21 TIT 15 'MKHFOTtl) BATLY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOOX, , SEPTEMBER 0L 1009. a ... If Irn 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nl' Phoenix uiih in Mcdford Monday. Untieo lonighl nt Tim Wigwinn. l.'iH It. M. (Ireig nf Aiiiii'iiihIii, Moid., is ii-iliiig in Mcdford. Tin1 Itig Pines Lumber Co. want to buy H hois" of good woighilt mill I'olor, young mid sound. I'll 1). II. Lcighlmi, it Twin City mini, i a business visitor here. Mr. Lcigh ton is from Minneapolis. Tin i ii it I addition Stop right now mill look up tliu Imperial mlilitioii ad vertisement in thin innim. Among lint visitor from Talent on Monday were Mr. mill Mrs. E. I). Cochran. Tim Xiihli f'HIl makes specialty of special dinners, bmiiicls etc. .Mu (.' every evening. J. F. Iliil" of tint I lulu pimio Ihiiimi' i il! Sllll FllllieisCO tNlllSIICtillg llllS-illl'SK. Yep; fee! fine bud dinner nt tlio l-V'.IV)''. Mr. 11. L. Young- of Hrownsbo'ro lull MuikIii v eveiiinif on No. '.'(). Slic wiih accompanied liy her daughter mid Hon. Klin (Inunynw. piddle stenographer, room 4, Palm building. Mr-. II. N.v li"M bcmi visiting lict mother mid sister of this city. S'.ii! returned Moml.iy to her lionu' nl IJfii-k Point. KcMii-iiilicr tin1 ilnnce loiiiulil nt Tin- Wii'viini, l(i-ii i'uh.i tn'f present will In- given nwiiy free t" Mi'dfonl buly dancer. LiS A inn t riage license, has 1 " i-"'-d to Koy Pickiugi "d Vi" tn I toxic. 'Fh'-Ii shipment "I l'i-li jii-l ri-i-i'iv-nl tin- llo::ue llivi'i' Fish Co. "Vo ters, iln I'd chicken always on hand. ' 1-,S Mr. anil Ml-. C. M. Stoddard Villihi'ii, In., returned honm Monday uftcr n litiv'lhy visit with their sin, i.nd finnily, Mr. mid Mr. II. C. Slod iliird. Nnsh drill open nil the time. Fin est service between l'ortliind nnd Kml ! rnnciscn. M. C. L. Shoek, Del Monte, C.'ul., wlin ha ln-eii stopping oft' here on a trip to Seattle visiting friends in the vnlley, hum reenlled home Tiles liny hy u telegram. Tlie Louvre enfo lor the best. f. C. Stoddard in in fold Iln.v looking after th interests of his eom- li. V. Eusllllllll III liollll'illll, Nov., is in the city socki ... enpitiil lm' mi enterprise lie i- in . lining. Phono JIMIII lor ten or enlfee. M I'M. .Ijlllll'U Iflll'l' llll, I falstl't. MlSM Messenger of Thoi. ; -on Creek 'pent Tl,u,-.lu :., M ... r i l I-,. K. I '! (! lenses Snl i) I alii V for Cliiiinpitign, III., to bring his liiiuily out here, lie is huililink n linn bun galow on Tenth sin I. The llig Pines Lumber Co. want to huv n liorsu of uooil wciulidt mid eolor, young mid nnd. 151) K. K. Undo of Ji'eohson liiidi) & (.'., l'ortliind, is in town looking nfter the interests or Ins eotnpmiy. ms lnihincHH will hold him here for iihout u week. N. J. Townsend of Mnrysvillo is looliitiK over the vnlley with intent to loelite. Ilon't forget the ilnnee nl The Wig wam tonight. If, wouldn't, l' surprising to nee an eniileiiiie of street improvement hreuk out on the Knst Side nt any time. Thorn arc u few lellows over there that can s that it will donhln and Frank Auiey of Cent nil I'oinl has piirrhaseil lots on North (' street and will huild thereon u modern resi dence. Orders for sweet cream or butter aillk promptly filled. Phone tbo urcamery. " Mrs. Ii. A. Juiiken, proprietor or n local coffee house, leaves today lor Oregon City. Hear Professor Tfoiiuinoff in vio lin solos every evening the Na-h drill. Cibbon'i Ortat Hiory of Rom. AIIIioukIi Hie Ideii win cuiK-clvrd wlien Cllibon was twentj-M'Ven, lie whs thlrtj-oue bifoie lie set tiunseii Kerlntmly at work to stmly liln iiintt' rJnl. At tlilrty slx lie lupin lie iiiui ioH!on, unci lie was tlilny-iilne -wlieu. in IVIjiiniiy. ITTH. the first iiuirto vol UiDif was piilillslieil. 'I'he history liml an liiilii'-illiite hih'ii'vi. "My linoli." lie wrote, "was on every tiitiie; tin- his torian mis rrtiMiied ly llii.- t:iie or fiihlilnn of tin' iln.v." 'i'lie tlrsl oilitlnu wiik exliniisteil in a few days, a second was printed 1770. and next year a third. The second mid third volumes, which ended the liUlory of the west ern empire, were published In 17X1. and seven years later uie uiree vol umes devoted to the eastern empire snw the light. The last sentence of the worlt, written In the summer House at Lausanne, Is: "It was among the ruins of the ciipllol that 1 llrst con ceived the Idea of n work which has amused and exercised nearly twenty years of my life, and which, however Inadequate to my own wishes, 1 finally deliver to the curiosity and candor ot the public." Hcrlbner Magazine. t.n Arr.crirr.n V.kc frcm Enoland. 'l!i.' t;. i I .'.nii ri"!!!!. ni; s a ion Cli.ulcr to tie' English lllnmaleil .Miipiiziie. nitlioiigli ii it In 1 to miilthiu Joliiy. ic i'11'ii ipilrk lempereil and it it -Ml,. I- to ri"(nlze a Juke u.iule by an nt lii-r. v. lth ii-nlis that ar.j hoiiu'IIiiii s uiiplcnxaiii. Tlnis. a si iiiilor was oiee lit n fasli loiial, illnmr parly at Wiishliigton when he was nuked what lisb he would take. "Waal," he Mild, "I reckon I'll lake phi Ice." A wit who cliiiiiced to he present re marked, w.lii a twinkle In his eye, "Ah, sci.i.'.i.r, still n place seekerV" "Vans." answered the senator, at the same time whipping out a revolver and Khootliig the wit dead, "but what's that to you, you Uern'd stranger?" ! Afterward, when tho Joko was ex plained to him, the senator confessed i tlml he had acted rather nastily, anu to show that lie byre no grunge no went to the funeral of the Inopportune wit. A Quetrt Elizabtth Jok. . i-i,,,.,.,, i.'iivt,i.iii iiiri.il lur token, and. although her pfeasuntrles were of a less sanguinary turn than her rutuers. lie must have been even more for midable than usual when disposed to be frolicsome. A tale may ih iouuu In one of Lord Essex's letters with regard to a new dress belonging to one of her maids of honor, over the pos session of which the owner had been rash enough to exhibit some MHatlou. The young lady. It seems, was several Inches taller than her majesty, nuruiy lierhups iptlte a nice or loyal thing to lie. HiivIiik desired that the dress should be made over to her custody, the queen, lirst carefully selecting an extremely wet day. was pleased to put . . . . M .. , . ..If. It on and trim n tor yiuus oeinnu un In the mud. the owner or the hu miliated garment having to appjnr as '.llL-hieil vl;h the ri val fun and con- dcscfiiKj'ji! as the rest of the lookers on. London Taller. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the M,,,,,, ,Jr. and Mrs. F. J. A I cxaii'lei'. V. d. AYinnitighain, New York; .1. K. Peterson, Weed; Mr. and Mrs, II. K. Ai in -Hong, K. F. Ilyars, I'm tlami ; K. F. Fordyee, Kurekn; Fred A. Iliiihank, Maine;' Frank V. Kmitli, W. I'. Smith, li. II. Trum bull, PoiiliiMil; K. S. i'liturns, Seat tle; Mr. ami Mrs. Julius lieeman, Portliiml: F. II. J'rior, Hartford. I At the Xah Henry Ludlcy, Miss Florence French, Seattle; Walter Moore, Phoenix; A. 0. Lehman, P,os ton ; Sam Sandry, Montana; Leon Moen, Milu; II. K. Sargent, Kan Francisco; Miss Luna E. Itecker, Lexington; Charles C. Feles, city; (.'. II. Ciirran, Fresno; Charles H. Kewell, Shu Francisco; Charles J. linsh, Ilenver; If. Thomnson, Ililt; Mr. and Mrs. L. Sehoenfele, I'ortlnnd Fred A. Uurhank, Muine; W. C. Wal lace, Portland; Herman Chulus, lios- ton; J. W. Jinrtoif, Pucifio drove; L. 1). ISurilick and son, Mndesfa; S. A. Peck, Portland; Kdgar Priildy, Findlay; V. F. Mackey, San Francis co; K. .1. Siegel, New York; T.. E. Mating, Portland; C. M. Ileney, Sim Francisco. Special music every evening dttr triple the value of their property. ing dinner at the Nush drill. Wonted No Trimming-. Little Oilie wn mitrh fri-jheiietl HI i thuniier slmwi-r. anil l.er father told Iter v.he rhoindu't be, as the rain wa good for the txrasK and her flowers. Looking up through her rears. Ollie said. "W-well. why c-cunt we have ! J Just plain r-nilnir" Exchange. puny. Southern Oregon Tea mid Coffee Co., :1 So. 0 street. ' Alwcr Jones of Jacksonvilhi, who has I uemploved at the Pear Creek orchards this summer, was in town TitesdaV. If il, Fast Side will wmke tip now Onkdalc nvemm and West Eighth ori 7,o't have it all their own wa as the hest residence districts of the citv. Mr mid Mrs. T. J. Vaughn of V..II,.ii. fnl.. anil Mr. und Mrs. ,1. II. Mitchell of lterkeley, who have been visit in.' C. F. Noe ol this city, re turned Tuesday to their home stato. Mr. Vaughn is the former representa :., ,.P nxflliern California, nnd rep resents large interests. He declares this valley and town to be uie loem ..ml between Frisco nnd Hntisli to lumhia." He will prohahly return to this valley and snhstiintially hnek up of it. J. II. Mitchell is 'general manager of .a large printing company in California. The pnrty hnve heen making n general tour of tho southwest, visiting l'orlland, Se attle mid Medford. Mr. Noe nccom- panied them ns far home as Ash i... ,i ! . ri'F !-..""i"i-;'"' .Why rush homo 1 Try the Spot Cafe's -2fin dinner. Vn..l f:ntni who n t ill I I i' un . of 0. last vcar, has laken chnrgo of ii,,.-,- iwm diiffiil creek. Floyd, his hrolher, has gone to 0. A. . to tako n meclinnieal engineering course ii...... t.',,il uill mi for a short, visit to Seattle before settling down to work on the fnrm. Best, meal for the least money nt L ?nil enfe. Shefil'f Jones has reliirned from a trip to Rnlem. where he escorted i ir.u nmieielcd of hiifglnry. .IIIOII'S nr...,,, - - . Mr, Wils-on mn V vet urn i" " couple ol venrs if ho behnvon. Spices nnd oxlrncts al H(i So. " Tho studenls or Iho biuh school vi.. ...i..,.i;,inil for n were nirreeuoiv run v Bhort lime this morning by Judge W. K. Crowell, who gaye tin address The Intricacies of It. "Why don't you study the time ta ble, and then ypu wouldn't have miss ed your train':" That was the trouble. While I was trying to translate the time table the train pulled out."-Ncw ork Ucraiu. At Hie Best. niohbs-Tlie doctor told Gunzler drinking was the very worst thing he e.miil do. Slobbs I cuess that doctor t...nn. ..f ha VAIllll hllVA I II 111 II I. Ml"" MU,-.iv realized that drinking Is the best thing ho does. Philadelphia llecoiu. llsnfuf Dtvareione. Thorn Ih an affection in every em ployment, and It gives tue spirit ener gy and keeps the mind Intent upon its work or study. This, If It be Dot re- Iniert. becomes dull, and Its earnest ness flngs-ns salt thut has lost Its snvor, so that It has no pungency ol relish; or ob n bended bow, which, un less It be uiibent, loses the power that It derives from Its elasticity. .Inst so the mind, kept rrom day to uay in tue uim Ideas without variety.' So the eyes, when they look only at one ob- ioct or continually unou one coior. For, to look continually at a iiuug which Is black, or continually nt red or at white, destroys tho sight. Thus If one looks continually at the snow the slirlit Is destroyed, but it Is en livened If he looks in succession or nt tho same time upon many colors. Everv form delights by Its varieties as a garland of roses of different colors arranged In beautiful order. Hence It Is that the rainbow Is more charming than the Ibjlit tRelf.-Emnnuel Swe- .'"tiberg. Strong Proof. "Rued for a breech of promise, eh 7" "Yep." "Any defense?" 1 "Temporary Insanity, and I expect to prove Jt by the love letters I wrote." Washington Herald. Utter Contempt. '! g'poso you wouldn't marry me If I vi.n the onlv man on earth?" "I wouldn't even tie engnged to you," responded the girl. "If you were the only uinn at a summer resort." Knn- sas City Journal. The Amateur Laundress. "If 1 were you." he said as they started out to dluner, "I'd get me an ntlier washerwoman. That waist of yours Is very badly Ironed. What's the matter? for suddenly ne saw a tear in the eye of the Impecunious girl, "1 ironed It myself," Bald she. Tho King of Rome. 'J'.i le:l.' Il tils sou obeillcticO to nurs--v lines .Nnimieoii cine sirh-t orders thai he never be niliultteil to Ills npart- v.fti'.t If he i-ilii.i' UiHIicr I'.'lone. one .l.l'u'.,ia Hie Hii c ol lioiuc cuino rdlll:..? nl.. i'.;; the ci.i.Iii.-r and. Ii.i li mr 'i,';it i!i. uu i :i; cr t:i guard, Im periously (.r.lnvd; ,-0'ic;i I he iln.r for :ne. I wan: to wv !' pa. The ellhef, true to "Us lntrtictlons, nil gently, bin llnuiy. "Sire.. I cnllliot "1'cn the door to your nin.l- eaty."' Wliv not':" deiiuinded the little autocrat. "I am tin) Utile king" a tin, penile reminder. "Hut your mnli.Ktv Is iill alone." the golden hair ed cliel'Uli si'i'ined soniewnnt non plused, hut. tils governess appearing a moment later, he seized tier nanii mm. thus protected, stumped Ills tiny foot nnd cried: "Open the limr: TIC kl"K wishes II :" This time, all being In order, the tall ollicef flung Hie door wide open, sol emnly iinniMincIng, "The king of Home." Perombulstion. "1 should think Mr. Heetem's debts ivould keep him walking the floor." "They don't. Hut they keep n lot of bill collectors walking tho strecta." Washlngton Star. Acreage Property At A Bargain We have three acres, just out side, the city limits, -platted all around it, with a new five-room house, which we consider a bar gain nt . $2200 Tho property faces on two stroots and would subdivide nicely. There is an electric motor and pump which goes with the place, nnd tho well would supply witter for irrigating. The owner bus niiulo the price low in order to sell quickly, mid the properly will he on the mar ket but n short time nt this price. W. T. York 6 Co. HOUSEW v3 I WATCt THIS SPACE on the ways and customs ol i mini