THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOftD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1900. 5 CITY NOTICES. f-, ORDINANCE NO. 223. All ordinance iiM('niiif III cost of llio muiii mill lateral sewers in sow or district No. 7. in the cilv of Med ford. uuainut tliu properly dircctlv benefited bv snid newer anil luJia ('(nt thereto, mill providing fur tliu tmtrv thereof in tliu diii.'kiil of i:itv 1 it-ii hi of Hiiid cilv. Tliu nitv of Mudford dotli orduin lis follows: Thut no protests having liunn filed niruiiiHt tliu iiHHi'KKinimt of tliu ciihI of inn in howci mid InturuU in xuwur iliHtrict No. 7. of tliu eitv of Mudford, notico tliuruof having been given to tliu rimpoetivo owners of property thereby ii I'll) r led us provided by tliu charter of mi id uitv of Mudford, llio council Ihih considered tliu mutter mid hurubv doelnreii tliu cost of said how- countv recorder' records of Jackson eountv, Oregon. 54 foot. Hutu pur foot li'iViMilH. Amoiiiit dun $35.10. Assessment No. 10. W i 1 1 i it in Erd man llcgiunin'? nt a point 2 chuiim 85 link oust nud 12 chains 40 links north of tliu center of section 25, in (owiihIup 37 Houtli, range 2 wont of llio Willmnittto mcridiun mid running thuiico north purallol with I lie west lino of llio N. K. ounrtcr of suid soc tion 0 chains 23 linkH, thence east parallel to tho Houtli lino of Hiiid N. K. miurtor of Hiiid section 1 ehuiii 1)0 links, thenco weHt 1 chain 00 links to pluco of beginning, containing 1 ocro. Coiiiiniiiioinir nt a point 4 chains 45 iiikn eiiHt mid 12 eliuiiis '10 links north of tliu S. V. corner of tliu N. K. (iiuirter section 25, township J7 Miniiii, range - wohi ui vv iiiumeuu meridian, mid running thenee oust parallel with tho Houtli linn of tho Bind ouurlor Hoction 2 ehuiim 7.) links, thence north parallel with tho went tit anit intoriiiM in bo nnMHHd-oirniiint j;no of Hiiid (iiiiirior section 12 chuiim the lospeotivo parcels of property in 44 i;tliH. thence wont 4 chains 35 tho respective amounts huroin itt linkB. thonco Bonth 0 diuin 22 linkH, oppoMto Bind respective parcow, thonco biihI 1 chain 00 linkH, thonco which Hiiid parcels of land uro liuro- Kmlth chains 22 links to plooo of liv declared to Uo (liroi'tiv nuneiiiou i.p,int containing 4.41 acres; thendiv in miicIi rcHPui.'tivu uinoiintu in -.,..... 287.10 feet on north sido Htirh proiiortion, nil it rt liuroinnl'tur set forth in (lot nil. ASSESSMENT FOR A TRUNK SEWER FROM MANHOLE ON WKST FOURTH AND NORTH ORANGE STREETS TO LAMP- HOLE AT WKST BOUNDARY OF HAll) FOURTH STREET. 8-INCU CAST IRON l'IPK: Assessment No. 1. William L. Mil' lor -Commencing nt o point Bituntcd 12 chains 44 links north mid 100.03 f,.t u'liat of tho S. E. corner of tho S. W. uunrlor of tho N. K. nuurtor of unction 25. in township 37 south, rango 2 west of tho Willnmotto mor- Fourth street. W.. doserihod Vol. 22, 1)11 IO 131. mid Vol. 22, pago 153 , i . , i.. ..i .. eountv recorder 8 records oi iiucuwu eountv. Orerron. 287.10 foot. Unto nor foot 05 cents. Amount duo 180.00. AsHcsHtiiont No. 11. Paul Deinmcr Commencing 12 chains 40 ' links north of tho S. h. corner ot tho X. W. (iiinrtcr section 25, township 37 south., runue 2 west of Willamette meridian, runnine thence wost 8 chuins 53 links, tlienco north 0 chains 22 links, thence east 10 chains 38 links, tlienco south 0 Imins 22 links, thonco wost 2 chuins chains, thence south 0.20 diaiiiH, west 1.00 chains to place of bcuiniiinir, con- tuiiiinir 1 aero, more or loss; front aim 105.0 feet on north side Fourth street, W described Vol. 73, puuo 407. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv, Orcifori. 105.0 feet. Iliilo per foot 05 cents. Amount due $08.05, Assessment No. 17. Edwurd S. KtiiiHCii ('oinmnncinif at a point 1.37 chains south of tho N. W. comer of tho S. K. (iiinrtcr of the N. W. tiuar- cr section 25. township 37 south. nil i ire 2 west of Willamette meridian. rniininir thonco east 3.00 chains, south 20 chains, west 3.00 chuins, north 20 chains to place of beiriniiinu. contniiiiiiir 2.23 ucres. more or less. iivinif, Gxcoptin? and rcscrvincr from the t'orcL'oiiiL' strip of bind 30 feet in width alonif the entire west side of said premises, contninimr .28 of an acre, more or less: frontueo 207.00 feet on north sido Fourth street. W.. described Vol. 57, pace 257. county recorder's records of Jackson county. Orciron. 207.00 feet. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount due $134.95. Assessment No. 18, Lillio Somple ('tmimciicinif at it point situated 501.0 feet north of tho 8. W. corner of tho S. E. ntinrter of the N. W. quarter section 25. township 37 south. ranee 2 west of Willamette mcndiun, and from said point ol com mencing runnine thence north 107.4 feet to u point, beino; the intersection of south lino of the eountv road, thence cast 12.' fool, south 107.4 feet, west 125.3 feet to place of beiriimmcr: frontoce J2;..( feet on south sido Fourth street. W.. no record in tho city of Mcdford. idian. ond from said point riiiiniiiK . .. . . , e f bcdnniiiB. con west 100 feet, thence north 100 loot. luilli1(f 4 om nercH, m tho eitv of thenco cost 100 feet, thence south 100 .. .. . orciron; frontoire 432.3 feet feet to place of licirmnmir. iroiuaco i )ortl) Me Fourih 8rcct. W.. des 100 feet on north side Fourth Btroot, .. . ... ,,..,, or.n. rountv re W.. described Vol. 54. puiro 08. conn- ,,.,r.1(,-H rc,.0rds of Jackson eountv, lv recorder's records of JaoKson lrea0n.A:V2.3 feet. Rate per foot 05 coniitv. Oreuon. 100 loot. Kiiio per , Amount duo $281 foot (15 cents. Amount duo $"j. AHueuHinent No. 2. Wieuili' Commciieinir nt a point situntcd 12.40 links north and 280.03 feet west of ih 8. E. corner of tho h. W. nuar tor of the N. E. (iiiartor of seotion 25, in township 37 south, rnniro 2 west ,f ilm Williiinette mcr'uliau. and from nid point runninir tlienco wost 50 feet, tlienco north 100 feet, thonco onst 50 feet, thonco south 100 feet to CominencinB nt n point 12 chains 10 links north mid 0 chains 42 links west of tho S. E. corner of tho 8. V. nuurtor of the N. E. Quarter sec tion 25. in township 37 south, ronee ') wnst of the Willamette meridinn. vimmnir thmico north 100 feet thenco cast 84.9 feet, tlienco south inn (Wi. thenco west 84.9 feet to place of heiiinninir. frnntnea 134.9 feel on north sido of Fourth street, V.. described Vol. 40. pace 353, Vol. At ... r,ni oomitv recorder's rco- ori'ls of Jackson eountv. Orecon. 134.9 feet. Unto per foot 0; cents. Amount duo $87.70 ford, Orciron; frontaire 132.59 feet on south side Fourth street. West. 132.59 feet. Rate per foot 05'ccnts. Amount due $80.20. Assessment No. 'Oi, Fred II. Cook ct ux. Lot 15. block 2. Roanoke ad dition, in the eitv of Medford, Ore iron; frontai:'! 137.50 feet on south side Fourth street. West. 137.59 feet. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount duo $80.45. Assessment No. 27. Fred H. Cook ct ux. Iot l.j, block 1, Roanoke ad dition in the city of Medford, Oregon; frontaire 137.50 feet on south side Fourth street. West. 137.59 feet. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount due $89.45. Assessment No. 28, G. T. Lawrentz Lot 5. block 3. Crowell addition. in tho city of Medford, Oregon ; front age 59.3 feet on south sido Fourth street. West. 59.3 feet. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount due $38.55, Trustee Lot 8, block 2, Bunuulow addition, in the city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on west sido Orange street. North, described Vol. 72. page 473, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 44. W. A. Alden hugan Lot 0. block 2, Hunealow ad dition, in the city of Medford. Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on west side Orungc street. North, described Vol. 00, page ,004, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 05 cents. Amount due $32.50. foot 65 cents. Amount due $34.75. Assessment No. 58, Ella Carney Lot No.! 1. block No. 3. in Park addi tion to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 100 feet on south sido of West Main street, and recorded in Vol. 44, page 373, county rocordor'c records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 59. Ella Arnold Lot 10. block No. 3, in Park addition to the city of Medford. Oregon ; front age 100 feet on south side Mair street. West, and recorded in Vol. 59. page 244. county recorder's reo- ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 5D Assessment No. 45. W. C. Green feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount B. D. Lot 10. and the north half of , due $32.50. lot 11. in block 2. Bungalow addi tion, in the city of Medford. Oregon; frontage 75 feet on west side Orange street. North, described Vol. 69, page 127, county recorders records of Assessment No. 29. E. It. Pcch Jackson county. Oregon. 75 feet. Rate Lot 0. block A. (Jrowelrs addition, in the city of Medford, Oregon ; frontage 59.3 feet on south side Fourth street. West. 59.3 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $38.55. Assessment No. 30, Gold Ray Real tv Co. Lot 7. block 3. Crowell's ad dition, in the city of Medford. Ore gon; frontage 59.3 feet on south side per root o.) cents. Amount . due $48.75. Assessment No. 40. F. C. Page Lot 12 and south half of lot 11. block 2. Bungalow addition, in the city of Medford. Oregon ; frontage 75 feet on west side Orange street. North, des cribed Vol. 70, page 233, county re corder's records of Jackson county, Fourth street. West. 59.3 feet. Uate Oregon, to reel. Kate per root no f,.( ,.niu Amnnnt dnr. nfl..i-i. cents. Amount due $48.75. Assessment No. 31. Gold Ray Real- Assessment No. 47. Mav Anderson tv Co. Lot 8. block 3. Crowell's ad- Lot 13. block 2. Bungalow addition, dition. in the city of Medford. Ore- in the city of Medford. Oregon ; front gon; frontage 59.3 feet on south side ee 90 feet on west side of Orange l...,Hli ir.i. WW. M.3feet. Rate street. North, described ol. CO. paee Oregon. 125.3 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $81.45. Assessment No. 19, Mary M. Chil- ders Commencing at the N. h. cor ner of tho 14.55-ocro tract of land bought bv Geo. W. Isaacs and Silas J. Day of C. Mingus and wife, on January 30, 1899, as recorded in Vol. 17, pages 553 and 55, deed records of Jackson county. Oregon; thence south nlong the westerly line of said tract of land 3 chuins 90 links, thence north 89 de- por foot 05 cents. Amount due $38.55. Assessment No. 32. h. It. Pcch Lot 24. block 4. Crowell's addition, in tho eitv of Medford. Oregon; front age 10(1 feet on south side Fourth street. West. 100 feet. Rute per foot 05 cents. Amount due $68.90. Assessment No. 33. J. E. Toft 603. county recorder's records of Jackson eountv, Oregon. 90 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. - Amount due $58.50. Assessment No. 48, A. H. Svmcox Lot 1. block 1, Bungalow addition in the eitv of Medford. Oregon; frontage 50 feet on east side Orange r . i i,i,.i. a rvn-il' nAA t nn. in street, nonn. aescrtDeo. voi. n., page i ;'., ..r iAfnrA n,, front- 465. county recorder's records of inn t't cn.,11, ino Vnnrth Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet. at,..t w,.t inn foot Rnto nor foot Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due nr. ,..,( im.,,1,1 jn. i;r on .).au. AUUosn,ont Vn Si- Willinm Lew s Assessment sso. . tiara aiciniosn Assessment No. 12. Joseplillio F, Clark liegiiming 12 chnins 40 links norili of tho S. E. corner of tue a. W. (iiinrtcr section 25, township 37 anntti. mniro 2 west of Willamette meridian, running thence west 8 chains 53 links, thenco north 0 chuins links, tlimtco east 11 chains td inks, thenco south 6 chains 22 links thenco west 2 chnins 85 links to pluce of beginning, continuing i.OOo acres, less, and from emu b. vv. corner or beginning point ruuinmi Iheneo north 0 chains 22 links, llicncc east 4 chains 83 links, south 6 chains links, thunco west 4 chains 8J links to pluee of beginning, contain ing 3 acres; frontago 318.78 feet on north side Fourth street. West, in the city of Medford. Oregon, described Vol. 59. pace 404. eountv recorders records of Juckson eountv. Oregon. 318.78 feet. Rnto per foot 65 cents. Amount duo $207.20. Assessment No. 13. M. C. Martin Commenctne at n point situated chains north and 8.53 chains west of Lot 2. block 1. Bungalow addition. in the city of Medford. Oregon frontage 50 feet on east side Orange street. North, described Vol. 69. page 489. county recorder's records - of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet. ct ux. Lot 1. Lewis addition, lit the nitv of Medford. Oregon; frontage grees 45 minutes east to tho west line j7g fcet 0n south side Fourth street, of said land, sold to one Kcnworthv. West. 178 feet. Rate per foot 65 thenco norOi to tho N. W. corner of cents. Amount due $115.70. uni1 Konworthv Wind. thence WCSt I A Vft 3". AnHorQnn & nlonrr the north line of the land here- T.fT.,,t 1 hlnot 9. Rnntmlow addi- Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due hv convoved 6.54 chains to place oi :.,. ;,, tho nitv of Medford. Oregon: ios.o beginning, containing 2.0u ncres, frontage 105 feet on south side more or less, but reserving and ox- Fourth street. West. 105 feet. Rate oopting from this conveyance 1 acre ppr f00t (jj cents. Amount due of land heretofore conveved to Lillie $08.25. Siimplo off of tho westerly portion of ASSESSMENT FOR AN EIGHT Assessment No. 3. George II. Ends the S. E. corner of the N. W. quarter -Lot 13 block 3. Palm addition, in section 25. townsh.p 3, south, range .i.- ( M,if,,l. Orom: fronl- 2 west or wiiinmeuu moiium... a It i A 1. i,Ia H nllTri II I I rlllll Mlllll UUI IV lUIIIH'lh - nJL f ".CrZd" VT 03: tmee 6.22 chains, thenco west 1.01 chains. 82! county recorder's records of Jack- sou h STnl. a.. s rii tvtnr it n i n I iniifu ui ut;kiiiiiinui COIiniV. vrciti.i.. .... ....... f..,t inn OI! foot nn Amount due more w i,.fc" , ,ir i n.rii. Rule roiirin sirciu, non tocr foot 05 cents. Assessment No. 4, Clarence Ends cribed Vol. 40. page 153. county re- Lot 12. block 3. Palm addition m tho eitv' of Medford. Oregon; frontage 50 feet on north sido rouriu Btreoi. W.. described Vol. 63. pngo 83, conn rder's records of Jackson .,niv. Orecon. 50 feet. Rnto per foot. 65 cents. Amount duo $32.50, ..orflor's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 100.20 feet.- Kate per loot 05 cents. Amount due $09.05. A uunaamnnr. No. 14. J. C. Smith ttomnninir nt the 81 W. corner or r ou.ia.Mnrl 11 1-ncro tract or X ennin l linla west of tho S. W. corner of 'Assessment No. 5. Clarence Ends the Paul Demmcr t. n t a. K ounrier scciion w,.... rnncro 2 wnst of Wi amolio mcnaiun id running thenco' west d ciintns links, thence north 0 chains M hiiks, thence cast 3 chains 23 links, soutn 6 chnins 20 links to place ol begin ning, containin" 2 ncres. more or less: fcet on norm - sine t ...i 11. I.Wk 3. Palm addition m tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 40.5 fcet on north sido Fourth stroot. V.. doserihod Vol. 03. pngo 83. emm v recorder's records of Jnckson v Oroiron. 46.5 feet. Rnto per nr. la Aninllllt due. $30.20. iLooi. u. . v.,.". - TT I'P Assessment No. 0. Willinin Hetr- nor Lot 1 suid described premises; frontnge 142.07 feet on south side Fourth si root. V.. described Vol. 00. pnge 505. 'eountv recorder's records of Jnckson eountv Oregon. 142.b7 lect. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $92.75. Assessment No. 20. Idu M. Cor- nover Commencing nt n point sit uated 209.03 feet east of tho point Assessment No. 50, Anderson and Toft Lot 3. block 1, Bungalow ad dition. in the city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on east side Orange street. North, described Vol ... page ... county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 FOURTH AND NORTH ORANGE feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount KTRVP.TS TO MAXTTOT.K AT due JtdJ.UU Assessment iso. ox. ueorge rnaay Lot 4. and the north 16 2-3 feet of lot 5. in block 1. Bungalow addition, in the city of Medford, Oregon; front age 66 2-3 feet on east side Orange INCH SUB-TRUNK SEWER FROM MANHOLE ON WEST WEST CORPORATION BOUN DARY VIA NORTH ORANGE AND WEST SEVENTH STREET. IN THE CITY OF MEDFORD. ORE GON street. North, described Vol. 70. page of intersection of south lino of west Toft Lot 1. block 2. Bungalow ad- 53. county recorder's records of Fourth street nnd the cast line of tho dition. in the city of Medford, Ore- Jacsson coumy. uregon. uo ieet. AUIUUIII. uuc Rnte per foot 65 cents, $43.35. Assessment No. 52. Anderson and Toft The south 33 1-3 feet of lot 5. and the north 331-3 feet of, lot 6. block 1. Bungalow addition, in the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 66 2-3 feet on 'Orange street. North, described Vol. ... page ... eountv of 66 2-3 feet Amount due frnnlnirn 213.18 block 1. Olson addition, Fourth street. W.. described ol. oi. "he eitv of Medford. Oregon -front- pngo 155. county recorder s rccora, 64 feet on north side Jonvlh ,,f Jackson conn tv -Ore go , 21 icei. itaiu oui uu due street. W.. described Vol. P.'. puce onn nn..,.(v roenrder s records oi Jnckson eountv. Oregon. 54 feet. Rnte per foot 05 cents. Amount $35.10. , . i.n...l Wn. 7. T. A. OIhoii '""""""' '-' . .... ... .1 :i.. " block 1. Olson addition, in inu i" Tf Medford, Oregon; frontnge 54 feet on north side Fourth street. W.. des .ciibed Vol. 72. page 203, cmntv re corder's reeordH of Jackson comity. Oregon. 54 feet. Rnte per loot 0.) .cents. Amount duo $35.10. Assessment No. 8. William Tongue Lot 1. block 0. Olson nddition. m the cilv of Medford. Oregon; frontnge 54 fcet on north side Fourth si root. W . described Vol. 71. pneo 211. eoun tv rooorder's records of Jnckson i rwcrnn. f4 feet. Rnto per ff inn t Amount due $35.10. Assessment No. 0. Willinm Tengne 2. block 0, Olson nddilon. in it.. -:i., e fo1fnrd. Oregon; front ago 54 feet on north sido Fourth , stroot, W.. described Vol. 71, pngo 211 duo $138.55. Assessment No. 15. D. McDonnld Beginning 7.57 chains south nnd 5.20 clmins enst of tho N. E. corner of the R v.. nnnrtnr of tho N. E. ouartor sec- lim. 25. township 37 south, range t wost of Willnmotto meridian, and run ning tlienco north 0.20 climivs, cast 1.110 elinius. soulli 0.20 clinins. west 1.00 chains to place of beginning, eon mining 1 neve, more or less; iromngc foot, on north side Jourtll strcot w . ,lnsi.i-ilied Vol. 72. pngo 378, conn- lv recorder's records ot jnckson eountv. Oregon. 105.1) toct. unto ...... fnr.l 05 cunts. Amount due f!fl.n.ri. ' Aqsonsment No. 10. A. C. Vurgoss Commencing nt a point 7.57 chnins cnnih nnd 3.00 chains onst of the N. W. corner of tho S. E. ounrier of tho N. W. ounrter section , town ship 37 south, rnnce 2 wost of the Willamette meridinn. riming thence north 0.20 chnins. thence cast 1.00 county road, in the S. E. Quarter of gon: frontage 50 feet on west side tho N. W. quarter section 2o, in town- Ornnge street. North, described Vol. ship 37 south, rnngo 2 west of Wil- ... pnge ... county recorder's rec lumette meridinn. and from said point ords of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 50 riming thence cast 103.67 fcet, south feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount 132.10 feet, west 104.25 fcot, nortu due $32.50. r'10 foot, east 103 feet, north 10UK Assessment No. 3(. It. r,. Holmes fcot to plnce of beginning; frontage Lot 2. block 2, Bungalow addition, in in'i (17 cai n.. omiih ui Ho honrtullho nitv of MpHtnrri. tlropon: Iront- ciroot. V.. described Vol. 09. page Uge 50 feet on west sido Orange recorder's records of Jackson conn- ......... .... . . . i. n cart 'i i . nAn ir.r. ...,(., nnr, nr's roonrria ot atroot. North HosenhPd Vo . 72. tiage IV. urogoil. HUM icci. iwnc pci .'.-'. UUUIIVT " . I ' . . . . ,' . . l'J. rf..OO t-.i i., w 1 na I 7 f oot. 57fi mntilv roonrrior'a ropnrris ot loot OO cents. AmouiH.UlieiHia.OJ dllCKSOIl VUUI11T. Uivs -"' ""! ". - - . V- i XT- CO O U T T1T1. Rnte per foot 05 cents. Amount due Jackson county. Oregon. 00 lect. amiuiiuw u.caiauD, H7 40 Kate per loot Uu cents. Amount due me ruum iu --u u ..... A W. Ol Mn (la Kon-!.:' fill. IUV l. Ill uiuin X. uuueuiua 117.nunn.11v.1v . 1 " . . 1 . 1 . . , , . , , , .u.. t (i, s w. onr- an. Mrs. Rolonn. T. in the city or Medlord. ureeon ; iront ncr of lnnd 28 degrees 438. and run- Corliss Lot 3. block 2. Bungalow ad- nge 66 2-3 feet on east side Orange ti,., nrih nn wost line of dition. in the eitv of Medford. Ore- street. North, described ol. 66. page iiuiK "o' " ". . . . " ' . , ... en; 1.. 3 .J oni.i Snrnna nt 7.ri7 Icot to corner iron : trontage oO leet on west siae oj. vouhi.y '" of street, thence west on south lino of Ornnge street. North, described Vol. Jnckson ccmnty. Oregon, snid strcot 112 feet 3 inches to cor- 60. page 560, county recorder's rec- Rnte per foot 6o cents. ..:J n(KAnt llmnna on.ith nrHc nf .Inntanii onnntv. llrocon. ;lO I ip-o.oo. rif.r ill, nhiu bl.wv. 1 1. v. i , . u uv...u - i ....... ... ' - - , . fcet to corner on north line of the feet. Rnte per foot 65 cents. Amount Assessment o. 54, Anderson and county road lending from Jackson- due SXi.ol). l.u"TT VuT. j 7 ..:n ... Xf...ic,ii il.o.w.o onst nloncr A ssossmont Kn. 39. Mnrv Alsdorf tion. in the city of Medford. Oregon; north line of snid county rond 112.3 Lot 4. block 2. Bungalow addition, in frontage 50 feet on east side Orange feet to place of beginning, contain- tho city ot Mcdtord, urcgon ; ironiae sireei. nwui. ... i.k . -i nr. nnA i,,;.ntorf nn S. R. RO foot nn wost side Ornnge street. ... cbuutv recorders records of p v"w n,.(r cooiinn 05. Knrlh. doanriliod Vol. 67. nnge 12. Jnckson counkv. Oregon. 50 feet, llliuuu ui ii. ... , ... , ....!. J P Tout- ttnto nor fnnt fiS cents. Amomnt due lOWimillM UI. v..-.., -.: - .n.n t l IIO fft. cnnlll u.,i, onuiilv Oi'mmn. lO foot. Kftte SoJ.DU. sido Fourth street. W described Vol. per foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 55. E. N. Wnrner 52. pngo 337. county recorder's reo- Assessment tin. 4U. u. J. vuicov mm u. u. i.oi. .y . .. l . n nn,...l I Ivnmlll I i.r : llln.iL- V Kltlllvn nW linilll Oil. ill IIIIU llUllllim ICCI iu c.icv o.v. orus oi uiiiivsu.. v ......... ......-.... rt .. xt.,1. : u- -:t 1 no fnt Wnto nor foot 05 cents, ho eitv ot Medtord. uregon: iront- wriuigo sum, i-.....u. ... ...o ...i . 1 1 " J ' l' " - .... . i r. I r . J i1 ... J r i i j... ?o on it,.,, r. i tnot nn wocir sine urnnire iiicuLoru, v.ruir..n Ainouni. (uiu ."-.o". -r.v , --i n - i- v-ti. i T OO V. Tl 1" pL'o . i. ulroot. Nnrlh. (losori 10(1 Ot. OO. Dllge on eiisi SlOB v.iiiiiKc '"' ivsur.imiiiv r , tt.i c-i r.nn .... i.-i. ..J w r ATiirnhv Lot 1. n il. eountv vecordcr S recoros oi uesuriocu mi. ox. ihiec ,jy;. IVllllll ... ... . ...... . . i!..i J . i t-i.. (3 :i .JJ I nn iii tho Oltv .Iiinksnn onmitv. (Irocoil. DU iel. rerarusrii romiiua ui uai'Muii muiii. .niiiiniiiv - - - . . , - .n 1.1 r... 1..-1. nr. Run nor foot, i.l cents. Amount one ureeon. xov icei. nine it iuui u. ! r.n. ' cents. Amount due $117. Assessment No. 41. Bel Tiesse Assessment No. 56, Annie M. Roo T.nt fi. MnoV- nnno-nlnw addition, in A. A lot Irontmg ao rect on tho eitv of Medford. Oregon; front- Main street. West, nnd 140 fcet deep n,ro r.n foot nn wost. side Ornnge on enst side Ornnge street, fiortn, irnot. North, described Vol. 72. pnge nnd marked A.. on mnp ot tno city o-lT. pnitntv recorder's records of of Medford. Oregon ; frontnge 90 feet .Tnoliann onnntv. Orotron. 50 foot, on enst sido Ornnge street, iNortn, Rnte per foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 42. John L. Dem mcr Lot 7. block 2. Bungalow addi tion, in the eitv of Medlord. Oregon l.lnolf 9 nf Mo.l'fnrd. Oregon: frontago 103 font on south sido Fourth stroet. w. 103 feet. Rnto per foot 65 cents, Amount, due $00.95. Assessment No. 23. E. B. Pickel. B. Kluni nnd W. C. Murpbv Lot 1, block 1. Summit addition, in tno city of Medford. Oregon; frontago 103.5 feet, on south sido Fourth streot, West. 103.5 feet. Rnto per foot 65 cents. Amount duo $07.30. Assessment No. 24. C. D. Wolver lon Lot 15. block 2, Wolverton sub division, in the eitv of Medford, Ore gon; frontngo 132.59 foot on south i,lo Fourth stroet. West. 132.50 feet. Rntn ner foot 05 cents. Amount due sft on Assessment No. 25. ,C. D. Wolver 15. block 1. Wolvor- I ton's Bub-division, in tho eitv of Mcd- described Vol. 71. pnge 194. count recorder's records of Jnckson coun tv, Oregon. 90 feet. Rnte per foo 65 cents. Amount due $58.50. Assessment No. 57, Mnrv B. Orr- f rnli 1 11 erf. fiO font nn wsfr ruIo Ornnee Lot No. 10. block No. 2. Park nddi Vol. 08. pnee tion to the eitv of Medford, Oregon 002. coimtv recorder's records of frontnge 103 feet 5 inches on south Jnckson county. Oregon. 50 feet. Rnte side of West Main street and record nor font fiTi oonts. Amount due od in Vol. 47. pnge 625, county ro qo r.n corder's records of Jackson eountv, Assessment No. 43. Oris Crawford, Oregon. 53 fcet 5 inches. Rata per Assessment No. 60. Mary E. Wil sonFart of lot Io. 1. block No. 4. Park addition to tho city of Med ford, Oreaon; frontage 50 feet on south side of West Main street and running back 150 feet, and recorded in Vol. 71. page 396, county record er's records of Jackson county, Ore gon. oU feet. Kate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 61. Alfred Col me a Part of lot No. 2. block No. 4. Park addition to the city of Medford, Ore gon: frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, and running back 150 feet, and recorded in Vol. 68. page 43. county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount . $32.50. Assessment No. 62. Alfred Colmen Part of lot No. 3. block No. 4, Park addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, and run ning back 150 feet, and recorded in Vol. 68. page 43, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. ?3 "feet. Rate per foot 65 cent3. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 63. Alfred Colmen - Part of lot No. 4. block No. 4. Park addition td the city of Medford. Ore gon : frontage 30 feet on south side of Main street. West, and running back 150 feet, and recorded in Vol. G8. page 43, county recorder's rec- . ords of Jackson county. Oregon.1 30 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $19.50. Assessment No. 64. Kittie Smvlie The north half of lot 5. block 4. Park' addition to the city or Medford. Ore- on ; frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 72. page 471. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. oO feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 65. Sarah Westfatl The north half of lot No. 6. block No. 4. Park addition to the city of Medford. Oregon : frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, and , recorded m vol. VI, pnge 221, coun ty recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 06. Sylvia V. Hal- lev Lot No. 7, block No. 4. Park ad dition to the city of Medford, Ore gon: frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, and recorded in ol. 58, page 273. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50. . Assessment No. 67. Sylvia V. Hal- lev Lot 8. block 4, Park addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet south side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 58. page 73, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregen. 50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 68. P. J. Head ,ot 9. block 4. Park addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. West, and recorded in Vol. 68. page 370, county recorder's recoids of Jnckson county. Oregon. 50 feet. Rnte per foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 09, P. J. Head- Lot 10. block 4. Park addition to the city of Medford, Oregon: frontage 50 feet on south side of Main street. and recorded in Vol. 68, page 370, county recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 50 feet. Rate per foot 65 cents. Amount due $32.50. Assessment No. 70. Eliza Corwin Lot 11. block 4. Park addition to the city of Medford, Oregon ; frontage 50 feet, on south side of Main street. V( st. ond recorded in Vol. 40, page 12, county recorder's records of Jnckson eountv, Oregon. 50 feet. Rnto per foot 05 cents. Amount due 2.C0, A!-e.sMiient No. 71. Eliza Corwin Lot 12. block 4. Pnvk nddition to the eitv of Medford. Oregon: frontnze 50 feet on south side of Mam street. West. Mid recorded in Vol. 40. pnge 212, eountv recorders records of Jnckson eountv, Oregon. 50 feet. Rnte per foot 65 cents. Amount duo :.f-n. Assessment No. 72. Elizn Corwin Lot No. 13. block 4. Park nddition to the eitv of Medford. Oregon : front ngo 50 feet on south side of Mnm street. West, and recorded in Vol. 40. pnge 242, county recorder's record of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 fcet. (Continued on Page 6.)