Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 21, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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(Continued from pnge 5.)
Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due
Assessment No. 73. D. B. Soliss
The north half of lot 14. block 4, Park
addition to the city of Medford, Ore
con: frontage 50 feet on south side
of Main street. West, and recorded in
Vol. 67, page 327, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon
50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount due $32.50.
Assessment Ko. 74. D. B. Soliss
The north half of lot 15. block 4. Park
addition to the city of Medford, Ore
gon: frontage 41 feet on south side
of Main street, est, and recorded in
Vol. 67, page 327, county recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon.
41 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount due $26.65.
Assessment No. 75, Annie M. Root
feet on the north side of Main street.
West, and running back 100 feet on
Orange street, North, nnd marked AX.
on map of the city of Medford. Ore
gon, and recorded in Vol. 71, page
194, county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon. 55 feet
Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount
Assessment No. 76, May . Ander
son. Lot 13."block 2. Bungalow ad
dition to the city of Medford. Ore
gon: frontaee 60 feet on north side
of Main street. West, and recorded
in Vol. 66. page 603, county record
er's records of Jackson county. Ore
gon. 60 feet. Rate per foot. 65
cents. Amount due. $39.00.
Assessment No. 77. May Ander
son. Lot 14, block 2. Bungalow ad
dition to the city of Me3ford. Ore
gon: frontage 60 feet on the north
side of Main street. West, and re
corded in Vol. ... page ... county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty. Oregon. 60 feet. Rate per foot.
65 cents. Amuont due. $39.00.
Assessment No. 78. William Lew
is, et ux. Lot 13. block . Lewis
addition to the city of Medford. Ore
gon: frontaee 61 feet on the north
side of Main street. West, and re
corded in Vol. 66. page 603. county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty. Oregon. 61 feet. Rate per foot,-:
65 cents. Amount due. $39.65.
Assessment No. 79. William Lew
is, et' ux. Lot 14, block . Lewis
addition to the city of Medford, Ore
gon: frontaee 61 feet on the north
side of Main street. West, and re
corded in Vol. . paee . county!
recorder's records of Jackson coun-H
tv. Oregon. 61 feet. Rate per foot.
65 cents. Amount due. $39.65.
Assessment No. 80. William Lewis,
et ux. Lot 15. block . Lewis ad
dition to the city of Medford. Ore
gon; frontage 61 feet on the north
side of Main street. West, and re
corded in Vol. . page . county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty. Oregon. 61 feet. Rate per foot.
65 cents. Amount due, $39.65.
Assessment No. 81. John M. Root.
Lot 1. block 1. Crowell's addition
to the citv of Medford, Oregon;
frontage 56 feet 9 inches on the
north side of Main street. West, and
recorded in Vol. 70. paee 293, coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon. 56 feet 9 inches.
Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount
due. $36.90.
Assessment No. 82. John M. Root.
Lot 2. block 1. Crowell's addition
to the city of Medford, Oregon;
irontaee do ieei incnes on me
north side of Main street. West, and
recorded in Vol. 70. paee 293. coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oreeon. 56 feet 9 inches.
Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due,
Assessment No. 83. John M. Root
Lot 3, block 1. Crowell's addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 56 feet 9 inches on the north side
of Main street. West, and recorded in
Vol. 70, paee 293. county recorder's
records of Jackson county. Oregon.
56 feet 9 inches. Rate per foot 65
cents. Amount due $36.90.
Assessment No. 84. Bertie H. Ben
nett. Lot 4. block 1. Crowell's ad
dition to the citv of Medford. Ore
eon : frontaee 56 feet 9 inches on the
, north side of Main street. West, and
recorded in Vol. 71. paee 383. county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty. Oreeon. 56 feet 9 inches. Rate
per foot, 65 cents. Amount due,
Assessment No. 85. Gold Ray
Realty Co. Lot 1. block 2. Crowell's
' addition to the city of Medford. Ore
eon; frontaee 59 feet 3 inches on
the north side of Main street. West,
and recorded in Vol. 59. paee 247,
county recorder's records of Jack
son county. Oreeon. 59 feet 3
inches. Rate per foot 05 cents.
Amount, dim. $38.50.
Assessment No. 80. Gold Ray
Realty Co. Lot 2, block 2. Crowell's
addition to the city of Medford, Ore
eon : frontaee 59 feet 3 inches on the
north side of Main street. West, and
recorded in Vol. 59. paee 247, coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon. 59 feet 3 inches.
.Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount
due $38.50.
Assessment No. 87. Gold Rav
Realty Co. Lot 3, block 2, Crowell's
addition to the citv of Medford. Ore
gon ; frontage 59 feet 3 inches on the
north side of Main street. West, and
recorded in Vol. 59, page .247. coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oreeon. 59 feet 3 inehos.
Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount due.
Assessment No. 88. Gold Rav
Realty Co. Lot 4, block 2. Crowell's
addition to Uie citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 59 feet 3 inches on the
north side of Main street. West, and
recorded in Vol. 59. paee 247. coun
tv recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon. 49 feet 3 inches.
Rate per foot, 65 ceuts. Amount due,
Assessment No. 89. Fred II. Cook
et ux. Lot No. 1. in block 1. Roan
oke addition to the citv of Medford,
Oregon: frontage 45 feet 8 inches on
north side Main street. West, and
described Vol. ... page ... county
recorder's records of Jackson county.
Oregon. 45 feet 8 inches. Rate per
foot 65 cents. Amount due $29. i0.
Assessment No. 90. Fred H. Cook,
et ux. Lot No. 2. block 1, Roanoke
addition to the citv of Medford. Ore
gon : frontage 45 feet 8 inches on the
north side of Main street. West, and
described in Vol. , paee ,
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon. 45 feet 8 inches.
Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount due.
Assessment No. 91. Fred H. Cook.
Lot No. 1. block No. 2. Roanoke
addition to the city of Medford, Ore
gon: frontage 49 feet 1 inch on
north side of Main street. West, de
scribed in Vol. , page , county
recorder's records of Jackson cuntv,
Oreeon. 49 feet 1 inch. Rate per
foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $32.70.
Assessment No. 92. Fred H. Cook,
et ux. Lot 2, block 2. Roanoke ad
dition to the citv of Medford, Ore
eon : frontaee 49 feet 1 inch on north
side Main street. West, nnd describ
ed Vol. . paee . county re
corder's records of Jackson county.
Oregon. 49 feet 1 inch. Rate
Oreeon. 49 feet. 16 inches. Rate
per foot. 65 cents. Amount due.
Assessment No. 93. Fred H. Cook.
et us. Lot 3. block 2. Roanoke ad
dition to the city of Medford. Ore
eon: frontaee 49 feet 2 inches on
north side Main street. West, and
described Vol. . paee . county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
ty. Oreeon. 49 feet 2 inches. Rate
per foot. 65 cents. Amount due.
Assessment No. 94. C. D. Wolver-
ton. et ux. Lot 3. block 1. Wolver-
ton's sub-division of the city of Med
ford, Oregon: frontaee 47 feet 5
inches on north side Main street.
West, and described Vol. . paee
. county recorder's records of
Jackson county. Oreeon. 47 feet 5
inches. Rate per foot, 65 cents.
Amount due. $30.80.
Assessment No. 95. C. D. Wolver-
ton. et ux. Lot 2. block 1. Wolver
ton's sub-division of the citv of Med
ford. Oreeon: frontaee 47 feet 5
inches on north side Main street.
West, and described Vol. .-paee
. county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oreeon. 47 feet 5
inches. Rate per foot, 65 cents.
Amount due. $30.80.
Assessment No. 96. C. D. Wolver-
ton. et ux. Lot 1, block 1, Wolver
ton's sub-division of the citv of
Medford, .Oregon, and described Vol.
, paee . county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county. Oreeon. 47
feet 5 inches. Rate per foot 65
cents. Amount due. $30.80.
Assessment No. 97, C. D. Wolvcr-
ton. et ux. Lot 1, block 2, Wolver
ton's sub-division of the citv of
Medford. Oreeon ; frontaee 47 feet.
5 inches on north side of Main street.
West, recorded Vol. . paee ,
countv recorder's records of Jack
son county. Oreeon. 47 feet 5 inches.
Rate per foot. 65 cents. Amount
due. $30.80.
Assessment No. 98. C. D. Wolver-
ton. et ux. Lot 2, block 2. Wolver
ton's subdivision of the city of
Medford. Oreeon: frontaee 47 feet 5
inches north side of Main street,
West, dscribed in Vol. . paee ,
countv recorder's records of Jack
son county,- Oregon. 47 feet 5
inches. Rate per foot, 65 cents.
Amount due. $30.80.
Assessment No. 99. C. D. Wolvcr-
ton. et ux. Lot 3. block 2,,Wolver
ton's sub-division of the city of
Medford. Oregon; frontaee 47 feet
5 inches on north side of Main street.
West, described i" Vol. . paee
countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv, Oreeon. 47 feet 5
inches. Rate per foot. 65 cents.
Amount due. $30.80.
Assessment No. 100. Pickle. Klum
nnd Murnhv. Lot 14. block 1, Sum
mit addition to the citv of Medford.
Oreeon; frontaee 62 feet on north
side of Main street. West, described
in Vol. 72. pnee 121, countv record
er's records of Jackson countv. Ore
eon. 62 feet. Rate per foot. 65
cents. Amount dun. $40.30.
Assessment No. 101. Pickle. Klum
and Murphv. Lots 13, block 1, Sum
mit addition to the citv of Medford,
Oreeon: frontaee 51 feet north side
of Main street. West, descxih,cd in
Vol. 72, page 121, county recorder's
records of Jackson countv, Oregon.
51 feet. Rate per foot, 65 cents.
Amount due, $33.15.
Assessment No. 102, C. W. Snyder,
AW. A tract of land 113 feet
Irontaee on Jacksonville rouu or
Main street. West, and 140 feet deep
along Summit avenue, and marked
AW on map of the citv of Medford,
Oregon: frontage 113 feet on Muin
street. West, described Vol. 65, page
321, countv recorders records of
Juckson county, Oregon. 113 feet.
Kate per foot, 65 cents. Amount
due. $73.45.
Assessment No. 103, Mrs. Ida
Kenworthv. AV. A tract of land
112 feet frontage on Jacksonville
road or Main street. West, uud run
ning back to Fourth street. West. 759
feet and marked AV on map of the
oitv of Medford. Oregon: frontage
112 feet on north side of Main street.
West, described Vol. 42. page 337,
countv recorder's records of Jack
son countv. Oregon. 112 feet. Rate
per foot, 65 cents. Amount due,
Assessment No. 104, Mrs. S. J.
Havze Lot 16. block 1. Brvant's ad
dition to the citv of Medford. Ore
gon; frontage 46 feet on north side
of Main street. West, described Vol.
68, paee 152. county recorder's re
cords of Jackson countv, Oregon. 46
feet .08. Rate per foot. 65 cents.
Amount due. $29.95.
Assessment No. 105. Mrs. S. J.
Havze. Lot 15. block 1. Brvant's
addition to the citv of Medford,
Oreeon; frontage 46 feet on north
side of Main street. West, described
Vol. 68, page 152. countv recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Oregon.
46 feet .08. Rate per foot. 65 cents.
Amount due. $29.95.
Assessment No. 106. L. J.'Quielev
Lot 14. block 1. Brvant's addition
to the citv of Medford. Oregon:
frontage 46 feet on north side of
Main street. West, described Vol.
72. page 151. countv recorder's
cords of Jackson countv, Oreg!i;.
46 feet .08. Rate per foot. 65 cents.
Amount due, $29.95.
Assessment No. 107, Pnvetto and
Storah. Lot 13. block 1, Bryant ad
dition to the citv of Medford, Ore
gon : frontaee 45 feet on north side
of Main street. West, described Vol.
. page . county recorder's re
cords of Jackson countv. Oreeon.
46 feet .08. Rate per foot. 65 cents.
Amount due. $29.95.
Assessment No. 108. T. J. McAn-
drew. Lot 12. block 1. Bryant ad
dition to the citv of Medford. Ore
gon: frontage 46 feet on north side
of Main street. West, described Vol.
66. page 190. county recorder's re
cords of Jackson countv. Oregon. 46
feet .08. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount due. $29.95.
Assessment No. 109. T. J. McAn
drew Lot 11. block 1, Bryant addi
tion to the citv of Medford, Oregon ;
frontage 46 feet on north side of
Main street. West, described Vol. 66,
paee 190, countv recorder's records
of Jackson county. Oreeon. 46 feet
8 inches. Rate per foot 65 cents.
Amount $29.95.
Assessment No. 110. Pavette and
Slorah. Lot 10. block 1. Brvant ad
dition to the citv of Medford. Ore
eon: frontaee 46 feet on north side
of Main street. Weal, described Vol.
72. page ptj:'.v ic'rtr-'s re
cords of Jackson countv, Oregon.
46 feet .08. Rate per foot, 65 cents.
Amount due, $29.95.
Assessment No. Ill, Pnvctte and
Slorah. Lot 9. block 1. Brvant ad
dition to the citv of Medford, Ore
gon: frontaee 46 feet on north side
of Main street. West, described Vol.
72, paee 435. county recorder's re
cords of Jackson countv, Oreeon.
46 feet .08. Rate per foot, 65 cents.
Amount due. $29.95.
Assessment No. 112. Scott V.
Davis. Lot 2. block 2. Hiehland
Park addition to the citv of Med
ford. Oreeon; frontaee 51 feet on
south side of Main street. West, de
scribed Vol. , paee , countv
recorder's records of Jnckso" coun
tv, Oreeon. 51 feet. Rate per foot,
65 cents. Amount due. $33.15.
Assessment No. 113. Scott V.
Davis. Lot 1. Block 2. Highland
Park addition to the citv of Med
ford. Oreeon; frontaee 51 feet on
south side of Main street. West, de
scribed Vol. . paee , county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv, Oreeon. 51 feet. Rate per foot,
65 cents. Amount due. $33.15.
Assessment No. 114. Scott V.
Davis. Lot 6, block 1. Highland
Park addition to the citv of Med
ford, Oreeon: frontaee 49 feet 11
inches on south side of Main street.
West, described Vol. . pace .
countv recorder's records of Jack
son county. Oreeon. 49 feet 11
inches. Rate per foot, 65 cents.
Amount due. $32.40.
Assessment No. 115. Scott V.
Dnvis. Lot 5. block 1. Hiehland
Park addition to the citv of Medford,
Oreeon; frontaee 50 fent on south
sido of Main street. West, described
Vol. , paee , countv recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oreeon.
50 feet. Rate per foot, 65 cents.
Amount due, $32.50.
jAssessmcnt No". 116. Scott V.
Davis. Lot 4, block 1. Highland"!
Park addition to tho citv of Med
ford, Oregon; frontage 50 feel on
south sido of Mil ill street. West, de
scribed Vol. , pngo , County
recorder's records of Jackson comi
ty, Oregon. 50 feet. Halo per foot,
65 cunts. Amount duo, $32.50.
Assessment No, 117, Scott V.
Davis. M 3. block 1. Highland
Park addition to tho citv of Mod
ford, Oregon: frontage 50 feet on
south side of Muin street. West, de
scribed Vol. . page , countv
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oregon. 50 feet. Rata per foot.
65 cents. Amount due, $32.50.
Assessment No. 118, Scott V.
Davis. Lot 2. block 1. Highland
Park addition to the citv of Medford,
Oregon: frontago 50 feet on south
side of Main stroct. West, described
Vol. . pago , countv recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon.
50 feet. Rate per foot, 65 cents.
Amount duo. $32.50.
Assessment No. 119. Scott V.
Davis. Lot 1. block 1. Highland
Pnrkuddtion to the oitv of Modford,
Oregon: frontage 50 feet on south
sido of Muin street. West, doscribed
Vol. , pngo , countv recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Orogon.
50 feet. Rate per foot, 65 cents.
Amount due, $32.50.
Assessment No. 120. J. C. Brown,
et ux. Beginning at the northeast
corner of government lot 5. of sec
tion 25 in township 37. S. R. 2 W.
of tho W. M. in Oregon, thence west
on the north lino of said lot 5, 5
chains, thence south to the north
line of R. R. V. R. right of wav
across said government lot. thence
eastorlv along the north lino of said
railroad right of wav to tho oast line
of said government lot 5, thence
north along said cast" line of lot 5
and 465 feet to the place of beginning.
containing 3.62 acres, nioro or less;
frontaee 330 feet on south side of
Main street. West, described Vol. 65,
pnee 75, countv recorder's records
" Jackson countv. Oreeon. 330
feet. , Rate per foot, 65 cents.
Amount due. $214.50.
Assessment No. 121. Mrs. L. F..
Priee. Beginning nt the northeast
corner of East Bomhen's D. L. C. in
section 25. township 37. S. R. 2 W.
of the W. M. in Jackson countv.
Oregon, thence south 1.67 chains to
corner of D. L. C. 86. theneo east
4.05 chains to a post from which
a white oak tree 20 inches in diame
ter bears north 40 degrees, wost 110
links, thence north 19.67 chains to
center corner section 25. township
37. R. 2 W.. thence west 7.32 chains,
thence south 18 chains, cast 3.27
chains to place of bceinnine. coutnin
ine 13.86 acres: frontage 483.12 feet
on south side Main street. West, de
scribed Vol. 69. page 498, countv re
corder's records of Jackson countv,
Oregon. 483.12 feet. Rate per foot.
65 cents. Amount due, $314.05.
Assessment No. 122, Fred II. Cook,
et ux. Lot 3, block 1. Roanoke ad
dition in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 45.8 'on north side
Main street. West. 45.8 feet. Rate
per foot, 65 cents. Amount due,
Assessment No. 123. Ella Cnrncv.
Lot 1. block 3, Park addition in
the citv of Medford, Orcsw front
age 50 feet on west side Orange
street. South. 50 feet. Rate per
foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $32.50.
Assessment No. 124. Jackson
Building nnd Loan Association. Lot
22. block 3, Park addition in the citv
of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50
feet on west side Orange street.
South. 50 feet. Rate per foot, 65
cents. Amount due, .$32.50.
Assessment No. 125, Elizubelh
Brown. Lot 3. block 3, Park addi
tion in the citv of Medford, Orlceon:
frontage 50 feet on west side Orange
street. South.. 50 feet. Rate per
foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50.
Assessment No. 126. A. B. Butler.
Lot 4. block 3. Park addition in
the citv of Medford, Oregon, front
aee 50 feet on west side Orange
street. South. 50 feet. Rate per
foot. 65 cents. Amount duo, $32.50.
Assessment No. 127. A. B. Butler.
The north half of lot 5. block 3,
Park addition in the citv of Medford,
Oregon; frontaee 25 feet on west
side Orange street. South. ,25 feet.
Rate per foot, 65 cents. Amount
due. $16.25.
Assessment No. 128. Marearot F.
Noble. Lot 6 and the south half of
lot 5. block 3, Park addition in the
city of Medford. Oregon ; f rontnen
75 feet on west sido Oranee street.
South. 75 feet. Rate per foot, 65
cents. Amount duo. $48.75.
Assessment No. 120. Goo. II. Ends.
Lot 7. block 3, Park addition in
tho citv of Medford. Oreeon; front
age 50 feet on west sido Orange
street. South. 50 feet. Rate per
foot. 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50.
Assessment No. 130. Homer II..
narvev. Lot 8. block 3. Park ad
dition in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontaee 50 feet
Orange street. South. CO feet. Rato
per foot. 65 cents. Amount duo,
32.60. ' vU !Mfcj
Assessment No. 131. O. C. Hoggs
Lots U, 10, 11 and tho south 41i
feet of lot 12 in block 2. Park addi
tion in tho citv of Modl'ord, Oregon:
frontage 192 feet on east sido Orauuu
Htrcet. South. 192 feet. Rate pur
foot, 65 cents. Amount due. $124.80.
Assessment No. 132, Mtiry B.
Orr. Lots 14, 15. 16 and the north
42 feet of lot 13. in block 2. Park
ndditiun in tho citv of Mudford. Ore
gon; frontugo 192 feut on east side
Orange street, South. 192 feut.
Rata pur foot. 65 cents. Amount
duo, $124.80.
Assessment No. 133, William Low-
is, et ux. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8,
U, 10. 11 and 12, Lewis addition in
tho oitv of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 600 foet on east sido Peach
stroot. North. 600 foot. Rata per
foot, 65 cents. .Amount duo, $390.00.
Assessment No. 134, Delrov
Getohell. Lot 12. block 4. Crowdl's
addition in the city of Mudford, Ore
gon; frontago 50 feet on west side
Peach street. North. 50 feat. Rate
por foot, 65 ceuts. Amount due,
Assessment No. 135. Ida, Slvbsv.
Lot 10 and 11. Crowell's addition in
the citv of Medford, Oregon; front
age 100 feet on wost sido Peach
stroot. North. 100 foot. Rato per
foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $05.00.
' Assessment No. 130, Charles J.
Mizor. Lots 8 and 9, block 4,
Crowell's addition in tho citv of
Modford, Oregon; frontugo 100 fuet
on west sido Peach street. North,
100 feet. Ruto per foot. 65 cents.
Amount duo. $65.00.
Assessment No. 137. Murguret J.
Ruiiisov. Lot 7. block 4, Crowell's
addition in the citv of Moufoi'd, Ore
gon; frontago 50 feet on west side
Peach ht rent. North. 50 feet. Rato
per foot, 65 cents. Amount due.
Assessment No. 138, II. O. Har
vey. Lot 6, block 4, Crowell's ad
dition in the citv of Medford, Oro
gon; frontago 50 feet on wost sido
Peach street. North. 50 feet. Rule
per foot, 65 cents. Amount due.
Assessment No. 139. R. H. Toft.
Lot 5. block 4. Crowell's addition in
the citv of Medford. Oregon; front
age 50 feet on west sido Pencil
stroot. North. 50 feet. Rate per
foot, 05 cents. Amount duo, $32.50.
Assessment No. 140, Ereso J. Pot
ter. Lot 4. black 4. Crowell's addi
tion in the citv of Medford. Oregon;
frontnee 50 feet on west sida Peach
street. North. 50 feet. Rate per
foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $32.50.
Assessment No. 141, Margaret J.
Rumsev. Lot 3, block 4, Crowell's
addition in tho citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on west side
Peach stroct. North. 00 feet. Rate
per foot. 65 cents. Amount due.
Assessment No. 142, J. E. Toft.
Lots 1 and 2. block 4. Crowell's ad
dition in the citv of Modford, Ore
gon: frontage 100 feet on west sido
Peach street. North. 100 feet. Rate
per foot, 65 cents. Amount due,
Assessment No. 143. Gold Rnv
Realty Co. Lot 8. block 3. Crowell's
addition in the citv of Medford. Oro
gon; frontage 164.9 feet on west side
Quince street. 104.9 feet. Rale per
foot. 65 cents. Amount due. $107.20.
Assessment No.- 144, Gold Rav
Rcnltv Co. Lot 1, block 3, Crowell's
addition in the citv of Medford, Ore
gon; frontago 164.9 feet on west side
Quince street. 104.9 feet. Rnto per
foot. 65 cents. Amount duo. $107.20.
Assessment No. 145, Gold Rav
Realty Co. Lot 8. block 2, Crowell's
addition in the city of Medford. Ore
eon; frontago 164.9 feet on west side
Quince street. 164.9 feet. Rate per
foot. 65 cents. Amount duo. $107.20.
Assessment No. 140, Margaret J.
Rumsey. Lots 13, 14. 15. 16. 17 in
block 4. Crowell's addition in the
citv of Medford, Oregon; frontugo
250 foot. Rato per foot, 65 cents.
Amount duo, $162.50.
Assessment No. 147, Elizabeth M.
Smith. Lot 18. block 4. Crowell's
addition in the citv of Medford, Oro
gon : frontage 50 feet on cast side
Quincn street. 50 feet. Rate per
foot. 05 cents. Amount due. $32.50,
Assessment No. 148, Wcstl.v Vo
ecli. Lot 19. block 4, Crowell's ad
dition in tho citv of Modford. Ore
eon; frontiieo 50 foet on onst sido
Quinco street. 50 foet. Rate per
foot, 05 cents. Amount duo. $32.50,
Assessment No. 149. Margaret J.
Rumsnv Lots 20, 21. 22, block 4,
Crowell's addition in tho citv of
Medford. Oregon: frontage 150 foet
on east sido Quinco stroot. 150
feet. Rate por ' foot, 05 cents,
Amount due, $97.50.
Assessment No. 150, Charles J.
Fickes. Lot 23. block 4. Crowoll's
addition in tho city of Modford, Oro-;
eon; fronlngo 50 feut on east side
Quince street. 511 lent. Rato per
foot, 65 cents. Amount dun, $32.50.
Assessment No. 151. E. It. Peck -Lot
21, block 4, Crowell's addition
in tliu citv 'of Mcdl'ord, Oregon;
frontage 50 feet on oast sido Quince
street. 50 fee Rate ncr foot. (15
cunts. Amount due, $32.50.
Assessment No. 152. Marv E. Wil
son. The north 150 feet of lot 1.
block 4. Park addition in tho oitv of
Medford, Oregon; frontago 100 feet
on west sido Peach street. South, da
scribed Vol. 71. page 33(1, county re
corder's records of Jackson nountv,
Oregon. 100 feet. Ruto por foot, 65
ceuts. Amount duo, $65.00.
Assessment No. 153, J. E, Dvnr.
Part of lot 1. block 4, Purk addition
in tho citv of Modford, Oregon, ad
joining Mary K, Wilson on tho north
and 1). B. Soliss on tho south; front
ugo 75 feet on wost side Poach
street. South, described Vol. 52, page
215. countv recorder's records of
Jackson, countv, Orogon. 75 feet.
Rata per foot, 65 cents. Amount
duo. $48.75.
Assessment No. 154 D. B. Soliss.
Part of lot 1. block 4. Park addi
tion in tho citv of Modford, Orogon,
adjoining J. E. Dver on the north
and August Lawronlz o:n the south,
described Vol. 72, page 531, county
recorder's records of Jackson coun
tv. Oregon; frontugo 75 feet on the
west sido Peach Htrcet. South. 75
fuet. Rate per foot, 65 routs.
Amount due, $18.75.
Assessment No. 155, August Law
rentz. Tho south 100 feet of lot 1,
block 4. Park addition in tho citv of
Medford. Oregon: frontago 100 feet
on wost sido Poach stroot. South, de
scribed Vol. 58, page 4411, countv re
corder's records of Jackson countv.
Oregon. 100 feet. Rate per foot,
65 cents. Amount due. $65.00.
Assessment No. 1511, Murv E.
Howling. Lot 0. block 3. Purk addi
tion in tho citv of Medford. Oregon;
frontugo 50 feet on oast side Pencil
street. South. 50 feet. Rato per
foot, 65 cents. Amount due, $32.50.
Assessment No. 157. W, E. San
ders. Lot 10. block 3. Park addition
in tho citv of Medford. Oregon:
frontage 50 feet on east sida Peach
street. South. 50 feut. Rate per
foot, 65 cents. Amount duo. $32.50.
Assessment No. 158, Ella Arnold.
Ia1 11, block 3. Park addition in
tho city of Medford, Oregon ; front
age 50 feet on cast sida Pouch street,
South. 50 feet. Rata per foot, 65
cents.. Amount duo.' $32.50.
Assessment No. 159, Ella Arnold.
Lot 12. block 3. in Park addition
in the citv of Medford. Oregon ; front
age 50 feet on cast sido Poach
street. South. 50 foot. Rate per
foot, 65 cents. Amount duo, $32.50.
Assessment No. 100. Ella Arnold.
Lot 13. block 3, Park addition in
the city of Medford, Oreeon: front
aga 50 feet on cast sido Poncb
strnet. South. 50 feet. Rnto per
foot, 65 cents. Amount dun, $32.50.
Assessment No. 161. Ella Arnold.
Lot 14. block 3. Park addition in '
tho citv of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 font on cast sido Peach street,
South. 50 feet. Rnto per fool, (15
cents. Amount dun, $32.50.
Assessment No. 102, Ella Arnold.
Lot 15. block 3. Park addition in
tho citv of Medford. Oregon; front
ago 50 fent on east sidn Peach street.
South. 50 foet. Rnto per foot, 65
cents. Amount dun, $32.50.
Assessment No. 103. Ella Arnold.
Lot 10, block 3. Park addition in
the citv-of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 font on cast sido Poach stroot.
South. 50 feet. Rnto pnr foot, 05
cents. Amount due, $32.50.
Assessment No. 104. Cnrrio E.
Georeo. Lots 1. 2. 3 and tho nortlr
42 feet of lot 4 in block 2. Park ad
dition in the citv of Medford. Oreeon,
frontnge 102 fent on wost sido Now
town street. 192 foot. Rnto pnr
foot, 65 cents. Amount duo. $124.80.
Assessment No. 165. A. L. Olm
stnnd. Tho north 0 foot of lot 5,
block 2, Park addition in tho oily of
Medford, Oregon; frontago 0 font on
west side Newtown street. 0 font.
Rate pnr foot, 65 cents. Amount
due. $5.85.
Assessment No. Kid, It, L, Bnrdic,
Tho south 33 (net of lot 5 and tint
north 28 fent of lot 6. block 2, Park
addition in tho citv of Medford, Ore
gon: frontnee 61 font on west side
Newtown street. '01 feet. Rato per
font, 65 cunts. Amount duo, $30.65.
Assessment No. 167. Hnnrv V. Pat
terson. The- south 22 font of lot 6
nnd tho north 39 foot of lot 7 in
block 2. Pnrk addition in tho city of
Medford, Oregon; frontago 01 fnet
on west sido Nnwtown strnet. 61
feet. Rato pnr foot. 65 cents.
Amount duo. $30.05.
Assessment No. 108. fl. (I, Simon
(Con tin nod on Pag 7.)