THE- "EPF(HM) DAILY TRTHUNE, MEDFORD, OHKOOX. T1IKSDA V, SKF'TKMBKR 21, U()U. JACKSON CO. SEEN IN SEPT. 1875 AND SEPT. 1909 li.v ,1. i. MAIiTIN MrKclilnr, M.-dl' Tiil.iin..: A- I I. mil im i In- Imi-v flri-i'K Miil- IiiiiI liillllV llllil Wli It'll tlilt i'lrl'lill iiiiiiiN imcm liy, I kiiv In invi-i'll, "llin nlll iil'llfl rllllliu't'lll" llllil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fV III tlllin Ifflllls l 111)11(1 lllih Sl'llll'lllllIT -II, IS7". Tliiily-I'iinr year of I I'll 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 II 111 I i 1 1 1 llllH pll-hl'll hilll'l! Mini ilnli' which wiim iiImi my fir! vihll In I Im Knuii Kivcr valley in Siiiillifi'ii Uii't'uii which I iviiflii'il by way nf llii' Ciiliriiiiiiii ' nnil Oregon iivitIiiihI hlngci i'iiiii'Ii li-oiti Hiihcburg, tin terminus nf Din Southern 1'iicil'ic niili'iiiul nnil my warped bent luriii, bug "nil baggage iiiilimili'il on tluit bright, cheerful iiiiliiiiui i ii 1 1 1 i 1 1 it pli.'siiiil reminder tmliiy ul the I'Viiii-'ii-Aiiii'iii'iiii liuli'l nnil a ilmuly it wiih, kept liy tin' Imiily MihIciii Hull, in Jiifkiinvillit, tho I'uiiiity Hi-lit, tin pioneer mining city nf life, fanliinn nnil tlm hhippiug mnl trading center fur nil hiiiiI Iiitii Oregon mnl Klmiuith county I ! I wiih a stranger in the xtruiigp. hospitable city, My fii'ht iiiiiri'NKinii wiih it wiih n wet town, hut ii innrnl mnl orderly apparently iin tinliiy. My iilli-iilinii wiix i-iilli'il to II Hit in II frame building in llli- distance which ilit'V told mi' wax Jin-kt-mi county's I'Miiriliniihi' mnl jail, n rcni ii it 1 1 1 wliiili Htill ftmiiU I think mi tin- mhiiIi side nf tin- prc-cnl mag nificent i'iiiirlhiiii"it building, n !"" llr reminder nl I hi- ilim piiHi, nnil if 1 ilnn't liiiMiilic, wiim occupied by the linn. I'. 1. I'rini iih circuit jmlt; llmi. Kiln J. Pay, Iht' vitenin pion eer, us county judge, Mr. Knrry as clerk mnl J. M. Manning a hliciitT, Sniiin nf tin- able jurist ami pioneer citizen liavi' luiir inM'il away, hut llii'ir britihl, iiiniioriihln Iiiimikisk lives n iv indelibly inscribed in memory ami nil Jackson i'linnly record, wliiii pages art' bright at tint noon iluy miii. I recall vt-ry pcasnntly to. lay tin- September -II, ltWlO, my first iiriiiiiiiiliniii' formed mi tint busy streets nf Jacksonville, which none otlifi' hut, wiia Mr. flt'n. A. Jik-1; -Mm, oiio of our city's lik-lily rcspcct oil pioneer citizen today, and out' that held Iin' blue rihhoii ns the po tato mid iiichui kint.' of Noulhci'n Ore gon for 1" consecutive yearn and the latch Hiring at his hoKpitahle liouie on Xortli Uogno river, sonic 20 miles distant, always hung on thn outside to weleoin the stockman and jaded trnvelcr nt thai remote) period. Thin beautiful, fertile valley, the cremn of nil Oregon, consisted mostly of ilo liatinu scln'uns nf .'120 acres and wax jinrtially owned and fanned by the pioneer settler, bill much of bin broad fertile acres were Htill lying ill its virgin, dormant stale, waiting fur tlif: New .Jackson county settler wild capital, and ns the rich (.'old mines of the county were apparently ex hausted, grain, liny and slockrais v;ti were the principal indiisiiics. Fruit raisiii was limited to miiiiII or rhards, which were cheap mid plen ty, as the deer, bear and tpiail antl Kn.'.'iie river salmon which vnuld he lind wilhonl money. The county was democratic .three to one, mid the limn illation was ciiiivnlent to election, lint few costly school hiiiMinfrs were lo he seen dotlini; the county and fewer church steeples pointing heav enward. All )oods were freighted 'iv teams to .Tacksnn county from nosebnrtr, 100 miles, and thn nccom modalin' inercliant never forarot to add thn freight to ynur bill of poods. Onnly taxes wero paid in cash as lodny, wiih her ciip at. .r0 cents on tlie dollar and the only cash the Bmall farmer could realize from his fnlhoflH or beef nniinal was Ihrniiph Mr. 'William Ilybee, that urand old jiioncer citizen, since deceased, was then at his zenith of usefulness and ono of the most extensive farmers mid slockraisers of the county, and during his four years as sheriff and 40 m n private cilizcn found n cash markel for the taxpayers' fat hogs, ITappV Caiiip, in northern California, which lie drove to annually. There were two rival newspapers publish ed ill Jacksonville at that time, the Di'iiincriilic Times and Oregon Sen tinel, tho former democratic and the liittci republican, anil I recall today the first lime the veteran editor,. Charlcf! Niekcll, approached me wiih his favorite, oiieslion: "Any marriages or birlhs in youi' section?'' Well, be ing an entire si ranger and fresh front lhc regular V. S. army and not ne cnslomed to the modem ways of civil life, 1 no doubt looked the green Missourian to perfection, hut his ap ology was a sample copy of his paper with u reifiiest to subscribe, for it, which 1 did fur l"i I- .isi'culive years. Mr. Niekcll nt I Im I I -t io was well ami I'liMirablv known, as be should be to day, as one of lhc must popular edi tors and success! i;l ',i snullii-ni Ore gun t-littiilil he I't'i-ogiiicil as one of our coiinly's monl lailhl'iil pioneer citizens, mil almu- Im' bis ni-lnnl so-i-iul worth to bis family anil legion of li'iciids, hul li. the pnuiiiiiciit part be has wicldil in tho upbuilding and advertising tin- present new Jackson county. Kor ten dull uiicvenl 1'nl yeniv of Ilic coinily history there scciiumI Io be lull lilllc hone lor the hctli'iiuciit ol old .lucksoii coiinly's iiioshiicek con ilitiua. There was an abuiiihince rni'-ed in those old horse power threshing niaehiiie days, and much of Iho grain and surplus produce was freighted H I miles lit '"ort ' Kliimalh to supply the government troops mid Indians, but when Hi it gap was com peted between Oregon and Califor nia' liy the Southern Pacific Kailroad company and tin.' iron horse came thundering along mnl the Koguo river bridges iiiadv free, tlieso and many other minor improvement brought about n renclion complc'-dy chang ing the obi inossback Jnel sou county to our new, modern county, whose history of the past ten years tells the whole story of her incorporated cit ies, railroads, telegraph mid tele phone, lines, free mail delivery, cost ly schools, churches, residences mid tliousmiilM of acres of commercial or chards not dot the Woiue Kivcr vnl Icv since September 20, 1K75. .1. 0. MAKTIX. I . II E; "A KNIGHT FOR A DAY" "A Knight for a. Day" C Im I comes to the Mi'df'trd theatre on Thursday, Sept. 2.'ird, is one ot the most tuneful, t rot liy, clean and itiiterlniiiiit'.' miii i.'nl shows thai has ever been con ceived or concocted, as you prefer: moreover, it is new, completely and entirely new and will be seen here for the first lime, for its Chicago run of one solid year has detained its road tour until now. There has been noth ing better here this season and for several seasons there will be nothing to surpass its novelty. It awakens an interest from the start by the handsome stage settings and feti'limp chorus upon each jirrivnl of the prin cipals the merriment increases. The company without exception, present ing this musical furore is a clever one. Fdwaid llinne, a comedian of rare ability, creates a laugh every minute he is on the stage in the part of Joiiathoii Joy. Mr. Hume is all that the mime implies, and one critic remarked "when Hume, can't get n laugh it is been use he is performing in nmorgiic with a number of stalls empty:" Oracn DeMar as "Tillic Iay" divides- the honors with Mr. Hume. She is a fearful and wonder ful creation when it comes to pro voking langgbttr. Her appearance is good for n smile, and when she makes a move there is a ripple of laughter, and when she acts tho audience be I'oines boisterous. The entire cast is fur and awav above the average tal ent provided for these np-to-dnte musical organizations. The singing lieauly chorus is not only very pleas ing to look upon, hut is costumed in gorgeous raiment. One of tho feat ures nf Iho program is the encores thnt have been provided for several of. Ihn musical numbers, particularly the finnale to tho first net to tho pop ular hit, "Life is a Seo-saw," which is elaborate, expensive and effective. , Best Treatment for a Burn. If for no other reason. Chamber lain's Salve should be kept in every household on account of its great value in the trealtncnt of burns. It allays the pain almost instantly, and unless- the injury is a severe one, bonis the parts without leaving . a sear. This salve is also uncqualcd for chapped hands, sore nipples and dis eases of tho skin. Price 25 cents. Kor salo by Leon H. Haskins' Phar TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to mo for mount ing. I'.ig game heads, fish, birds and maminiil.s mounted true to nature hy improved methods. I do tunning, make fur rugs, miike, remodel and clean fur garments. Kxpress and mail or ders promptly nttonded to. C. M. HARRIS, Washington Street, Portland, Or. Tclophono Main 3000. Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler FOR WATCHES A X J) 3VI 1'JM'i W A J ' II AM) JEWELRY REPAIRING Near postofflce The Last Word In Harness, Saddles, Bri dles, whips Robes, Wag on Covers, Tents, Blankets, etc., can befound in stock at HERMAN BROS. Successors To I. F. SETTLE 317 E. 7th Street Medford, Oregon " For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. Everything about Folgers Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, CHIN A WARE, FRUIT AND PEED. SALEM BEER SALEM Is the most popular beer in Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, aslc for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. J. E..EJTVART, President JOHN S 0RTI1. Ciisinrr. J. A. PERRY, W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashie-. e. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. Bijou Theatre Billy Empcy Van, Manager TONIGHT 'A Soldier's Sweetheart" English Comedy Drama In Four Acts Two new reels high-class moving pictures. Henry Gunnison In new song. llnvo you noticed where the crowds nre goingf Packed honses. Come ' enrly nnd bo sure of a sent. Doors open 7:45 p. m. Curtain at 8:15 sharp. ADMISSION 20c AND 10c APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON State Depositary ' Established 1SSS. Capital and Surplus f 125,000 Resources t700.000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jnokson County Bunk respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this nUlig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. 0. R. LINPLEY, Cashier. Why do they advertise in Tho Tri bune 1 Ensj, They get results. F. We do JOB PRINTING Excellent Workmanship Why Not Be Comfortable ? and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere in your store, office or home. ' Invest in a G. E. Fan and get the best something that wiil last a' lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only 12c to Ic per hour. 12-inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.