1 I THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MED FORD, OR KAON. TUESDAY, SEl'TEM UElf -Jl. VMl GOLD HILL ITEMS. (The Xews.) Hoy McCoiiochie of Ora Finn, who was visit inj: with ivlnlives on Klines Crook during tin week, lot'l on Tues diiy'ts train for the lair. I.yn I'urdiii, who is now connected with the Ooul ml l'oint nowspapor. was in our town Sunday. Lynn oan't keep uwny from Gold Hill just vol. o.lhn W. Dawson, a recent arrival ii-nin.'cv York, -rave the News office a pluusnnt call Monday. Mr. Daw son, who has a lease on the Itniden mine one and n half miles south of Gold Hill. Mrs. S. (j. Owens, who has been Mopiiu with Mrs. Lawrence on Gall Crook, has moved to Gold Hill to re side. Mrs. Owens is here for her health and she is wx favorably im pressed with the climate in and round Gold Hill. C. S. Barnes of Ohio, neompanied j by Kale Kowc of Sams Valley, loft for Prospect and upper Kol'uc river' poiiits.Tiiosday to spend, iwo or three . weeks in looking at the many wonders in the beautiful scenery to be found iu lhat section. ' Wm. Grieve, assessor, and 0G0. II. j Miller, deputy county assessor, ac- i eompmiied bv Fred Eddincs of Gold I Hill and Jack Dicks of Medford. re-! turned to lol, mountain Thursday. I NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR!. . from Medford. to finish up their stir- i . Notice is hereby -.riven that the vey and attend to other matters re-i city council will receive bids for the fiai'dini; the southwest ipiarter of sec- construction of n five-foot cement tion 21, iu township 3:1, south of range , s;(ewat ou the east fide of Oakdale 3 west W. M. The property beloni;; ' o, .,,,, r;l,il, . ,r . . 1 ' ; -avenue from seventh to bight 11 to .Mr. .Miller and is somewhere near . , . , , the head of left fork of Salt creek. streets, same beins three hundred Fred Kddinss, who has been as-j (3001 feet in length: and also for a sisting the deputy county surveyor in I five-foot cement sidewalk on the regulating a land proposition .nit in ' south side of Sixth street from the the hills, came itno oGld Hill Monday after an absence of several weeks. last Tuesday mid took their departure today. Will . Steele, founder of the Al bany Herald and incidentally one of the foremost boosters for southern Oregon h.lerets. was in tin's town and vicinity last week collecting data for the Oregon Historical society, ot which he is a prominent member. Mrs. M. F. ('nine, who has been an invalid for years and unable to leave her home, we are pleased to state has recovered her health so far as to be about again, and was visiting her sou Uucben and wife, at Champlm dredge Saturday. Charles Champlin. while en route to Gold Hill Saturday night in his automobile, collided wit! the south approach of the Rock Point bridge, necessitating I ho assistance of a liv ery team to convey the machine and himself back home. Work on the sewer is progressing rapidly, there being quite a number of men employed. Wo are informed bv Mayor Stanley that a carload of 11111111" is expected now any uny. 101- ' use in laying the latoimls. and whou it arrives the work will be in shape ; to finish up before the time of alloted ' bv the contract. .son County. Oregon, directing the ad vertising of the same for sale in ac cordance with Chapter V of Title XXVH of llelhiuger & Cotton's Anno tated Codes and Statutes of the Stale of Oregon. The city of Medford doth ordain as follows: . Section 1. Whereas the citv of Medford has heretofore caused cer tain streets of said city to bo im proved, and has duly assessed the I cost thereof to, the property benefited ! thereby in accordance with the cliar- inents." filed in the office of secre tary of stale February 'J-nd, lHlKJ, as amended by an net entitled "an Act to amend Sections 1, 'J, II, -I, .ri, ti mill 7 of an Act entitled "an Act to pro vide for the issuance of bonds for the improvement of streets and the lav ing of sowers in incorporated cities, and for the payment of the cost of such improvement. iiid laving sewers bv installment. filed ill the 'office of the Secretary of Slate February 'J'Jnd, 1S!KI." np of the citv Medford are hereby pledged. IX WITNESS WHKHKOF this Hum! has been sinned by the mayor and attested by the recorder of said city of Medford mid the corporate seal of the citv of Medford hereto affixed this first dnv of Octo ber. A. D. 1!I)!. Ma vor Attest; GRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 5-10-20 Acres Adjoin IlillfiTst nrclKinl ami cniiiain uiu'Xfi'lod dci'p, rich soil. Rc:isiiiiu!lc price and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Recorder of the citv of Medford. Secton X Kadi of said bonds ahull have attached therety twenty oiinons, eneh of which shall be iu the CITY NOTICES. - Fred is flunking seriously ot returning to the brush immediately. Mr. and Mrs. George R point corner of d'Anjou street to ft 140 feet east: ti, i. e:ix .:!. w,;in,l i DKI3 niu ie loco mui ... in........ I to the city recorder up to 4 o'clock Hammers-, 1 en'pmi.pr o1st inn!). accompanied by their daughter, Mrs., ' September 13. 100!). ' Dr. Chisholm. returned from a two! ROBT W. ' TELFF.R. months outing in teh mountains last j(v reorder. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harnmersly are ' ' much improved in health by their tor of said city; And whereas certain owners of sundry pieces of property each as sessed for such improvement in a sum exceeding twenty-five, dollar have duly made and filed' application to pay said several assessments in installments in accordance with sec tion '2727 of said Hollander & Cot ton's Annotated Codes and Statutes: And Whereas an assessment and bond lion docket has been duly made up iu accordance with the provision of said section and of section 272S . 1 1 1 ......, 1 ll u 01 smu cool's mni Miming, iuiu j following loriii: total amount of unpaid assessments 1 (TTV OF MKDFOliD for such street improvements and for State of Oregon which application to pav under the , .j ,111V tn the beiiier." , ,,l,s provisions of said sections above ; ; LM,,i t.c)j f t)it United States of cited has been made and filed, as ' .;.... ,,t i, office of the trims- aforesaid is the sum of S34.1MS.S0 ' mor of said city, 011 lbs 1st day of dollars, as shown bv said bond lien , PIMIU. sjx ,(1(,s in'tcr-1 docket: . , ,.st on improvement bond. No. ! Xow. therefore, said city of Med- ,m(ws saill )11MllI is Mll.,. r(Mi,.,.,IIt., 1 ford doth ordain 11s atoresaul lh:it,s t,1MVm provided, which ivdcmp there is hereby authorized to be i--tio will render this coupon y, sued the bonds of said .citv iu total 1 Attest: amount of'.34.'J30 dollars, in deiiom-1 nations of two hundred and fifty audi Vt,.(',r('l,'.r ,if the citv'of .Medford. five hundred dollars each, as may be 1 convenient. Mayor Section 2. Said bonds shall be inj Snid ominous shall be mnnhrci For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent far the landlord. If you are pnylnu foi , your homo for yourself ami family. Let us tict) you reap the reward of tlio money you havo been paying for rent, by Inillilliijj you a homo anil allowing you to pay for It In easy monthly payments and low rato of Interest. Wo will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can ho returned any time, thereby stopping Interest, or wo give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. Wo also allow you 3 percent Interest on all advance payments.. Wo give you three months grace on all notes without a flno. Wo can arrango with farmers for annual pay ments.. If thcso terms suit vou, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roscuurc the following form: Nr. summer sojourn in the hills. j R. L. Yoke, a newspaper man from Indianapolis, slopped off in Gold 11:1! Wednesday on business mixed with ; pleasure, mid dropped in on the Xews man of course. Mr. Yoke stated that i as soon as he can get back to Indian apolis and gather up his belongings , he intends to bring his wife and fam- j ily to Gold Hill. This climate just' suits the eastern man.; hotel were imbued with 0 keen de $34,230.00 CITY OF MFDFORD.I OREGON. IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Medford. Oregon, September 1'iib. 1000. The Citv Council of Medford. Ore gon, will receive sealed bids un to G o'clock p. m.. September 30th.' 1900. for the sale of $34,230.00 0 per cent 10-venr improvement bond, bids to ' be accompanied bv a certified check ; cmial to 5 ner cent of the amount bid ire , n-i,ft -.:0i,t in ifet nnv nnd all' Wednesday to have a bout with the : ;s reserved wiley trout, and being informed by j p,;,3 to be addressed to Robt. W. the landlord that a license was an heifer. Citv Recorder. Certified absolute appendix to the sport they ' check to be made payable to the Citv started out iu company witl Mr. j of Medford. .tones in ooest of a notary. Inform-; MUlil. v . 1 r.i.r r.n natelv Mr. Iiammersle.v was in Jack sonville, so they were obliged to fore go the pleasure of whipping the stream until a more opportune time presents itself. The extra gang which have been employed by the S. P. out from tlii Dated' Medford. ber lGih.' 1000. Citv Recorder. Oregon. Septem ORDINANCE NO. 222. An ordinance authorizing the issu ance of $34,230 of the Improvement place putting up tlieir boarding cars1 Bonds of the city of Medford, Jack- Citv of Medford Jackson County State of Orecoh Improvement Bond " KNOW A I.I. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the city of Mcdf.rd in the conntv :( Jackson, state of Oregon, for value received, hereby agrees and promises lo pay the bear er the sum of dollars in gold coin of the United States of America, on the presentation and siir 1 wider of this obligation on the 1-t nay of October, in the vein- of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nineteen, without grace, with in terest thereon from the date here of until redeemed or until the time of the semi-nnmml interest pnvincnt next ensuing the publication of no tice by the city of Medford that this bond will be taken up and can celled and that interest thereon will ccae nt the interest payment period next following such publication, at the rate of (i per cent per annum, payable semi-nnnualj v iu like coin on the fir.-t day of April and Octo ber of each year, on the presen tation and surrender of the proper coupons thereto annexed. Principal and interest pavablc at the office of the treasurer of the citv of Medford. This bond Ls one of a series author- of September. 100!) bv the following ized bv an Act of the Legislative As- vote, to-wit : Welch nvo. Merrick avc, semblv of the state of Oregon', on-I'Fmeriek absent. Worlrrmn avc, Hem tilled. "An act to provide for the is-! mer avc. Eifert nvo. simnce of bonds for the improvement Approved Sent ember 13th, 1000. of streets nnd the laving of sewers in j Attesl : incorporated citios nnd for the pav- ROBERT W. TELFER. Recorder ment of the cost of such improve- W. II. CANON' ments and laving sewers bv install-1 130 Mavor from one to twenty rcpectivclv. I Section t. The mayor of said city! is hereby authorized and directed to , sign said bonds and the city recorder, to countersign the same bv attaching! thereto the seal of said citv. all. 011 1 behalf of said city. I Section 3. The recordce of said city ' is hereby directed to register said . bonds and number the same on b!"k provided therefor iu the foregoing form in ucordnnce with Section 27 'M of said code aril statutes of the .slate of Oregon. Section fi. The recorder of the, citv of Medford is herebv directed to' advertise said bonds for sale and that tb? same will be sold for the highest price obtainable, not lc-s than par and accrued interest, and in said ml-1 vetiiseniecl be shall announce that he will receive sealed proposals for the purchase of said bonds or any por tion thereof nt bis office at nnv time before I :'10 p. m. on th" MOlh d.iv of September. 1000. He shall publish . said ailvcrliscment 'liree times iu a dailv newspaper published a id print - , cd in said citv. and shall submit the sealed proposals received in nccor- . dance with said advertisement to the 1 council al its next meeting thereafter. The foregoing ordinance was : passed bv Hie citv council of the citv I of Medford. Oregon on the 1 -lilt day EE o o Z Z o o o o 'bJ LU - E o a z z o o u o bJ U - o o z z o o O G Ul ill ECONOMY I ECONOMY ' ECONOMY ECONOMY ! ECONOMY ECONOMY s: o o z z o o 00 u u - S o o z z o a o o Ul Id -E E ' o o Jl z o o o o bJ U To the Wise Housekeeper Is Sufficient Order Now And Be Sure of The Choicest Cuts THE ECONOMY MARKET ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietor's. Ojiposlto PostofUce Phono 51. ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY ECONOMY pi rn o o a o z z o o S X - - rn m o o o o z z o o - - m m o o o o z z o o X z - m rn o o a o z z a o 3; 2 -c - rn m tn o o o z o o VC 3. m rn o o o o z z o o - - OF xV LANDLORD AND OWX A HOME OK YOUR OWN. ACT NOW, "WHILE TRKRK "IS YErr " ".. . TIME, AND Buy a Home in Mountain View THERE ARE ONLY A BAKERS' DOZEN OF THESE CHOICE BU1LDIN(1 SITES LEFT AND YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY ONE ON THE REMARKABLY Easy Terms of $10.00 Down and 10.00 A Month THAT ARE NOW IN FORCE. .THEY ARK CHEAP, TOO, ONLY 2G0 FOR INSIDE AND :!(() FOR CORNER LOTS. Benson 'Investment, Comp'y.