Bear Creek Ships. AVIATOR CURTISS BACK FROM EUROPE T.tftH.W. Sent. 22. Not since ,'.,t, 'masac,6 'at Rishineff in 1003 the German press boon so arous ed over the anti-Jewish outrages . a. it tfl today over the reports of the terrible BlaiKUtorBt.Kiet audits s- fTLC. denvimr the re- port, but ; spml correspondents con- Medford vieitor the first of the week for a few weeks' . v8lt . I of tho last three days. O. W. Stevens, a Brownsboro man, i Sunday 1058 persons arrived in has been in the city transacting busi- t,;s cy from points east of the n'ess. ' ' j Rocky mountains. Tho Salt Lake Mrs. J. L. Thorndyko has gone to rond carried 200. the Southern Pn Cottage Grove to meet her husband, cific 252 and the Santa Fe 113 . B . ; , ' n V Yestodav the Santa Fe brought 1243 P- M- Rorshaw is in roka, Ca ., rospeotive ture citizens, tho South on business for the Oregon Granite f em Paoifip 587 anA tUe Snit i.ke company, of which he is goneral salos lg3 Travel today and tomorrow is manager. j OXpOCtod by railroad officials to F. S. Sawyor of Butte Falls is , i.e(l). ni ,.CPOrdfl for September. All down for a few days. Robert 'Nixou of Yreka, Cat., is a available equipment on transcontinen tal lines has been pressed into serv ice, i itol this afternoon nnd final servic! NEW xukiv. eepi. .-uiB.u at St. Peters Presbyterian church to- tiss, the American aviator who won morrow. The work of picking, packing and shipping of Cornice pears is under full sway. The Bear Creek orchards shipped Tuesday night one car of 700 boxes of choice Cornice.. Hik crest is loading and will ship touight or tomorrow, and A. C. Randall is preparing his carload. The Cornice are of very fine quality this year. It is expected that the en tire output this season will be shipped to London. AFTER NOVEMBER I REGISTERED MAIL COSTS 10 CENTS Among the recent Portland arrivals are Fred Lipton, J. M. Rice, L. E. Tid bnll and G. E. Motoalf. Franklin Taylor and Jack Lewis are Portland visitors in Medford. W. W. Hubbard and L. C. Bograph of San Francisco nre in the city. ' Mrs. John Owens of Gold Ray Was iii Medford on business the first of tho week. Mrs. George Lyuinu of Gold Ray paid Medford a business visit Tuesday. I the world's championship for the fast est time made on a 20-kilometer course in the noeroplane contests at Rheiins recently, arrived here yester day from Europe. Curtiss was greet ed at the pier by a large number of his friends, who cheered him as he left the vessel. Today he will attend a luncheon given in his honor at the Rero club. -' . Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Brown of Ta eomn. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westerlund, have departed home. i for f f t f f f f f 4- f f ff4- On and after November 1' all persons registering a let-, ter in the United States mail, will have to pay for the serv ice 10 cents. Beginning with the same date, the United States will assume a maximum liability for registered matter of $50, instead of $25. Or ders to this effect have been received. Announcement had been made earlier of the pro posed change, but tho first of ficial notification has just been sent. The change will in volve no additional work in the office, except to explain to patrons who have not yet been acquainted with registry rates proposed.